HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1984-09-27SPRINGFIEIJ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works September 27, 19 Mr. John L. Reavis 30848 Maple Drive Junction City, Oregon Back Unit W- 97448 Dear Mr. Reavis: At the request of your tena$ts,. we recently conducted a Courtesy Inspection of your property iocated at 1069 North 20th Street, Springfield, 0regon. This inspection ieveafea several areas of concern that require your attention. They consist of the following: ELECTRICAL DEFECTS Front Unit 1. The inside cover of the service panel is missing., r!:Y Parts are exposed, creating a potential shock hazard. ( o t/'t -r *: Z. A serious overfusing situation exists on several of the branch circuits in the electrical sub-panel. Continuous overloading of the already ageing wiring system will iause exces,sive heating of the wire and r+pig deteriora- tion 6f ihe insulation. R, P {' r Q,t/ li erJ cI o<^,/ /:..on)'''i' a' sf 3. The splicing of unprotected wiring beneath the service paneL constitutes a sholk hazard and nust b9 enclosed using approved wiring methods and materials- ft*i)':;;Jt "{-f "af/7| 4.. The rubber cords extending through the doo::way and wall separating the garage - fronn the kitchen constitutes both a fire and shock hazard. (o4 d 412-a-or*i t'uas y'ey'a'1i< J I (' / 2 3 4 1. The ceiling heat in the living room does not work. The grotrnded receptacle on the east wa1l of the kitchen is ungrounded. 1rtr1/o'**/ o" The receptacle on the south wall of the north bedroom has no power. fr'tz/)a '/ The outside light at the back door is missing and the wiring is exposed causing a shock hazard. ,Ll-/d I t *,/ /n.* o/ The rubber cord that feeds the kitchen counter light is not approved for that PurPoSe. uL/ a S 1r-n ,t F y''-{ €/ 5 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 A Mr. John L. Reavis Courtesy Inspection 1069 North 20th Street September 27, 1984 Page 2. PLI.JMBING AND STRUCTURAL DEFECTS Front Unit Sincerely, + Richard C. Sellers Electrical Inspector Et"r Denny .ux Structural/Plunbing Inspector cc Georgia Bryant, tenant Richard Miller, tenant RCS/lh 1. The- p-traP on the kitchen sink is leaking excessively and causing waterproblems in the cabinets.,/ 2. The temperature and pressure relief valve on the water heater must be pipedto within six inches of the garage floor. This will minimize possible- in-jury to the occupants should the relief valve pop off.r-1u As you address these hazardous conditions, please consider the following. TheSpringfield llousing Code specifies that every dwelling unit and guest room shallbe provided with heating facilities capable of naintaining a roon terflperatureof seventy degrees F. It also specifies that all sanitary facilities shal1 beinstalled and maintained in safe and sanitary condition and in accordance withapplicable laws. Oregon state law further spcifies that all electrical work done on property that is for sale, rent, or lease must be done by a properlylicensed electrical contractor. P1ease also be advised that permits- are re-quired for the repair work. Our office staff stands ready to assist you in.this matter. We will check back with you within the next thirty days to see how you areprogressing. If you finish earlier, or if you have any questions, please feelfree to call us at the Springfield Building Safety Division. Our nunber is 726-3753. Thank you in advance for naking Springfield a safe place to live. E ZA A SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works September 27, 1984 Mr. John L. Reavis 50848 Maple Drive Junction CitY, Oregon 97448 Dear Mr. Reavis: At the request of your tena4ts, we recently conducted a courtesy Inspection of your property iocated uL fOOg North 20th Street, Springfield, 0regon. This inspection revlatei several areas of concern that require your attention. They consist of the fo llowing: ELECTRICAL DEFECTS Front Unit 1. The inside cover of the service panel is missing. Live parts are exposed, creating a potential shock hazard. Z. A serious overfusing situation exists on several of the branch circuits in the electrical sub-panel. Continuous overloading of the already ageing wiring system will Lause excessive heating of the wire and rapid deteriora- tion of the insulation. 3. The splicing of unprotected wiring beneath the service panel constitutes a shoik hazird and nust be enclosed using approved wiring methods and materials. 