HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1987-12-08?66-GG /2- 3 Lane Counf,y Authorization for,FOB OFFTCE usE ONLY izi]"iz i'-""952-f7 LOT/PAn( n5app BI,oCK PFOPOSED USE OF PROPERTY Bsesidential l-l rndustrral f e,ruri.C(,u"nerc i-a 1 ZIPi'I't'Y OP cED WORK BD SP DECI"ARED S VALUE otr ultP I./A?ER ] p.ooo."J ftxiitingAND NAME AND OSR # ?TELEPHONE NUMBER7f/'G|a4' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE CO,IPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, arlJ ,lo hurel)!, certify that all inforTation hereon is true and correct, and that f DATE the interest then ofownerlegaJ-rdreco fdlc(,i'-folJ.owing Uproperty rrchase r authori zed t.D agenf:!ther certi that and LaI workfyany shalfomed be INdone rla l,Per tI:of Lane and theCouty Laws theof teSLa of Oregonrta i theto dework herescribed tnpening thatand occuPiNcyNO wi1 he nade of rc t itre tlro theut of thepemission Bui di Ing fur-cether rti that lration thethfyregis IderBui s 1SBoard n forcefull in aseffect re redcuI 70ORS 05 5 tthat tby fo!the basisxemptdnotehereonthatandsubcontracedtorswhoanareonlyemployeesORSth055701wlcomplbeonused1Sth READHAVE ANDect.proj CHECKED THOROUGHLYAPPLICATION of Trenches Use COMI1ENTS: Date : ,r,r"4 COI'I}IENTS tr PLANS EXAMINATION ffio"rrorro*, / \ *,"t"rt.tt""I specifications s. r. # Gal1on : _ Tank s ideCL,C L, B, P. * ZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ! i.ltterrcrr rear Parce 1 COITLUENTS Date: Linea1 Eeet of l)r.ri nfie ld READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR Partition #_ Parcel # Install-ation Record Issued? fl v." ! N" Maximum Depth I pr,arxrucrzZoNrNG: Minimum Setbacks: 2. r oRS 455 NT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, I LANE COUNTY D 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION cr4-2s Rg I !.o rdrltance 9 ii. l Division. I (; rorlr, tr j sETts.iC(s A:iD oT:!:R CC::DlTIo::S.f,F irPPRo..liL:1UST BE sTRIcT:.-'o:j:Rl''ED. \.IoLATIoN c,lf,. RLSULT IN REvo- .IT;TIC:: Ll):D::? pr(ovlsIo:is ca Ln\E J-,J::ir':'; l)JFRiCTiO:i OF.Di:i.llicc' ;'):D/oR OTIIERL.r. lU.r U: REiIEDIES ALLOViED IJT LAII. !iHEN READY.cR I:';SPcCiIoN, CAL! 68i-10t,5. j] }1]n.Ii:Ui1 oF,iT La;lsT 2t lloURS iDV^::CE r.oTlCE FoR INSPEC- i?#ffi+if"ivi"-:ia#,.tn';iotrowin9in:c.:rftlolreadyl|ermitnlInber,]obaddre5s,t-vpe of inspecrton, when rt wrll be-ready, your r.." ..i]-=i,oi.' nlnber, anc any special clrections to site' bUILOTSG D.lVlilo\: IEQUIi]:) 1:.;SPECTiCNS t I.Founddtro:]ln5P9ction:TobenadedftertrencheSaree:(cavatedaJldformserectedanduheoall naterta-[s to! tne t=o!.ncation are dclivercd on'-he ]ob. iihere concre'tc irom a central nixing plant (comonl.y termed ,,transit mrxed,,) is to be uled, materrals need not be qn the job. concleLe Siab or -urder-il@r Inspection: To be made- after al.I in-s1ab or under-floor building #F.=..tr$*H.ffipffi..ories, ar,t other aicilLart' equrPment j.tems are in pLace brrt betore any "on..nt!'is io*."a or floor sheatning install;d, incLudinq the subfloor' Framinq ! Insulatlon rnsnections: To be made aiter-the roof' aIl iraming"fire blo'king' and, ;+::it:rtffi,:.# ffi., ili"ri"..., c:inne-vs, ard velts are comPfete and all roush ;i;;;;i.;i anci prumbi.ng "i. "i,pio,"a. Ait wart rnsulaiion anc lapor, barrier are in piace' LaLhdf,d/orC\,osumBoarqTnspection:Tobemadedi}.erlIIlathingandq}'psumboard,rnterlor ;-." "*r-;.;;.; ;-,. t f;.. -5ut-Eciore any plasLer ing rs ai-Pliei and be:ore g)'psm boaro lorrts and fast'eners are Laped and ,finished. 5.Fina].lnspection:Tobemadeafterthebuildingiscompleteandbeforeoccupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No worlcshaJ,L bs done on any ?ar! of th+bui"trdleg or Slruot'urs beydd 'ghe poiat ihdicated in each ru"..""ir.