HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-11-17Date: (1}I*t tu g!.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s i'torth s* ito"ffPLrcA?r0:t/PERl4rr Spr-rqfielC, 1regon 97177 Building ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFTEL-D lC !-, it 2he reaponaibi-liay of tro pe*rl; }oldar to oee that a7! tnspections @e nad,e at 1he propiet time, tlct ecch cddteao is vsn;-'^:, ;'rut tlr aireet. crLC tlut the penri; ca4, ie l,xated at the fztttt of th,e orocertu. '2uiai-q v)uicio- cz=rcted pl-ot s;r.il retnin on tte tsualdir? sitc at eLL' dhes.' ?2OCSDUP|. ?0R. itts?1eI2it.1?CTFST;CALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state youy City Cesigr,zted job reotestcd a:ti uten gou tiLL be ready fo-t ir"spcctzon, Confrdctcrs ci A-tzers- ncne -cnd. pttone ;'-iLL be nrc,ie thc eane Ccg, reqltests ncde cfti ?:00 ctt viLL be rule the nezt.ankiag'd4i. 1z Genet:aL Cons?rucCan_!efide!_ ei-r tr!-a=rr..r. Ecduction, out ?o be tnmber, job n,ri-ess, type of inspeclicn ntabcr. Peques-"s receixed befcne 7:00 ,;t Sani1arg ser:er cqgeC ct Fogart! Line Septic tank Va.VeC d iilled uith gr.i;el linal - ithen cbcue itens are eswleteicti uhen Cencliflon is conpLete br st:ue- tute nouc-C oi pr*rises cleaned up. Iotti Citl'Desiora.ted Job lh*nbee fs: TYSLLA?IOlI /VAPOR BARRI]R IIISPICTIOII : tequ4red vqor ba-nJe?s @e in plaee but before ory lath, Wpsun bcaC on tnLL couer,ing is qglied, od. befcrc otg ins:ala.tion is concealed. DRYTALL I!lSP2tr!0!t: Tc be nude aiter aLL d4uall is in pla,ce,htt prior to crzy taVing. tUSg!-!!: Steel Location, itoni. beans, grou*inq ot oerticcls in aceordotee Dirh |J.B.C, Section 2475. I-,:/,IOODSTO'E: After itatal\ation isI qata.-' CURB E AP?1CACE APfrN: Aftet fornsce ereexed but prLon ?,o pa&ing cofli?ete. SIDETLAL;( E gRETnA!: For aLL caa.- c'rete pauing uith:-n stteet right-oi-,x!, to be nale after aL! ecea- vating canplete 3 lon uork & sub- inse ra'"ert)al in plaee, p?ic" tc se: af!er u? of J'qns. i-I WD|?SZA3 ?:I'|/9r:IC. ZLIC:?IC,1L tI | ;ECi:i:liiAL: ?o be narie cefore anytprx is couc]^ed. I Y9?I:iC ' ?2u:tD,llla:t: ?o beaf:et atenches crs escctated fcrns cte erecxeti, but p"iorp,trirg ccncteta. u::DaGzCtXlD !!w3 ij!, S?t!P, tmCe crd ?b 7.1!SP, V aacep:accR ?LU:BE:c I !.cc?AttfCA!:rt@of f1aon ir.sukti.ca or deckiq. i I nSI A;tD 2rA:4: To be roie pr)or wt I ffiffio; 11oor irau'i.a,=ion cr &cking. )Atra: )frao7.ta -"=Fotf." ) rear_ A;liasL: :lo )o"z ia zo be cote?ec un=:-L ;hcsa irspectic-x,s L=ve 'ceer. t.vie zd, qTrcv'e!. fi-: !;ti.' *hr 'a flccir4 lcc-Jrqnccertcla crd bciore frmirg inapec- tiot:. 7 pply:lc: laoi be rec.tacted afler,J ffii of ragh plttr.cir4, eiecti-a.L I necitttical,. AL! ,rcoi-lr,g btae|rq ! chito6as, etc. r.tst 5eanole:cd. !!o .;cr< is to be cdt- - ceclal unctl :his iwgecttctt i"a,a'bcea nod.e atd. cppteued. DPA!)IAC|: lo be ra=e pr-or --o ;'ii-Lirq '.ra:chce. Fr::Ai Pt_a:.B!::C !T:I;L :.!ECA:ITCAL ?!:tAL !,ZCSrc;L ?g'NCg: t{hen conplete -- Provile gdtes o" aouable secti.ans th.rough P. U. E. ALL pro;ect cor:ii:ions, suci ae che.i.nstallcticn of s:teet !?ees, cc-lecion oy'tieteqtired icnzsccpit4, .tc., :rast be satisiied before che 3tliLJIilG a!:!AL 2cn be regested. ?::lAL AU[L'1IJ}: The Pinal B-uild.ir4. lnsoection ntst be teauest*i :i:et !h.e lir-zl ?lubinXileccriccl, oti tleciurziccl inscecticns ir4uo been ncie and'accrouzi. Job !.oceticn: Aecesoorz ]1ao I Tcs bt # Subdir)sicn: A-ner:(- Adl*ess:4i .rl <{r\-,Plor,e a r,)cod- J{*-e Data of A?pliaticn_ Deacyibe h'ork: {\ hD,t .