HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-07-19.. RESIDENTIA 1.. z\s :torih rro jrrnnaP?L;cA?iov/PlRt4ru s^17;1s:;:et a, cregcn sz:27 EuLLcing Diuidion 7 26-37 53 )tn o-'-- I Siazzed Date CeneycL ]'!eclsnic:L Constrtcticn Lenier 1 Ij is 2he resconcibilily of iie peni iroat iin sr?eec, cr,l, :itac ihe per*Jt 'ZuiAiry }.:ti:--o:t .o?ru^ed ;!b. s7,cl t houer to see '"hQt aL! inspecttons q?e nad,e at the proper tu,E, tl.,et acch zd,inesa is vsai--.i2ad. ie. lccated at the fzpnt'of tl,e crooeri.i renain on tze Euziciing stte Zx- all'L;;;: ?!?oc!jt'/Pg ion i:tsPirrcil lgou!'srrCAlL 726-3769 (recorcez') state aou? city desigated. job ntmber,, job aciress, type of insoee=icnreqaesceci c:i uien;'cu ui"L ce teccg ,'or ir"speciio", cilio"tiir-o," a--zers ratte ayl plane runber. pequests receixed, befcre z:cc c:,tiLL be nade lhe si.e icy, ,;4";;;"^;; ift* z,oo o, ,LLL be naie the ne.,t.arkins da-g. iob Locc )C ,{ssesso!.:;.!a? |?cz Lot ,4\ Subd!-tts-icn r_s ..ldC:.ess.. -/_\)c t Phone I \C Descr)be llot,k: r*A t^/u t?cciots s3 icre of .lppl Vaiue t1 Dii!1LITi?lt 0R Sani'-ory se.:er eqoed :t prcpercy. Lire Septie totk p'"teeC e,.d. filled. "rith greteT- Pincl - ithen cbcue itens aye ecn.alecei ar-i ahen lancL);ion is cmtlele br st:-i:-tute noueC ai =renlses cleaned. ut. tsLocking od Sat-ttg P'!.wbin4 ccnnecticns -- 6d)o! al, ualet Elecdecl Conectaan - Blcekirq, set-u, arui pltunbing ccnnections tt;.st Le apptcuei before z,equesting elecarical insoeclio- Accessa,.,l tsuili'Jrg skiz.r;-ng, deeis,Final - Af'"ar;crckes, etc. de cmple-.ed. ?:ie 1 oi 2 88a C;'-c:fCfi/Hr.!r. eecactian, 'cul forms. ?o be rcie ailerp?iar lc set uc of i:ISULA! :OI'I /I/AP( F :ARRI:P !}15?!C!!CII :ioa@ required oqor baz*iels @e in olace bttt beJbre ary lath, EJ?sxn bcati crrnLL couez,ing is cpplied, ard. beforeqz! ,Jr.sulation is concealeC. yoto Cifu Desigra.xed Job llunber Is DRY|iA.LL illSPlCTfCll: Tc be naie afcet aLL ctguall ,)s in place, but prior xo a:ny taping. tUSClil!: Steel Tocation, botC beans, grouting or uerticals in acorbrce ,,rlth A.3,C. Secticn 241 5. ;naaqa^lF 'After iratallation is CUPB E I&PPCACH APP0N: Afte: forns.ze erecteC but prior to pouz-Jrg eoncrete. SfDgilLLK & DRf',EnA?: ?or all cad- cr. ecejffi-;l;E; s t?e et right- oi-,,n!, tc be nade a1'ter all- esca- oatinc canolexe l, fotn ',:ork & sub- base metez-Jal in plaoe. UID|?SL;E ?I,U!.B:TG, ZL1C:.2T.|L 1,:.9Ci;,';tffina uor,< ls ecxetei. ?cc!:ic 1 ?Ct-':!DA!:a:t: ?o ie :uie AF;;'-r"-rtc;es a.e ;cstateti ari fcrns cte erectai, but ,r:cr tc 71 pcst A:tD 3EA!1: Tc be ncie ?io! ..o , I GiiEiiiof 11cor irsu';.aztc,r. ct I I ?o1t?Lrq ecnc"et€. ce UYSEP.O:CC? ?'U: B I:IG 2, )'!::]A]1 : CAi lc oe nzie pr"l.or )o tnc-"allacton of floor ,!.nsui.c,zion ot 4eeking. Ceckirq. 1Ct.:C:: ?!',-119:::C. illrP!:Aa I ',.2;i- AllIi).