HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-11-24e CON TRL}L'TIO PER T COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK NT PRINT. FCR OFFICI USH ONLY Applicati Permit # T Two Copics of Pl-ans !:'ro Copies of Piot Pfans Ilte chanical Chec]r]i st ! ll,rmbinq Chec]'^list Ietan Chec]: info Sheet TO'!{IJSHIPt7 RANGE c\3 SECTIOZ.,nd-io r"" "' lilJl')'ff'1-l\)*, LOT,/PARCELIL ,WU r<-t I ZIP I commercial I rndustrial !rur,tic 'Hr=identi ai USl] ()F PiiOPEP.TY C, irbD OFP WCB]( k ) ! 2foposeeffrxi s t ing ; -5f-seoRoor.ls % f OF STORIES I f av D1 8n COMPLETED Appi,lCATtON FOR PItRMTT, and do hcr0l,7 r'rl:ifl lhat all ifformatiorr hct,:lrr i.; Lrrrc and.()rr.:.t a'rd I furl: f-l -''",,. , ff,..rr---r, il Acr,.t(please p certify that any and a1l to the work described he 'r(i.rs of Lana Cotrlrty arrd thc 1,ri{!: of l-llrr Sf ir:e of !r.,i )Ir l./'ri lrli'lr', jth()ut the pernission of tl)u Bui.ldirIg Division. I furth{lr (, r'-ifi' thw1 ardtlr e tllaancordshabedone1n structureofthalandOCCUPANCYNOwi,be made anyre that reg istration uith th,^ Builder's Board is in ful1 force and effect as I IIAVE CAREITULLY and APPLICATION by ORS 701.055, that if ex.nlPl the basis fcr.x.'mlrti.rr is not''d 701.055 will bc used on this PrQjcct- I HAr/E RIIAD AllD (lliE('!:FIl TrlIswho are in compliance wlhereon, and that tr PLANNIN ZONING:Partition f_Parcel ;P rearCIlillmum Sctf,acks: L, frafiL CR],D COOR.DINATE N C L, sldc No tr\linterior fl ff,OOOpf,af U ! rn rlood hazard area?I ves, see attached sheet Coments: tr RAL ADDRESSING: SA}iITATION: Date: Date : Date:E lnsrallation Gal lon Lineal Feet of Drairrfield Use lnstaila.ion Record lssucd? f] v". f] u" Maximunr DePth of Trenches 0 Specifications: Coments f d PLANS EXAMINATION:,"o" 5\) o,oup W Coments : U-7 i' F> W CONSTRL'ICTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT VA t De ription Sq. Ft Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost TOTAL FEE FEES P TOTAL VALUATION S Date PEAMIT APPROV ED BY BUI r,oit'tc ogmcrer,,z 5 (r) I,ANEcoUNTYDEPARTMENToFPLLNNINGsiCoI'1!IUNITYDEVEIoP},1F]NT/I25EASTEIGHTIIAVENUE'EUGENE, SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Eees $ Building Eee $ Sewer/Storm Drain,/Water S I I Pf".fing Fixtures S Mechanical $ Plans Check Eee S State Surcharge $ $ By Check I casn nr:SfClrge (;er ORS 456 9,140L \\ INK Tll "' '+31-Tl ASRI 1.I 1w5u- SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAl.l. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GMN. Have the following informati'on ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it wil'l be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REqUIRED IIISPECTIONS 1) FOUNDATI0N INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation @ob.Whereconcretefromacentra.lmix.ingp.lant(commoniytermed.'tranSitmixed.')jstobeused,materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FL00R INSPECTIoN: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipmept., conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in piace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor 3)FRAMING & INSULATI0N INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place andall pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. A11wall insulation and vapor barrier are in p1ace, 4) LATH AND/0R qIISUM B0ARD INSPECTI0N: To be made after all lathi ng and gypsum board, 'interior and exterior, is in placeuorbeforegypsumboardjointsand-iastenersaretapedandf.inished 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step'in the construction as indicated by each of the inspec requ i red . NOTE: 411 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is'in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspect'ion is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. tl00D STOVE: To be made after compietion of masonrv (if 6pplicable) and when installation is comolete. Insta'llation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer' s instal lation instructions. C. I4OBILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobiIe home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. (l) Footings and p'iers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management Ietter,(3) t4obile home tiedowns, when requ'ired, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shal'l be installed per'enclosure. ti ons D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when poolis installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I,IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF l,lORK DOES NOT BEGIN IIIHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN'I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THISPERMIT LIAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,IILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE OiSpOsNr- syiTrms .- (t ) (?) Septic Tank Drainfield -T0'-From: Permitssha]]beeffectiveforone.yearfromthedateofi,i.,un... Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify theDepartment by submitting the installation recbrd form. The Departmerit shalt lnipeit the construction todetermine if it complies with the ru'les contained in this diviiion. If the.orsiruit.ion does comply vrithsuch rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the peqmit frothei. ii tneconstruction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall irotifV the permit notadr and shall requiresatisfactory.comp'letion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satiifactorycompletion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to qd|.lq,S and th.is rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Bui lding foundationl.Iells, other water sources l0' t0' 5' 50' l0' 10' r 00' lane county APPLICANT 6t!' - CHECKTIST PLUMBING IMECHANICAT PLTIMBING CONTRACTOR es Firm Address fJ ruo Es"rr MEGTANTcAT mNTRACToR W Yes Firm Address n No fl serr o1^m cont. osu# lqb 06 {...14*r cont. osn* /( f!-q OI 1Tm-1ng SS 1 or ffr PLTINtsING OFFICIAL USE ONLY App1i./ Permit #lf fO"t Type of Fixture Nutnber of Each Fee On Each Total Sink I t:+$ s.oo Lavatory s. 00 Tub (with or without shower)s. 00 Shower, separate 5.00t5. 00 5.00 Disposer I garbage grinder 5. 00 s. 00 -er 5.0( Floor Drain 5. 00 Sewer--1st 50ft.15.0 100 ft.10.00 Water Service--1st 100 ft.1s.00 each additional 100 ft.10. 00 Storm and Rain Drain--lst 100 ft.15.00 each additional 100 ft.10. 00 Special Waste Connection 5. 00 e ector 5. 00 1 1 10. 00 _ Other (specify) SLIB-TOTAI (Minimun $10. 00) TOTAL FEE MEGTANICAL Type of Equipment l.hrmber of Each Fee on Each Mechanical Permit Base Fee $ 10.00 Furnacq qp to 100,000 BTU/H ll Ep $ 6.00 Furnace over 100,000 BTU/H 7. 50 Clothes Dryer Vent /I EB 3. 00 Bathroom Ventilation Fan & Dlct Zrn 3. 00 Range Hood with lvbchanical Exhaust I 4.50 Wood Stove 6. 00 Air Conditioner Only 6. 00 Heat Punp ..'/ EA b. 0[) Floor Furnace 6.00 Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Out1et 50 0ther (specify) SUB-TOTAL TOTAL FEE 'urrnal ) ) Total lane ccunty .ANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN, ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^JILL BE REJECTED! e I EIUInN t pLhTZ brcrPucrroN co De urt r'i Ao lo,n PERSON MAKING REQUEST E RTY* iL3 Oa kwa thaL(3z 3z /l/. z o H^ L MAILING DRESS u 4l^O-W 97vo iut frul 0a E?v77 ITY 3 r/s .L/ ! v?d t3.2Lo3 7VZ-7/zz BUSINESS TELEPH0I{EI HOME TELEPHONE 7 BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 1Vz- 7 /z> ( IF DIFFERENT LI 3 rvlae B PAHeEL NIJMBEFT ( REQUTREp rNF0RI4ATr0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) 11:e 3__2v -v 2- O L/ / o o AOrMINSH'IP EANEE SMTMN ffi frTINtr- MINSF.IF NENGE SETTITI ffi ZON I NG TOINSEIP MNGE SMTMN TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: m ZON I NG ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N ('if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Zldd, y','0, /o hd W a 4 UA lOO t-tn l't l dlaba l..l.t { c ,.r--- 6 DiRECTIONS TO SiTE:?,d'DA ,hrr^ A a^ 20 g- ZONE/LAND USE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE {Fv1 -l BY:DATE:TIME I N:--- OUT:__ CTTY M b h LANE COUNTY I NSPECTION RECORD S H N L F K NT TS L S DE I NTER I OR REAR HOR E I DI REC IONS TO SITE TEA S PE NUMBER FOOT Appr oved NG / FOUNDATI ON INSPE CTION O R MOBI LE HOME SET UP INSPE CT IONCorrecti on Di sa pproved_Date I ns pector J ETE ER-INS Ap proved Correction_ Disapproved Date Inspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBTNG tl NDWORK IN SPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sa pproved Da te I nspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correction Disapproved Date I nspector FRAl'1I NG Approved INSPE ION Correcti on_Di sapproved D ate -3-2 - 83 Ins pector I NSULATI0N / /UAP Approved ,/ C OR BARRIER INSPECTION orrec t i on-_Di s approved_D ate a Insp ector-9 S App ved Correc t n Disapproved Date I nspector FI L L MBING PEC Approved Correction- Disapproved Date I nspector FINAL I^IASTE DiS PO SA SY TEML I N SPECTi 0 N Approved Correct'ion Disapproved Date Insp ector FIIAI lX-SPEfT]oN Approved y' Co BUI LDI NG rrect'ion - Di saPprovedI -DtfeF.e?*,?3tnspectorMOBILE HOME CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN CY TEMPORARY CERTIFICA E OF OCCUPANCY Approved--Correcti on Di sappr:oved Da I nspector Form C74-197 te /',/tlt ( LATH ? LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CGIFIFIECTICIN NGITICE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. TlJOB ADDRESS DATE TO NOTE BLDG. PERN/IT 2- css-73 FtE-lNsiFEcrtoN FtE..LrtFtEo Phone EiElT-4OEis' FoFl aPPFlovAL INSPECTOR Q,r,4,,--L :