HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-08-05La,ne Coul, [V Authori z a'ttot,-fort RQ..( -(ls. BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITI ONS: THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION l.l n,Partition Parcel *-Parcel Size PLANNING,/ZONING:Zone interior "C L,"", =iu.Minimum Setbacks 3 front CO!4}1ENTS: tr SANITATION: S. I' * Installation Gallon specifications: ---- Tank COIO1ENTS I PLANS EXAMINATIO\: rYPe CO},I}IENTS: TOTAL VALUATION $ Description Date: Date I nf,OOopf,efn: rn f lood hazard areaa l-l Ir.", SEE ATTACHED SHEET'No B. P. #Installation Record' rssued? [ "t" [ ^" Maximum DePth of TrenchesLineal Eeet of Drainfieltl CONSTRUCTT ON AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMfT Date: Use Dale rixed Fee,/ PloodP1ain Fee Unit Cost Subsurface Fees Building Eee I{echlPImbg Fee Pl ans Check Fee State Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE Sq. Et. s ) ) $)€- $ $ i) PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DES IGNEE r oRs DATE t YONLUSEICEOFFFOR three CoPies of Plot Plans Mech,/PIumbing Checklist Legal Interest Document lan Check Info Sheet Two CoPies of P Ians P # ApPIica Permit OF q2 SECT, BLOCK/)() ZTP LL tndustrial Public . PROPERTY tr aI [_l commercial, OFSE tenResid OE PROPOSED sting ed or TELEPHONE NUMBER OSR tr f:rther P-,u;r, Ithatandcorrecttruehereon.nfomation1a1thatdoandPERMlT attachedFORtyofauthoriAPPLICATlONCOT4PLETEDthevidenceEXAMINEDCAREFULLYagentITIAVEauthorizedrTofOregonpurchasecontracttheStaterecord i ofLawstrofownertheandCoutYLanetrofINtpropertYthe I fur-ordinancestheresintethwa onIegaIasDIaccordanceInfollowingthedonebehaveoBuildingLheshal 1 mis s ionrfomedthethoutpewaworktructurealIand foranythat exenptj.onbas isf.ycerti WI be1 theIaeoccuPANCYthatxemPtthatand70oRs055byas ANDrequiredctREADdescribedworkIHAVEthetofu11ectrtainingINonthisBoardSprojbeusedBuilder}Iw110.0t_h rh oRsw!traLionthatregj-s arecertifytherwhoemployeeedthatandon x tr LAN E co u NrY D E PARI M E N r o F P u B L t c Wo R Ks LAN D M A N AG EM E NT D I V t S I O N, 657-4061125 EAST ?TH AVENIJE, EIJGENE, OREGON g74OIsEE REV*ER'E FOR JNSPECTT oN INIORIVATION rear tr D SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITI ONS OP APP ROVAL MUST BE STRTCTLY OBS ERVED.VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THT S PERMIT CITAT]ON UNDi R PROVTSIONS OF LANE COUNTY 'S TNFRACTTON ORD TNANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW WHEN READY F OR ON CAIL 687 -4060 MTNTMUM OF AT LEAS? 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR ]NS PEC- of inspection,when it wiil be ready, yo ur name and phone number, ave o1low ing informa tion read 5. A t :H#*:- "Ttlff*#;.ti!:!"rllu;"ii".::"j':;"1;: ili .*,r="uted and rorms erected and whe :1":: ]:.:onry rermea ,,t.u.,.ii"*iiua,,) i; ;; #=,J:;; _:l:i:";fii:::"i:"*':"::S.::i ;l;i,;r, vvrrelE Lc JJ-aD or Un6er-nr n^- r- rar> rleeo not be on the job.servEeoE-*.#ff#HIo#itr#:3;"":i.l: ffiS""iff:"lii:lii;llilil^Xlt.l;:*:":,:,,,iu,"nJsr v ruc equ:_pment,prace but before rny ror'rirr5-ii"i"i.,.ed or irJrr*"n*.r.nr.,n ir-,"t.ii6a]ri-ncruding rhe subf loor.;f#*-+ isT#:+#*, :t^ffi.:^,'-ff*#j.,'?,l:oTi.u:":,:;l#l;":":l; i",i.l,i1j.?:__r1:: brockins, andel-ectrical- ana plumbins are "i,piorJa. air-",.ri ir.rii.ion and ,.o"r-iI.i:::iii:"ll;rii3":""rt #=H/S.