HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-04-10.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s i,orth s t;t s tz,e eAPPLT cA? r,N /PERIlrr Spr.r"gfield, 1regon 97177 BuilCing Dtuision 726-37 53 sPFlrNGFtFr rr zMZ J\.NJob !.ocaticn: labtflAaresoor3 :bo I Subdirisicn: s"r,,\-AU-hf\ t h\. P(o).Fu,,*,,,,&b\Y- \s-(r, fuN t^er* c:ry, fgaf\tr. (h,rtnon zip: C\\Abh Deacribe tt'ork: tCli;ic,t L Val.ueDatu of App Lia,2icn Plwbiry Coa@_!ede:_ lt ia the reagoncibility oto tle peraiiS ioldar Co see that aL! inapections cpe nad,e at lhe propet tine, thct acch cd'dtese is reai't3'>e ;'ra t thc Stteet,.?uiUi:4 Titiciolt cttroted p p**it , lan shcl Located ct the ftont of the ?rcPe?tYon tle fuiltit:tg S'Jtc at aLl times.caC tltt the cai ia L retuin ?zOCt1Upt. ?An. ilsPlf I ctt,ll-?t/z s?:cALL 7 rec.ttesccci d:'ti ui.en '!ou iLL ae teday lot'-iLL be tsd,e the satie Ccg, requests ncde 26-3769 (recorCer) state yo'ttr City irspcctiott,Conaactc"s cr A.ze:s cfta 7:00 en nLLL be nad.e the nee,t wrkitq da; lor/t C;ty'Desigza.tel Jab thnbet Is: l.esigr.zted iob ncne and. plone t j6g n)i-ess, tgpe Pequescs receixed, of inspee)icnmn:ber, ttu;tDc!.befcre 7:00 ,=:t ?can'--otl D SIT1 I:li?iC:IJt: ?o be trce af2et ecaui--on, :tut P?icr tc ee; uP of 1'orns. U'!|D!PSZA3 ?:L':IsI:IG, ZLZC9IC,"L 1 iECr:nicsL: ?o be nante ceiore cnYffi5-Ev*ed. rcCl!:iG , rcA:lDATIat: lo be zeCe ;frrr' a"eAd "t, ,.ca-uated crd fotns cte erecced, but Prior '"o purtrq ccncteta. . ,nlilczcwo -o:wzi::c, slFp. t.tt-i.?., '- I bPe:l;ce : To be r.a;e ?r-ot ro ;LL' Lirq =rercies. ,l uttc*s:ccn mu:str:c 1 :r;cti:ttc,;t,I I To 52 nd.e prict to LnscaL:'2t"on oJ fbor insuktictt ot decking' I-1 posr AitD 3rA:.t: To be caie Pr-ar to 'J ffi;of 11oor insub:ior' cr I az"t;ng. T l)t.tcit ?l!i9li:c. ?lzc9!'i:! t :t7c7= SiliUt :ti'n:r ia so bc cotetec Glf,;hcse 'Jr-scecticxs Tsue beer ncie zd. e?n!ea. Fi?i?t-ACi: - or 'a >lcc'Jr4 !cc'i4 AffiG ard beiore itairg inaaec- tia.. iPLllilC: i.!w? be rectected af|er ffi,'t oi rcu-eh pltrcirg, electi.- &L 1 necianiceL. - AL! rcoiittg btee|rq ! chi:rmcys, et.:. zrtst be araletcd. :1'o :xert is to be cdt- -cdted unc:,L :his ins.oec;'tct iae 'l2sn naie atd. c2grcved. ils;:LA:roil / vAPcR SARRr=R rig?1cllpit : To be Edce d.fte? dLL LtisuLiitan ca' rcquired uqor berJets @e in P1ace b-ui beTore otg La,th, WPsln bcarC or tnLL ouer'tng is qglied, and before oty it*Taxibn is concealed. Sani*a4 seoet cqged .t Fo?.tol Lir:e Septic totk getTeC a;tn fified uith 7T'j!ei le ilcnes DPY.IALL L'tSPltrl1!: Tc be rmde fiterCfr@is .in Place, but Priot to cnY taqttg. w.SOltPY: Steel Locatiott, bord ffi-oroutittg ot uerviccls in accoi&ce oLrh tt.B,C. 1ection 241 S. ',lOODStO'tl: After ittstalbtion is etoleied. t cLtRS ,' APPRCACP- AP?,N: Afte: forms ce erecvei but Prio" to Pcil?'nq coflEtete. SIDI\LALK & 9RT,.Tl4l: Pot aLL cott- Ate oavGincn:-n screet rig'e* of-trz'. '-o be nu.Ce ailer aL! etca' ilt;"Z- eqtpiele ,! font lrrk 3 aub- lnse -,rc"erial in Place. Pinal - ilrhen cbeue itens are cc'ryLete<i ei uhen Cq.alitiott is eanplete o" stft'' ture aooo-C at pre=rises cleaned up' -.