HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-04-20.. RESID=NTIAL.. zz s North stt, itrnlPPLrcArilN/PERttrl Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Dtoision / zo-o / Do 2 t SPFIINGFIFI TTI- Job Locaticn: ', Aeseaeore llap ll QO "Ll 3 svbdiuision: Ontet: Adtiress: ci Ic.z lot t Lue oo/ Az4 ,/ /U*zu 068 \aa \l\ ll l--t Ne-l Descrtbe llonk: n {fu*D&/7 \ Renoiel !tob'Jl flome 44 s'g tr u Date of App 0 Ddte: (-{- GeneraL ELectriccL l.lecita:ical O ST s7 It b tha rcsponaibility of tlc penrit tpld* to aee tlat aLL inapectiottd oe nade at tte pro?et tine, tlat ecch addreas is vsasnii.- |rya-_tlg atteet, anC that the-penrit caxi ia |-xaxed at the frcnt'of tlte prooerty 'Buidi:tg b)uisinr: aproxeci pLot sltclZ renain on tie Bunlciiry Sitc bt cLL' tines.- P?OCSDLIP! FOz IIlS?ZTrcI EOLES? : C ALL 7., reouesxeci ard uien uou uiLL be reeriu r-orliZL be nade the a&e dcy, ,"or."t"'^loi"kYosr, 26-3769 (tecorriet) state uour Cityt desigr-ated job ntaber, job aiiress, tltae of inspeclictl ir,soccxion,Conxtacto?s or Cune:'s nctne cnC a'not:e runb*. Peques;.s receixeci befcte 7:00 c,afxer 7:00 c-n viLL be nade tne nxt :.nrkin1 cai a Il2A l At1 4 UI]DIRSLA? PLU!.gr::G, TLIC:PICiL A ].5C8).IiCAi.: To be maoe beiore cny tnrk ie coocred.')"r&fi;c e FouttD.lTrc:t: ?o be tnce afcer xrencnes a?e ezcdvatei ar,,C Itf;) DBY\IALL rilSP!1r)il: lc be nade | /\l alter aLL c.rytail is in place, - bux prior to cng tapirq. !our Deeigra.ted.IJunbey Is: ?o maie after aL LnsuLS.xL9n rcquired oqor borie?a @e in pla,ce but before any la.th, Wpsn bcari or tnLL couerino is aoplieci, otd. befone ozy insuTa,tion is concealed. l,tAS1!!l?!: Steel Loeation, bond beans, aroulina or vertieals in accord..otee vith U.B.C. Section I,/OODSTO\IE: anpLeted. After installation is CUPB 4 APPRCAC\I APPON: Afte: fornsee ereccei but priot, to pouring SIDEIJA\,X A DRftEl,'Ay: Fot, all eon- crexe pauing uixi.tin street ri,ght- oi-txy, to be maie after all esca- vating canplete & forn l,lrl"k & sub- base natertal in place. DE:PLT?IO!: OR ::3W) E::iLDi;:CS Soi:a,y eeuer eapped 3t Wop.rtt- Lir:e SeVtic tork p'.nVed anC filled ttth gtate- Fincl - l,lhen abcte it*s ore cczaleted ar.i uhen ietcl;-tton is cmlete or strur- tu"e moveC aE prentses cieanei up. e iicnec Blocking old. Sat-rp Pluncir,g connections -- 8a^rerr od. oaler Elcctrical Ccnnection - Blockittg, aelu-u. ani plwnbina connections r;st be spprcvec beforc requesxing eleelrical inspec;io:t Acces.ory BunlClng Pinal - !,ftcr ecrckes, aklrting, decl<.s, etc. are ecraole'-ed. fotms are erected., but pricy xopurir,g ccncteae. U!:D9RGP:!-'::9 PLU:.21:::, S5;:.?, L1!:f.i. D?,AIll;Ca: 1'o be ma:.e pt'icr co fil-Lir4 xrenciec.)r ANDEPILC'? PLIJIET::G 4 I.:'C!!A::ICAL:ro'ffioi floor insulction or deckino. P)ST A!:D BEA.|.!: To be neCc prior to of floor insui.axion ot' t+ to oc ur.t these inspectiors h,aue beer. mad,e otz cpproue!,--1 Ffptptt:tt PrLor to olccir:t fccinc| [yen a"s anl. bcfore 'irailng inspee- r tion. Vl FPA!:I l;';: l4ust be reouested af.-er 1 6ppr"uci oi rough pltnbinS, e'iectr-,- cal d neclunical. AL! rooiitt braeing t ehitmcys, etc. ntust be : completc<i. Ilo uct'k ie to be con- ...-cecled until thtl inspection laa'been na.tie anC approued. IEIICE: h*ten conplate -- houiCe eaxea or mouable sections through P. U. E. A A A f )tFTilAL PLUI.IBIi:G xf\ FII:AL I{"HAHICAL ul6 ?TNtr af?