HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-19.' RESIDE['*1,.L" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfi,eld' 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job lpeation: Ascessorc MaP #03 Stbditsision: 0,mer: lA)Phone: City: Descrtbe It'ork: ,,,dditicn SPFIINGFTELD fc,, f-at lt 0 00 /2/6?D. aa Value Iottt City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: To ^1 no^odot ddad^tol I6"ra3a e t- -?Date of APP Licaticn racto General Pl-urnb IC l.ec E r W Srt It is lhe fron the s*guilding FOR I you be nade the sone Ele ct.rician responsibi.Lity of tlte pentrit hold-et' 't"e'et. anC that the penrit ea"d 1's ;;;;:i"; ,p?rou'ed PLan shcll Yenain that aLL inaPeetiow ee nade at the front of the--PtoPerfu' Building Sitc at aLL tlmes' to see Loeated on the CALL 7 26-3769 (vceorder) state youn City designa_ted iob nwnber, iob aCdreas, tYPe be t,eady for inepcetion,Conttactors or 0lmers twne and phone nutnbcr,Requesto recetibd befcre 7:00 c:t dcg, requests ncde after 7:00 an vLLL be nnde the nctt 'aotking day. at the prope" time, that eceh cddtees ie reaiabie of inspee|icn 4,Dob .t b4 =71 SITE TNSPECTION:y' | etcauaticn, but - forms. - \N1ERSLAB PLUIfiBTNG, ELICTRT-.AL a I MECHnilIcAL: ?o be made belore anY -) 6fr7;-aDe,e& <) Foorrlc ,g F\INDATTIN: To .be nPce , )\l after trenches a?e erectatea ana 7 for*" are erected, but Prior to pourLng ecnerete. - uNDiRGPoultD PLUt'tDrNG! sgtPn' ,I Antlaectt r;-t;-;aae Prior to fil- - Tdi;;nehes. 71 unomercot t'rulnllz tl!,:m' ",| | ?o be made Pt'tor floor insulction or deeking' 1 Posr AND BEAt't: To be nade Prior to ) a;t"tmaof floor insulat'Lon or deeking. T Rluclt PLU'IBrIIG. =EriEcaMQAL e MECII,= anrclnicfr: no uo* ;s to bc cotered ffill-these inspectiots hatse bem nade and'aPProoed.. FI-D.*PLACE: PrLot to plaeir4 fccLng ffiAiA; and befote ftaning insPee- tion. batriers ee in P|.ace l.ath, gEPewn boatd ot is appl'Led, atd before is concealed. lo be nnde aftet prior tc set uP of rcquired oaPot' but befone anY rmLL cotering ay insulation WOODSIO'IE: .c,rpT;iA. After installation is DRYIIALL INSPECAION: TC bE IIAdE ;fte;AT-6ltraTi.s .in Plae e, but Prior to cnY taPLng' MASINRI: SteeL Loeation, bond ffi;q?outing or oerticals in Liio"Z&o" dith u.B'c' section 2415. cUffi e A?PR?41H AP.or)N: . afi?:,!1*' fr eicted but Prior to Pottr'1'ng concrete. ';i-ryWffi'",izi;',ln;f')in"'. tu be nade aften aLL etea' iLt:""a'""rrPtete & fott tntk & sub- base natet'Lal in Plaoe' ffi FRA|NG: Ituet be requested after I f l 6;.o"L of rough plutr'bing' .electni-* otl & neelanical. ALL roofing btaeittg I chinmeYs, e.tc' tntst be . eonoleTcd. llo tscrk is to be cot- ,.nilnd until this insPeetion has 'been nade anC aPProted' IENCE: l{hen conPlete '- tuouiCe ff* oo ioabti sections through 'P.u.8. -..--ALLw,ojecbcondi,tions,suehaethei.nstal.lationofa!?eet..