-ALL pro;ect cadi:icns, such as the'instal.Laticn of st!"",-a1"-1.' :crylexion o;'ile rcqrireci ic d.scoirq,-'et"., ist be satisiif,l-1,fol""-tu tsUiLtI:t ?liisL can be negested' n ?flAL tsw.;)rtc: fr,e Final Build.it"4. rns-oection ntst be teguestei '::2r th'z linaL P''wbin1 \_/ eLecE?.LcdL, .d ],!;;;t-;-a."ii ii"g""":;"-".i--;r^rL i."" ^cd,e ard'cporo,tec. alI FT;:AL PLU:,BT:]G II:IAL :!EC!A:'ICAL a?ttat ??=aof ^. f--:.rAg:4!....9^s tsLockitq od Szt''tP Phnbitz.X cpmtectlczs " aaie? od, uatet Etecltrlccl Ccnnecxiott' Blocking' aet'u= -ard olunbinc coflnect';ons nt;et bc q??lt:E iefire rcqiea=ir4 e|-eclp)cal i*iec=ioe Accesso?i Buildiry Fir-zl - After icrckes, slirtirg, d'eci's' etc. @e can-oieled. ,ALL:.!A:iECaiS AND CLEAttculs ltus! 3E.[CrisillLi, ADiasT:s::!:o 3slaDE !''!::0:'5T 7C CI?y ?ziz I ol 2 (\!D'As'- I f-l -"slvcs.' tthen conplete -- *ouil'el) ffi; ,"'','J',tii'i""Licns ttwottst EP.A.E. T f-l 'l e-t V ,,ourr, r*o )---, JOB NO SOLAR--xCCES S REQ.- )clt=cnet j::tz: ^ =e/Ccr-sc: L-CO G+ 2edtccts: !".rEo Receipt #: '-ote Building Vqlue & Permit This penttt is grcnted ot the e.qress adition tlct ttu saii constntctiozsiull, in all rescects, gonfcrn t:o the Crdinanee cd.oote,i iiy the C.-t1 ofSpingfielC, iyczu&ng lhe 3oniag Minance, regalc:ir.:g ;hL ccnstrtecicnqtd.use o! tuiicitngs,. ad. nty be suspend,ed or reuckei at a.y ti::re utoz uic_Lcil.cn oi z.y prcuisions of saiC Cr4ir,orces. Buidirq ?aiit ?otcl llcAea Planfing petrit Stcte Plumbing permit No pereon shall consinuct, i1etal!, altet ot change _cng neu c! esl.stir.gplubing cr tbzinaoe systat in ahoie or in'part, ior"""" "u"n- prilon is thcLegal poasessor oi a ,Lua pi-ni"";; \i";rL, e,,cept th,,t a pZ="on ^ay dop-?Ibbq uork to ??a?e?tt uk"h is ,;;:'12;"A-"i-rijirZa,Zi"ia" cppli-c@lt.-.--9......JU, 1 1 Electricol permit lhere state ia't reouires tr"at the electrlcal uork be ccne bg an Erectz.iealcontructot, ttu elietric"r.;;";;;';V riiZ*i"r_t, ehc,l r,,t be ualit wttiltire t-abet hae been aisne<i bi';i;-EiLr;;LPcontractor Mechonicol permit t Penrtt fo&teLz !,te:iania3l p27v) 1 ! EAW CL?E|UELy !XIL),!!:!ED tje eryleud, a.olicaticn for te*ni:, ctui d,cte"eDy certifg tha.t.all hfos.a;lon niii" ia ttae ard cZn.ii, a_1, tfitther eertf i! that ory ":ra "ii iiii-'rzipn "a sirall be dote- ia acecr-cio,ce .rith the andrnsc_?.: ,i ,:: ;;;i -;;- sp4"sfii;: ^d1:; Lcxs of t,:o' Sezte of Creecn cer-;-inino to ;he wi*. Cescribed, heretn, ad, :ias )tO CCCI_P.t:tc.z;litl be,zace o7 *ry_""lilir"'r-itiZr, perarJ,ssiitt "{ln"-.zu;zaing N-uLs"on. ! i',;r:her c11t.:i.;i :iut o_iy-iin-tzac:ors a..d ryLogees ut"o ee ino:clicrzce aath cRS zot.b-ss iit-';;"";;;'o^ th1_s ??ojee. ! I tbbi ie rtae _ lnter.ict Cotne? ?crzhcwiie CUL-de-sac ?/a i.ot 5q. F.€. 2 cf tcc Caterc1a I of Sior)es ,^--1 r; -L-.v.qb -c-t.t- ?ogogqhl Aacess Hesx ?.i iiousa Lot Ftces - :.Ei^ X=cce .{cccssc:":z :C?.iL IlALUE S.D.C. I.5 = .F&i:ras Res:izattb.L (l bcth) Se"ter C:-T Na,t/btetd Cirai* Senttce ,7u'. blent EooC Vent F,t 'JxCsta:se t Curbct: Si.leaZk ?9TAL ";!CIJ}E DT\S:.NDFTL Dace .-ctcae llo"t4 Fr-q: Joixit ;!o. tu