HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-04-10.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth sttz streeAP?LrcArrcll /PERIar SprJrqfieli, )regon 97477 Building Siuision 726- 37 53 i,leclvrtccL SPFIINGFIELD ?eeeitt ! Date: ConB@_!cnd3!_ !2 ie lhc reagonaibility of the pe*riJ ioLd,ar b see t@t al! inspectiois ce nads at lhe ptoper titne, tlat e*h ailreas is vet;a'^'t2 ;'tvtr titz atteec, craC that the p*rtt e*1, ia i,ccetel. at the ircnt of the orope?ty.t?u;,!^d,trg })uicio.- cplrw^ed pbt siz.Ll retu,in on thE tsuaLding sltebt aLL'tthes.' ?:?OCIDUP| FAR I;]9PSEI2II R9?UZST:CALL 7 tx.ttesxcC c<i uien you viLL be reatiy J'orlill be trarie the sone Ccgr- regaeets naie 26-3769 (tecorCer) state ,lotts City ,lesigr.zteC iob tor;;bez,, job alitess, type of inspec-.icn ir"tpcctiott, Cont"actc?s or Ane:s ttate ad. phone nutbct. Pequesxa teceixed befcte 7:00 an cfta ?:00 an uiLL be ru.Ce the n*t lnrkitq da';. rou! cttt Desism.ted rob ttumbetrr EAOZLA Aasesoons !4ao I Ta= !.ot # C-zer Adites Describe l,lork: t-t ValueDate of Applia Siaa 4-\b-8,4 ACliicn RanoCeL tslockittg otd Set-tp Plunbin-X coaneczictts - 8d)o? d, uatet Electriccl Cctr:ect1on - Blocking, ser-u) od. glmbing coltrect'ions tr:st ie cpprct:eC before requeatlrq elec'-rteal irsgee=ioz Acceseory Builiittg PirLzl - After =cnckcs, skirtit'.g, deci,s, etc. @e earale=ed. r-l .rcol:.';c t FluitDATrc:t: ?o be nace l-J drrr-ffi;; cr; Ecatateci crd fazns cre erected, but ?rior ',opu*irq canctet€. e7?F 7r-_ta-r1rr. acxDaxicn, cut aJ'!erpriot .-c se! up of ,'otms WDi?SLA3 ?IL'1/9T:IC, ZLZC?IC,I!, t iEC!il.:liCAL: 7o be wtie ceiore ctyrpri ie eoteted. WDRG?CUi|D ?!Li,Qt|C, S*!P, 2.1?!2. DP,4!)IACE: 'Io be tnte pior to ,'it- @rci,ce. UIIDEPIICCR !"U:3 T:C 1 IIICXAIITCAL:@oytkor inatktioa or deckir.g. ?)SE AilD 3t;.i.1: To be raic pr)ar toinstalkxzci oi floor insula)iot cr &ckiry. Sonc! ?!!:B!::c. i..::rP!c:! I :tzcl- A;liCSL: :lo '-br/. ia =o be covelec ur-=zl ;hcse ir.sceciio-t:s h:ue leer noie aC. qTrc:t'ei. ti.1!!LAwri :?-o? 'u ?Lc3'-f4 :ca--ngffi ard before'ira:ring inrpeZ- tiot:. FP-r,.,lIilC: i{t/6a be rectec;ed a|'!er cTprcua! of rcugh plurcirg, aleeti- a.L J necizniea!. AL! rcoi'Ja4 braeirq I chitrrcys, etc. ,lrtsc bearwleted. !!o .scri is to be car - cecled until :his inscec;Jat ia.a 'bcea no,1.e attC cppmved. ? FT}:A3 P!U:.BI::C !I:I;L :.IEi:'A:IICAL =ltr.r:??a.?-.r IIISWA?TON/VAFC? BARRIZR IIISPICTIOII : ?o be rad.e after aLL insulaticn ci required vqor be--Je?s @e in plaee bat befare ary l.a,th, Wpst/r,t baatC ot tnLL covering is qplied, and befcre ay ins'tlation is coacealed. DRY,IALL filSPld!0ll: ?o be nutie -.. aiter aLL crl,sall ia in p7a,ce, but prior to cng tayitq. W.SON?I: Steel Locatiotz, bond. beane, grouling ot oetticcls itz aceorbtce ,nLth A.B.C. Section 2418, ',lO0DS?0'/l: After ittstall,a,tion ie anpleted. : CLIFS T APFRCACF .8.?'9f;N:After fo*ts Sani1al easet cqVed. .t Fo?at-.! l*ce Scptic totk V"npeC ad filled uith gz-i;ei Pinal - ilhed cbcue ite:ts are catoletei c:<i uien Cenolt?ion is canrplete bt stn;c- tuye nooeC d, pret:rises cleaned ug. ilctesI I l a.e