HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-08-227t/ .. RESIDENTIAL... APPLICAi 225 Noyth ith Street SprLngfield, 1z'egon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job lacaticn: Aeseesore Map #Ttot>0 I S'ubdiuision: O.mer: Addpess: SPFIII{GiFIET TT-,N/PERT,IIT Value Ta Iot #(flo -3b 3po -4 i?tb t tb CC 1 : I I I I I i i I I .l I I I n 7[Cr+t Ptone:1 Descz,Lbe Wotk: Ne0 a-a"4-!- 1a //ru CalP/ ailditicn RetnoCeL Le Eone oO Date: Date of AppL Geaeral Plt^onbiw - ELectrtcal MeelraticaL iqo-@- It is tha respoaaibi-tily of tle penrtt lolder to eee tlat aLZ inapections oe nad.e at the F;?ope? tine, that ecch cddrees is fnaa the atreet, and tllo.t the petmtt ead ia Located at the frcnt of tlte DtoDertu I*suildi.V b)uictbn aprot;ed plbr shcll remain ott tttz Bunlding site Zt aLL' tiines.- | vgaCnhig PR)C9DAPE, FOR INSPE*f2N R\O.WST:CALL726-3769 (recordx) state you? Citg Cesigneted job nurber, job aCiress, type of inspeclicn tequested ard uhen you trtll be ready for inspection, Contydcto?s ot A^rners ttc,nte cnd ptone rutnbet. P,equeats reeeixedbefcre 7:00 o:tn:r, -u":* *" -r-,e tuy' reque""" ^*" ,olret 7:.00 aq viLL be nade the ne.rt ,mrki$ *, fKe tM , ' lole Ci.ty Desigr,ated Job Nunbe! Is.._ xza)7-fad ln<noatLane SI?E TNSPEC?ION: eacavation, but ' ?o be nade aftet, prior tc set up of forns. UI|pERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELqCTRJCAL & WCHA.IIICAL: ?o be made before any wz,k ie couered. POOTINC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be rpCeaftet ttenehes are ezeaoated and fotns ate erected, but prioz, topu?ing ccncrete, UIID9RGPAUND PLUMEING, SEltlER, W.ATER, DRAfilAGE: To be made pr"ior to fil-@-dnchee. FITIAL PLUMBIIIC PIIIAL MECHANICAL PIIIAL ELECARTCAL TNSULATT)NIVAP2R BARRTER !!tf?tc!t)N :DEilOLTTIOJ] OR' !,:OW' BUTLDI|ICSIo be nnde aftet, aLL insulaticn ed required uqor borie?a @e in pLa.ce . but before oty Lath, Wpsurn boarC or tnLL couering is applied, od. befoteay insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL INSPZIf)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dajiill-is in pla.ce, but ptior to ang toping. MAS1IIRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz'outing or uerti.eals in accozdotce tLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI"IE: @npT;TA.. After installation ie Blocking and. Set-up I I UilDERPLOOR PLUI,E ING & I4ECqANICAL :Io be mad.e priot to installation of floor insula.tion or decking. CURB & APPROACH APPON: 'After formsee eteeteC but prior to pourLng con2?ete. SfDWALK & DRf',ry'ilAy: Fo? aLL con- erete potsiw uithin st?eet right-qf-txA, to be nade aftet all e.cca- oating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base nnterial in place. IENCE: l{hen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates on mooable sections through P.A.E. Satitey eeaer caprped at ptoperQi Line"1. Septic totk V"o;ped ald fiTted tith gra;teli' IFinal - Ilhen abcve itqns ore eonpleted and uhen datolition is cqnpletero? stlluc-ttre nooed otd. prenrtses cleuteC up. { Hcmes Pltnbing connecttlotts -- aa)e? otd. oatet I Electrical Cotneetion - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections mtst be apptcved before tequesting electrLcal inspectiorz Accessory* BurilCing " f a posr at:o geau: To be nade pr.Lor to| ffixai.Gtlcn of fcoor insui)tiori or deekittg. -1 ROUGH PLADITIG. ELECIRTCAL & MECH- I - .w:til these inspeetions haoe beeri natie arui approoei. 