HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-236l!' - Lane corrnty Aut n"rr/Jfr"*lvf : FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applica Permit # Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of PIot plans Mech/Plumbing Checklis t Legal Interest Document !efu" Check Info Sheet t7 RANGE 03 OF LOT I,CCATION ADDRESS2570 S CITY ztP PROPqEED USE OF PROPERTY (neside-ntiat ! II ndus trialON Commercial Pub I ic t )ES 'oF - BE SPECIFIC 10 VALUE OF I sed IS NAME isting M 4ePY988t J,,.:. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do hereby hereon is true and correct, and that I the followinq legal interest. in the property:tr owner of record; I contract with evidence of authority attached lI f:rther certify that any and aII work perfomed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane Cow ty and the Laws of the St.ate of OregonPertaining to the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY will be made of ily structure without the pemission of the BuiLding Division. f fur-ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is j.n full force and effect as requj-red by oRs 701.055, that j.f exempt the bas.is for exempti onis noted hereon, and'that only subcontractors ad enployees who are J-n conpliance with ORS 7Ol.O55 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECXXD THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY z- L>-7> SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY ff pr,axnruc,zzoNrNG: zone Ilinimm Setbacksr CL, frort YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON T}IE FOLLOWING CONDIT]ONS: N(A .Palti-tion #Parcel #Parcel Size c", "ia"interior rear COIL\IENTS: FLOODPLAIN:In flood hazard. at."r [-l uo [_l YCs, SEE ATTACHED SHEET.Date: ! sanrterrou, s. r. f B. P. #Installation Record Issued? f V.= f] n" Installation Specifications : ca1lon Tank Linea1 Feet of Drainfield Maximw Depth of Trenches COM}IENTS: Date: PLANS EXAMINATION ryPe g.Group.Tb Use COM}IENTS: uate : TOTAL VALUATION $CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT t{,, i- d Description 'ornnno, Sq. Ft. Pixed Fee,/ Unit Cost Ploodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Eee $ l.1echlPlmbg Fee $ Pr ans Check Pee $ State Surcharge $ DEQ Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE SS m=er -Tla5-__T-ATW tbbiTD r 9740L tu*& PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFT'ICIAL,/DESIGNEE oRS 456 I.ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTU AVENUE, EUGENE, SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION DATE Iteue lprLlse prinil thatcertify infomation agent tr D t4@tulo AppLrcANr HxrEL cnNsoL,h8fEo?oHilil 'EHil*uHLHtil"uliffiIo'[urE**lodHE**fio" 0??383 Tt-+ t 703?44?0?743 ,SUITDIV LoT BLt(NEIJ ttL-Dc rYl-'E usE lt BDF(H,s 0 uN.t:T,t 00{ s'r0RrEs i *ErLDGs 00i FHoNE 4t}4 gsBB 0IJNER NHE l{AyHS, DfiNeLD ADDH ::5'70 N. ?o'rH, sFt D. CIFEG0N , ??4-t7CODE APF,L. NO ACT I I]N DE.SCR I F'T I ON SII T" T LJN I CfiST VAL.LJAT I ON I. EE DAYiBF FIF:H DAHAGEBF, ftEI.'AIR 15OOO SF Bt.''BP BF} F'I. t'lECl.l ,SUE rICK CATG: AF'F' SEQU: 0'TAKEN try CAD I-C ?4483 RAL NCI " FIXTIJRES: I 5000 15.0S HACH - 4y, t. ci .t 0Tr-r I ss 2 T0'f AL F EEr+x 110"50 4.4;: 71.83 FF SDS SI NO. CONNECTOR.T : T{ECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE F.LAN CHECK FHE F'CK 1 \f7 RA EST. COi..IF'I-ETIC}N DA'TE I 86 "'r5 CK JL /7A3-2442; *2743 1*; S ACK RE FR()NT CTIO TO TS SIDE LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD NTERi OR REAR (: L L RESS NG / FOUNDATI NSPECT ION EH Approved Correcti on D'isaPProved-Date I nspector S P IN ONE CONCRETE SLAB / UN NEN-TIOOR INSPECTIO N Approved Correction- Disapproved Date I nspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBIN Approved Corre G GROUNDWORK I ct'ion Di sa NSPECTI ON pproved__lDa te I nspector ROUGtr PI-UNAING IN Approved Co SPECT ION "..ition oisa)froved Date I nsp ector FRAMI Approved Correcti on Di s Da te 3-?91-insPer,o2 IN Approved Correcti on Di saP t/Nproved Date 3 -?-89 I ns pector LATH / GYPSUM BOARD I NSPECT I ON Approved rrect'ion Di sa pproved Date I nspec tor FINAL PLUMBIN? INSPEC Approved ,/ Correc TIONt'ion- D'isaPProved- Date I nspecto TTIINI- I^IASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPE ION Approved C orrection Di saPProved Date Inspe ctor I SPE BUILDIN Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Date L E I nspecto CTNTITICATE OF OCCUPANC Approved_--_-Correcti on Di sapprove TEMPORARY CERT IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY d Date I ns pec tor Forn C74-L97 ! uoISldsNl tld fir 99C|?-'ZE|9 euoqd sNl-3tl(]3ElnEl ez-99C Lt<.% J3 a z :-Llt/\uld 9c-r8 ]-LVC l10N o1 SS]UCCV 8Of 3CtlcrN Notrcsttt Clc J-N:lr\l39VNVm tVIN:tnNOUtnNll JO .J_dtO NO93UO ',AJ_NnO3lNV-l; \!- %< 'nrc NoU_33dSNta sJ_tnE3d NOtl-Cnul-sNoc Donald lbyes 2 57 0 llorrh 20 SEreeE, ESTIMATE SHEL-I Spriqgfteld, Oregon RFtrTACEMEIIIT OF FIRE DAMrcE & REPAIR Qty DESCRIPTION t"bterial labor Subcont.Total GARAGE ?Lt -6'tx27r -8rr Is Remorrc all rnaterlaLs & Eqtriprent fron C,arage SardSeal ard Paint concrete floor Sand, Seal ard paing PIasEer t'lalls Sard, Seal rafters, beams & sheathing Sed, Seal ard Paint rootk berrches & Shelves Replace 2 x 4 sEud flrewall 16'r GC I{-2 x 4, Argle brractng ard R-9 mln. Insulattqr plaster, laEh garage side orily Fkeplace chinrrey, inspect for stnrctur:a1 cracks, heat dannged rnorEar joints Clean 6qx 3P wirdcnr & frane Replace garage door glass Renrove clean & reinstall garage door glass Sard, Seal & Paint garage door 16Qx 70 Clean & replace garage door hanJr^,are $ard, Seal & paint 28 x 68 Replace 28 x 58 door glass 595Sr 712SF Is I.S ts tea. 1ea. 3ea. 1ea. Is 1ea. 1ea. KITCHE-I & BREAKFAST L9' - 7" x 10' LS 164SF 196SF 68LF 48OSF Is Is 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. Repldc'e virryl floor cover Replace ttt particle boar.d UL Replace 2'r r+oodbase Replace plastrer; "Iathwall s Replace upper & # Replace ccuntertoP Formica Replace dlstnpasher ( sanre) Replace Stove (sane) Replace portelain sink & chrone flxtures Replace stove hood Replace @x # snnll glass paElo door 1 IJSIIMATII SHETT Donald lLayes 2 57 O NorEh 20 SEreeE, Sprtngfteld, Oregcn REPTACEMEX\IT OF FIRE D{IVIAGE & RTPAI.R 2 Qty DESCRIBTION I'{aterlal Labor Subconf . ToEal 1ea 1ea. 196SF Zea., LS 480SP 196SF Replace cuntalns ilrdia & decorator brass rod Replace r*all thernpstaE Replace plaster & lath celllrg Replace celllng light fixtures Replace kitchen soffit Seal & PalnE walls Seal & paint. ceilirg Replace t" particle board Lll- Replace caryet wlfoun nrbber pad Replace wood base Replage plaster, lath walls @Fbdtilemantel.