HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-07-16*6 747 DEPARTI'iENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEMENT'- PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property ifffifiH$ss:..::ur'c;r,i'sfi'.,ielr,Fs'?,: iti. t :r$UlixrUfnti*iliti zl icffi*rcfii.ti:' Affjdavi t: I , iit s.*,i.-.**Uu:t*.i /_-/ I:I#l#.*Sf$.l:lii /_/ i#S"1,l$*,,:i hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Code and perty: purchase; If this applir Lane Coqgty C, L/ owner duly , cation is for an agricu ra td t will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building ode Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no purpose. I have the following legal interest in the pro of record;con tra c t pu rc ha ser ;I essee;holder of an exclusive option to authorized to act the owner, who is knowTe-dgeabl e o th sa lication. 'ing i other S i gnature/Address Tei ephone When permit is ready notify: ! Applicant orrrner lTr- fru BESWENA e,2 or er /_7 Contractor Date (zip) Con trac tor (zip) Phonc Phone Contractor's 0SR#P1 umbing by f1A If Commerciai Residential: # of employees -- !#::rrSf i:i:|Ifi :f t!:i:i:, ::::::r::::i:::t:t:::::i" r - J*r**- i$S$.iii.;' /] Existins, BP # ! Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready iiiFEā‚¬:i:i SIuliEn"* $ $ $ Tota'l Va.l uati on $$ at at $each each $ t_t /:/:i:f ,ilf, fi ii:ii.iiiiiiii :r:fihdfi#:i:i:# b $ Su btota'l TOTAL 16. $Received by 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ Water Supply $ $Proposed _ Year Installed Exi sti ng _ t PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Comments Zone t, front Part. # t, side Parcel #Parcel Si i nt.thrJ ; rear To be typed on permit By Da te CP&l Ty To be typed on permi t Group Fire Zone Use Classification u By Da te PhoneFor plans information call a ln tor ) tions to siteD /-/ sr Plans to CP& I t^iPC set set Da te Requ i red I ip PCC Da te Date to PCC,I/cpat /VwPc /l Planning a/ Publ ic tJorks //Elevatio^ trt^ /7 Address /-/ Facil i ty Permi t /_/ envtronmental Health Comol eted7/z' i I c74-L7l { *xr Bel<vtFNdg-o Va l uati on Fee W on INSPECTION RECORD Approved Disapproved Date Inspector f-OC) -{ O = l. Site Inspection 2. Foundation Inspection 3. Fram'ing Inspecti on 4. Lath or Sheetrock Inspection 5. Final Inspection 6. 7. 8. 9. 't0. il. Remarks: Slab Floor, Plumbing Groundwork Gas Piping Groundwork Rough Pl umb'ing Rough Gas P'ipi ng Fi nal P1 umb'ing F'inal Gas Pi pi ng Em =-l + 12.Cert'if i cate of Oceu+agV : ready to isiu6i not readY' date;i nspector. W POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC 1930-80 JOB ADDRESS: 2460 North 20th Street, Springfield, 0regon TRS, TL: L7-03-24.4.3, 1601 SUBDIVISION: N/A C0NSTRUCTI0N APPR0VED BY THIS PERMIT: Deck (covered) - l4x2Z feet - 308 square feet. CONDITIONS 0F APPROVAL: Minimum structural setbacks: from center Iine of road, front, 50 feet; side interior property lines, 15 feet; rear property line, 20 feet. PERMITTEE: Jean Beiswenger DATE ISSUED: July 28, 1980 BY: Hans Ettlin/Carol Dyal DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: North 19th to end; right onto Yolanda to Ranch Market Drive. Right onto 20th. Second house on right. t^JP 28305-5E-2 /2 - 7-gg lt- qbl- /2-/2-89 {e T l* %,<- ak- Suu$t ,t TRS, TL Plclt Plan Job Location (Add Permit # Perml-t Perlqit For Pernlt # Permit Permit Fo., ForFor For For Subdivision Lot 7t, Block ry rqrr 7s,t3 $ N I fi(,., f/!8,Y ,I tl6vtD#, L] Ensr /*et/rE l, 6o-o H za4 ll'o lI 4I Viclnlty llap }r NA a'r'i ) C I 2 3 .i 5 Sjte InsPectiort Founda t'i on I ns pec t i on Frarni ng Inspccti on Lath or Sheetrock lnspection Final Inspcction Slab Floor, Plumbing Gt'oundwork [las Pi pi ng Groundvrork liougtr P1 urnb i ng Rough Gas Piping Final Pl urnbing Final Gas Piping i NSPICT I ON RECORD Approverl Disapproved Date Inspectcr rt6. 7. B. 9. 10. il. Renrarks: i trI )2. Certificate of 0ccupancy: ready to i ssue; --.