HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-10-15b ro'' toN srRU-#?V,tiAC E M ENr CO}IPLETE THIS BLOCK.PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. tr PLANNING,/ZONING:Zone ijartition n Parce I tr----Parce t Srze FOFI OFFICE USE ONLY ror,rNsHrP / 7 f,rwo Copies of Piot Plans f] laechan ical checklist f elrrmbrrq Chec]:1ist Applica Permi-t Two Copics of Plans Plan Check Info Sheet PROIOTEIT USL L)F II{OPER KResiaentiar [-lrndustrial 'flcommercial Iruntic S VALUE4 SUPPLY &r/ E&:::;:3#oF ry;'iFfl TELEPHOI{E itU}]!EK% that reqistration with the Builder,s Board.is in ful.I force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exenPt the basis for exemPtion is n,rt'rd hcreon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in corp.Iiance with oRs 701,055 will be used on Ehis Project. I HAVE READ AIID CIIECTJD THrs APPLICATION THOROUGTILY. DATEFEFmTRE ft",ta, . /,1 .l1l,Lt eru 'o " / x 1S co r r.l atnd and urf thcrtr'c rh 1nalI 10nformatPERMI'roR T andEXAMINEDYCOMPLETEDTHEAPPLICATIONCAREFULL ordthe Laneof and the of S L.rthe ofl:e LaL)re (r:)nCounty n.JworkaI1shformeda1donebeaccordancelntha!and pefyany wire thethout 10n o Buithe td v1Di ons1 fur l-heIINhereandNOtha t wi.1IOCCUPANCY made of rucSt pe mr ss 1 llgbetoworktheibedanydescr ffi1"' fl contr=c:c: ! eg=.,t c cI,lr:r imum Comment Installation speci fications Comments: L s ide z-f, fl f'frOOOpfrefN! rn flood hazard area? D *o f, v"=, see at'-a:i1ed sl,eer. fl nunar,ADDRESSING: cRlD cooB.DlNArE N tr SI,NITATION: s. r. # E Date: Date: Date: B. P. #rnstallation Record rssued? [ v.= [ H" Maximw Depth of Treriahes Date: Ga 1 Ion Tank Lf rlea.t .b eet of Drai;rfi-el-d Elpr,aus/EXAMINATION:,rr" 6k) e,oue-@-.Use CONSTRUCTION AUTHORTZED BY THIS PERMIT Coments: scr].Sq. Ft Pixed Fee,/ Unit .Cost Floodplain Fee surface lding Date: ter Fixtures s s ( + $ $ s $ $XO,6qAL FEE TOTAL VALUATION $ P ID PERMIT APPROVED BY IC (per ons 456.805(1 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, E C74-I94 SEE REVERSE sh \ , oREGON 97401 ^"'23 DI T I -------fr-6'- I SETBACKS AND oTHER'CoNDITIoNS 0F APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY 0BSERVED. VIOLATION CAN n-srJLT IN REVOCATIgN 0F THrS pERMIT,cITATIoN UNDER PROVISIONS 0F LANE C0UNTY'S INFRACTION oRDINANca, AND/OR Ortien nellrorls rulOwro By LAw.- I'IHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BEGIVEN. Have the following information ready:. Permit numberr-5ob addresi, trfi;i inspectlon, when it will be ready,your name and phone number, and any special-direct.ions to siiel BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS l) F0UNDAIIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundationare delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed ,'transit mixed,,j-it-to-6" r;;J;-- - materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNqRETE SIAP 0R UNDER-FLooR INSPICTI0I: To be made after al] in-slab or under-ftoor building serv.ice equipment,.oc-i11ary.equip,eniiiemsareinplacebutbeforeanyconcreteispoured or floor sheath'ing installed, including the su6floor. 3) FRAMING & INSULATIoN INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire btocking and bracing are.in place and;Ti--pipes@sand.ventsarecomp1eteanda.lIroughelectrica.landi.lumbingare"approved.A11 wal'l insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LIiTtl AND/0R GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after al1 lathing and gypsum board, interior and exter.ior, is in placeorbeforegypsumboard-jo.inisano"ilsienei-aretapedandfin.ished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building oifiiiat.