{, CDValue,rm AC&tica RanolaL \'.nIpp llecd.ccl ilctes Slocking od, Set-ttp Plunbing cormecticns -- sap? otC ualet Electnlccl Ccnr:ecxlon - Blockirq, aer-u, and. pltnbing cotr.ections nr;st 'ce qprc"-ad before reques*-'Jrq eleclp)cal irsoeczio- AccessoPi Builiin4 ?ittal - Aftet icrckes, slirtitg, d.eci,s, etc. @e cctaie=eti. -l:l .ALL :.!A:.EC!!S AND CLgAilCU?S :tUS! 3E .4CC1SS!312, ADiAST:E:t: lO 35 :.'JDE t! ::O C?St ?2 CI:!?;;e 7 o1' 2 tr tr I , JOB NO. 2 LeC lobile ilane Z SoLAR..JCESS REQ.-L-CO G* Seitcces Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis penrr-t ic gratted on the eq"esa andition 2hat the said, constmtetionshal.l, in aLL rescects, confcrn to the Crdinoce docte,i it:y tlre Ci;y of Sor)ng.a'JelJ, 'Jnc!ud...ng lhe Soning Cvdi*zzce, regalc:it:o dhe ecnstrtiticn sd,.use o! builciings, orC n=y be sucoend,ed or rertckei e.t eg t-ine uloz uic-lz.tion oi a4 prcuisions oi aa.).C CrCinances. eai Vaoasaote ?uild,ir,g Pqnit st3;a ?otcl Cl,cazs Pltnbing Pert,zt Stata lotal Penit fssuctce !,leciuniczl Perrttt -- iJC?.0Aci:.!a::! -- Sigr.ed: Plumbing Permit llo_ person shall cansi;ntct, iastzl!, altet ot ciwrqe cnA /.eu ct e:isting qlwnb-inA cr dlainage sgstelr in ahole or in pant, -rnles-s such person is- theLe-gal.poosessor oJ'a oalid oLumbet,s Licensb, ezcept tl".ct a oZ:sort naX doptina&tg wrk to propertg ahich is ottned, Liased oio og.""tii sy-lne qpli- @tt. Electricol Permit llhere state i.a,t requires that the electrlcal uork be ccne by qt gleedcal Contructor, the eleclrical portiott of this pernit sitall rot be oalil, untilthe label has been ai.ged bg the tlectrical- Conttacto". Mechqnicol Permif 1 PLcn Jsatlne? L f flAW CARE?ALLY SX,$,!f|lED the con.oleted qglicaticn for penti:, ctui dalereby certi,ry that aLL *tfo*,atilon hereoi'is tnte ,hl .Zn ""ti "*e ffsthet .cer'.ify that ory cr.l. aLL uotk gerfoc,ted siull be Cone it accc,'.- dar-ce',rith the atdinsces of the City oi SgringfielC, otd the La.;s oJ' thaState of 1regcn per-;inina to the wrk Cesdbcd here4n, ad. lha.c )tO CCC!:- F.u^lCI "till be taie of dry st?uctwe uithout petmission cf the 3uiZding Di-vision. f ft^ether certiil th-at only contuaclo"s o-"C eqloyees uha aZ it ea.:oljance alth CRS ?07.055 aiLL be used on this project I 5 Lot Fzces - ;ccess iYor-.4 I Les: i.t Sq. F'€. 2 cf lcx Ccv,-ragt_ ! of Stor|es lotal !a'-gh= looocrch,t tu. -::a _ lztericr Corav? ?ani,auile CUL-de-sac slt :<7a iEin a=cce lccessc:y ?a!.,,L VAL!.;E s. D. c.I.5=' ,ro. I Fii L,--1-1UL Ir:-tures Pesiizrttial !1 bcth) Sq"ter :io. nailE=tetd Ciretits Sensice :!. *tr-z6q 37r1t5 E=lest HooC Vent Fa TxCsta:se I /3.co-? >.K) Sec.tyj .bbT>r Stora.Te ltllntet=r:e Ctbe* SUe,:alk J2?AL A,I,TU,'E CI]E:' a (p Data 3 ElectrteaZ Per,Tit Stste Srseiwoe - Stale Sutchaee lot:l Ac,ries {.