-ffo+:T#.Htr##*; 'ro be made arter arr.lathins and sypsum board, interiorand fasteneri aie-tap"a ".,a-ii;i;;;;.anv plastering is appriea-anE #;";" sypsun board joints 5' Final rnspecti-on: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancyAPPR.'AL RE'UTRED' No work shall be.9o'".g1 any part of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive i"=p".iio' withour'rii"i out.i,.,i.ni-il;":p;;"ra1-of il.,. uiriraing of ficial.:;"in:"::;:ii":iij* t: :ix::.::p;f*i";:;t#i.:ii;:";lj:j":ift,:!;:"rra. ., ;.;h-.;;;;Iii.,. =."oNorE: A11 building permits require inspections for the work authori-zed, such as but not limited to:A' B10ck wall: To be made after reinforcing is in prace, but before:r:':i.':::,::.'i:$:::,:;: ;il: ijai ii:: #j;j:ii; iii,"ir"i: #l.r:r'"i:,i.ff:u;.,frfi:n B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is;$;Iil n:**:ii:4":t:if Hi:;il::;$#:.yi!i,:t"";;:ii5ii'i".,.;.ir; ,;;;giii"a ,es,insc' Mobire Home: .An inspection is required after the mobile home is c<iilii'il,':X5';r:il;ff;:3:"::li:;!.;A;r..*"".J,'rr".xi"gl-;;";;";":3ff::irH,"lr:55il::u 1' ::::ffiH.:3uoi'Ei! ;:r;?::til.with state roundarion requirements ror mobire homes or as2' xiSii'-*:;.il:li-i:.1:i:"n floor elevarion shall be cerrified when required by a flood- 3' Mobire home tiedowns' when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec-;::".x:i::lril 'u""t 30 davs urtu' o..,r;";;;. riedown" ..,a-=r.irrins shall be-insralled D' swimminq Pool: Berow grade when steer is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool is installed- APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURfNG ,.RKING HoURs. THIS PERMTT W]LL EXPTRErF woRK DOES Nor BEG,N IvrrHrN raO DAvs, oR rF wonx ri susPENDED on aeaNDoI.rED FoR M.RE THAN r80 DAys.susPENSroN oR REVocArroN MAY occun-i'THrs PERMTT-wai rssuED oN rne sA;is oF TNC.M,LETE oR ERRoNEousINFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEED]NG PAST THE POTNT OT REQUIRED INSPECTfONS WTLL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. BUTLDTNG DTVISION: Y: permit numberand any special , . job address,drrections to REQUIRED - INSPE CTTONS : I SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DTSPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuanceUpon comple ting the construction for which a pernit has been issued the permit holder shallnotify the Lane County Department of pI anning and Communi ty Deve1 opment by submitting theinstallation rec ord form. The Depar tment shal_1 inspe ct the cons truction to determine if it 2 typesite s with the rules con tained in this divi s ion.If the construction doe comply with suchthe Departmdnt sha11 issue a certif,icate of sa tisfactory completion to the p ermiti holder. 3 I 2 complierules, If the,hold6r constructi on does notahd shall require saIneet the requ ir.enfents for salatibn of ORS 454,.605 tb 45<1, Setbacks comply .with -such ruJ,es,tisfactory cdmpletio.n . betlsfactory completion *i.745 and this ruIe. . shal I noti fy the permit'issui the (}ert ficate.- Failure tothin a rea able time the rore Department nst son .t constitutes a v10- gubsurface Sewage DiEpoiel From: Interior property linesEdge of road right-of_wayBuilding foundationWeIls, other water sources t.t Septic Tank 10 I 10 r Drainfield 10t 10r 10! 