et;;eAiutid-i to pa*ing cofiatete. SIDS'JALK d DRT,TI/A!: Eor aLL car-creten@ffi at?eet right- of-,x!, to be naCe aftet all, ezca- tating canplete 3 for:'e wz'k & ;ub- inse ncterc)aL in pla*. !tllC!: lthen conolete -- fuoaiCe @ or noodble'sectians thtough P. U, E. ALL pto;eet cotdilicns, such as ihe "instalZc.ticn of stteet ,rees, acftlcxion of l'ne equ,ired Lcttzscccir4, etc., lrast be satisliei beJ'ore the SuiL2Ii:C ?!!!AL:an be teqestad. il:lAL SWLJI:IC: TA.e Ftnal Suildin4 Insoection ntst be leoueste.li zi:ar ;he Final ?Lw.binX ileccrtccl, oi J,teciur.ical inscecxicns iatte been naie arui cccroue|-l 'AiL|!A:iEC!lS AttD CLgAitCWS:tUS! 3E.4CCiS3!91i, .lD;tSi:S::::0 39:tDs !.:::0::3t ?2 cl:y ?:ie 1 of 2 \rp 1\gr- T T tr rob beazica, 1)C6t .J\. Q fNr\ -Qtnool-.\rn *tbdir)sicn: il\Ihn t}\ . Pm r.F o , 5 Tqr\r\hno \)iort.y,-*, OLARxCCESS REQ.- ?c?tacr.ct 'lratz:;=e/Cctzs:: L-CO G+ 3ec:ccna: Building V<:lue & Permit This penlt is glcnted on the eqress cotdition ..tat tte sai<i constnetionsi'wll, ^i.n-all.!es-?ec-ts, gonicrn to the Crdittance ad.oate,i iiy the City ofSpz-.ng.'':elC, includ.-.ng lhe Soning Ctdincnce, reoulc:it,o ;he ccnetrtit-Jcned..use of builciings, ad nay be susoettd.ed or rbvckei Lt "rg tine u2an uic-lz.tl.on oi a4 prcuia.tons of saiC CrCir.nces. iea, Jor.;e EuiUirg Perri.t Sr.zia Totcl *cges Pluh.ng Penit lotal Aaces Petl,t fsstztca !,lecianic:L Pernjt -- a;1ci1Ac:/;.!3:t7 Siatted: Plumbing Permit No- pereon shall consi;ruet, inatal!, altet or clwrge cnA lzo ct e:istirq qlunb-ir,g cn <ireinage systel in ahoze ot in part, -rot.s-s sueh person is- tlcLe-gat.podsessor oi a ualid olwtbet,s Licensb, ezce?t th.c,i; a pZ:sott ray dopl&bug uork to proper4 itich is oLrned,, Le.lcsed. oir operztei iy-lA" qpti-c@tt. Electricsl Permi t llhere stale Lan requites tl.at the eLectrical uonk be ccne bg ot gleetrical Cont'w.ctof , tlv electrical pontioa of thia penrit etla.Ll ?ot- be uatiC uztilthe Tahel haa been si4ned, by xhe Electrical'Cont"acto?, Mecho nicol Permit a 1 D7 A uci2 i yob.t.la itae r EAw cA-RElaLLy EXNJIED tle conpleted qglicaticn for petti;, ctld dohereby certify that aLL ir.fo:ru.tibn heteoi' is true ail, cc*ect', od If"ttthet' .cer*-?iv tl,dt oty arl. a'l-L .aork cerfotaed srnl| be dote ia ac.c?-tiance :,tith the Ordrnsebs of tiv City of SpringfielC,, od thi ic;s of that ltat-e of -O-re-ocn p,er-;inina to the wii< C"s*-:tLa nnnZii, *i- tio, yo CcC:.j_F-LYc:t 'tLli be ,zs.ie of any stnetute uithc:tt penrJsaion ir' *" 3uiid,inc Di-rtsio-n. ! 1'ut+-her certii;; ths,t o:tly contracrors o-d e*plcAee"-;;';Z 1;cazcltance u-:th CRS ?01.CSS uiLL be useci on this projecz -( JOB NO. Lot Faces - ?. L. I icuse Access ;io"t4 So;cit _ lnvericn _ Cotne: ?cnhcndle CUL-de-sac TaLue,-t .( i-ot Sq. F'a-. Z cf lsc Caserc.g; { of Stco|es rat-l t-'-L-.v.4e 4..9..- Topogqinl llest iEan a=c:e lccessc:.t :1T.:,L I/AL',,:E S.D.c. ,.5 = (tl f&::rras Read,attial (1 bath) Seaet :?lil :i0. Ea^t/E=tend Cira,its Semttce - att l aat;lc. *ltanat EooC - t Star:ze JlcetdL< I i)lAL A.I,!OIJ.'I? CUE :'I\b fte Da=e o {. Vent Fat llcinte>s:a ?zz=e !iec:r.ic.=i i:bel