HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1996-04-04Ltdd-fti3
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(54 1 ) 726-37s3
FAX (541) 726-368e
April4, 1996
Dana Halttanen
704 G Street
Springfield, OP.97477
subject: occupancy Inspection at ll9 North 21st street, Springfield, oregon.
Proposed Use: Amusement Center
Dear Ms. Halttanen,
At your request, the Community Services Division/Building Safety conducted an
inspection of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to
determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated.
Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do
not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be
taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order
for the building to conform to applicable safety codes:
Rear door of building is required to be a exit door. Exit doors shall be of the pivoted or
side-hinged swinging type. Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel when
serving any hazardous area or when serving an occupant of 50 or more. The door latch
shall release when subjected to a l5-pound force, and the door shall be set in motion
when subjected to a 30-pound force. Forces shall be applied to the latch side.
All doors required for emergency egress shall be provided with panic hardwareSlie
activating member shall be mounted at a height of not less than 30 inches or mote than 44
inches above the floor. The unlatching force shall not exceed l5 pounds when applied to
the direction of exit travel.
Every building shall have sanitary fixtures installed therein as required by Sec. 510. (a)
General and table No. 5-E. of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Using this section
and table you are required to have two (2) water closets and two (2) lavatories.
Bathroom's are required to meet A.D.A. requirements . These requirements are related
to person's with disabilities. These requirements are found in Chapter 31, of the Oregon
Structural Specialty Code.
Two exits are required by Sec 3303. When two or more exits are required from a room
or areas, exit signs shall be installed at the required exits from the room or area and where
otherwise necessary to clearly indicate the direction of egress.
1. Broken or missing cover plates were noted on electrical outlets, switches and/or
junction boxes which require replacement to reduce the possibility of electrical shock
or fire.
2. The improper use of extension cords was noted. When used in place of permanent
wiring, it is potentially hazardous and can cause electrical shock or fire. Extension
cords shall not be run through floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows or other similar
3. Newly installed outlets behind video games are not grounded, The Oregon Electrical
Specialty Code requires all new wiring to be grounded.
4. Please note that installation or repair of electrical systems on property which is
intended for lease, sale or rent must be done by an electrical contractor who is
licensed by the State of Oregon.
The above items are requirements for the existing structure only. Other items such as
parking, paving, site improvements, sidewalks, etc., have not been addressed as part of
this inspection and may be required. Please contact the Julia Powell of the Planning
Division of this office at726-3632 regarding any necessary improvements to the site.
Bob Barnhart
Building Inspector
cc Dave Puent, Community Services ManagerlBuilding Official
If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above
requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., I :00-2:00 p.m. or
4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759.
rcomplete items 1 and/or 2 for addilional sErvices.
rComplet€ ilems 3, 4a, and 4b.
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