4.. The rubber cords extending through the doorway and wa1l separating the garage fron the kitchen constitutes both a fire and shock hazard. Back Unit The ceiling heat in the living room does not work. The grognded receptacle on the east wall of the kitchen is ungrounded. The receptacle on the south wall of the north bedroon has no power. The outside light at the back door is rnissing and the wiring is exposed causing a shock hazard. The rubber cord that feeds the kitchen counter light is not approved for that purpose. 1 2 3 4 5 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 Mr. John L. Reavis Courtesy Inspection 1069 North 20th Street September 27, 1984 Page 2. PLI.JMBING AND STRUCTURAL DEFECTS Front Unit 1. The p-trap on the kitchen sink is leaking excessively and causing water problems in the cabinets. 2. The temperature and pressure relief valve on the water heater must be pipedto within six inches of the garage floor. This will nininize possible in-jury to the occupants should the relief valve pop off. As you address these hazardous conditions, please consider the following. TheSpringfield I{ousing Code specifies that every dwelling unit and guest room sha1lbe provided with heating facilities capable of naintaining a room temperatureof seventy degrees F. It also specifies that all sanitary facilities shall beinstalled and maintained in safe and sanitary condition and in accordance withapplicable 1aws. Oregon state law further spcifies that all electrical work done on property that is for sale, rent, or lease must be done by a properly licensed electrical contractor. Please also be advised that permits are re-quired for the repair work. Our office staff stands ready to assist you inthis matter. We will check back with you within the next thirty days to see how you areprogressing. If you finish earlier, or if you have any questions, please feelfree to call us at the Springfield Building Safety Division. Our number is 726-3753. Thank you in advance for making Springfield a safe place to live. Sincerely, /*A Richard C. Sellers Electrical Inspector Erfr,<a Denny rdeaux Structural/Plumbing Inspector cc Georgia Bryant, tenant Richard Miller, tenant RCS/lh A 84 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DArE Aq - 00 - fy'ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 10L? //, )aN N0. \\il S..jOWNER ADDRESS 1o&<( RENTER PHONE NO. SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERfi - TELEPHONE /9//-,{4r/ C .4 TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY D Xx MULTIPLE tr BRIEF DISCRI PROBLEMS: * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Ovrner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date 8,4oto3t_a COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION oxn 4 - 6 - 9'l ADDRESS oF TNSPECTToN lO€f ttl,7 { I?L O ,4-f OWNER ADDRESS oXqX RENTER 47---4d.4c,rueo4 PHoNE No. qqtr €7? PHONE NO. ol, ?Zrl.f & 4 SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FoR ACCESS To PRoPERTY - TELEPHoNE NLMBER ,.rz<l-".t * rt-U--g - 7;6 -Sq// TYPE OF DTELLING: SINGLE FAMILY tr DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE D BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: A/>.(- .-%o -* *e- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Ovrner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date Elosz+ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE Ol{lNER ADDRESS l(oQ { COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) ADDRESS OF INSPECTION BUILDING DIVISION S PHONE NO.A/84-os?/ t"J'*,r^r'd g f VwcssqreRENTER SIGNATURE 0F oCCUPAIIT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERfi - TELEPHoNE NI.,MBER ^' PHONE NO. TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY u DUPLEX k MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: FOR OFFICE USE ONIY Date of Inspection Cotrtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Owner Date For Conpliance Conpliance Obtained - Date December 17, 1985 TO: FR0t'1: SIJs,JECT: F'ile GregorSr $. l'1ott STATUS 0F 1069 l{orth 20th Street The drnrell'inq unjt at thjs address has been converted i11ega11y to a duplex. An-v request made by the owner or occupant for official action, i.e. courtesy inspec- tion, building permit, variance, etc., or any complajnt filed by affected property owners shal l 'i n j ti ate act'ion to d'isconti nue thi s i 1 1ega1 use. Pl ease noti fy the Development Code A.dministrator if any request for off"ic"ial action is placed fon th'is address. frl** L +J.-,^ \b-obcA\ ry t al>7bq .hdA,- t/rt/ct- -Q\ r[t'l t vc w