HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1981-06-15June 15, 1981 Re: Variance nPPtica t'ion No. Zv Bl-144 (Appl'icant)Dean Dial (Address )2585 N. 21st, Spfld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot)L7 -03-24-42 / sOL existing residence at a dist ance of 34 ft. from the centerline of Rhododendran St' lane ccunty Ln an AGT zone which requires a 45 ft. setback has been: xx approved with the stjpulations and conditions stated below The decision vras based on the findings of th'is office (coPY enclosed) in accordance rvith the provisions o f Lane Code 15.900 2 The decisio n wiII become final on 6/25lBL unless aPPealed to the aPPe ate body ( Beard-ef-eeu nty-Gemm*ssieners) iifeailnss 0fficial) on or bbfore that date. An aPP eal may be filed bY You' Your represent ative, or any other intereste d or affected Pe rson 'in accordance with the prov'i s i on s of Lane Code 15.900(!)* The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state how the aEZ]llon is in error. If an aPP eal js fi1ed, You and the adjacent proPertY owners wi before the appellate bodY. ll be adv'ised of the date' t ime and place of the hearing IF THIS AppLICATION HAS BEEN AppRovED a not'ice is be'ing sent.to adjacent property owners to advise them of the"ir appeal r'ights. For any questions on this matter piease contact this office. I Pete Watson, Planner * Your appe al inust be accompan'ied by a$140.00 filing fee' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. tANE COUNI Y PLANh]ING DIVISION / COUR I-HOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 1?58, BTH AVENUE / EUGENE. OR 97401 / (503) 68i 4'I86 The above referenced appljcat'ion to construct an addition to the south side of an deni ed. REPORT OI' TINDI}{GS Appllcant: Dean Dial Journal Number: ZV 8L-144 Prepared 81: pete Watson Date: June 15, l9gl @NDITIONS 1 A}ID 2 BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VA}.IA}ICE TO BE APPROVED. 1. Conrpliance uith any one of tle folloui,ng eriterLa: fu) ?twt a strLct or Literal interpretation and enforcanent of the speeified "eqwL?enentuould result in pzvctieal difficulty or unneeessary hatdshtp and uould be inconsistent uvtth the objeetioes of this Chapter. House is on a lot which is 70'x LOZ| in size. Addition could not be built anywhere else on the property. (b) (d That stt'let cr Litetul intetpretation and enforeement of the specified regulation uouid deprLue the applieant of prLuileges Legaliy enioyed by the ounevs of othet properties classified in the sone zonl)ng district. Ihat the granting of the oqrLance utLL not be detz"Lmental to the publie health, -safety ot ue.Lfare oi natet'ially injutious 'uo pt operttes or tnproxements tn the near tticinity. County Subdivision Engineer has inspected the properLy and is of the opinion that no sight problem will arise from the new addition. Granting the vari- ance would appear to have no effect on neighboring properties or the public welfare. That there a1e eaceptiolal ot, estraordinoty eirewnstances or eortdttions applicable to the property inuoltted ot, to the tntended use of the property uhtch do not aoply generuLly to bther properties in tle sane zontng dfstz"ict. z June 15, 1981 Re: Variance App lication No. Zv BL-L44 (Appl i cant )Dean Dial (Address )2585 N. 21sr, Spfld, OR 97471 (Map & Tax Lot)17 -03-24-42 / 5OL The above referenced app ljCatiOn tO construct an addition