--suctr approval shal'l be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each suttessive step in the c6nstruction as indicated by each of the inspectionsrequi red. N0TE: A1l building permits reguire inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection isrequired for.each.bond beam pour. There will be no approval until t6e-plumbing'and electrical iirspectionshave been made and approved. B. ld00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when insta'llation is comotete.Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu-facturer's'instal lation instruct'ions. C. I40BILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirtinb', and plumbing connecti ons. (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommendedby the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management Ietter.(3) l4ob'iie home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool 'i s instalIed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I.IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF h,ORK DOES NOT BEGIN I.IITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF l'lORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT }lAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANY0NE PRoCEEDING PAST THE P0INT 0F REQUIRED INSPECTI0NS WILL D0 50 AT HIS 0t'tN RISK .., : SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE 0ISPOSAL SYSTEMS (r ) (2) Permits shal l be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder shal'l notify the Department by submitting the insta'llation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply vrith such rules, the Depirtment sha'll'issue a certificate of satisfactory conpletion to the permit holhei. If the construction does not comp'ly with such rules,'the Department shal'l notify the perqit holder and shal'l requiregatisfactory completion.before issuing the'certificate. Fai,lure to m'eet thrlr requi'rements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes.A violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Set!3qksr. r l@sqrfase Jggff._9jipg.Sgl_ --T_.-_ From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Bui ldinq foundation l,lells, other water sources Septic Tank Drai nfi el d -T6T-'10' l0' 5' 50' t0' l0' 'I 00' Environmental Management ITY INFORMATION JHEET I ldne county ACTI-@COWLETE THIS SECTION, INCOWLETE TORMS WILL BE REJECTED: o PERSON REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER 2 tob -SNAO I l'\avb{ ^) 3(])h MAILING ADDiTNSS MAILING ADDRESS (A re q-t411 t CITY STATE ZIP CODE CI STATE ZIP CODE -4b- 3 q )? BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER HOIvIE TELEPHONE NUMBER HOME TELEPHOIJE NUMBER @ tax MAp,/pROpERTy DESCRIpTION NUMBER (from tax maps in Department of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement): lrap&ParcerNumber, )1 03 ?t {' raxLot(s): Township nange Section I O,rt of TL Tax Map & Parcel Number of Adjoining Property in Same ownership 3 +6o If,By Partition +-- tax Lot(s): Tor"shfp R*ge Secti"n ! uone l--l unkt'own @ SueorVrSroN (if aPplj-cable):BLOCK LOT: @ ngQUgSf (briefly describe information needed):€ @ rotar, coNTrcuous PRoPERTY .rN SAME oWNERSHTP: @ enoreRrv ADDRESS 5n v.r,€ acres O pnnssNt usE oF PRoPERTY:n t CLL @ NuMern oF STRUCTURES oN PRoPERTY: standard home X Modular home RV in use as residence- Garage X shoP- Mobile home- Storage-.