HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 2000-12-08CITY OF OFEGO'V SPFlINGFIELE, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s FAX (50s) 726-s689 December 8, 2000 Certified trtter Donna J Ingwersen 34357Ivlatthews Road Eugene,Oregon 97405 RE: Notice and Order to Courply With The Springfleld Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The ursafe And Substandard Building At ll45 2l( sheet, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Ingwersen: As a result of a rwnt inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structure loated at the above referend location, also known as Lane County Assessor's ldap#17032543, Tax t,ot 04300, for reasons specified below, a $rhtandard and unsafe building as describd in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Ass€ssment and raxation records rweal that you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative C-ode classifies stnrctrres which are structurally inadequate or are dengerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1@l of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The following ite,ms includebut are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified abovq classifying it as a substandard and unsafe building: l. The property is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code requires thrt each residerce shall be prwided with heating hcilities cryable of maintaining a rq)m te,mpe,ratgre of 6g degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rcoms. The Code firther Jates tnat rrnere there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building such building shall be connected to $rch electrical power 2. Each dwelling must be prwided with hot and cold running water to the plumbing fixtures in a durelling unit. With no electrical service, the stnrchrre lacks the abi[ty to ptovidi hot water 3- The property has been determined to be an attractive nuisance as defined in Chapter 5 of the Spdngfietd City Code which mayprove detrimental to children- Section 204 O) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official my rquire nacation of the prcmises when cited deficiencies rcpesent an immediate bazmdto lifq limb, property or safety of the public or its occrpants. Notice is hereby served that fhis is your fiml notioe that-the structur€ above is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 p.m-, December ti, ZOOO due to the potentialhr"td" to the oocrpants resulting from the above citd conditions. If you do not vacate tne premise within the time frame specifieq the City will seek oomplianoe with the Building Safety Codes through tegal reoourse which may include Municipal Court prooeedings. OnG the structue has been vacatod, osupancy may not rrke ptace until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard onditiors iile corrwted and have been inspected and approved by this office- 4. NotixandOrirer 1145 2I* Stffit Dooember 8,2A00 Page 2. Any person having any remn( title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appet is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will onstitute a waiver of all rigfu to an administrative hearing and determination or this matter. Your anticipated coutesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at726-3663. David Gadomski Elstrical Inspector @:Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Tom lvIar4 Building lnspector Springfield Polie neeartment Code Enforcement Springfield Utility Board DG/Ih RLID Detailed Property Repo*Page 1 of3 Carrier Route c013 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 1145 21ST ST Map & Taxlot #:17-03-2543-04300 Special Interest Code: A & T Account #: 0212884 Vicinity Map Site Address State Flane Coordinates X-Coord: 1344692 Y-Coord: 880526 Detail Map Site A ddress lnformation House Sufftx Predir 114s Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986-09-25 Land Use Unit Type UnitStreet Name PostDir. Street Type 21ST ST State Zip Code Zip+4 oR 97477 4386 Update Date: 1995-1 1-10 Land use irrformatron has not been field vertfieri. Code: Description: Land Use Code and Description: 1120 Use Code and Description: D Boundary lnfrrmatiort General lncorporated City Limits: SPR Urban Growth Boundary: SPR Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: L Census Tract: 3400 Block Group: 1 YearAnnexed: 1947 Annexation #: Transportation Analysis Zone: 170 Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings \Mllamette Greenway: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Tax Map http://www.rlid.orglcfdocs/rlid/reports/lVlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:&site_address .. 