HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-12-19APPLICATION/ PERI4IT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diui,sion 7 26-37 53 .' RESIDF.[*IAL..SPFIINGFIELD T// tij / )?)b \\r\d{ )p YV Date Plione DEI.IOT,ITIA!! OR :,:OVI:, BU.ILDIiICS {;enitl)),tJ seL1.t1 '}ap?e(i ct properti. Lite Septic tank p;t:scrl arui filled uith gra';ei linaL - lt'hen abcue itens ate ccnpLeted and uhen Cettcl.-tion is conplete or stru:- ture moued ani prenises cleanei up. l'1ob'i.Hcnes Blocking and. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)e? ard uater Electticcl Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u: and plwnbing connections tn;st be apprc"^e.i befotc requestirtg elee'-rical inspeclio:: Aecescor:y BuiLC:.ng Final - After pct:ckes, skirting, decks, etc. ate compleled. P.:,.:e 1 o!':: Job Locaticn: Assessorc uap # lr/ Subdiuision: Oxmer: o Address: City: b -lq-26 o 6so Ia.r Int ll 7//Plionc Describe lt'ork:t-t Ned Addttian RenoCeL kjaod-n4i M , W /,,n- (z ValueDate of General Plunbi 14echariceL Cons!rueligr1_-Le n4el IL is the responsibilitg oi the permit hotder to see that aLL inspections ate nade at. the p?oper ti-ne, that ecch address is teadab'-e from the etreet, and. that the permit catd is Loeated at the front of the propet,ty.t9uiT.ding Diuiciot approo*ed plan sfu:Ll remain on the Building Si.ie at atl tines. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECU1N R\QUESTTCALLT26-3769(reeorder) state your City Cesignated job nwtber, job aCitess, type of inspec:icti requested and.iie-n llou uiLL be ready fon inspection, Contractara orl a,ners rnne cnd phone nunber. Pequests receiued befcz'e 7:C0 c:i ;-iLL be nade the sane dcy, requests made aftet, ?:0a on aiLL be made the ncst:,torkinj- da:t ?Cc?b 7 SITE INSPECTION, ercauation, but To be nade after prior tc set up of forns. UNDT:NSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & MECHIIIICAL: To be made befone any uork is eooet,ed, FCO?ING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmCe ait ei t"en;E;;- d";;icauated and forns a.re erected, but prior to pouring ccnerete. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAI, FINAL ELECTRICAL Iour City Desigtated Job Nwnbar fs: TNSUT,ATION /VAPOR rr.4RRrER IUSPnlll0N To be made after all insulaticn atd required uapor L:rtrriers are in place but l;efore auu LaLh, llllpslon boarC or txtll couering is applied, and before ony insulatiott is concealed. DRYI,IALL INSPICTI1N: Ic be made n1te"-il1-fiy,,tatt-;s in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel Locatton, bond 6ifrilgrouttng or uerticals in accordance uvLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: cc,npGt€A. After installation is /)- e'I UNDERGROUI]D PLUMBINC, SIWR. II.4TER, DRAIIIAQE: To be made prior to fil- T@-iFinches. l'1 unomrr,ooR pLUtETNG & IIECIIANtcAL:ttof floor insulation or decking. ---l eogr AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to ) l;;t"tml"" of floor insul)tion ot, decking. -.1 ROLIGH PLUIIB|IIG. ELECTNICAL & I|ECH- I - until these inspecLiors haue been nnde and aooroued-. 1 rrnepuczi prton to plccirq faeing| ,Gterldls and before'franing inspeZ- tion. -1 rnallltc: Wet be requested aften ) "ppr"rr"L of rough pl)^bing, eiectri- cal 8 mechanical. AL! roofing braeing & chitrmeys, etc. rrust be cotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until thia inspection has''been nade anC approoed. II :l :l CURB & A?PRCACH AP|IQN: After fotms al,e erectA-5utV;Z;; to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRI||EWAY: For aLL ean- crete palriltg iltiLi stz,eet night- of-t:ag, Lo be maCe after aLL etca- oating conplet;e & forn uork & sub- base material in plnce. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates or mottable sections through P, A.E. ALL project conditions, suc!';, as bhe i.nstallation of s'-reet trees, :cnt:Le'"ion.of Lhe required Landsecpi.ng, ete., m)st be satisfied before the BUILDINC FI\IAL can be requested. IINAL BUILI)INC: The linal Building Insp,ectiort nust be requesteC aiter tl"ic lincl Plunbing Electrical, anC Mechaniccl Inspeetions haue been nade and approoci. *AT,T, ILANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTj: I.IIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI\INI TO BE i.iIiIE !.T T]O i-.15T TO CITY CU Z Lot Sq. FtE. 1 cf Lct Ccueraqe I of Stoties Total Height TopograPhY LCT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac uaxeT[az Excminer 1 I HAVE CAREFU;,LY LXAM1NED the completed appltcation fo-r'perTnit' and do ;";:;;; .)i'itfi-in"t att";r'lonntibn het'eoi is ttue and cotrect' cnd r 'i1'rtnZr- "'rrtifli that "y ":i aLL u-ot:k perforned slnll be done in accot'- dance ,"rLth the or,tinai'i'n"- o7 lhn City of -Springfield, .and the La:';s of the ;;;;"";7';r|i'n- p""trii.,l-i,s-'to'tin 'o"rt< aes*itbd het'ein' cnd t'nt N0 occu- pANCy DitL be made of iia" "t""Li)rle uithort permission of the Building Di.- oision. I furthcr certif'g that only con-tractot's and enplcyees t'\"'o are in Z*,pl.li".L'rl.tn ons ?u.b;s aiLL be used on this proiect l/.L JOB NO.SOLAR A/'CESS REQ'- Zone: :#(,L-CO Bedrooms Lot Faces ' Ileat Aacess.L I!ouse t t--d -- ValuexFTG TOTAL VALUE s.D.C. 1.5 x Date Paid Sigted Building Volue & Permit This petrnt is gnanted on the erpress condition tlwt the said'consttaction slwll, in alt nespccts,"';";i;;i"- tle. ctdi'ntnce adoptec 6v the citv of sy,ingfietd, including' ti|'':ui":"g a'dinanc-e' r'egulcL't.rtg thb ccn's-Lruct^?-t:.r^ antl use of buitJLngs,'";;';-*;, be" susp-ended or reuokeC at ct:y t't'ne upon u'tc- liiti" .f any prcutr)sions of said 1tdinances' Buildi-ng Pet'nrLt Total Clwges State I LLNO Fi.sttses Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Perrnit No Del.eon slnll constluct, install.,' alter or clnnge.GnU ne].cr eristtng 'JirIrZ'tlZ""".2i"r"",i""ry"tL"-;;-;ioi" or in pa*t, "unlesi such penson is the -Lesal possessot, of ";!rii;"pL;;if,1i rt.nnu'n'- ni"npt that a fetso! na's do pLwnbing aork to pr.p"iii*,,{ni;;"1'";;;e, inl"nd o't, operated by the appli- cant * Plunbing Pernit State Surcl""arqe Neu/Estend Cireuits Seruice Electrico I Permi t hthet,eStatekrarequit'estlwttheelectt'i-caluov'kbadoneby'anElectv'ical contractor, the eleetrTZ't'|Znt'io",of this-peinit slnll not be ualiC until ;h;,;1;L;1 'ho" been signed av ttte Electrical contractot" TotaL CIIARCEr JL Es.ha.Lst HooC Vent Fsn llcodstope ,75 5.1 *t\v * Mecho nicol Permit Pet'nrLt fssuenee MechnnicaL Pernrtt ENCROACI]TIENT -. Set:"tri Main Permit Curbc:ut Sideualk Mobile Hcme rOTAL AMOUNT PUE: *ls,25 Date ,5" * #: Reee")pt # lt// LI 6 F-zx 4>>il l, I Date: GenetaL Consjruction_Iendg!_ L - APPLrCA1,0N/PERMrr 225 North |th Stz,eet SprLngfield, )t,egon 7Z4ZZ BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RES!trtrNT|AL..SPFIINGFTELD- J0 r,Y,Iob Loeaticn:o Q03 L/Assessote Map #Taz lot #0 Subditsision: A,mer,: Addtess:2o za 0rt/ city: l,laril.*ry- /1' Describe llotk: Date of Value bL Addition Page 1 of 2 It io the tespottoibility o! tlte permit holdenf.y|_tle atreet, and tltat 7nn pinnt .ord, iu*Building D.Juiciot approxed pkn shc.tLlininn ' to eee that aLL insoections oe nade at the prope? tin€, that each ad4ress is teaCabi.eLocated at the fzani of the orooertuon tVe Building Site at aLL'tiines.- PI?OCIDU PE. FOR. INSPECTIOI| R!1UE S?..CALL 7, "equested a-nd ahen gou uiLL be ready forIL-LLL be nade the sane dag, z,eqtests mcde inspection, Contz,actcz,s A,tters ncnte cnd piune the nett ,eorki$ day. job aCi;:ress, type Requests receited of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 an W* .tnrk ie cooet,ed. FO2TINC 1 FOUNDATICIi|: Io be rmCealte" trenches are etcauated and forns are erected, but prior topour-ing ccncrete. WR,WA?ER.WI\|AGE: To be made p?i;i-t;TT-Lirg trenchee. uilplpFLoo! pLU.l.E rNG e MEC\\ANTCAL :Jo be made p"1,o? to installation offloor insuT,ation or decking. P_OST LN-D- ?EAM: ?o be nade priot, toinstallaticn of floot, insulation otdecking. ROI-IGH PLU,EI]IG. ELECTRTCAL 8 T,IECH- ANTGAL: uo uoik-Zi to-6e-ioteiiZ-wttil these inspec".ions Lnue been mad.e and. approueC. PTPEPL-ACE: PrLor to plceirq fccingnaterials and. before fronirfi Zr"pnl- x1,On. FRAI.IIIIC: ttust be requested aftetapprooal of rough plwr.bing, eiectri_caL & mechanieal. ALL z,oofittgbracittg &- ehinmeys, etc. nast- beeompLeted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspection has'been nade anC approtseZ. requlted uapor buriers are in pTaeebut before otg La.th, Wpsun bcayC orw.LL couering is applied, and. beforeoty irtsulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECI!)N: ?c be madeaftet, aLL &yuall is in plaee, but prior to anA tapirt4. I'IASONR!: Steel location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in aceoydorce Ltith a.B.C. Section 24L5. EITE INSPECTION; eteauation, but fotme. ?TNAL PLUMBTNG FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?o be nade after pt-iot, tc set up of aftet, 7:00 an trLLL be nade You? CitA Desigra,ted Job Nwnber fs: ?o be aLL 26-376 9 (tecordey) state WOODSTOVE: ecmpTetA. yout, Citg desigrnted job nunber, number. After instalLation is 8{0q6 Final - hOten abcue itens ote ccrnpleted. and uhen Cqnclition is cornplete br sttuc-tuye maued and. pt,ami,ses cleaneC up. 0R :.10Wi Sartitary seaer eapped at p?op€yLr- Lire Septic tonk purtped and. filLed uith grateL CURB & A?PRCACI] AP.DAN:me erecteC but ption conc?ete. ?ENCE: ta4ten conplete -- prouiCe Mobtle Hcnei Blocking otd Set-up Plttnbing connections -- sefute? od. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up an^d. plunbing connections mtst b-e a-ppocr;Zdbefore requesting electrieal inspeetion Aeeessor,r. Building Fital - After pcrches, skirting, deck"s,ete. ate completed. After formsto pouz,ing SfDEWALK & DRf\ryWAy: Fo? aLL con- cz,_ete paoing uithin street ?ight- of-DaA, to be naCe after aLL bcca-oating complete & forn uoz,k & sub- base mateyial in place. mottable sections tltt ough / ,41," ALL g'oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of st?eet tt,ees, conoletion of therequired Landscaping' etc. ' tmtst be satisfied before the BUrL;iiG FIIIyL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Pi.naL Building. Inspection mtst be requested after the Final plutnbingElectrical, and MecLnnical Inspectlons'ttaue be.n naie- ir.d- ipp"oind. l- *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI IO BE ;L4DE tl.T NO COST fO CI?y & a rl r SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO * BeCroons Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis perrntt is granted on the erp?ess eond.ition tlnt the sciid-eonstntction slnll, in all respects, conform to the 1rdinanee adopted bg the City of Springfield, inc'Luding the Zoning h,dinance, regulctirtg the ccnstracticn and. use of buiLdings, cnd mey be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said )rdirnnees. Iled.t Building PermLt State ?otal Clnrges Plunbing Pemit State Sutch,an ge # Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll constntet, instal'!., aLter or elnn4e anA tned cr eristing plwnbing oz, dtainage srysta"n in uhole or in part, unless such pez,son is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber,'s Li,cense, eseept that a pe"son nag do plunbing uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or. operated by the appli.- eant. PLan Eaaniner f HAW CABEFULLy EXAilfNED tlte conpleted application for pemnit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infornation hey,eon is true attd coz,rect, aruC f futtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perforned sVnLL be done in accot- dance rrith the otdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Laus of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the aork Cesbribbd herein, end. tVnt NO )CCA- PLNCy trill be rnad.e of any structure uithout permission of the Buitding Di-oision. I futther certify that only cont"actoys and enplcgees who arb in eonpliance dith oRS 707.7ss aiLL be used on this project Qr JOB NO Aceess.Df House Lot Faces - % cf Lct Coo*aga_ # of Stortes LOT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panlund.Le Cvl-de-sac ValueFTGx Lot Sq. Ftg. Total Height Iopognqhy lbin C@aqe CarDort Accessotu TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 o - CEARGENO.FEE Fictutes Resil.enti-a.L (1 bath) SdnitarE SeDer llater Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires that the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contraetor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Eleetuical Contvactor. FEE Neu/Ectend Circuits Iqnpcz,@A Seroiee State ?otal .oo 41 FIF CI]A.R,CE C * Mechqnicol Permit bhanet HooC Vent Edt PetmLt fssuance MeclnniceL Per,nrtt Seew"Ltg Depoait Sto?age Mai4ternntce Pentrit Cvtbcut Sida,talk Pence Electrical Label Mobile Horne TO?AL AMOUN? DUE: */s oo Date (4( h.onace PTU'S Total Charqes *