to the south side of an existing residence at a distance of 34 tt. from the centerline of Rhododendran St. i-n an AGT zone which requires a 45 ft. setback. has been approved for the property indjcated above, subiect to the cond'itions and stjpulations listed below. This dec'ision was based on the findings of th'is office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 15.900(2) According to our records, your property abuts the subject property. If, in your op'inion, the granting of th'is variance adverse'ly affects your property, you have the rjght to ippeal ihjs action to the appellate body fBo+r"d+F+or*ntf.{ommis+ione++) (Hearings Official). If not appealed on or before 612518] -the approval will become final. lane county An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any oth affected person jn accordance with the provisjons of Lane Code appeai 'is to be fjled with this offjce and must state how the if an appeal js fjled, you and other adjacent property owners the date, tjme, and place of the hearing before the appellate questions on thjs matter please contact this office. er interested or 15.900(B).* The decis'ion is in error. wi I I be advi sed of body. If you have any Pete Wa tson,Planner * Your appeal must be accompanied by a $140.00fi1in9 fee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION / COURTHOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUITDING / 125E- BTH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / {U]3) 687 4186 ffi!clfiIoi !il: Ir*IrFt m urt coDE chrlll 15, ilm6'l tWiO -ft|log-fcc_, -turLees e p*rtrtloolng is involvedl $Setback (f ront) , 15.070 _Fiontage, 15.115 - - Setback (lnrerlor), 15.080 -Acces"_Setback fron $pe D road, 15.075 publlc Roada, 15.045Dedlcatlon and Improvement -prlvate Roads, 15.056-Requlrenents, 15.105 prlvate Access Easaeiflls APPROVAL OF BUILDINC SITE AO, cotrty 055 _Property abuttlng end of road, 15.120 _Exletlng 1ot or parcel, 13.030(4)Feclllty Pcrmtt Bulldtng Permlr Dutldlng Pcnnlt { IoDITICATIoN OF IAIIE CoDE CHAPIER 13, i'LAlitD DMSION', Roads, 1 _UtlUry 3.oss(ls. & Watercourse Easenents 13 _PedestrLan & Parcels [, Lo Blcycle Ways, 13.055 ts (unzoued areas), 13. _Zoned area, LC 10. Prepara tlon, survey o-Iffiilencattonof Dlvlslons, 13.100 _Sewerage Facllltles, 13. 075 Dangeroqs Areas, 13.085.060 Gradlng, E*cavatlon & Cleartng, 13.090 P1an, Map & Plat Speclflcatlons, 13.105070 llinor Partltlon Procedure, L3.L25_ _l{aJor Partltton Procedure, 13. 130 -l{aJor Partltlon Map Procedure, 13lF Subdlvlslon Tenrarive Plan Procedure,-5T40 _Water Supply, 13.080_ PROPOSAL: ( ) Attached existlng te p1an. shoyfgg and lndlcatlon and egress, locations. ?"o Ee+- *aT V The prorlalon(s) checked above, lf Btrictly or llterally enforced, wou d ique hardshlp or praetlcal dlfflcultles because of *The property, or the lncended use thereof, is s ect to exceptional circumstances orconditlons not generally appllcable to other P tles in the same vlclnity, nanely, JO e_,r Address , €57f n are J- copies of a sl and proposed buildings J l.at ( ) Legal.description of the subject properry. ASSESSORIS MAP AND TAX PF€SEN USE OF P Appllcantts Signa ture Phone " q 7- Ps..</s- ctty FLD ZIP CODE: 77/ 7Z ZONING Legal Interest in thls Property:A rnc f? Osnerrs Name, 1f dlfferent from above: Address:clty ZIP CODE: AC .PDate Flled Actlon Taken: Rec'd By . Hearing Date Actlon Taken , order Effective: Reference:Address Effective Date: Actlbn By: r/-l PLANNING OIVISION / ENVI 'ALMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / I2SEASTETH AVE, / EUGENE,OB974Ol /{503) 687-4 ,\.qa.