1210612000 l I RLID Detailed Properlry Repod EUGENE OREGON City State Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: INGWERSEN DONNA J Taxpayer Address: 34357 MATTHEWS RD EUGENE OREGON City State Remarks: Converted Record Froperty L*gaI Do**ription Not Available Prnperty Value and T$xes Land Value RealMarket 2000 31,310 1999 28,990 1998 25,430 UNITED STATES Country 7q?- ?z?/ UNITED STATES Country lmprovement Value RealMarket 74,420 72,960 72,240 Page? of 3 97405 Zip Code 97405 Zip Code TotalValue RealMarket Assessed 105,730 71,921 101,950 69,826 97,670 67,792 Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: SoilMap Unit Number: 119 SoilDescription: SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Schools Code: Name: District: 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School: 255 MAPLE Middle School: 5S4 SPRINGFIELD High School: 664 SPRINGFIELD Service Districts LTD Service Area: YES LTD Ride Source: Y Ambulance District: EC Emerald People's Utility District: Political Districts Election Precinct: 102402 County Commissioner District 2 SPRINGFIELD County Commissioner: BILL DWYER State Representative District: 42 State Representative Name: BILL MORRISETTE City CouncilWard: SP4 City Councilor Name: SID LEIKEN EWEB Commissioner District: Lane Gounty As*es*or's Office I Accaunt hlumber: 0e12884 I lVlap & Lat: 17'$3-2543'04300 Property Owner Ownerl Name: INGWERSEN DONNA J Owner Address: 34357 MATTHEWS RD http://www.rlid.orglcfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:&site_address. .. T2/0612000 RLID Detailed Property Repo* 0 Exemption Amou nt Regular (EAR) Page3 of3 73,710 97,260 65,817 71,560 90,860 90,860 59,890 73,130 73,130 00 Exempt Property Value Frozen Assessed Value(EPV) (FZNPU) ""n'T:,I;Xmount 1,154.78 1,122.57 l,il3:ll 1,147.88 '! 997 1996 1995 23,550 19,300 13,240 71,921 Taxable Value Tax Year 2000 1999 1 998 ,l997 I 996 1 995 Sales lnformation Sales Date Sales Price Man ufactu red Stru ctures Buildin g 1 Characteristics Property lD: 0212884 Occupancy: DUPLEX Building Type: 71 PLEX Class: P3 Year Built: 1954 Depreciation: 21 Floor Basement First Second Attic TOTAL Grantor Map & TL: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Heating: Exterior Wall: Base Area Finished Area 1616 Grantee lnstrument # 17-03-2543-04300 HIP COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM BASEBOARD SHINGLE-WOOD Reject Code Bedrooms: 4 Full Baths: 2 Half Baths: Fireplaces: Parkinq Area Bsmt Gar sqft: 1616 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqft: Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 1616 Paved Patio Sqft: lvlain Menu 564 1616 New Property Search Search Results http://www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report_rlidstar.cfm?taxlot id:&site address... 1210612000 UNITED STATES POSTAT SEBVEE- Official Business a .\,o lillll J Pt/ Print your name, address and ZIP Code here PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, 93OO a . Write "Eeturn Receipt Requested,,on the msilpiece below the article numbor,2. n Restricted Delivery. Tho Rsturn Fee will provide you tha signature ol the persontothe date of Consult r for fee.3. Article Addressed to : :omplote it6ms 1 and/or 2 for additional services.. complete items 3, and 4a & b. _'^-l:Il.You name and address on the reverse of this form so that we canreturn this card to you. ' Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if spacedoes not permit. I also wish to receiv€ th€ following services (for an extra fee): 1. ffi Addressee's Address 4a. Article Number z 730 054 t?2 4b.!Service Type Registered ! lnsured E certified n coo E exp ress Mail ! Return Receipt for Donna J Ingwersen 34357 lt{atthews Roaci Eugene, Oregon 97405 RE: li45 Zlst Street i erv s B o Safe 7 8 Delivery and fee is paid) Address (Onry if requested 5. 6. (Addressee) PS , November *Gpo: re01-287.066 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT APR-I 1-2001 ilED 01 : 14 Pt{ S. U, B,FA){ N0, 5417460230 !v SPRTNGFTELD urrI,rtY BD SPRINGFTBTD OR RTAD-IN 6aU t€ecaa-u*2@> SAD:2IST ST 1145 C@R: PTN: LOC:0000259355-L702- ,fi* \P' d* SO #:788'14 SvC SO:151911 wK DT:a4/06/( CREW: FI,DREPSAD DESC: CYC/RTE/SEQ: P, 02 tnneo-rNl ACCT: 838979 NAIIE: dIOIINSON, SHERRON R COMTACT: SHERRON JOHNSON-cCN ni otToe/ot RECD BY: chrism MUJ,T DL REG PRV READ READING LO CT INV SVC ONDESC METER I 5 Kt{}I I3 861.t(,,i?('iIN: ELEC LEFT (.r.,, aJt ;: 00 0 3 5?34 4r -L Lo. ,rt rfr PRV READ I O3/29/t 'i'r-, .' , ,r- ) SflYfi+EB"B-iT;ffi DATE:4r O ( rrME i-:- Attt/i