HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-04-10.. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs itorch sth stneeaPPLrcA,r,lt/PERl,lrr Spr-rqfield, 1regon 97177 Building Tiuision ? 26-37 S3 SPFIINGFIFI rr ?cce:-ct ! Date: Coaatrtcticn Lend.er !! ia the rcaponaibiliiy of tle penri; iotd* b see t nt aL! inapectiona @e nade at ihe ,)ro?e, linc, tlat acch sddteaa is tesi,a.l:':e ;'rcar tlu streec, ctC tlct the p*ttt crzrd, ia l,ccated at the izofit of the yropertg. '3ui!d,ir4 Tluiciot qprot;ed p?bt s?z.LL ret:ain on tlu Building sate at aLL tines. ?2OC99U79 ?An ii:SPl.:lCtt RICUIST.'CALL726-3769 (recotCer) state loue Citg Cesigr,z.ted iob toatber, iob al&ess, t-ype.9f insee:i1:cn @eanvJbnirspectio,t,conaactcn'"7a*nu"-*e-adphonenuabcl.P.equesxsrecqixedbefcte7:00'=l'-iLL be tade thc - e Ccg, "eque6ts nde cfta ?:00 an urLLL be rui,e tlze nest'arkitq dag. Iott' Cit-u' Desigrated, Job ltunbelrr, 8Af\L[Os ? e ouir e d !r. sr c e ti ctt s Job bcaticn: Assesoo?3 :@ I Subdi'r)sicn: Deacibe llork: Data of Appl ACliticn RenoCeL I Generu.L ilcttes tslockinq otd Sat-uP Plmbitzg eoaneczicns -- sane? od, uatat Elec*ica',- Cov.ection - Blockin1, ael-u= od pltnbing co?t/.ecti.ana netst .le q?:lxea before requZe|itg eleclrtcal it's9ec=io;z AccessoPi Builiittg Einel - Aftcr icreVes, skittit"4, deci"s, etc. @e ear-oie=ed. u :l I i:: sris r, -P: .rr.l': ?o be raie af!* acauccton, but pricr +-c get u? of ,'dns. wDi?siA3 ?:L':tgr:tc, zLZC:9rc,iL t ;E!!:.!:IICA!: ?o be narie ceiore ary6iE iucted. oi i0 , ?1UfiAfIC:t: lo be tmCe a;:er iietrcies cre ezca)ated crd fcr:ns cte etecxed, but priot to purirg canc-re;a. NDRGPCT:D ?aL'tt3::;C. SltZP, 7.1!!?' DPAJiligi: Io be izie pior '-o 7LL' @inchce. IIIDEPIICCI ?LA:S nC I :1iClAttIC.;t: 6-ia-A-irtr '"o inscal'ratzoa of fbor irsukcian or dccking. nS? AitD 3tA:4: fo Ui ,n;" Ptzcr to iastalkt:.cn o,i Jloor iwt;b)ioa cr CUP.3 & TPPRCACE .e?fr!: Aftet fornsee erectei itut Pn or to Pour-n4 &ckiry. i1ncii ?"-cBli!c. ?lzf9!lA| ) )t?c7: A;tIil.L.-J-'-ro* ia so be cotetei ffithesa irscec;iot:s it=ue ieer TISULATON/V^PO? BARRIZR ilISPlCTIOil,: fo be ,,"a/ie after aLL instkti,ca ei requ4red uqot beie?a 8e in Pla'ce bui before otg larh, WPs1,otl bcati ot tnLL cooer'tng is qplied, atd before ag ira:aTation is concealed. DRYIALL EtSP!trI?lt: Tc be nwie fft"r-nt@is in ptaee, but prtot to ctly '"d?Lng. W.S1NPI: Steel Locatioa, bond ffig"orrtin4 or oer'.icals in accordooe Di,rh |J.B,C. Seettbn 241 S. '"t0ODST0'/l: After i*stal7,a'tion is anroleted. t Sani2al se:,t* cqged ct goPertY Lite Septic totk V"tt-1eC an iiLLeC aith gvi;zi ?inel - i{hen cbae itens ate ccryLeteC c.<i uhen Cetrlitiort is canplete o! struc- ture naueC oi Pre*taes cleaneC uP- conc?ete. ?ID1'IALK d gRT,TnA!: Fot aLL cott-- : ::icz,ete iarirrg uithin s t?eet right- of-,-ct-, lo be naCe af2er all, e.aea- uatina cottplete 3 lont uork & aub- inse -'rcteriaL in Plaee- ncce td. *trttei. i-l r;:zri;:, .4or 'a 7lc:Jr4 Jzc'-r4i I E;eruLa arti before fratir4 inaoec- tior-. 71 iPElJl: it.Bt be rec'tectzd ar:)at.l .-i I etrcual of rarch glrr'cir4, electi- - dtt I r.ecilznicai. ' tL! rcbi':n4 brzc|rg 2 chimega, etc. msc be ataletcd. :',b :^:rt ie '-o be cctr- - ceitea ur.cil this insgecr-ca i"ae 'been rcie otd, c2prsued. l9NC9: llhez conPlete -- *ouiCa @ or nooabT,e sectktts thtough P. U, E. eLL pro;ect eadi:icns, suclz es che ;-ns=alkticn of slreet -V?11.,- cc4lexion.of the requireci Latdscccir€, .ttc., ,,ust be satisiiii a"i." the AUiLDIiiC ilisL can be requested' ?::lAL tsUltilC: *e Final Suildit4 Insoeclion -zst be reduest*i zi!e* tha linal Plurbinx i";;;;;L:- - ora. uec;-r-a.cl ins -o e c c|cns'itaue b e en nacie atd acorou ec' tl I .AiL:.!AtP-C!iS AND CLEAitcws:tus! 9E.4cCZS3:31i, .lDiusT:!i:l::o 3s:aDE:t'! !:0 ctsT ?c cry ?r.'-:e 1 of 2 2b34 un -[(\dn Sh rc bt u c)o\c\\ I t ^r*,,ecS\\ -fi\r\flra \ \ or r \'*- ci;t: ? \ n0 no- . cPof\Pil-\ ,ril qqAoS va!.ue \:/n ,o a 7 ,,ourr" rn, Conzrlc=or,q n Acid.yess -\f\n \ f\n l- o tJ fl ts(l sr n \\o fN FT;:A' PLU:,BlXA il:IAL |!S:A:ITCAL : :,.JAt =tae -;te^/f )r Lot ?zces - --I5.'./7 TaLue ilain A:7cce lccessc::t -.t:.1t tALJz s.r.c. 1.5 : I &ia,rres Pesi<ient.tb.l (1 bcth) Se.ter !9' | .r:-;-C:}-'C; Ea,t/*tend Cireyics Senice al, 1=at blctat UooC V€nt F.?. Txdsta:se Mecho nicol permit Pentrit fssu,stce Heci:aniccl ?emrlt Stor:ze Ctt!et: SLTeaaLk JOB N i.t Sq. FiE. Z cJ' Lcc Catere.it_ ! of Stor.es lotal !r-gh: logogrqinl BuiUirq ?ernit Sta-"a ?otcl **gea Plnb.tng pernit Stcta OLAI\./CCES S REQ.- ,?c:t=cr-c't 'i:;t _ lnxericn _ Corae? _ ?ani,ctdle CUL-de-sac I L-CO G+ 2e&ccna: - Building Vqlue & Permit This penn t is gtanted on the eap"ess atdition .-hc.t the saii constmtetionslwll, in all rescects, confcrm to the Crdinatce zCocted iiy the Ci;1 ofSpTngfiel^C, )nc.!.iding --he Soning cvdznanie, regulc:lng ;hL ccnstrtecicnd'.use of zuriciing.s,. otd nzy be-sucgend.ed or rbvckei ot u,g t-Jne uto, uic-LcaLon oI- ,ztA ??cuisaons of saiC 2riir.tnces, !eai {. iote Plumbing permit ilo pereon ehall cotsim-tct, ins!cl!, alter or ciu,ge_cng "eu c! ec.tstir.gplubirq cr drainaoe sgstel in uitoie or in- part, iot."L suot' p"rion is trc !i?:|,1:,:.":,"L^oi_:_!;Ld ?1,,,b;;; -ti"-i"',, e,tce?t th.ct a De"so,t nay dopLunbLng uo"k to prope"tg ulieh is oumed, l,eased or opemted by the "eeii_c@.t. , Electricol Permit t{he"e State Lan reottire.s thai the electtcal uork be ccne by an grectriceLcontmelar' the electric"t-li"li*r-oi:L;"-i"rrr.t s;1a.LL rat be oalic wttilthe l^abel ius been aigeti fu ,n" E\ZL;-IZLF contractor. t f EAW CARE,ALL. IX.LW:.ED tb conroletzi apclicaticn lcr Vertrt:, crui d,clereby certi,.y t,at aLL i-i;-;;ii;'iZi"'on ts tmte azl, cbreect, anc rfether eertl-fe- th.at @tl crC aLL io"*- cZipo,ed. stalZ be doae in aeccr_dance tith the ardrn*i: "i i:: i;!:j.;i. sp4tsf.iei: -;d-r:; Laxs of thet State of Oregcn cer*inina to ti.e wik Cescribcd herein, od, :i"a,v yO gcl:.i_E.t!rc'r'tizi, be,tla,ie of nv-at.r.:ir"r-*ttiZrt cermistiott or. the 3u;.Zd,inc Di_uision' ! !'t**-her c-ert'-i'3 :lit- i-iy'"oi-t c":"r" o-,c qtagees ,;t"o ez inertoliance,nlch cRS ?01.b'55 "iit-i","lZ'a on this ptojzc! ]lobiie itae ?2!AL f_tOuit? DUE:.I\D FA-3e o i I I