100 | 5t 50, C t4-25 Lane Countg 18-Jan-L990 KEPHART BUTLDERS OR OCCUPANT 2823 NORTH 2OTH STREET SPRTNGFIELD, OR 97477-1,765 SU&TECT: WOOD BT'RNTNG APPLTANCE PERMIT APPLTCATTON NO. BP L324-83 Your permit application for a wood burning appliance has expired. Eachpermit issued by the building otriciii, unaer the provisions of theBuilding code-(oregon state Mechanical speciarty-c5ae) sharl expire bylimitation and'bec5me nu1l and void ii trre work authorized by suchpermit is not conmenced within rao diy= from the date of such permi.t,or if the work authorized by such p"rilit is suspended or abandoned atany time after the work is commenced for a periba- oi reo days. Nopermit shalr be extended more than once. [sec. 303 (d) osMc] section 305(d) osMc states: rrrt shall rg thg duty of the person doingthe work authgriled^by a permit t" notiry the uuiraing official thatsuch work is ready foi inipection. r rn addition, section 303(c)_gguc, says: ,,The issuance.of a permit orapproval of plans, speciiications i"i-""*putations sharl not beconstrued to be a permit for,. or an approial ?f, i.rv-vioration of any;fri*r:IiI*:i""s 6r ftris-coae or or ili,"= ordinanc! or the Recentlyr dD agreement was made between !ane. county and the cities ofEugene and springfierd iesurting r""th; creation oi an ,urbanTransition Area'where irr" ""=pective city.codes apply as welr as thestate of oreoon guiLding-'doae-^si"""-tii cities and-Lane county utirizethe same stafe. ot oreg;i i""n.r,icar sp""i.rty code, the secti_onreferences risred .u"ri" -appil-il;ir'iIli.aicrions. rf your address is within a city urban Transition Area or within thecity rinits- you must make appricaiio, i". any anticipated permit:iti"lffrf;il U:,*ilii: ii,priu',"""ro' orhir ."[i,ity) with your you for vour cooperation. 1I f:y-have guestions or feet you needication' please -feel i;;; io catt rne a€ 687-4466. Thankclarif Roger McGuckinBuilding Official, Lane County LAND MANAGEMENT Dlv'/PUBLlc woRKS DEPr' / 12s EAST srH AVENUE / EUGENE, oHEGoN s74o1 l(sm) 6r-4061 t FAx #(.sos) 6r/€e47 lane courty PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT- ACT^ ,ITY INFORMATION SHEET 6llr -COMPLETE THIS SECTION.I NCOMP FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 1 b M BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvlae 6i PAFIeEL NUMBEFT ( REQUTREp rNF0RI4ATr0N) ( from or fr tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation om tax .s -24SECTION ta )t1 3 TO[^,I{SH IP RANGE OR ZONING milNS-HTP MNCF SEeT-ron m ZONING MENSF]P MNGE SEETIOn W ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY E RSHIP ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 3 5 UEST (state exactl y what yo n to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FoR STAFF USE 0NLY ** NUMBER DATE -{7a --l1-ZONE/LAND USE: BY: _ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ Uqb \ '/- ,/L TRS# FRONT SI Approved lDate DATE ISSUED: I NTERI OR Coriecti on Date N PERMI T ER Fi Q I SIDE REAR IT Inspector PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspector UNDERSLAB PLBG:/UNDERFLR PLBG. E INSPECTIOXApproved Date Correcti on Date I n spec tor SLAB INSP Approved CTION Da te Correcti on Date Inspector ROUGH Approv PLUMB]N6 OUT)-_IXSFE CTION ed Date Correc ti on Date Ins pector FRAMI INSPECTI ONApproved Date Correcti on Date I ns pector MECHANT CALApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspecto r I NSU LATIONT VAPOR B ARRI ER INSPECTI ONApprovedDateCorrecti on Date I nspector LATH 7 GYPSI.JM BOARD INSPETT IONApprovedDate Correcti on Date Inspector d I Approved Da te mection Date Correc ti on Date Inspector I nspector FI Ap proved INS PECTI BUI ING /MOB ILE !/AG trDa te Correcti onr Dat e I nspec tor M74-I97 D Insp.roved--.---Date Ins p. Approved Date t' LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD