HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-09-27u4-s/,(uYTr* Lane CountY Authortztttion for' SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW FOR OFTICE USE ONLY Applicati Permit # I\CWNSHIP L7 RAI,IGE 03 SECTION 24 42 Dour oF 3900 ?ROFOSED USE OF PROPERTY [)fl nesidential [l cc,rnnrercial n lndustrral f]n'.'uri"@carte)I,OTIPAP.(EL BLOCK STREET L-1':'Y ZIP oR 97477-1704 Y ON PROPERTY I St. Exi North to Yolanda East to N. 20th; north to site DESCRIPTIoN oF PRoPoSED vioRK - BE SPECIi-IC SEPTIC INSPECTI0N FoR LOAN REVIEI^l DECI,ARED S VALUE = OF BEDROOMS .) * OF STORIES 1 # OIl E},iPLOYEES 0 SUPPLY ProposedpublicExist OiTNERTS NAME AND ADDRESS Va1 Steward Wright 4833 J QrcYT Road Springfield, OR TELEPHONE NUMBER 746-708O CONTRACTOR S NAME AND OSR #TELEPHONE NWBER F-RTIIT To BE I{-AILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) Camobell Ccrrpany Realtors 15Og l{illarnette St., Eugene, OR 97401-4083 TELI]PHONE NU]4BER 484-2214 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE CO|,IPLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, ai,d (lo tr.rr.il). certif:, that all rnfotaation hereon is true and correct, and that f have the follouing legal interest in the property,f]or... of record; !..,r,,,..,.t p'rrchaseriffiauthorizetl agent. I f:rther certify that any &d all, work perfomed shall be done in qcuoldail(iq \,iLli tl:,j ordrrlances of Lane Couty and the Laws of the State of Oregon IErtaining to the work described herein, and that NO oCCUPANCY will be nade of 3n1 strrlctule without the pcmission of t}Ie Building Division. f fu!- ther cerEj.fy that regislration with the Builder's Board is in futl force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that. if exenpt the basis for exenPtion is noted hereon, &d that onLy subcontractors ild employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this Project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED T1IIS APPLICITION THOROUGITLY.a 9-zzJ/ DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'TAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt^l**NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED Date: rnstallation Record rssued? ! Y"" fl N" Date: COMI'IENTS: DaLe: CO},I}IENTS Use COIT\1ENTS I saurtetron: s. r. *B. P. * Parcel Size Specifications: _ Tank I pr,aunruc/zoNrNG interior rear Installation Gallon Lineal Eeet of I)rainfield l,laximun Depth of Trenches Minimu.n Setbacksr CL, fro.t cL, .ido- zone Partition # - Parcel * APPROVED BU LANE COUNTY IC r oRs ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION cL4-2s R* ! pr,ans EXAMINATIoN: TVpe_ crout,_ r SETB.\CKS AliD oT:l:R Ca::DITIo::S OF APPROT,/IL ilus? BE STRICT:,', O'ni:tt!,5D. \,toLATIo:.. a_A\ RaSULT IN REVO-C.:'lIo:i OF T:iIS f:lil}lI?, CIT;'Ilo:; Ull39a PjiovISIo:is oi L-i)..a .--rL::tr" j 1\FR;CTrc:j o: :::;.i:iC:j, n:jDloR oTIERRE}IEDIES ALLO'riED aY LAW. wllell RE.\DY aoR i)isl'r(lrIoN, qiLL 68i-.i0b5. .\ t1Itr-I:1uit oi i'r' L::\sT :.1 IloLRs .1Dr...',: J: lorrcll FoR rrusp:c-: lo: nli';:sls--:t:aT-iJ-l-Gir!);. :iaE ttre:cllowing in: rrrrr,"i ..iey, iernit niir b.rr, lob f,,:lcrFss, t./peof insPectron, when it wrII be ready, your namc and:loic run5er, anc art s:recjal jlrections to srte- BUlLDI}iG DI\JISIO}.: F.EQUl!.ED I ):SPECTIC:tS : I. Foundatioi) Il:!!g!l!l: To be made after trenches are excavated and formr, .-rected and when- aIInatericls ior tlre touncation are rlelrvercd on the r-ob- i;nere aoacretc:rcr a ceatral nixingplant (colmonLy t-ermed "transit mrxed") is to be uled, naterLals neec] no1 be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or- Under_aloor lr:lrrcgln, To be nade after aIl rn_s1ab or.under_floor buildings-Eiv-I-e e-iTipmmtl-icnturt, pipl;o-g aressorres, an(t other ancirlar)'equri)ment irems are inPlace but beiore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, -inr:turiing ttre suUftoor. 3. :=9I9 & lnsulation rnipeglions: To.be made after the roof, all franrinrr, frre blocking, andbrac:ng are rn !IJce aea a1l pipes, fireplaces, chimnevs, an.l vents are {:omplete and a1i roughelectrical and Plumbing are approved. A11 warr rnsuLaiion anc vaDor bar--rer are in place. 4. Lalh and/or C],psum Board Inscection: To be made ar-ter all lathing an.l q,psum board, ;nterroraiE-ex.i:gi6r, iE-TnlFace-Eit-EGTre any pLastering is apptied and beiorl: gypsum board jointsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. FinaI Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before )ccupancy. APPRoVAL REourRED. llo work shall be done on any-part of the builcing or strucLure beyond the poj.ntindicated in each successi"ve inspection wi-thout first obtrining the approval of the b;itding oifrcj.alsuch aDprovar sha1l be given cnry after an inspection shaLr have beer^irace of r.rch successi-.ie stepin the construction as indica+-ed by each of the inspecticns requireC. NoTE: A11 buj'lding permits require inspections for the uork authorized, such is but not l-imited to: A. Block l",laLl: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before:nv q.lyt is poured. ThisIiEFEcif6i is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approv:i untrl the plumbinqand electrical inspections have been nade and approved. B. t"Iood Stove: To be made after completion of masonrr, (if appLicable) an.i when installatj-on j.sc6rcletq fnstallatlon shall be i.n accordance Hit,1 an approvea, natronaliy recognized testingagency and the manufacturer's installation instructj"ons. C. l'lobile Home: An inspection is required after the nobile home is connecte.l to an approyedsEwEi-oi-Edptic system for setback requirenents, blocking, iooting conn€c11on, riedowns,skirLang, and plwbing connectj.ons. l. Footings and piers to compLy with state foundatlon requirements for mcbile homes or asrecomended by the manuf actur'er. 2. Mobile hohe minimum finj'sh floor elevation shalI be certi"fied when reluired by a fLood-plain management Ietter. 3. llobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installec. and ready fcr inspec-tion within aL least.30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirtrn._shalI be instalLedPer enclosure. D. *l:+lg,o?:Ii BeLow grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade,hen pool is installcC. APPROVED PLANS iIUST BE ON T!]E JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING 'JCRX]}:G IIOURS. T]I:S PER-I.IIT I4ILL EXPIREIF tt'ORK DoES NoT BEGIN WITHIN LBo DAYS, oR IF WoRK IS SUSPENDED oR ABANDoNED l:c,R ItoRE THAN Igo DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ilAY OCCUP, IF TuIS PER-IIIT I^IAS ISSUDD ON TIIE B.:\S15 OF ,).COMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFORMATION. ANYON.E PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REQUIRED INSPECT1ONS WILL DO SO A1, TIIElii L]ilN NISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATII,IE SII{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. Upon completing the construction for whj.ch a permit has been issued, thr permit holder shallnot.ify the Lane County Department of Planning and Comunity Development bi submitling theinstallation record form. The Department sh;11 inspect bhl consuruction io detcrni.e if:.tcomplies with the rules contained in this dj.visj.on. If the consLructioa does comFlly with such!u1es, Lhe Department shaLL issue a Lertificate,-of,satisfactory cmplction to Lhe p"rtniti holder.IFthec6nstruttfondDdshotcdltP1y'?*t}tsdehrijre6;-trieoepartnent'shaIl.ndlg:fy-tir:..talirrrt holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing thc ccrti!icate. Faj.Iure romeet the requirements for satisfactory completlon Hrthin a reasonable tine constitutes a vj.o-'-htiori of ORS -{54.605 to 454.-145 and this rule. :-i_!!ic!_: - Subsurfice S.wa.1c Drsposal Septic rank D-I!:ifl]31d L. I |- l'ron:I.tcri.or propert,/ lincs ECEe ot- road rlgirt-of-way Btrrlciinq foundation hells, other 6acer sources EI 10' 10' 50 | i.0 , r0 | 10, r00 | Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Pro,l)ert. ,-, fuAEEt House '1t U *:-^ t./EtBarn -12p{-0r,7 EGarage 1* / E lvloUle. Home tZI Shed ,AEPTIC INSTALLEDdy.. Water Distri#: No q-zz-& DATE zlP 7 /b - 7o8D/d- $ma lr q7ftl4 /,LJ48== nol ramt at Lrccn3a, I TE6E_- s ztP z4'Ll t/tll/tr.ttdt(t e LL L Soq I Please comPlete all lines ins'ide white boxes, it Possible. B/L- 4H ?zty'TF6tr_?t/o t c rt l'e Ca *, .t tr'AfJ Dlrectlons to sife t l, l-( 7-0 L{ d" 94fr- /49 frpmK E*, l' f-4s CourthouseA /o{ MAP. PARCEL NUMBEB (Found-on tar mrpt ln th. A.gcasmantf Turflon D!pL) t -t F, 2 / UZ ?_ jTrr' foffi-rnrp-- E's- S.rc-;- iffi ..........iFo- Fn'h-ip-- l"-il; s."-iffi- rEliii- ffi T6s-;ffi- EE- Giiif,- r7,rTc7ii6i- -fiFtii- ,ttu/SITE Q z{tIv ztP zy'a For Moblle Home Placement Only No. of 'lip-outs - No. ol Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size !'L ztP ZA 2IL 1n L1-U//- (n, v. I /, t/d- a r3 ?z,b MAIL PERMIT TO: Land Management Dlv. staff can not be held responslble for evaluatlons or rocommendations based on false, lnaccurate or lncomplete Inlormatlon CONIHAg I gN Tc * r-7 ts3 z{ 4z 03?do Acc** 2or ru(Zbro t-/ 20 g '\d' /'( ' L4 frr-l-r-q . O{L, -t(} \, & ( ( 2-o/ 't'tw