HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-03-15u6 +r(D - Lane County Authorization for' SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ Permit *a-trrh t7 IDWiiSHIP RAIIGE 03 24-4.3 SECTION TAX LO? 2302 J lour oF S'-'BDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable)ALOCKLOTlPAR(:nl PRCFOSED USE OF PROPERTY [Jil nesiaentiaJ. tr Cc,mrirerc ial n puuric I ndustrial 2467 N. 20th St., Springfield 97477 I,OCATIO}J ADDRESS L-I'1'Y ZIPSTIiEET STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY SFD, shed Behind the hs. at address Turn R off of Yolanda DIRECTIONS TO SITE 2ndtake R fork of St. SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW D'SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - 3X SPECIFIC DECI.ARED 9 VALUE = OF BEDROOI'IS # OF STORIES + ol. Er,iPLoyEEs I{ATER SUPPLY Proposed Exis MEGARGEL, Monty W. O;INER|S NAME AND ADDRESS site TELEPHONE NUMBER 726 sL27 CCNTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR #TELEPHONE NUMBER PiRI'IIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESSJ TELEPHONE NWBER I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!{INED THE COT4PLETED APPLICATION I..OR PERMIT, arrd rlo herel;i, certify that all infolTation hereon is true and correct, and that I CHECKED THIS APPIICATION THOROUGHLY. 3-11-88 NAME (please print,SIGNATURE DATE {qqty W. Megargel the ofowner record cori r rainterestthefnfollowinglegalproperty authorized nttrp,rrci.ase r agerfIfLrthercertithatandIaIworkbesha11INdonedal, ,.fy any perfomed O.drr)ancetL,:of Lane and the ofLaws StatetheCowty OregontothedescribedworklnhereandNOthatrtainingwi1ocCUPiNcYl:e of:nado :rircture outrh theai;t ofon vtDi.on ur-Ipemqh.ther that tration theth Builder Boardcertifyre9rs fullan iindforce e fect ORS 701 055 ifthat the basisbyrequi red exempt forishereonnotededthatmdsubcontractorsonlyarewhotnthvt70oRswillusedbeonHAVEa ANDRE,ADempl,oyee complj-ance this project READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION']AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: [l pmutlrucrzzoNrNG: zone- partition #- parcel *- parcer sire- Minimum Setbacks, cL, frort - tr, side- SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW: NO SPECIAL PI/,NNING ACTION RE Installation Record Issued? f] v." fl N" t'laximum Depth Date of s Use COI'OIENTS tr I saurtatrour s. r. #B. P. # COI'TUENTS IRED. interior rear Installation Specifications: GaIl0n Tank Lineal Eeet of I)r:ili nfield 3 af,-tTBY LANE COUNry Der ORS 456.805 DATE OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION cr4-25 R* hsonL il of Building as I pr,eus EXAl{rNATroN :TYpe- (;.orrrL_-_ 3Y SETtsilCKS AND OT:I:R CC::D]TIO:]S O. APPROI./AL }1UST BE STRiCT:I.C,L::R!"'ED. \'IoLATIoN CA:{ RLsULT IN REVo-C.iTIOIi OF !IiIS I:]I}1]i, CIT;TiC:; U)JD5R PROVISiO:JS Oi- LA\' ,'-\L':;i.i'J I!FR.ICTION OFDi::.:,:iCI], NND/OR OTI]5RRE}IEDIES ALLOWED tsY LAW. hllEN REfDY a'aR I:"SPaC?IoN, CAI-:681-i065. A llI\Ii!U:.l CF iI L::\ST 24 lIOUR.S nDVA::aE NoTICE FOR ItispEC-liul l(i;(lllLSi'r ll::iT Ll GIVI:'i. ila'/c the {ollowiag infornatjon ready: .:.ernit number, lob address, tlr'peof inspection, when it wrLl be leaCy, l/our iane and Dhcic xunber, dnd ani.spccial irrcctions to site. BUILDING DIlJISIOI-: REQUIR:D_ I. Foundation _IM:9!]91: ?o be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when allnaterials for the toundation are delivered on Ehe lob. iihere concrete fron a central nixing PLant (comonly termed "transit nrxed") j.s to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-aIoor J":lrssqegt To be made after atI in-slab or under-floor buildinglEIii-E-eqiio-pnst, qEuIt, pj-pf;t-;E;Essoraes, ani orher ancj.rlar!,equipmenr items are inplace but belcre any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installad, -inll,u<ii-ng the subfloor. 3. .e!:!S & rn:ulalion rnspections: To be made after the roof, all franing, fire blocking, andbEing ire -in prre aiE*GTI-pIp'es, f ireplaces, chimneys, and vents are ionplete and aIi roughelectrj.cal an<i plumbing are approved. AIL walI insutalion anC vapor barriei are in place. 4. La-th andlor CfpsuT Egg!- d Inspegtion: To be hade aiter aII Iathinq and qypsum board, interiorand erLerror, rs In pl'ace but. before any plastering is applied and beiore gypsm board joj,ntsand fasLeners are taped and finished. 5. Final InsPection: To be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the buiLding or slructure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspect.ion without firsr obtaj.ning the ipprowal of the u'uifaing o;ficia1.such aPproval shall be given cnly after an inspection shall have been'made of each successiie stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspecLj,ons required. NotE: A11 buj.lding Permits requj.re inspections for the uork authorized, such as bu! not limiled to: A. Block wall: To be.made-after reinforcing is in p1ace. but before any grout is poured. Thisii-nspecEf6fr is required for each bond beai pour. There will be no approval until the plumbingand electrical inspections have been made and approved, l'rood stove: To be made after completion of masonrl' (if applicable) and when installatj-on iscomP]ete.