HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-06-11tetion ?fLcn n uic_ # ..RESIDE.lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIT Sth Street Ld, Oregon 97477 oi-tsision ETH SPHINGF!EI.D Tar Lot # Descrlbe I,lork: UJ 4 4,;r-rl^',o a Value a,ece'.t! Date: ( zmoCeL .lobile Home of App "/(_ "{ ) he 2 ,aL Le Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-uP Plwnbi.ng connections -- sanet od' ualer Electrieal Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-uc , afld olurnbinq eonneettons mst be q)pr-cu^ec i,"tio, ieqie sting eleetrL cal inspeeliott Accessory fuilding skirting, deeks,Pinal - After Pcrekes'etc. ote eomPleted. 4O-rrt Phone ZAJ,-b6 1 _[O Oe nwde aftersrTE rNSlECr!01!: eTcaoatlon' but pr.Lor tc set uP of ba :.towc Sanilary saset capped at ptopettli Lire Page 1 of l T 1NpERSLAB PLUMBTI! G. EL.ECTR I-C AL & iddi4frTdtrtl-tone made beioz'e anY i6fl-ii'iZ,sered. FANTTNG 4 FO(JNDATICN: TO bE MACE ;ffi-tr'.n te" "r" elcaoated anl' ior-" *n erected' but P?ioz' to pourittg ccncrete. u N DERGROUI D PLlll'\g IN G? SqW,EP2 -',IqTlI'EdAtlact: To be made Prlor to ILL- Tfi-G-enehee. u It DE RF Lo o-! P Lu.Jn rN G 4 .r'!Eic.t!it!I-E4L : ^ ci;-aeiile pt'iot' to instaLLatLon oI floor insulation or deeking' POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pri'.ot' to ffiAtilof floo, insulation or decking. ROU1H PLAtBIttC. .EI!.ECTRI9AL I MECflJ Tnfctrr': uo uork is to be coueYed wt Tthese itrcpee*'ions 11s11o- beer' nade and approtsed.- FIP.EPLACE: Pt'ior to placi'rq faeing ffi;AA; and befot'e franing i'nsPee- tion. FRAHINC: lhust be requested after approuat o f rough pltttrbing'. -eLectni'&-L & mec?nnica1. - ALL roofiztg braeittg & ehinnteys' etc. tntst be . eonpleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- ' eealed until thts inspectlon lae 'been made anC approted. NPYWAT , TNSPECTTON: TC bE MAdE ffi;ffi@;aris .in place, but Pri.or to anY taPLn4' I,IASINRI: Steel Location, b,ond ffiqoouti,ng or oertical's in Z"ii"lark n LrLth a,B'c' section fl wooosro'n, Aftet installation is ljl ecnpLeted. cuRB & APPRgA:H APP'1N: . After ,fynsdere,cteC but Prior to Pourtng collcrete. SIDEWALK e DRI"?Y4Y: For aLL eon- ;;;t" DA*14 uithin street right- of-"ua', to be naCe after aLL exea- oZti"Z- complete & fott wY'k & eub' base material in Place- Septic tank p',t:ped afi filled trLth gzawL nivaT- - I{hen abcoe iiens ote ecnpleted ""i"n"" iiali'tion is comPlete o? sttas- li" ^Zii"i "rrl, PtemLses cleanec uP' fortns. FilIAL PLUUAING FTNAL MECHANICAL PTfiAL ELEC?RTCAL IENCE: h4ten cornPlete '- Pro'uiCejfrii or nooable sections through P.U.E. ---:-ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstaLlat'ton of stteet t19e_1, conPletion.of tie required Lardseaping,-Ltl., ,*"t be satisfiid befoye the BUILDIN| FIIIAL ean be requested' ?rNAL BUTLDruIG: ?he rinal Building fnspection rust be requested arfter the Final PlmbingEzectrtieaz' ard Meehanicaz rnspections -haue been nadi ard'opp,oued. iALL I,IAJVHCLES AND CLEAIIOA?S MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJLIS?ITE]II ?0 BE tt4DE /,? ilO CCS? ?0 Cily &/t,, brD-l &Lticn & T JOB NO.<50 Lot Faces - Df House Access th 'b or Lct ccueraga # of Stortes --?otal Eeight - LC? TWE _ fnterior _ Co?ne? _ Panhandle CltL_de_sac ?opographg Lot Sq. ttg X VaLue VALUE S.D.C. t.S c N0.CHARGEFictttz,es Residential (1 bath) Seuet N a,t / Ext end ci z, c.ui t s Serwice FEE CIIARCE D Ezhanst iloo,i. Vent Fot I,lcodstoite 9a rs. oo Mechqnicol permit Permit fssudtce Mechanicel penrut -- ET|CROACHMENT -. Secw,t Perni.t Asba* Sideualk Mobile Hcme SOLAR :cEss REQ._ L-coc* t:Y' llhe?e State Lan requires ttnt the '-anA nea cr eristinaLess such pez,son is" t,t tha.t a petson nau dtoperated by the aiplt Bed.yoons: Lace to"'e Peymit State ?otal Clnrgee Plutnb.ing perrrtt State State Iotal Tatal * Date Paid #: Signed: a t * Electricot pe rm it Contraetor the eLeetz,icaL eleettical uork be done by an Eleetricalthe label lns been signed by the ELecttical Cont"acto?. portion of thia permit sLwLL not be oalid untit PLan Eaaniney Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the eornpl.eted appZication foz, pemit, md dohereby eertify tVnt aLL infotnatibn heneoi is Lnue i"z "LriiZxl, -*,e r furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perfotmed sha.Ll be done t)n aeeor- dance ttLth the ordinances of the cita of spri-ngfieLd, and. the LNs of xhe State of 7regon pertaini.ng to the uork Cesc:r'ibed hereln' end tlut No occu- pANCy I,ILLL be nad.e or''*i" "t""L,ittye- uithout permission of the Suilding aL- oi,si.on. I finther' tni'i?l ihlt- -oy'y contr.attors and enplcyees ul^-o ee i'n '";;i;;"; ;ti'cas io1-"o"si it't't be" used on this proieet TOTAL AMOIJNT DI]E:*1s 60 ,t Date