- not ready; -----_--- date; d inspector. hre county LANE COUNI{ BUILIDING [,'EBMIT POST THIS PTRMIT ON MAIN BUILDING NT .SiTE CONSTRUCTION PTRI-IIT # LC 1930.80 s! JOB ADDRLSS: 2460 North 20th Street, Springfield, Oregon TRs, TLS rt -03-24.4.3, 160I S(BDIViS I0l'l: N/A C0NSTRUCTI0N APPR0VED BY THIS PERI'IIT: Deck (covered) - 14x22 feet - 308 squarefeet. C0NDITI0NS 0F APPR0VAL: l4inimum structural setbacks: from center line ofroad, front, 50 feet; side interior property lines, 15 feet; rear propertyline, 20 feet. PERHITTEE: Jean Beiswenger DATE ISSUED: July 28, 1980 BY: Hans EttlinlCarol Dyal DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: l,lorth 19th to end; right onto Yolanda to Ranch MarketDrive. Right onto ?Oth. Secord house on right. l,lP 28305-5E-2 ********************* SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOI,JED BY LAI^I. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTI0N (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the fo'llowing information ready: Permjt number, job address, type of inspection, when'it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. 0THER QUESTI0NS? Call 687-4394. ENVIHOI'JMEN IAL MANA(;T MEN I DIPARTMENT 125 EAST 8IH AV$NUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 6l!'\r- I 2_. 3 { 5, 6 8.. 't0 I1 t6 rt ,0 2' 2a :s*.' 78 30 32 3l 36 3t {0 a2 lI 16 48 50 ..'- LANE C0LINTY DEFl' Et'lV l"!f,T AE:CEIF'T + 1?30S0 SATE Q716.--a AFFLICANT I]EI.SIdENGER, JHAN ADDft ?4&* N " :101'H, SFFD. , NREGNH TL+ t 703244301601 SUtttlIV l-0T BLK NEI,J BL.D6 TYFT L'SE R NCI BDRFI.S OS NO UNITS OOi Nfi "TTilRIES NT} FI.D6S OO1 -CODE AFPL NO Afi I$N SESCRIPTIOH SQ F]' UNTT I]T]ST VAI.UATIOH TEH EAYS r{P pECH ( CSVERHIT ) 30* ;5.70 I { 3? BF. BF. BF' HF. BF.BF LC t ?3080 F:AAA I { 39 1 ?, O0 Fl-. N0. FIXTLiHHS : N0. CIINNECT|]RS : 5 ^ 00 HACH := I.IECH }'{Ef,I{ANIIAL. I3EE SUft STATE SURUHARGI: 4?. 0.48 FCH F'LAN CHHCH TEIi sOX 6 ^ SO 52 ; : I Z = o t7 ll l0 x1 8t- 5l J6 {:ATG: APP SEQU: 1 TAH L.N ItY CSrt) FP SDS ST FCK?? EST. COI.IF.LETION DATE *?T5IIS Tf,f,L J,-\ T.J T0Titl- FEEx'x5t-_l 60 6r. 1 6rl IT ! LI I S,.'ll3 f, t7 ^zL /1 .)ft TRS, TL Subdivision Lot f,/rE, PIcrt Irlan Job Locatloa (Add Permit ii Permit Permit For Permit # Permit Pernlt /l For For For For For NoPrLt Block tv n 3 t3 $ N I 7a tl6vtD4 Ertsr /*et/;e 2aQ ll'o l! ,e c74-L50 Vlclnlty Map N N a ).a 454.l DICTATING INSTRUCTIONS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # I JOB ADDRESS: 2 TRS, TL: 3 SUBDIVISION: 4 CONSTRUCTION APPROVED BY THIS PERMIT: 5 C0NDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: 6 PERI4ITTEE: 7 DATE ISSUED: B BY: 9 t^JP 28305-5E-2 **** ** ********* ***** **** ** ********** *** ****** ****** * ****** ** **** * * *** **** ***)k* ****** * di ctati ngThi s i s 24-08-?5, Program 0l I , extension a bu'ilding permi-f [or bui 1 di ng perrn'its) on l{ord Processing Form , #N!0i-5E2,with 4 copi es.These are final copies to be sing1e-spaced. I will need them bY morn'ing, afternoon. I will come and p'ick up. Please call when rea dy. ust eave message.Note: Please type all numbers 'in numerical , unless otherwise , Vari abl e Vari abl e Vari abl e Vari abl e Lcaplta1 C space /%o hypen B0 (Al1 caps TMH or MH)I 2 3 4 Capi ta1g/-* I1 hyphen O) hypen (lf none, just say N/A) If s A-4 period 4 ," 3 riod comma space /6o / o, give sub name, Lot, Block. 44* Variable 5 : Go to nglgt or application. Variable 6 : Go to ndTE5-or applicatjon. Variable 7: Applicant'?Name ,W I Variable B : (Day after d'ictation date) 1ll-S Variable 9 : Plan Checker/Sanitarian/Permjt Processing Clerk (You names, and not all names are necessary, see notes). fPirections to site, colont End of oerm'i t. e./ NEf permit. Start over. NOTES: Variable 5: must sav "sIash" betweenFElc> Vari abl e 6: Text: WPC: (Repeat below if applicable, plus text, if appljcable). Subsurface sewage disposal system'installat'ion specificatjons colon tank semi-colon- feet of drainfield semi-colon max'imum dept sem'i-colon ----period. Keep drainfield at least l0' from all h of trenches foundati ons ga'l1on and noted. property lines comma and .l00'from all water sources period. Keep septic tank atleast 5'from build'ing foundation comma l0'from all property lines comma 50,fromall water sources comma and l0'from edge of right-of-way perioa. Paragraph (written comments) Paragraph Pla : M'inimum structural setbacks colon from centerl'ine of road comma front comma semi-colon side'interjor pro perty lines comma / S sem'i-colon rearproperty'i ne comma aro s-)-peiioo emi -co I on or ,peri od ( s i de exTeffiF comma from centerl i neof road comma Paragraph (wri tten comments ) Paragraph Directions to site colon End of permit. NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS: Vari able 2 Vari abl e 5: Variable 6 Variable 7: Variable 9: If on a new SFD please look at addressing's copy of new address. If on a septic installat'ion on1y, there usually is not an address, just a road name. Spell out unusual road names. Spe11 out SDS (subsurface sewage disposal system) don't abbreviate. SOmetimes there 'is not room on the appf icat'ion for the construction and the septic so the clerks write it down by the fees so be sure to look to see jf the permit is for septic also. Always hypen and put the square footageof the structure(s). Prepare this before djctation. Sometimes jt varies, such as the septicjnstructions (not always the regular format) and the setback requirements(not always in order). Always say paragraph betleen different texts. Spe11 unusual names. These names will differ due to who js jnvolved. One permit may be all 3 names and one permit may be just 2 names. For septic only put the sanitarjan slash clerk, bu'ilding only put p'lan checker slash clerk. Spe11 nantes jf unusual (l'4cGuckin, Cruickshank, We'iderhold, etc.) Speak clearly and say s as'in Sam and f as in Frank for those type ofters that sound like other letters. Always say comma or period if there is one; also parenthesis.If you make an error please see Dictation Instructions sheet BE PREPARED. Have al1 applicable notes ready. You do not have tote down everything you are going to say, on sheet just write "see app". (a )let (b) (c) (d) wri Suggesti ons : Just be sure you have the papers in order to dictate from. Job Address Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision DEPARTI]ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL IlANAGEMENT - PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I City frE Lane Countvy'6wi',e duly \k^)Appl ication # Assi Numbers* Lot -==-- Block _ Appl ication for Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: /7 Residential /J Conrmercial /_J Industrial /-/ public hereby certify that this information is true and accurate p ea setion is for an a gricul tural bu lding it wiil be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code andCode Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the followi ng legal i nterest in the property:r of record Aff i davi t: I , If this appl ica ; contract pu to act for the owner rc ha s er;I essee holder of an exclusive option to purchase;, who is RnowlEIgeaUle of-Tn-is appl ication S i g na ture,/Add res s Te1 ephone or When permit is ready notify / / Appl icant /_/ }wner /7 Contractor au tho ri zed Da te Owner Con trac tor z1 (zip) Phone Phone Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by DO NOT I^]RITE B IHIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residentia'l: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready # of employees # of units SDS: I Existing, Bp # 17 Proposed, SI # Fee Code Sq . Ft. of Si Unit Cost 0r Descr ti ar Val uation Fee b $ $ Total Val uation: $ P1 umbi ng fi xtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $ eac h each $ /_/ Casn Rece i ved /_/Check # $ Subtota l TOTAL r5. b $ tJater Supply Propos ed Existing _ $ Year Instal led $ PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Minimum setbacks t, f"on Part. #Parcel #Parcel Size('L, side int. ltxt/; rearJ Comments To be typed on permit By Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation specifications :gal. tank To be typed on permit Te ephone Di tions to site /-/ sr r-/"'CP&1 /-/ .y{Pc /_/ Planning /-/ Publjc Horks / / Llevatrcn /_ / Address Pl ans to \EL set(s ) Da te Requ i red Da te Compl eted Date to PCC CP&I I,'/PC lip PCC /tf n/a 1-/ Faci I i ty Permi t /-/ Environmental Heal th Da te Clvr 4 2 2 L IE r1 ArlPho/b I tn / Qv lt\tl ) lt r-< \) 1. Site InsPection 2. Foundation InsPection 3. Framing InsPection 4. Lath or Sheetrock InsPection 5. Final InsPect'ion INSPECTION RECORD Approved Disapproved Date Inspector a-OC) -{ O = 6. 7. 8. 9. .l0. ll. Remarks: Slab Floor, Plumbing Groundwork Gas Piping Groundwork Rough P1 umbi ng Rough Gas PiP'ing F'inal Plumbing Final Gas Piping EmF =-{+ 12, Cert'ificate of 0ccuPancY: ready to issue; - not readY; date;i nspector.