+|eea-eo.zolotionofthe retpired. Landscqins,'"Ltzil,i,it-iz iitiitiil"l,irzi"iihL'auILDINb riiar 'o', be tequested' The Final Buitding rnspeetion nwet be rcqteoted alter the Final Plunbing M;:;h.;;,;;L liipi.tio"i 'haoc been nade atd-approoec' FfiIAL PLUIIBIIIC FTilAL I4E'IilNTCAL FTNAL ELEC?,?IC/IL FINAL BATLDTNC: Eleetrieal, anC Rce | ll oa lllt0 Date i-F /74/ T Sartitey ea,tet eapped at WoPerw- Line Septic tak V..oqed attn fi'Lted r'tith gra:tel Final - l{hen abcoe itene ee canpleted itd uhen datolition is catplete- o" strqc- ii" ^oved o'd. p*enrtaee eleaneC up' Hcnes Bloeking od. Set-trP Plwtbittg eonneetions '- *a'e? otd oatet Eleetrieat Cotection - Bloekitrg' sei-up, and olunbinq eonneetiona ntrst be a?P"owa ;; ;;r;- ;;;;, a tins eL ee lri e aL inaP e e t iott Aceeasotg tuitCittg ekirting, decks'pcrckes Leted. Final - After ete. oe conrP 'Ai,r, t.t,1,\,tll.,r.t::: AND cr,E/lll)u'rs ltt!.'T nE AC1H}STBL|, Ahttt!;T:lEill TO 3E IIADE AT ll0 CCS? T0 eruy Px,.l? 1 af Address: Ztooru:tn*" n_l JOB NO Zone: Iat 5q. Etg.LOT IYPE _ Interior _ Cotner _ Panlardle Cul-de-aac SeI of Lot Couerage_ # of Stortes Df House Access. Iotal tleight Iopogrqhy West -- Fees -- I?EM FTG x Va Building,Volue & Permif Ihis permLt is granted on the eaptess cond-ition ttlat the said.construction "i,iift', in a1.L r"espects, confgrn to the 1rdirwnce adopted 6y the ?itv 2fiWiiilftita,'iilliii"g' tie, ilni."g Crdinanc-e, nesulatilrs the ccnstmcticn-;d "L; of Luildi.ngs,- and may be- suspend,ed or rbuokeC at cny time upon uic- Tntion of any prcuisions of said 1t'dirnnces' Main TOTAL VALUE s. D. c.1.5 t Building Permit PLan Date Paid: Etate Receipt ll lotal cl@gea 03, +3 Signed: NEM No.DiD Plumbing Permit No person slwll construct, instal!,,- alter ot change-any ned.c" etisting plriili or d,atnage syetan in ahole or in part, unless such person is the i"jit p"ot""t"o, o7"o uLlid pl*nbro's Lic.ens-b, etcept that a P?"son nay !o^ptfittng uork to ptoperty ihi"h i" ornmed,,Leased or operated by the cppli- canl;. Ei.rtwes Resilenti.al (1 bath) Sani Seuet Plunbing Penrit State Electricql Permit Vlpye State La,t requires th.at the electt'ical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contiactot, the elietfical portion of thts permit stwll rot be ualiC until the label las been oigned by the Electtical contracto!' Total State * Nao,/Ezterd Citcuits Set uice FgE CIIARGE * Mechqnicol Permit Vent P@t Permtt, fseuotce Meclwnical Permtt -- EIICROACHMENT -- Secarttv Deposit Stonaae Maintenance Pernit Cwbcttt Sida'talk L Mobtle llone OL}^ ACCESS REQ.-L.CO G,I Bedroons: tot Facee - I ITAVE CAREEULLY EXAILINED the completed application fo-t perrnit' attd do ini"ui iirtl,fv it-t ott infomailbn he,eoi is true and correet, anc r fioiino iett'iiy that any ira ay, uo.tk penfotned alall be dote in accor- 'iinli"- A* ti.- Ondin no".s- of ih. City of bpt-Lngfield' .ard the La;s of the #.12'.r- i,rZ;,;;"-b;;i;;;iq- to tnn w;k ces*ib-ed herein, cnd iiut No occu- ptNcy LTLLL be ns.ce ,t"""i' ";7"Ziii' iiiti.ri oennisaion of the Buildins Di- uiston. r further ""ilil's" ii1"-;:i;;;;;::lttors a'd enplcvees uho ote in Z:;;i;;*; ,,i'ti'otas zoi"o"ss ui'Lt be- used on this proiect fotal, Signed ,IOTIL N'IOUNT DUE:.03,(3 , {' ,-a//*o f3' Ilalan Total Charqee NC. hnmeo- P:?U'S Exha/et Hood Hcodstote 4