HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-05-10Uru- sP/e- La,ne CounIy Authorization fori-- SEPTIC INSPECTTON FOR LOAN REVIEW FOR OTETCE USE ONLY Application/ Permit * I\CWIiSHIP 17 RANGE 03 SECTlON 24.4.3 TAX I,OT T IOUT OFLO7 IJ PROPOSED USE OT PROPERTY $ xesidential ! rnaustrial Commerc iaI PubIic SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (j,f applicable)I,OTIPARCEL BLOCK LCCATION ADDRESS STRNET CI'iY ZIP NORTH 21ST STREET, SPRII{GFIELD, OREGON 971772518 STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DT'IELLING DIRECTIONS TO SITE HwY #205I TAKE MoHAWK ExITI LEFT AT LIGHT TO YOLANDA ST., TURN RIGHT TO 21sr STREET, AppRo)(. i l/2 stocKsr LEFT, FIRST H0USE 0N THE LEFT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC SEPTTC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REV]EW DECI.ARED 5 VALUE = OF BEDROOMS NA # OF SToRIES I\;A # oF EI.,IPLoYEES NA WATER SUPPLY Proposed PUBLIC Exist O;r1iER'S NAME AND ADDRESS A. LOUISE PEEBLER LROY, SAME AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE TELEPHONE NUMBER 5qq- 9029 CCNTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR f SAME AS THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NUMBER SAME F-R}[T TO BE EILE- TO (NAME AND ADDR'SS) rnrrsF rRoY, 3q50 DILLARD RD.,EUGENEI OREGON 9/405-4565 TELEPHONE NTIMBER SA14E I HAVE CAREFULLY EXN,IINED THE CO.IPLETED APPLICATIoN FOR PERMIT, arrd do hereby certify that all- infomation hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following Legal interest in the property,filorn"t of record; !contract.purchaser;f,authorized agent. I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed sfi'a]I be done in accordance with the Ordinances of lane CowEy ad the Iaws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY will- be made of arti'structure wj.thout the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in fulL force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemptj.on is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors md employees who are in compliance with oRS 70I.055 wiU be used on this Project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY LOU I SE PEEBLER LROY t- Hltae (please print)SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CARET'ULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION qAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! fl pmnnfnCrZZONING: zo."& parririon #- Parcel *- Parcet sir.j- Minimm Setbacks, "r, fto.t- cL, =id.- Installation Soecifications: Tank / Date COM}IENTS: Date: Ga110n UsetrG.orp_ 3 NO SPECIALcolr0lENTS E qall4qqeN: s. r. *_B.P.* of interior rear Lineal Feet of l)rainfield PLANNING ACTION REOU]RED. rnstallation Record ,.",.r"arpr"= I-l No Maximum Depth BY LANE COUNTY DE 0 r ORS 456.805 (1) ) OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 OFF 125 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION cr4-2s R* T o".", 5-09-89 ntfl SETB/rCKS AND OTIIER CC:iDITIOIS OF APPROVAL uusT BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. \,IOLATION CAf,- RISULA IN REVO- c.iTIoN oF TIIIS PER!l],T, CITATlO:i UNDSR PROVISIONS OF LAN.E COUITY.3 INFRACTION ORDI:iANCE, AND,/OR OTHER REI1ED1ES ALLOHED BY LAW. }iHEN RE.\DY FoR INSPICTIoN, CALL 687-{065. A SINI}luil OF AT LEAST 2t I]OURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffic:':.u-avEttretoItowinginfornationready:Permitnumber,jobaddresS,typeof inspecrion, when j.t HiII be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special Cirections to site. BUILDINC DIVISlON: REQUIRED I\SFI'CTIONS : I. Foundatron Inspectron: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIImateria.l,s for the foundation are delivered on the job. llhere concrete from a cenlral mj-xing Plant (comonly termed "transj-t mixed") is to be used, naterials need nol be on the job. 2. Concrete sLab or Under-aloor Insoection: To be made after aIl in-slab or under-floor buildingEw1-e ejulpmmt,- conEuit, piping EZEessori-es, and other ancillary equipment icems are in Place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, .i.n-1udj"ng the subfloor. 