# Replace 8t x 5r wirdCI^r, arrJ wmd trim Replace 3t x 6t 8tt, solid core frqrt dmr (hardrmre) Replace 3' x 61 8" screen dmr Replace 2x4 stld wall, 16r'o-C, w/n-g minim.m lnsulation Replace 4x10 Wl-ndow header Replace hung ceiling light fixture Replace plaster, lath ceiling Seal, patnt walls Seal, painE ceiling Replace t" partlcle boarrC LIL Replace carp€t wffoam n:bber pad Replace wood base LWIIS Rm{ 18r - 8rr x 15' 4", Origin of fire 286SF 286SF 68r,r 4OOSF I.s 1ea. 1ea. 2865r 400sr 2865r 1ea 1ea 1ea 1ea Is }IALL 70 70sF 70sr 25LF Dorratd ti,ayes 257A NorEh 20 ESTIMATE SHIET SEreet, Sprlrgfield, Oregon REPIACEME}IT OF FIRE DAI"IAGE & REPAIR 3 Qtry DESC8.IPTIN t"laterial Labor Srbccrnt Total 1ea 140Sr 2ea. lea. 1ea, TOSF 1ea. 140SF TOSF Beplace h:llE-in cabiret w/3 tpper strelves & doors, ard 8 l<mer drarrers tn all r^nod trim Replace plaster, laEh walls Replace 18'r x 6t 8tr closeE doors, har:dware & trim, jamb Replace 2' 6"x 2r Wood franed wall mtrror Replace door beIl Replace plaster, laEh ceillng Replace llghE fixture Sea1, palnt qmlls Seal, palnt celllng BATIiRffM 7' x 8' 56SF 48Sr' LS Replace t" particle board LJL Replace vinyl floor cover Beplace tlle walls ttrb(tlles set ln m,-d) Replace srnall glass shcmer doors 41 10tr x 4t 10tt Replace lirrter closet Replace- reood base Replace 3t electric base heaEer Replace 18" chrone tqoel racks Replace Eoilet paper roll holder Replace sirk & formica countertop Replace 4' x 3' mirror w/lcnper cabinet Replace wall htrng light fixture Replace plasEer, lath celltrrg Replace plaster, laEh walls Seal, paint ceiling 1ea 1ea. 251-p l-ea. 3ea. lea. rs 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. Lea. 56Sr 288SF 56SF ESTIMATE SHEL'I' Dmal.d lLayes 257 O NorEh 20 StreeE, Sprtrgfield, Oregcn RII'IACEMENT OT FIRE DAMAGE & REPAIR 4 ary DESCRTPTTo{l"bterlal Labor Srbcort.Total 288Sr 1 ea. Seal, paint walls Repl.ace 2t x 61 8r' door, jarnb ard trtm 1ea 1ea 1ea 1ea SLEEP #1 10r-8'r x 91 4r' 114SF 114SF Rfirlace |" partlcle board LJL Replace 1x2 Solid oak handr"oodfloor (lrpludes closets) Replace wmd base r--Pafrl^ fl^cter r S - Replace 4-pc set wpod frerrch lour,rered closet doors 4r x 6t 8tt ard hardrmre, (palnt) Replace 60x Pwirdc,r^r Replace srall thernrcsEat Replace cr:rtain rod & trooks Replace ?6* OB door, jaffi & Erim w/hardrsare Replace plaster, laEh celling Seal, palnt walls Seal, palnt cetllrg Replace llghc fixture 40Lr' 37OSF 1ea. 114SF 370 SF 114SF 1ea. 115SF 15OSF l"tASTIn SLEEP 10r.9" x 11' 56rf' 450sr 1ea. Replace parttcle board (1,') UL Replace tx2 soltd.Oak, hardrnnodfloor ( lrrcltrdes closet ) Replace wood base Replace A-pc set, l^lood french lotnrered closet doors 6rx 6' 8" ard hardrmre (paint) Replace 6t x 3r wlrdow Replace rmll therrnostaE Replace ctrrtain rod & hooks Replace 2t 6tt x 6t 8" Doorn jarnb, trim & hardrsare 1ea lq 1ea 1ea ESTII'tATE SHEET Donald Hayes 2 57 0 NorEh 20 StreeE, Sprlqgfield, Oregcnr RT'PIACEMTilT OF FIRE DAI',IAGE & REPAIR 5 Qty DESffi,IPTICEI Ivlaterial Labor $rbcont Total 1 ea. 15OSF 450SF 150Sr Replace llght fixture Replace, lath ceilirg Seal, paint walls S€al, palnt cellirg SLEEP #2 10r 9'r x 11r7" 142SF Replace |" parclcle board LJL Replace 1x2 Solid Oak hardrcod flmr, (trrch-des closet) Replace rrcod base Replace trp. set roood French lotrrrered closeE doors 5t x 6t 8t' ard hardpare (paint) Replace 6t x 3t wirdo^r Replace wall thernpstat Replace ctrrtaln rod & tpoks Replace 2t 6t' x 6'8" door, jamb, trlm & hatdware Replace lighE fixture Replace plaster, lath celling Seal, paint walls Sea1, palnE ceiling 142SF 54LF" 430SF 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. 