|: .:o ,ct| 'ls =c :c l:oiePec -.. unt.. L ,..ese '.L3aeea:-ar3 43le 2o-et maze a"d. :2Vrc:t'e!. ^cffiaa; crti befcre|rartr4 inspeZ- !U!t: itust 'ce tec.tecxeC cfler qorolt,;L cf raigh Vltu:.birg, eleclri- cal I necianice!. AL! noijr4 brcirg 7 chitncys, e!c. -ts= be . corwletc<i. llo ';crk is to be con- - ceci.ed un'-ii this insoecicn 7z,s 'been tade utC aVorc"'ei. a *;,,tt ?Lu:.!sr:ic Igil'CS.. tihen eonplate -- ?rouiiejG or nottable'sections through D t, = ALL 9a.6j2a2 condiirjons, cuci cs che;-nsxallax'Jon cf ;t?eet r?ees, :c-c7-eticn-ci zie requireci 7-anzscc-c;.rg, ctc., tmtst be sacisfied beicre ihe SUiiDI:iG i!|iAL :cn be reqttesced- IINAL ilfiDi:lc: Tne Eincl Eur.Ldirq lr.speeticn ntst be rzcuested:fler the lir,al ?la:tbirq Electrical, dni l.lechan:iccl inspeectcns tlavc been neCe 'tl ttproved. ,ALL I4AJIiCLES AIID CLZ}.NCIJTS IMST BE ACCESS.SLJ, .4DJUS7:!i:;t lO 3i:!J.NE.T.? ilO::57 TC CI:Y T T IA\P u-co c* JOB NO. 1 cf lcr Cate:aga- I of Stor)es 6-+-1 c -; -h. Togogrqry Plwbing PerrLt €tate Surelarye Stcte ?otaL Aztces Peti: fssuatce l,leciuniccl ?ertr)t soLxh AccEss REQ'- ir,xetn|cr Corner Paniwuile Cul-ie-sac Secr'2or.s: ^^+ ^ 2^-') , Receipt #: Electricol Permit Wez,e State La,t tequires t|"a.t the electrtcal uork be done by an ?Leetr)cal Contractor, the electr.icaL porlion of this petnit shall rot be oaliC until the l.abel has been signed by th.e Electrtcal Contz.acto?. Plumbing Permit llo pereon slall cot;stt'uct, install-, alter. or clan4e -cny \eu-ct e:isting ilia;"g ct drainage systat in uhol_e o_t in part, unless such person 'is the iegal pZsses"o, o7', u,-oLid pl*,ber's Lic-ens-b, l-sce?t that a persol nal q9 p;-,a;:ng aork to prop"iag ihi"h i" ouzed, Leased or opercied bg the cipli' caflt. Mechqnicol Permit A'2cess. J Tai,iseaf =!i- 2.nilortn Fnsx Soucj't llest Talue.(s4..r1t ibin i,ccesscyt aAfraf .r1fI d1J-at.F.tu- tucta-J.J.t. l.u - Building Vqlue & Permit Thr)s c.ertn't,t is gtanted on the eryress cond'i'"icn tlat the said'ccnaxrtc;:ion shal-l, "in ail reseects,"')o7iir."r- tLe crdirance zdop.te,L by th,e citi -1:_--!fi;;":t;;r;', -:icti.:r.g'=ie'7cntr.g Crctnar.c.e, :zgtlc!i.t't7 '-v.e ccr.G:--tcr:-":-.^ *.a ,Z'" o7 butliings,- cnd' n=y ia-;usp-eruieC ov' retckec 2t c7:! !":12lt2r vlc- itacn o1: z,'.y prcuis'ioz'ts of seti CT d'ivances' ?uildi-ng ?enttt Sta.te !o+-al Clanges ResiizntiaL (1 bcth) Sa,ite?! Seue! 'i,lc!at f ()(.)/()lo,@qo to. ,'! | )41 Pes. So. ftc. tlas/Ezterd. Citcuiis lanpcr*y Set sice a Leetr c:i)ict ?trece ZTU'S *lwst gooC lent ?ot vcoisxote -- J.iv;!Ac.=.1::.i- -- PLan Seet-):! De:ceit Stori.oe .r-:,.-"-^- l,lobile llcme ?crAt A,r!2u:t? DtJg:, I HAW CARE?ULLY lxAltfilgD !l"e corrplated toplicatict. ior peznt:, c_rri d.cherebg certt,fg tha,t aLL irfotnatrZn heyecn' is tae ail, cZ*.,c;', cnl. if-u!I'-er .cettrJ"g that ana crd ail tork >eriozned shall be done i, ,"""r-danee ,nLt4 the Apdifiances of the Ciia cf Springfield, ata ;he ia;; oi the* state of aregon certaininc to the uoik ces'er)bLc n""rt", ""a ,i.- w' cCia-P/.:|CZ uilL ba rm.de of c.nl sr?uctu"e aithout cem;-ss)otz of the Euil4ine Dt-uisio,n-. I fuz'ther :eteir.E ti,tat only ""r"r""'tor" o-,ti *rplcgee"-;r;-;', ;;cc::pl.iance uith CRS ?01..055 nLLL be- useci cn this prcject Jtec:rical Lclel