HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-04-03#.. RESID*\TIAL.. 22 5 North Str, s *.:IPPLTCAT t'- L'l /PERMrr Sprt.ngfie?,d, Oregon 97477 Building Ditsi,sion nn -nr-tl ZO-O / DO you" CitU Desi.gr,ated Job Nutnber fs: Date General Plumb Required fnspections It is the responaibi-Lity of tlc penrit lpll* to aee tlnt aLL inapections oe nole at ltte pto?et tine, that ecch addtess is reaCable fran the etreet, and that the pernrit ced ia located at fhe frcnt of the propetfu.*guilding Dtuisiot apptw^ed plan slnll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. job aC&'ess, type ts receixed of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 an rob Location, 45 I iq 6/.h" St Assessors Map # la Db b GLI rac Iat # 0b"7 Subdioi,sion: asner: .gh p , lo ty) t Alei I -llow<- Addtess: ?A, Li tty^ 5,+ehone: IQG- lyOZ J,,LLD tffe) Descz,ibe h'ot'k: Date of AppL LU Value4 7r* Ad.ditian rS oa Elec tt:c nS Page 1 of 2 SI?E INSPECTION: ucaoEiln,Tut ?o be rnade aftez' pr.tor tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHT-\|fCAL: To be made before any tlotk ie cotsered. ?C)TING & F)UWATICN: To be rrude AFATmes ate ercaoated and. forns are ereeted, but prior to Wu?rftg ccnerete. UNDIRCPAUIID PLT]METNG. S9WER, IN,LTER, DRiIfiACE: To be nnde prior to fil- @-66nchee. ANDERELOOR PLUI,ETNG & MECflANTCAL : of floor insula.tion or decking. POST 4!L F04!A: ?o be made Pt'tot' to ffi€iTTdG{of floor iraulation or decking. R0UGH PLll!{BIllG, ELECTRICAL & I,IECE: nntCU,: No uotk is to be couet'ed .Gtil-thos" inspections hatse been nade and appz,oued.. EI.".E?LAQE: PrLor to plaeirq facingnat;ifi; and before frantng inspeb- tion. PflA\!_AC: ltust be requested after apitooat of rough pLwrbing, electri- cal & neclnnical. AL! t'oofiztg bractng & chinneys, etc. rrust be . contpleted. Ilo acrk is to be con- . cealed unttl this inspection las 'been made anC appro'*ed. FTilAL PLUMBII|G PINAL IIECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I!|SPICTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn a"d required oapor batrie?s de in plaee but before oty lath, Wpsun bca.rC or tnl,L cooering is applied, and before ay iraulation is concealed. OR I.IOWD BUILDINCS Sanitary saser eapped at pt'operfii Lite Septic tutk purnped ad filled trtth grawl Pinal - llhqt abase itetne dre ecmpleted. and uhen Cenolition ie eanplete o? st?uc- tut,e moued atd. przmLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? od. aatet Electrical Connection - Bloek:ing' sei-up anl plunbing eonneetions mtst be aptprcted before requesting eleclri,cal inspection Accessory Buildirtg Plral - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, ete. a"e completed. DRWALL INSPECTION: TCdfiidtT6@tT;.s ;n be made place, but prior to any taping. ILAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond tianilg?outi.ng or uerticals in aceordotce uLth a.B.C. Section 2415. W00DST0;/E: After installation is antpLeted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring conerete. SIDEWALK & DRI',EWAI: For all eon- cz,ete pao@-fiffi street right- of-uny, to be maCe after aLL exca- Dating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base rnaterlal in plaee. ?E!CE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mot;able sect'Lons thrqugh D F d \ ALL project conditions, such as the i-nstallation of street trees, conoletion-of tie ,nqilrnd T,anCsceping, etc., mtst be eatisfied befote the B|ILDLNG FINAL ean be z'equested. FINAL BUfLDfNc: The Einal Buildirq Inspection m,st be requested aftet the linal Plwnbing Electrical, and. Meclnnical Inspections late been made ard approued.r *ALL IIANH1LES AND cLEANours uusr BE ACCESITBLE, ADJUSTltEtlt ro BE t"tADE tl.T No c1s? ?0 crry SPFINGFTELD t. f1 rn oon, r tr u soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co dJOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cotserage_ # of Stories Total Height Topography ITE14 Tatal Gro. LOT ?WE _ fntet'iot Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac PLan Ecaniner uate I HAW CAREFTJLLY EXANINED the eornpleted applteation fon permit, and. do hereby eertify that aLL information het'eon is tmte and. cot:rect, cn'C I further certify that any ard aLL Dork perfolrned alnll be done in aecor- dance tLth the ordinanees of the city of SpringfieLd, and the La';s of the State of aregcn pertaining to tke wrk Cescribed herein' and tlat N0 ocCU- PANCy tvill be nnde of any structur'2 uithout permission of the Building DL- oision. f further eertify that otly contractors aitd enplcyees uho are in eonpliance dith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect Bedt:oons: Lot Faces - House Ca"ageP.L llorth !'L"ep LaceEastllll- WodctoxeSouthli'lest x Value Gttaoe, Cdtport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE PLan S.D.C. 7.5 c Si-gxed: Reeeipt #: Building Volue & Permit This permt-t is granted on the efp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said-eonsttaction slnll', in all r'"especti,- "oi,\o*'to the Crdinance adop.ted by the city 2fSpringlield, inclitding- the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnstntcticn ,i"d *-. of buildings,- and may be suspended o, reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of cflA pt'cuisions of said 1tdirances. Building Penrit Iotal CTtarges State Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, install,, altet'. ot clange -anA neu-cr etisting -pltinbing or d?ainage sAste"n in alole or in pa.rt, unless such person is the iegal pZsses"or oY-o uLlid pl*,bnr's LicensZ, etcept that a P?lson nag Qoptintirg uork to property uhich is oumed' Leased or operated bg the apPli- eant. Plwnbing Peznit FEE CHARGENO State Fi.stut,es Residzntial (1 bath) Seuer Electricql Permit Wlere State La,t ?equiz'es tlwt the electt'ical uolk be done by an Electrieal Contraetor,, the eleetTical portion of thia permit slnll not be oaliC until the Lobel lns been signed bg the Electrical Contracto?. onF Nau/Eotend Circuits Ianpcroy Seroice Stete TotaL I?!M NC FEE CILARCE ,t Mechonicql Permit hhanst Hood t'lcodstooe Vent Fot Penlri.t fssucrlee Meclnnictl Perrnn t -- ENCR2ACHME!,]r -- Sec"Lrttu Deposit Stotaae l4aintennrtce Perwtt hsbeut SideuaLk !enee Eleetz,ieal Ia.beL Mobile Hane TOTAL AI4OUN? DUE: *tb Signed Date (uelue)