- Installation shall be in accordance with an approvea, natj,onally recognized testj-ngagency and the nanufacturerrs inslallation instructions. Mobile Homer .An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedseuer or septj-c syslem for setback requirements, blocki-ng, iooting connection, tieaowns,skirtj-ng, and plubrng connecrions. 1. Faotings and piers to comply wrth State founddtion\lequirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2. uobile hone ninj-num finish floor elwatio[ sthll be 6ettified shen required by a flood-plain nanagenent letter. 3. Mobi-le home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shal1 be i.nstalled and ready fcr inspec-tion wj'thin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirling shall be j"nstallebper enclosure. Syiming.PgoI: Below-grade when steel is in pl,ace and before concrete is poure,J. Above gradewhen pool is installed. B C D. APPROVED PLANS }IUST BE ON THE JOB SrTE AT ALL TIMES DURII-G !,IORKIIIG tlOURS. TUIS PERI'IIT I4ILL DXpIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN }JITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF !iORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }1ORg THAN 180 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ilAY OCCUR IF THIS PERTT1IT WAS ISSUSD ON TIIE B.\SIS OF INCOI.IPLETE OR ERRONEOUSlNFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REOUIRED INSPDCTIONS WlLL DO SO AT TI]EIR OWN RISK. SUBSUFFACE AND ALTERNATII,/E SBI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI1S: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from lhe Cate of issuance. 2. UPon comPleting the construction for whj-ch a permit has been issued, the permit Itolder shaIInotify the Lane County Depart$ent of planning and Comunity Development by submitting theinstalLation record form. The Department sha11 inspect th; construction ao detcrmine if rtcomPlies with the rules contained in this Civision. if the construction does comply with suchrules, lhc Department shaII j.ssue a certiiicaLe of saLisfactory completron tc the p'ermiti holde!.If t"'hgconstruction-does not compLy with sfch'ruIes, thd'DBpariment'shall-notifftire permi'tholder an(l shaIl rc.lu-ire satrsfactory comtr)Letion before i.ssuinq the ccrtificate. Farlure torne-et- the rcquirenents for 1>tli:factorI,-comi)Ictron k,lt_htn a_-r-easo-nab1e time constjtutes a vio-latibn of oRS 1s4.605 to.l5',1 :745'ina ihis rutc. - :rerb.rcks _ subsurfacc g:ra_l: q]:?o-=l scpric Tank Drarl]l_!_]q l!on: I.tcrior Dropert),linL-s 10, iO'arijc o: rod(i !1ll;t-of-uay 1O' 10 t F,!r^ iJinq icundation lO , irells, othcr water 5ources 50, I(j0' -J (ACTIWTT NFORMATION SHEET Please complete all ltems above dotted line L^{O M^r^CCMrffi OrvrSrGBFrilff.r or Pudts w,rr FILLING OUT {C LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY *DATE_S _t l/__tffi__/n * REOU EST Directions to site PERSON MAXING 4/ACTUAL NE RTY #*5 $ar,u-ADDR ADDRESS *aw CE zp 77/77 TELEPHONE (B -{/ 2 TELEPHONE *pnOpeRTV ADDRES OR "a? a MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) /7 03 ?/ q3 D23o> Township Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PBOPERTY lN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES *REQUESTlaescribe what you want to do ls / t-2-a 4 P/t STAFF WILL DETERMINE - Zoned Zoned Zoned Flood Plain Flood Plain Flood Plain .4 r oa tl>1 o/*4 arrrJraa.rrrrsraartt staff use onlytttr r..rarrra rt rt rra Com ments: Land Management Division, Public works Department 125E.8th Ave., Eugene, oR 97401 phone 6g74061 *44"C- ATE-ZIP- J/. oa o a6' '/5' 3////rt Sc",k:%,n'cln =to6r/ sN L"f D'.,i. /7 a3 2? 13 Scr/.c Idnk lto 7 5' 31. Deck q2 24' GaraSe 2l'3" /Voi/, t o 1"A 2q c 7 /v,.// aofr s"/rr.t il""$ )"/ yF'/A" t. 2/y,,J,/ ., I I I I I I r50l /dM,&'ff IoObr zte-tl-O.dr' Jr2- N,oa l5 t60I t70t )o',.4, rN. /14.P ta t 3 5.26 /35.2 fio ir Fl} * tl;< J tt8 4Fto2o-o{- o 2b 3' \ N i ,\ r trjJO.G t903 t r. oo'' 2 000 c o.2 a o.25'20' RF,, , t L, t, r + f f t at\ ( G 6 a .I-{-o C\I !\ /ht q,4 2' 7tb 5 ?200 10' h o a 2308 rt N/ 5 N \z\ 23 I o PAR cEt tl ) orro (uaN v' z3p E \a N tr 23\\\o 4 ,fl ,bt I eo' 4200 q uo 3r.1 4300 I 2 ,t.1' c tt I 3 J +44 o e 0 2301 a' B \ Nn 23C,2 - ! N ,l { fr nl \. a 480 w o 3 ,,c/. o 3 ?tlrl ? 7,c .rl 4900 i\ 8 i .o a 5 5 I .rl E \ \ \ $\ \ N 2303 28 ,//a. 2304 3l-- 27 //a. \ N \t 2 tr z \ N 6 230s ro ,o v )t 11 O. o{ ,t 5too \ o' g }. 5 2 o o : 7 4 9 ,U a 7. rt' \ 1o / 25 .//d. \I \ N 2306 7l \\ 23,^I^i- q ,222fi7 z o( 24 s h Y|s 6600 "-(' 22 00 +. Y \ z3,a \ za\? 9 I co u t 'd , t 1 7:1;-,, . -.21Ze't' I oo7 lr 4