-L.o L,.'€ 5ttrl,k of uae, \ VO- l,= o //a / ?^ c73 ( ?7 j te tpta \ Fire Numb"r4-K-lk{Fi el d Check te Appl i cant Planner Map & Tax Lot Address Description of property: Structures, l-errain etc. Also shornr structures on adjacent properties if pertjnent ( setback vari ance) .*0"L k '*'/* "A"" Conrnten ts : lr\-- TR,S, TL Job Locatlon (Add Permlt ,l Permlt Permit 2 585 Street d Ore on 97477 For For ForIrlot frlan For For Perrnlt # PernLt PetmltFor Subdivision Lot Block z<= FENCE )_r Ix .9e Pr,(C TAtVt( \l----: Jl-- - t{ U tU lJ- il-oorlb o If,- ru F a a ql L a ll a t{ l* l.l \ 63v !o :t oJ 21, . 60:o"45:6', ) o s ) CENTER ( (Dt a )a Nlr)x trJ ?a sq o c74-L50 VLclnlty Map N 7 STREET 4r J ) CERTIFICATION OF }TAILING THIS IS T0 CERTIFY that I,Jana Houghton derved notice of the administrative decision to deny the appl-ication of a Zone Variance initiated bY Dean Dial z ZY BL-L44 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to the applicant dnd owner (if different) of the subject proPerty in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter' and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthou se on thls 15th daY of June 'r o 8ls L) Subscri-bed and slio"n t o me,Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this 15th d6Y of June , 1g__ Jl_. My Commission ExPires: Ll 2/ 84 DIAL: Zv 8L-L44 William & Fern Price 2733 N. 2Lst Spfld, OR 97477 Albert & Norma Stewart 2709 N. 21st Spfld, 0R 97477 Chadwick & Ramona Davis 2145 Viewmount Spfld, 0R 97477 Jerry & Vickie Brant 2233 EL Bonita Place Spfld, OR 97477 Bobby & Sunny Maloy 2245 EL Bonita Plaee Spfld 0R 97477 Jan & Emma Kahvush Donman Place Vista, CA 92083 Herbert & Eileen Devos 2230 Vievnnount St. Spf1d, 0R' 97477 \J Diana Tisher 2260 Viewmount St. Spfld, OR 97477 Gary & Carolyn Vike 2255 Vievnnount SE. Spf1d, 0R 97477 Edward & Lola Hart 2235 Vievmount St. Spfld, OR 97477 David & Sheryl Joiner 2205 Vievrmount St. Spf1d, OR 97477 Peter & Lida Fetter 945 N. 22nd Sr. Spfld, 0R 97477 Donald & Judy Jenkins 2620 N. 23rd St. Spf1d, 0R 97477 E. Coates 2580 N. 23rd St. Spfld, 0R 97477 Randall & Naomi Prouse 2230 Rhododendran Spf1d, OR 97477 Holly Wagner 2160 Rhododendran Spfld, 0R 97477 Charlie A1len 2138 Rhododendran Spfld, OR 97471 Dale & Vera Criswell 2120 Rhododendran Spfld, 0R 97477 Raymond & Shirley Lewman 2245 Phododendran Spf1d, OR 97477 Charles & Linda Martin 2177 RhododendranSpfld, OR 97477 Milton & Dora Tuckert 2155 Rhododendran Spfld, 0R 97477 Darrell & Irene Craddock 2121 Rhododendran Spf1d,0R 97477 Gary & Rhonda Bowers 2555 N. 21sr Sr.Spfld, oR 91471 Colleen Evers-Graham 2266 Daphne Spf1d, 0R 97477 Jack & Christine Hatch 2222 Daphne Spfld, 0R 97477 Robert & D. Montgomery 2180 Daphne Spfld, OR 97477 Joseph & Ann Ferguson 2130 Daphne Spfld, oR 97477 David & Rebecca Ford 2543 N. 21st spf Lonne & Marsha Mo rse 2538 N. 21st Spf1d, 0R 97477 Raymond & Venda Adans 2546 N. 21st Spf1d,0R 97477 Doris Jordan 2554 N. 21st Spfld, 0R 97477 Loretta Suchanek 2566 N. 21st Spfld, OR 97477 John & 0Pa1 Johnson 2574 N. 21st Spf1d, OR 97477 Jane Zygar 2586 N. 2lst Spf1d, 0R 97477 Phyllis Hoffman 2551 N. 20rh Sr. Spfld, OR 97477 Earl & Kathryn Rowe 2563 N. 20rh Sr.Spfld, OR 97477 Merilyn Ful-lerton 2575 N. 