-in.pection without first obtaining the ipproval of the building official' i""n "pp.o""r shall be.given cnly after an inspection shall have been nace of each successive step i. tf,.'!on"c.rclion as indicated by each of the inspecticns required' NorE: -ar:. b,irains ""^i;;-;;;;t;. t;"p"..t""" i;rt;" *o.* uu.n#i""il'"r.i 1" u.t no-t'ri*itiI"i A. Block l^Iall: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is.poured'- This :;=F;.tT* is required f or each bond beam pour. There uill be no approval unt.il Lhe pLumbinq and electrical insPections have been nade and approved. B. Irood stover To be nade after conpletion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is' -^pfaE. InsLallation shal1 be in accordance with an approved, naeionally recognized testing ageicy and the manufacturer's installation instructions- C. Mobile Home: An inspectsion is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved EEil-* oi-*ptl.c systLn for setback requirements, bl-ocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirring, and plwbing connections. footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for nobi.Ie.hoqes or as recomended by the manufacturer. Mobife home minimum finish floor elevation shal1 be certified when required by a flood- pLain management letter. downs, when requi.red, and skirting shall, be i.nstalled and ready fcr insPec- Ieasts 3O days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be lnstalled D, Swiming pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete iSlDured. .Above grade ua?n- o66I -fE-ins ta 1 Iec, APPROVED "*N' UU" BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALt TTMES DURTNG WORKING HOURS. THIS PER}4IT WILL EXPIRE IT WORK DOES NOT BEGIN IiITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF W-ORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN I8O DAYS. s_uspENs'loN-oR_REVocArro\i4Ay_qccuR rF THrs PE8$rT-r,rA€ lssuEp ON rHE BAFI9 O-F_rNQOIgPLE\E OR ERRONEOUS INfORMAIION. ANYONE PROCEEDING-ParST TIIE POII:T Or REQUIRED INSPECTIOTIS I4ILL DO SO AT TIIEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTENS: 1. Peraits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for uhich a permit has been issued, the pelmit holder shall notify the Lane County DepartmenL of Planning and Comunity DeveLopment by submitting the installation record forn. The Departrent shall inspecL the construcLion to determine if it. conpljes with the rulcs contai.ned in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shalL issue a certificate of satisfactory conpletion to the perniti holder -- *1f thd' constructldh f6eBlor Yorhll-v !,ltn''!Uca-rY1es, the5eirartrdit shalT-fibt'i:F!-tllElei-mit holder and shall requi.re satisfactory completion before issuing the ccrtificate. Failure to meet.the lequi.rements for satis_factory completion wlthin a reasongple_ lrJnq c.grlg!i^Lg!eP 1 v1.o- I'ation of ORS 454.605 to.15t.745 and this rul.c. Mobile home tietion withi.n atper enclosure. Setbacks - Subsurface Seraqc L+_p6aI Scptic TJnk l ron: Iitcrioi orcpert,, Lines 10' Edile oi road rr.;irt-of:wav 10' Brrilorna ioun(lation 5r ile1ls, other watc! sources 50' Drainfield l0' l0 | 10' 100 ' (il,,,, Pleasn comptete all ttems above dolted llne ( (t +P*,- t ACTIVITY INFORilIATION SHEET a30g * DATE *fi:flffid /i t 30 t 87 - FTLLING our * LTNES wtLL cET ACTUAL PROPERTY YOU INFORMATION ONLY ATE_ztP_ ILL DETEBMINE - Flood Plain Flood Plain '--Flood Plain q 7+77 REO CITY TELEPHONE *pRopeRTY ADDRES { OR arc0P zp_qZtZZ cry L33 TELEPHONE ee fr ttt6A00l )6/24t85 RECrrt0e?m 0 2 4 Directions to si&te f-/2f,,+ .ra.t..rarrturr.aatlstaff use onlytttarrrrararaaraarr. Com ments: At< Land Management Division, Public Works Depailment 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, 0R 92401 phone 6874061 c