^rotarff at.^u s-tY..tJvAL ta 'ALL t'!A:::!cLts AxD cLrAt;1u7s iluST BE Acctssltslt, ADJL,gi:!::t! ?c 99 t,-!,tt l.? l:0 c!s? ?0 ery Pege I of 2 Phone: / 4 tr ALL pnoiect conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of sareet trees, eonolction of the required l^and,sccpitg, ctc., ,rast be aattsficd bciore the BUILDIT:C FIIIAL can be reqtested. tfl, FII|AL BLTILDINC: The Final Buildin{t Inspection nzst be reouesteC cfter the Final Plur,bitq \1-/ Electrical, anC Heclar.ical Inspections haue been made arui approueC. t5 soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Beatofrs lieaa ?eDLdce cove Building Volue & Permit This pennt ia granted on the exTress eondition thdt the said.eonstntction ahall, in all respects, eonform to the Ordirance adopte,l by the City of Springfield, inehding the Soning Crdinance, regulcting tle ccnstn/cticn otd. use of buildings, otd mey be suspend.ed or reuokeC at crly tine upon vic- la.tion of oty prcvisione of aaid Orciir,ances. Siq:ed: Plumbing Permit llo gercon aha,ll consttact, instal?., alter or ciunge cny neu cr e=istittgplnbin4 or dtainage syatan in uiole or in part, unless such penson is t e Legal posseasor of a ualid plwrberts License, eeceDt th,at a oe:loni,al do pltnbing wrk to ptope?ty uhich is ottneC, Leased or operated by the appli-canx. .. -u Buildin-o Penrit, State Sutchcae ?otal Clttgea $Ei.! Fritures Resiiential (1 bcth) Pl;.otdag Perrit State I t aLz I LEAts: r JOB NO. Cardoc Iot Facee - P llouse Ifr TTPE _ Interior _ Coxter _ Panhatdle CUL-de-sac Mi!.sc A Va uc Lot Sq. Ftt. , cf Lot Cooeraga t of Stortee Total Eeight Topography t;/i:in bdce C@Dcrt Aceessorq z5f,4v2,?e2 TO?AL VALU, luc S. D. C. 1.5 .c 1/a-,ra PLan Check Fee: C Date Paid: 17-o7 Reeciot ll://7.5-V 2 7,ra ,/rq* Soiit-a4 Seuter tletd ,/r* . 2)-,/s2{ Electricol Permit Vhere StAte Lan reouiree th,at the electrtcal uork be done by an Slecl.:tical Contru,ctat, the elec=ical gor.-ion of this pernix shzll rot be vali,C, until the la,bel ilu,s been signeci by the Elec*tcal Conxtcsto?. Ila;/btend Ciratits larocroy Sentice Stcte Total Charces t , 7,+**?e2a -22-57 22-SD / -,/7 - 27.6= air.:^-!?i:.,!F Mechonicol Permit Pertnt'fssuoce lle:henic:L Perr:7t -v t*h.a!Bt Hoo! , Vett Pan 'tlzoCstore /q4a /.f-=,5 /.t:"f -- E:lcRcACHt'!!::T -- Sto?aoe ?otcL Ctrbcu! Si-da.blk robile Harc ffi f HAW CAREFULLy 9XLUINED the conoleted aoplication for pernit, cnd do hereby cettify that aLL itfo:nation hereon ie true arl. corccct, anl, f further certify that. any ard aLL oork periorned siall be dote in aceor- tiance vtth the Ordinances of tne City of Sortntficl,J, anl th: Las of theState of Oregcn pcrtainino to the uork Cescribed hcrein, cnd, :-tut NO OCCI- Pf.ilCy titl be na.'de of arllt strueture ui.tho:tt pcrmission -of tno- Si[aing i-uision. f furthcr centifia t},ct o:tly cont"dctors at-d etplcyees uto are dncanpl;.ance u:-th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project *-2o^ aTTAL Al0Ulr DU|:.za<.6G Sigied Azte gs rt /t/.' - Po<- Rn- f!- , O,*rr-r ro-L, ruJ ( O<J'/1Z ,.--1.4-- , Ll)^e-, -*.*^0&AtlJ t{ LY/Z tt/, Ll ?-/4--gg * Q'*1 B,P # 880b P,Ll +t a D^ D*fr -i# /* (I fyRAu# 8Eo31s ( n r D*u