HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-08-28. .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMII 225 Nopth ith Street SprtrqfieLd, }regon 97477 Building DLuision 7 26-37 53 # SPHINGFIELD frL a>> Cc- d<\vr Date GeneraL ELectrical Corrsltuc*ion Ledet_ Job Iocaticn: Aeseeaots Map #?as lat #3 Svbdiuision: A.mer: eaarcssyp{$-cz?Phone: ci Deecz,ibe Hork: UM tsr-rl Value (fI NeD t-] <oDate of App Licaticn Additicn Renodel Mechan:ieal lt i, the reeponribilip.ol-tlr penrtt ho-tda to aee that att inspectione oe nade at thc ,ftzn the street, and t rat the penrit cal, is Lxated at the frcni of tlte orooetht -*Buiaing b|oiciot approxed plbt shc.LZ remain on the Bunlding site Zt "1t'1ihi"."PROCEDUPE FoR iltSPEC?I2N R!0.\|ES?:CALL726-3769(z,ecotder) state your City designated. jobeiay-ior-insp""tion, coiiaclii"- o, anne"s natne and phone . t""iLL be nade the eane dcy, requests-made after ?:00'on aLLL be nwde the ncst iritng'dar.. you? City Designated Job Nutnber fs: pro?e" tine, tltat saelr i,bsss is ?saaqhie nu;tber, job aCCress, type of inspecli.cnnunb*. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 o:t VN.?/Reati.nerl ticn,s TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ard. required oqor berie?a @e in place but before ory Lath, gVpsln baatC oy, rnLL coueting is applied, cnd before ay insulation is concealed. OR !,IOWD BUILDI;IGS Sanitarg sa.ter. capped at pz,operfu Lite Septic totk V,r,ped a:nd fi.Lled trith gra;set UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHI-\|ICAL: To be nad.e befoz,e angwrk is cooered. NPLIIC & F)UNDA?rCN: ?o be tmCeaftet ttenches a?e eseatlated attd. forms ate etected, but pz,ioz, to pottt'tng ecne"ete. UNDgRGROU]ID PLUMETNG. SEWER, W.ATER, _DRA!!AC!: ?o be rrude prtor to fil- .Lirq trencltee. V uaowruooR pLUr.DntG & MECHANTIAL:ttt@of floor ineulation or deeking. WSI_@[_Q$AM: ?o be made prior toinstallatian of floor insulation ot decking. ROUGH PLU.BIII}. ELECTRICAL & l,tECH-_ ANICAL: No uotk is to be co,*et,ed ,util these inspeetions haoe been rrude and appnoueC. FIPEP\ACE: Pt iot to plccirq facLngnc-tertals and befot,e franing inepeb-tion. FRA.i|INC: tutust be z,equested aftet approtsal of rough plwrbing, eleett L-u,L & neclwnical. ALI roofing braetng & ehinmeas, etc. w,tst be i antpleted. lto uotk ie to be eon- - cealed until this inepection lna t bee.n nnde anC approoed, SffE INSPEC?ION:?o be rmde aftet pt ior tc set up ofe.ccantation, but forne. FINAL PLUAAING FINAL AECilANICAL ?TNAL ELEC?RTCAL DRYwALL INSPETf)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dnyuall ie in place, but prior to ang taping. MASONR! Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot oe"ticall in aceordace dth U.B.C. Section 24L5. After irutalTntion is z> CARB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsee ev,eeteC but prior to pour.ing conerete. SIDEWALK & DRTVWAI: Fot all can- cz,ei; patfrAffi etreet right- ef-tny, to be nade after all eaca- uating cattplete & fom ootk & sub- base material i.n place. Final - h4ten abctse itens ate eqnoleted and uhen d.q.nolition is canplete bt sfuue- ture motsed otd. prenrises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Pi.rnl - Aften etc. ate comp ' pcrehee, ekitting, dec\<s, Leted. Phnbing connectiona -- aa))e? od. ttater Electrtcal Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-up and plutnbing conneetions rntst be approoed before requeeting eleelrical i.nspeetiol Accessory- Buiwnng ?ENCE: h4ten eomplete -- fuouiCe gates or motsable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditiorn, such aa the "Jnstallation of street treee, eo,ryLetion of tierequired Landseapirg' etc., rntst be sati.sfied befote the BaILDING F1NAL ean be teqteeted,. a) I:NAI: B.urrDrNG:- rh9 Flnal- Building rnepection mtet be requeated aftet the Finat plunbing \_./ Electtical, and Meclwnical fnspectiona laua been nade ard'approued. Page 1 of 2 r ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLT, ADJUST!{EN? TO BE MADE AT IIO COS? ?O CW -'..re.ffi 4* I\tl / l u r z JOB NO.-cESS REQ..3,[ soLAR dL-CO BeCaootne Lot Paces -Ener(ty So4rces Titoe Setbacks Ileat DT House Carage Aecess.tlate" lleate"NoPth East Eireplace South llaod.stoDe # of Stories ?otal Height Topogrqhy IOT TWE Intetior Corner Panhandle Cal-de-sac Int Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooetage Ilest IIEM x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted on the erpress condition tlwt the said_eonsttaction shall, in all reapects, conforn to the or&Lrnnce adopted 6iy the City of Sprirqfi.eld, including the Zoning CYdincnee, regulating the ccnstructicn od use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of atlA prcuisione of said )tdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c DE Building Perdt State Date PaLd.: Iotal Clwrges rTEM NO FEE CEARGE Plumbing Permit No peteon slnll consttuet, inetal!., alter or change any ned cr ecisting plunbin4 or drainage syetan i,n uhole or in part, unless such petson is the Legal possessot, of a oalid plwtber's License, escept that a pe?son may do plunbing uork to prope?tA uhich is ouned, Leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. Pichtres Resid.ettti.al ( 1 bath) Seuer PlwnbLng Penrit Nat/Eetend. Cincuits Electricql Permit Whet,e State La,t requires th.at the electrical uork be done bg an Electrical Contracta", the eleetrLcal portion of this pernit slnll not be oali,C until the 'lnbel lns been signed by the ElectrLcal Contracto?.Seztsiee State ?otal )(, I?lM NC FSE CHARCE (3^55 5 * Mechonicol Permit bhanat HooC Ucodstotte Vent Fdt Per'mLt fasucnce Aeclwnieal Permit 75 -- ENCROACIIMEII? -- Seartt! Deposit Storage I'lainten4lzce Perwit Cvrbcut Sideoalk Penee Eleetrical Ia.bel Mobile Hone # Signed: PLqn Exoninez,uate ?otaL I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,IINED the eornpleted appli,cation for permit, and. do hereby cet,tify that aLL infonnation heteon is true and. eorrect, otC I futther cettify that any ard aLL uork perforrned slnll be done in accor- dance tith the tudinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laxs of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, and. llnt NO OCCA- PI.NCY ttill be rmd.e of anA st"ucture uithout permiseion of the Bui,lding DL-oision. I further eertif'g that only cont"acto"s and anplcyees wko are in eanpLianee uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project ?.-2,t-5^ TOTAL INOUN? DUE:I t€.7't Date llatet State Sutch,arge Total Charaes E\snaee P?U'S I