1 pneptecti prior to placira faeinaI I A;ffiG and before'franin| l.r"p"L-tion. 7 raimc, Wst be tequested after ) dpptoual of rough pltrrbing, eieetni- u.L & neclwnical. AIL roofirq .' btacing & chinmeys, ete. rrust be : cotrpleted. Ilo wtk is to be con- -.,*.cealed until thia inspection lwa ? bee,l nad.e anC apptooed. Einal - After etc. ote compt pcnekes, sl<':,rting, decl+s, Leted.r _l l _l l ALL projeet conditions, such as the installatlon of stz,eet t7ees, con-oletion of tite required landsecpitg, otc., tust be eatisfied befone the BUILDIIIC FfNAL can be teques ted. n PrNAL B.urLDrNG:- The Fi.nal Build.ing. rnspeetion mtet be t,equested after the Final plunbiry \-r/ Electrtcal, otd Meclnr:ical Inspectioaa ltqtse been mad,e ard'approued. Page 1 of 2 ( C, ':, ) tr .ALL MANI|2LES AND cLEANows uug? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EIE To BE I,LIDE A? ilo cosr ro er?y JOB NO. Petmtt TotaL Cvtbeut Sidasalk Mobtle Hane TOTAL A]41UNT DIJE: I (pq -- ENCROACHMENT -- 5(JLAK AUUE)) KEV.-L-CO G' #: PLcn E9atlnel uate f HAW CAREFULLy EXAILINED the cotnpleted application fot perrnit, drld do heteby certify that aLL infonnation het,eon is true and. cottect, anC f further eertify that any ard aLL uork performed slnll be dote ia aeeor- dance ,"tLth the Ordinances of the City of Spr.ingfield, ard the Ld:,;s of the State of 2regcn pertaintng to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd. tlat NO OCCA- PANCY ttill be naCe of any st?uctute tyLthout pernrtsaion of the Building DL-uision. I further certif'g that otly eont?actops cd, enplcyees uho are in canpliance uith oRS 701..055 ui.LL be used on this projeet r lieat of House Ca-?aoe North East ll FireoLaee South ll woodstoxe l,lest ll ICT twE _ Intertot _ Cormer _ Panhantd.Le CUL-de-sac T:ipe/Cor-st:Beatoons: fnt Faces -'r,ot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Couerage ll of Stories Total Height Topogaphg -- Fees --ITZTI FTC x Building Volue & permit This pertnt is granted on the ecp"ess eondition tlnt ttv scii.d eonstnaetion s_ltal.L, in a-LL.nespects, gonform to the Ordinance adopted.6iy the City ofSpringfield, ine!.uding the ioning Cydi.nance, regulatTng th-e ccnstra-ctibn ord..use of buildings, ord mey be suspend.ed or rbttokeC Lt "-y time upon uic-Latl.on of @ty prctsisione of eaid O?dinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c * Building Petwit Fee: State ?otal Clangea Signed: FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No- person shall constzaet, install, alter or elunge anA nel cr eristing llunling or drainage syltqt in uhoZe or in part, unless such petson is- theLegal.possessor of a ualid plwtbet's Licensb, escept tlut a plerson mau doplunbing uork to propertJ uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the oppli-emt. Etbattes Residzntia,L (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit 9tate * Electricql Permit Vhet,e State La,t reqtites ttnt the eleett-ieal uork be done by'im Eteetrical Cont?aeto?, the electrieal portion of this permit slnll rot be oaliC untilthe lobel lns been signed by the Eleetz.Lcal Cont"dcto?. Permtt * Nas/Ertenl. Ci,caits Semsice Stcte ?otal fllADaF { Mechonicol Permit bllagt HooC llcodstote Vent ?a Perwit fssuance Meelwniee.l Permtt 3,oa /) r .I-I- {Date VaLue I'kti.n lTtaao Cornont Aeeessoru lcate eaid: NO. 'llctet h,a,naee PTUTS