3. fElij]g & rnsulalion rnspections: To be made after the roof, all frahing, fire blocki.ng, and6iaaf nq ire in-FE arE aTI-plpes, f ireplaces, chimneys, and vents are iomptete and ali'roughe.Lectrica.l- and plumbing are approved. A11 wall insulation and vapor barriei are in place. Lath and/or Gvpsum Board Insoection: and extertor, rs rn place but' before To be made aiter all lathing and gypsum board, i.nterior any plastering j,s applied and before gypsm board jointsand fastenels are taped and finrshed c 5. FinaL lnspection: To be nade after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work sha1l be done on any palt of the building or structure beyond the pointind.icated in each successive j,nspection without firsE obtaining the approval of the b;ilding oiftci.alsuch aPproval sha11 be given cnly after an inspection shall have been made of each successirle stepin the consLructlon as j"ndicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE : A. A1l buildj'ng permits requj.re inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limi-ted to: Brock t'larl: To be mace after reinforcing is in prace, but before iny grout is poured. This -repecti.o-6 is required for each bond beam pour. There witl be no approvat until the plumbinqand eLectrical inspections have been made and approved. I'Iood stove: To be made after conpletion of nasonry (if applicable) and when installation isffipletq rnstal-Iation shall be in accordance with an appiovea, national.Iy recognized testingagency and the manufacturer's installation instructj.ons. Mobile Hone: .An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedsewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocki.ng, footing connect.ion, tiedowns,skj"!tan9, and plwbing connections. Footlngs and piers to cohply with S!ate foundation requirements for moblle homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. Mobile home minlmum finj.sh floor elevation shaLl- be certified when required by a flood-plain management Letter. Mobile-home tiedowns, when required, and skirti.ng shaLL be installed and ready for inspec-tibn within at least 30 days afcer occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be-installe-dper enclosure. Swiming.Pool: Below-grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool is inscalled. iPPROVED PIiIJS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURII*G VIORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WrLL EXpIREIF WOR( DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 1BO DAYS, OR IF !,IOR( IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN I8O DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I"IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. Permj.Cs shall be effecti-ve for one year from rhe date of issuance. 2. UPon completing the construction for-{Eich a pern.iL has been issued, the pelmit holder shallnotify lhe Lane County Departnent of-*I-ahninq and Comunity Developnent by submj-tting theinstallation record form. The DepartmEnt shall inspect the construction to detemine if itcomplies with the rules contained in this divisj.on. If the construction does comply wj.th suchruLes, lhe Departient shal'l issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the p;rmiti holder.rf the constructaon does not comply uith such ru1es, the Departmenc-shaIt notify tile permitholder and shalI require satisfactory completion before isiuing the cerLificat;. Eailure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory completron wrthin a reasooable time constitutes a vio-Iation of oRs 454.605 ro 454.745 and thi-s iule. Setbrcks - Sj!::4j!S Sewage Dr sposal septic Tank Drainfield :'rom: Inlcrior property lincs 1.0' 10, Edge ot road rlqht-of-way 1.0' lO 'Butldlnq foundation 10'tiells, other water sources 50' lO0 ' L 2 3 Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property E House EII Barn E Garage EI ldohrile. Home EI Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED Ett yes I-1 No Water District Ra i nbow Please complete all tines inside white boxes, if possibte. ggNIHA(;IOH Lrccnra I OWNEBS 97 47 1 OWNER OF P fi (i, nol rm. r. rboy.) ztP t*#r-e.Q2-e_ 97405ztP SdrnP- ooD MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tu mrp! in th. A..casmrnt & Trntlon D.pL) n+#r';. "g# *#' ,m+":,il -+r=r- E*h-il E,;ec- g;];;- r[Eiffi- -ilf 'fil;EEiF- En-s.- Scffin- rn-5EEi]6f -tE.il;r- Dlrections to site J4 4/, 4-&-3> ,4- (o T*tdLa-dL l)-* / 1 1.--./< o 47y Courthouse" 'a -(t t ar^l u-.L t _f-514 R ru ne, OR 97401 q u .ZONE SITE ADDRESS MAIL PER <--<--4 i<\- TO 4L-.< /---<--Lt-^--2 /z--.^ For Moblle Home Placement Only Brand No. of Tip-outs- No. of Bedrms License # - Year Size Land Management Dlv. staff cannot be held responsible forevaluallons or recommendatlons based on false, lnaccurate orlncomplete lnformatlon OLLO UP slon Lot&B '' ., i: i ,,j ri,,,., t,t ::i: . Sutoon Requestti On ed e9Y No loAI Uwed se I-r Y,e3 No STAFF lnf orma' // 1- ,o*-*=-4-{+ui-se. Peebler LrcJ, Ffif-og 25.l 8 N. 2l st Street Ttrdtr_ ?06,n ni I l:r.rl Drl Errannn nD ,al;-.;-/- j], :,:. ]:|:,-.:''