- Barn J11 I r-) @ eccnss TO PRoPERTY: Public Road Name Private Road Name Road Easement #of wialth Users @ orsen EASEMENTS ovER PRoPERTY: @ wetnn DrsrRrcr:Rni n\r^tr)@ rrna DrsrRrcr: @ euuortlc PERMrrs oN PRoPERTY: COMPLETE THI CONSTRUCTION S SECTION FOR APPLICATIONS LAND USE, OR PROPOSALS SEE *NOTE BELOW.**FOR STATF USE ONLY** NUMBER: DATE:E Fl F U) FltrtlTIME INITIATED: CI1ECKED BY: ATTACHED EXHIBITS: flerot plans (2) ! constr. Plans (2) I sit. rt.., fl copy of rax MaP f oth"t SCREEN ING VERIFICATION: By: Date: Time In: Out z -I accept f] neiect Routed to *NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF ier-uep ; sHCl{ EXTSTTN'i STF.UCTURNS AND TAii LOTS IN YOUR Oh'}.IERST]IP. OB- TAIN TAX MAP IN SELI HELP AR-EA OF A & 1..9/81 REV (OVER) Cnrr-tV N rN1',\6cA) BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER NIP \.\A it t: irr <pr b +i ^l C" t- <id," COMPIJTE TIIIS SECTION FOR LANT^'SE OR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION9--**FOR STAFF USE i r,Y tr @ enorosrD usE or PRoIERTY rN DETATL esidenticr-Lr By: Date: Time In:-- Out @ aurr.orNG REoUESTS: Contractor I s #Se. L€(for mobile home setup also) ft accept I neject I etanning Application I Construction permit App I lnformation only Zoning: SANITATTON: By: Date: Time In:Out: I accept f] neject fl Constr. permit Issue fl si.te Evaluation rssue PERMTT ISSUED (SAME DAY oNLY): Permit # By: Date: 'l'1me -tn Out Directions to Site:h/4 -n { 04-.rL Z_ IL, l\4-, rL 4L/L .€AuJ Comp. Plan Designation:n- Check the type of reguested: DweIling:I uew I aaaition I ltodular uome flnv I neplacement I additional; fl alteration; ! uoUite Home - Model year_ I Standard Construction ; Ief.r, Check only {"4"-fr* L(...-- u;44*l [-l Commercial: Use Iagricultural: Use fl otr,.r": use Floor Area I cf,u.,gu of, use - How? @ uur.rean oF BEDR..MT ,'- i NUMBER oF sroRrES @ salrrarroN REouESrr, i I A f, Slte evaluation for SoS feasibili.ty f, new system installation ! nepair/replacement f] alterat ion,/re location IHoot to existing ADDITf ONAL INFORIT4ATTON : ZONE/LAND USE: --qEq .ANcELLATIoN/REFUND AUTHoRTzATT- pERMrr # ^?/7/- f/ NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS /s- APPLI CANT N owrlrn ( ) REASON FOR CANCELLING PERMIT RACTOR S I GNATURE DATE r/ FEES PAID FOR WASTE DiSPOSAL SYSTEMS (SiTE INSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND onntilrtit-ol-nnr oRDINARIT-y uonnrruNDABLE. soME REFUND MAY BE 0N THE BUILDING AND pLUMglNe pORTioNS RICOnOtne T0 THE AMoUNT 0F THE PERMIT PRoCESSED. AUTHORIZATION FOR POS SIBLE RIFUND:% BUILDING PERMIT TTT $ x % MOBILE HOME FEE $ PLUMBING PERMIT TTT $ % PLAN CHECK FEE $ % STATE SURCHARGE TTT $ % SEPTIC DISPOSAI TTT $ % SITE INSPECTION FEE MINUS $25.00 FOR PROCESSING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED p 4l $ $ $ f D S I GNATURE : DEPAR FI BUILDING PERMIT REFUND $ STATE SURCHARGE REFUND $ SEPTIC DISPOSAL REFUND $ SITE INSPECTION REFUND $ TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ PLEASE l,1A 0 NAME DATE 24-08:74/ACCT 42120/PROG OVl Receipt # 24-OB:f4/ACCT 42124IPR0G 0,/l Receipt # ?4-08-14/ACCT 42133/PROG 0{3 Receipt # 24-aB-74/ACCT 42134/PR0G 0q, Rece'ipt # E 7 DEPARTMENT OF ENVi C,OURTHOUSE/ PUBLI I 25 EAST BTH AVENUE C SERVICE BUILD , EUGENE, OREGO ING N9 NT 740i ADDRESS YABL )