1ea. Le.a. 1425F 430Sr 142Sr FRO.IT ELEVATIOT.I LS ts Is 1ea 3ea Is ts Is Zea Replace e><Eerlor siding (total) Palnt conpleEe, 2-coats exterior Replace ah-rnirnrn rain gutEer & dcx^rn spout Replace lnside corner trim Replace o.rtside corrler trim Replace wlndor^r & miscellaneous trim Replace Facla boad Replace soffit rnaterial, (total) Replace spot light -garage, lite fronE door ESTIMATE SHEET Donald Hayes 2 57 O NorEh 20 Street, Springfleld, Orcgcrr REPTACEME.IT OF FIRE DAMAGE & REFAIR 6 w DESCRIFTTo.T Platerial L^abor Subcont. Total BACK ELEVATION IS Is Is ts ts 1S Replace elGerior siding (patto) PalnE cornplete - 2 coats octerior Replace altmlnrn raln gutter (only) Replace windm & misc. Erim Replace Facla board (patto) Replace sofftt materlal(toEal ) Reptace dsrble exterior spotlightlea Is ts 1ea SIDE ELEVATION (Fddtt side) fud, Seal, paint conpleEe 2-coats ercterior sldirg & gable Replace rvlrdcu & misc. Erim Replace gable & venE Sard, Sea1, palnE canpleEe 2-coats exterior siding, gable Replace gable & toenE Is 6ea. 11ea. Is Replace asphalt roofirg (total front side) Replace roof flashing Replace 2x6 rafters Replace 2x6 ceiling joists Denrolitlon rmf sheating & replace alldanaged1x6deckirg Ctlil-OIEY SIDE ETEVATION (left side) Is 1ea Rqgq ts ts rs ESTIUAIE SHEET REPIACEI"TENT OF FIRE DAT"IAGE & REPAIR 7 w DESCRTTTToN I'taterlal Labor Strbcont"Total PUJIAIrre ts ELESIRICAL Is HEATI}E PERMITS NOIES 1) 2) , ts all co,n'reniencelets, swltches & plates ard all ftxtunes Replace celllng heat wiring, entire trouse - replace thernpsEat clrcuits & Ehernpstats Plans hrlldtrqg Heattng Electrl.cal Plrmbfng ConEractor to verify all guanti.ties & descriptimrs IrdicaLe mrnber of calerdar r^orkirg daysto corplete rrork Refer to dr:awing lqlurloN Is ts ts Is I5 Is Derplltion fees, cartage & drrrp fees 3) Donald llayes 2 57 0 North 20 Street, Spri.rgfleld, Oregur { I Dorrald Hayes 2 57 O North 20 SEreeE ESTI!{ATE SHFJET Sprirgfield, Oregon REPTACEME}IT OF FIRE DAI',IAGE & RtrAIR, Qty DESCRIPTION I'hteri al tab<lr S,rtlcont. ToEaI MISCL]IJANECIIS Is I.S Repl-ace insulatlon ( total ) thro:gtnrt tu.rse 1) Walls minlrnm R-9 2) Cellfrg rd.nim"rn 6'r, R-13 Replace 1086 [/ Partlcle board LJL(total) nerDtftton & Deb'rts renpval - refer pg. 7 s'rb total or/ertpad Sub total- ProflE Total lane county PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOP, .T ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t4,ILL BE REJECTED! o 1 EXCEL CONSOLIDATED, INC. P E RS otr T,|ARTNG i-EQUEST 2610 W. 5th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 C ITY 484-9888 ffi 2 . PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER 2570 No. 20th Donald L. Hayes MAILING ADDRESS Springfield, OR 97477 STATE ZIP CODE C ITY STATE 747 -rt74 HOME TELEPHONEI ffi ntliilrglEPH0NE-T- ZIP CODE 2s- IF DIFFERENT FROM( 3 rvrae B PAFIeEL NUMBEFI ( REQUTREp rNF0RI4ATr0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) +fu* *a M#r)T NING MilNSE.IP MNGE.SEETI-0ru W ZON I NG MilNSFTF MNGE SEETIOII TAX L0T(s) oR PTmEI-T ZON I NG ACRESTOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: NUMBER DATE -lD(/, { BY: -- DATE:--_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ )')y3