20rh Sr. Spf1d, OR 97477 Joris & Edna Johnson 2585 N. 20rh St.Spfld, OR 97477 Mary CrabEree 2625 N. 20th St. Spfld, OR 97477 William & Rhonda Sloan 2645 N. 20th St. Spfld, OR :97477 Jerry & C.A. Wilson 2665 N. 20rh St. Spfld, OR 97477 Jack & Bitlie Mohoff 2685 N. 20Eh st. Spfld, OR 97477 Fred & Marline Van Wyck 2630 N. 21st St. Spfld,0R 97477 James & D.E. Howard 2680 N. 21st St. Spf1d, 0R 97477 Verral & V.L. King 2715 N. 20rh Spfld, OR 91477 Rolland & Cheryl Gust 27L2 N. 20th St. Spfld, oR 97477 Wayne & Katherine Howard 2730 N. 21st St. Spf1d, OR 97477 Dean Dial I 2585 N. 21st StreerSpfld, OR 97477 I ) J IN RE MATTER OF Dep,r-r Dt*u t1,o 3, z4 ,q,z* 50 t JouRNAL No. Z Assessor' s and Tax Lot Numbers \se^tl\o"L\asts t\J a\S lry a I #21 1 21 tV Z 10 21rz o 21t1 _ __zaLb_ oo ?A iI Z b 0 b ILOon- of*.r\r.{\xNo \:1.133t$.At\ Ml 4-01 vob !I Ll - \ IN RE MATTER OF: 5.,4, Dea,tr Dnt- t1,o3.z4.4'7# 5ol JOURNAL NO. Z \I hl- t 4+ {. s- I Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers t"9 IOo0 o oo oo 1 o oo a?L s- 5r $. O r,eocr-cr €r,ro,rn-6 'otrrr n r\f f,r^{^ [\ a-f \5 Mt 4-01 21 23 +\an o r$, &1fl" ,J' u. -E-r o5co 'v', iir- 'aid ! -i:*-. -r.\:' .('it T':s-:i.=::d " T*'' ...1..i TF \ -- lu2'Jt tl .'-bt 440c :*..-rt€ g,7;- q r- I ! s a 6\28OO \$,cr !} \ t ?723 3 2726 ?5 2724 (, 2722 272t 2 20 lnili ol Pornl /2 600 t: I qsoo .'dD'-<-' r ./tr'r-r/ t4 G.t\ !'t )^' l'r, 4:. -4 o a\ \ii +ii.r {J q {,3too tt f'+ uJ *.,,! lrl c) 0r lY(ft eto -t t \3400 JF'sl? /-Zt .D ,JI r,t\ li! sf or r.1c L c, f.s o, c,a I.\4uOO tr 3 300 t s to\ I L__ _llr. t\ s q F.' tl ";371- tll9-ol Sgoo _'li-l , 3800 ?.rr5t. ."4.@ 2743 3500 .t .!.t\ 3600 n a(\ 9 f oN t!\ I .1\.\ I -r.rtiq ".Ptl' , )>>> \ 700 o ol I 2744 t \ ht 2 e{ u I /16 Cor.900 \ irooo \ {i \, 3 zoo a/r. rli 2741 ?7 /da or? c) .6''rt', 2732t $ q 2ru 5 \ .\ { ?734 4 "-* ,??.-4' 273r , HAYDEN .rR r.-GE ndd.---c & ?749 ) A r -?/--':"1 ROAD _.4"-*"-*\,,^ \r ?748 )i ,..44 .tF Y 2117 El- 6'-) .l !9 l9 /to& III , 27$ ITA tr/ ?745 ANDEI'I 2xd 90 oo' t { .tti .1 -{ \ { I ar !r .l 5t ll x ,{ Ij x{l tt I tiqo'tt I ,1 cil& ) .a i )/ 4 Id<.x il R n I T .18 .a\\-\\t7 ('{i +, (,&r& Go' ,\T til VIEW \1A N1 ou N AVE. i, i 2792 2701 ^ too a Oc .l.!'\ t. 27 ?9 2727 4' z7O4 1t I 7 rD 6.t tarI dr--1: c,o'li i!dt N EL mNttA PLAcE i I 2745ttV J .la 5 oi 4 c I R !l D +3',^t, fta !t tt,4b'. 4 1vA. t\ l-a o 't' sRHOD NDRON ST 700 o 7-Zu',t 29:\.:3 27oa s.qlel 27,O - B'rla o 27.t 27122713 t*V (I JR\f go r3 ,pDA Cj 5f'6'fl 2r' 'a- a.tjtaDra.I' 4a-,trleil'..t'^gro*gF. 27t5 2 II! 27t8 bY "Al I soo 2n4 &' --*1-l sr{Tt g r./{d. lsoo l4 j 'lI i.d .}.t9I 30' It' ol6l lv)r -l q rsoo I 'ol \l 2roo 3o' 200 I .tc .tl d ) Poq 3 +t 190r \ ODAPHNE ST- I 6Ca (9cl ; eo, rOo tr ac,. aao (E, : z lrJ Cf, :tr i- trJ lrJ.tFa a(r ]1 t(\I o\r @ Olz, u 2. 1 2728 z20l n.- \ 20t I MEL-irl.ANDUM TO ROY BURNS . BUILDIN G & SANITATI ON FROM JACK THOMAS - SUBDIVISION ENGINEER SUBJECT RHODODENDRON STREET SETBACK MAP t7-03-24 -4.?, TAX LOT #50.| lane county DATE MAY 2I. I DEAN DIAL Lr t O* 4gurtt Aaa, b \fo*non ?to,t . As per your request, we met Mr. Dial on the site and reviewed his request. It appears that the proposed addition will not create a sight distance problem and will be well within the property boundary. Please find attached a photo of the site, plat plan, and assessor's map.I9*( MAY2r 1981 r\>V ,l-sr'nr:lG AtlD ,i.'. ..,. ' DrvlsloN"i ,[,,JtiiYcr ut\