HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-03-22bse-8 1-3'2 /1/f/TRS, T Job Location e Wtitten Di-rections ({) auitoing Permit Acreage or Lot Size x 05, g Partitioning #- ( )Completed( ) Pending APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if d INFORMATION SHEET ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites- Test holes will be ready Subdivision J,vD Aoo, Et ,tn €ae&x s tLot '/ Block J. e-PhoneTa6-3453ns7' ifferent f rom applicant S CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor ' ) Prefer to pick up. Call STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERT z Phone Phone (owner, etc. ) when ready. 3.*{ er>c>,r,^. *.cos <- Contractors O. S. # PROPOSED USE (this permit) WATER SUPPLY I SEWAGE DISPOSA .-?o*, 9r9S existing or proposed well, etc. lf public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.l AddressT7 PLUMBING B (X) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY *ui'lrr oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW THIS LINE *+r+llr+ri+.* rC L ( ) New Address Necessary -oN ( ) Facility Permit Necessary ( ) Special Permit Area Minimum Elevation lnterior Side Yard -- Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) E-SETBACKS: Front Side Facing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) To: Planning/Building lnspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor This applicant appears to have a problem wi Your assistance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Response By DEPARTMENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL MANAGEIVENT Permit Processing Section 125 East Bth Avenue 687-4394c55-12 (D ivision ( TRS,. TL Plot Plan SubdivisionJil rtDD. Ec Bttt,t4 6aa/e,u Lot Y Block 3 Job Locatlon (Add Permlt tl /rG7fl For Permit /l Permit For v o I 6T /AN Pernlt /l Permlt Petmlt lo' For For For c d) 1 For ,[-t t0 I 69 ( \\t \ \ l\hi ',). qv l"l\ ll\q ( tlO ! l ,r N + Ix G + "{, V u15 aoq I'- c74-L50 Vlclnlty Map N t. r r r+ tr _L TRS, TL 4L rt71 LQ JOB LOCATIO Partition ing Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # ) Completed Subdivision Lot- Block- e Phone- APPLICANT,S NAME AND ADDRESS Phone- OWNER,S NAME AND ADDRESS PhON CONTRACTOB'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner, etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PFOPERTY THlsPERMlTlsFoR#BEDRooML#PLUMBlNGcoNNEcTloNL- WATER SUPPLY-- SEWAGE DISPOSAL- S.I. # TH IS PROPERTY IS W ITH IN ONE IV] ILE OF TH E CITY OF-. PLUMB ING BY --- I hereby certi{y that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the lollowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $ ( } NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ) SPECIAL PtVlT. AREA. IvllN. ELEVATIONT - SANITATION BUILD ING Type of Construction -Group -Fire Zone c.rr."t, Use classification Comments By Date By Date: Signature Date - PLANN ING REOUI REtVIENTS SATISFIED. By Date Date lssued ZONE: SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) lNT. SIDE YARD BEAR (FBOI\4 P/L) LAN E COUNTY D EPARTMENT OF ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEI\4ENT. 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUG ENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG.PERMIT-WHITE; BUILDING-GREEN: PLUMBING-CANARY; SANITATION-GOLDENROD; OFFICECOPY-wHlTEc55-1 3 'rRS, TL 1s #2 zA6 JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PERMIT ) Completed Subdivision Lot B Acreage or Lot Si Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR trqq CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup' Call-(owner, etc.) when ready Phone- Phone- Phone- STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY . ' - THIS PERIV]IT IS FOR # BEDBOOML# PLUIV]BING CONNECTIONS- ( TIJATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL S.l. # THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF PLUTVIBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner ol record; -contract purchaser; - potenti"iruv"c ,-- i"urtor o. aient. t turther ceitify that (i{ notlhe owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and thar said o*n", i. a.ar" "nd afpiives ot ttris action. I hireby agree to complY with all applicable Codes relating to this permit' Fee Paid $-Signatu re () NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.-- ( Date - SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING c"rr."t, Use classification roup Fire Zone Comments ? --*<-a DateBy:Date t' t,By PLANN ING REOUI REIVIENTS SATISFIED. B Date lssued LAN E COUNTY DEPnRTTT,IETT OT EIVIROruTUEUTAT UANAGEI\4ENT, I25 EAST 8TH AVE., EUG ENE, OBEGON 97401 PHON E: 687-4394, POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT StTE C65-13 sLoG. pERMtT -wHrTEr PLUMSING caNARYr Date: ZONE: ,SETBACKS: FRONT stDE FACTNG STREET (rRoM c/INT. SIDE YARD REAR (F ROIVI P/L) .'))NJ l.r L4N L /c'(d)<a c)tti L/ .t'or U'.'-/.i-r' r Perrnlt /l?_For Permlt Permlt ForPlarrPermlt il Permit Block 7 For -For l-- '7), :, For Lot vis Y (l0 ( \\i \ \ Llrtq n\ tFq lo' , i /o c, 3q' -o \.J O\- $ \E(F Vlclalty MaP - c74-L50 DT i Job Locatton (Add ll *rI,loc 1II I S I TE I NSPECTI ON AppRoveo D DrsAPPRovEo D Rrurnx s DarE I Hspecron ION INSPECTION DrsappnoveD Dare 2-Z*8f tnrr..ro* Rr ulnx s FRAMING INSPECT Appnov e o Rr uanx s ON Drsrppnove o D Dore-A-Z{-8{I NSPEcToR LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION AppRovro D Drsappnoveo Tl RruaRxs /l,n Dar e I Hsprcton FINAL INSPECTION Appnoveo ry Drsappnoveo D ,orr2--L{-8{, Reulnx s NSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssuE Reuanx s D Nor Rrrov ro lssue D Dore_lNsercroe_