HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-06.. RESIDFNTIAL.. /PERMIT t ltlO SPFITNGFTELDAPPLICAT. 225 iorth |th Street Spr"Lngfield, 0regon 97477 Building Diutsion 726-37 53 M/ ceSiaied: hte: Iour Ctty Deatgr.ated Job l,twnbet Io:q L4 blr-l '7V l'lechanica S upe [lec r r i <: ia n I.t is the raaponcibi-Lity of -tle permit ho,tdet'to oee that aLL inapectione ate nade at the ptoper tine, that ecoh address ie neadab'.eJ\'on the atteet, anc that the pet'mtt oard ia Lxated at the ftwnt of the orooertutBuilding D'iuicion approuetl plan sfu:ll renain on the Building Sttc'at aLL' tihZe.' P:!f!D.u!+loR, rysPEcrrW:CALL726-3769 (recorder) state you" city dealgruted job nwnber, iob aCdreee, type of inspeclicnrequestcd. a-nd ahen you.uill be neady fot inspectton, contractora or O,mers nane-ana ptoie rutmbet. Requeata rcZel.i;'ea bZyore'?:00 an'siLL be rmde the aone dcy, reqtesta-ncde afier ?:00'an vLLL be nnde the nctt ;rrr.iiii.id",g: - -- - -'-1----- Reouincrl ections t il M:trJob Subditi-sion: 1 LOO tc,z tot ilAaaeaaors Map il 11 Cz L t) A;ner:Aaou - D^^l fr 40- 74Se- Address: City: Phrmc: zip: "l brl*rn ], nrhrqu/ wcr/rn bort,roo^ , Deacribe h'ot li: Value l9t &O rr Additicn RemoCeL h*,runr Close ls extsl-t Ar",d Ceneral Plumb ET a Page 1 of 3 SITE INSP9C'!ION:To be nade after pr.icr tc se+- up of UNDE.ESLAB PLUTEINC, ILTCTRICAL & ilECllnilICAL: lo be nade befone anywrk is covey,ed, PC)PTING & F)UNDATICII: To be naCe - after trenches are ercauated and forns ate erected, but prlor topouting ccncrete. r NSUT,AT roy / VA?OR BARRr En IilSp.eCN1N :Io be naCe after aLL ineulaticn ad rcquired uapor bar*iera de in plaoe but befot,e any Lath, gypeutn boatd, ot unLL couering is applied, cnd. beforeay inaulation ie concealed. Sanitaty eettet capped at ptopertg' Liee Septio totk ptttnped ard fi.Lted vith gra:lel etcauatictt, but forme. completcd. cecled unt 'been made anC SS'IER llo ucrk is to be con-thia inspection laa approued, Pinal - After etc, @e oanp akirt.Jng, decks, UNDERFL1)R ?LU\IBINC,9 NECI|ANICAL:Io be nade prior to inatallation of floor ineulction or decking. P)S? AND BtA{: To be made prtor to7ifiTtit-{rt-of floor insulZtion or decking. R)Ltdt Pt,u:!BTltc, ELEern!cA!. 3 MECH- until these inspections haue beer nade and approued. L Tc be made in place, but prior to any taping. MA-SON!!: Steel Location, bond. beans, grouting or oetttcala in accordance vith U.B.C, Section 2415 . IIOODSTOVE: ccntpGm. After installation ia qURp e 4PP,!?CACH APP)N: Attet fornaa,e;rectdffi pil;; to pouring concrete. SIDEHAT,K E DRTVEI,IAY: For aLL con- crete pAfirlgGin; atreat right- of-tx:y, to be made after aLL erca- vating conplete & form wk & aub- base naterial in place. Final - l{hen aboue ttens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenalition ie canplete or strur- ture noued ad, prettriseo cleaneC up, Bloaking old Set-up Ptwtbing connectione -- Batey atd uatey Electrioal Conneotion - Blooking, set-u, and plwnbing connectione rruat be apprcted before nequeating eleotrical inspeclto;t Aoceesory Building Pz,ior to plccir4 facing and before fratn'i,ng inepec- I'lust be requeated after PENCE: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gatee or nooable aections through P, U, E. pcrchea, leted. of plwtbing, electri- ca &AL! roofing bracing E chinmcya , etc. nust be , . .-:_ ect con&Ltions, such aB the i.natallation of atreet *'eee, co,:rpletion of the''landsecping, atc., rmtat be aatiaficd befote the EUILDINC PIIIA\canbe requeated.PINAL PLUI,TBIIIC FIIIAL ICAI,FI,NAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inepeation mtet be tequeoted after the .oinal Plunbi.ngElectrical, anC MecLanical Inspectiona hqua been nade ard-apptoued, FINAL ELECTRICAL *A['r, UANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS ilUST I)E ACCESSTBLE, ADJL\STIqEN? TO BE tt4DE AT ilo COST T0 CIyy u l n I .AIL Date of rtppti.oti"n -* 23 '7? JoB "".910 soLAR :Ess REQ.-L-CO G+ I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for permit, and do herebg certify that aLL infotmation her.eoir ia true and, correct, otC I funther. certify that any ar"d aLL ,nork perforned ahal! be dote in accot,- dance tvtth the ordinances of the Citg of Spningfield, and. thc L6nB of the1 Sfate of Oregcn pertaining to the Ltork Ceacribcd herein, cnd tlat NO OCCU- PANCY uiLL be rmde of any Bttuotut,e uitho.at permiosion of the Suilding Di-uieion. I fur.thor certify- that otly contracLors and enplcgees uho dte in canpltance uith 1RS 701.0s5 wiLL be ueed on ttria pt,oject 5-a3- f? L Zone:t BeCroons Lat Facea -Eneroq Souraea Tune Setbaeks lteat P.L Ilouee 6araqe Access.lt,atot, lleatet, Nor.th Rango Eaat FirepLaca South I'loodstove I of Storiea Total lteight Topography LOT TWE _ fnterior _ Cormet, Panlnnd.Le CuL-de-eac Int Sq, Ftg. 7 of Lot Cwerage Heat -- Feee -- rTEM SQ. FTG X Vqlue l,lo.in Gctaoe Carocrt Accessoru ?,1",...r\e\\)\\ TO?AL VALUE E ( DCLUo )s.D,c. 1.s r to I *5'2.23 t\te Patd: 5 lt Silyned: Reca Building Vo lue & Perm it Thia perwit ia oranted on the axprea$ condiLion tlnt:. the t,zid concttuc-Lion altall', in all r'eapcct;c, confonn -Lo the Ordi.mu:,r:c tdopte,l tiu tirc Ctty of Springfield, including Llrc Zoning Crdinanac, ra,julcLitzg tlrc acnstructiot and uae of buildings, and may bo euapende,L or reuokeC at c,itj tinc upon uic- La.tion of any prcuieiona of aaid'Ordir,ancee , ,{ ' Buitding PentLt ?otal, Clangea State Plumbing Permit No peneon altall construct, inalall, alter or clnnge cnlJ nea cr e:isting plunbing or drainalle ayataz in uhole or in part, wtless such person is the Legal poeaessor of a oalid plwnber's License, ercept that, a pex,son nau do plunbing utork to property ahich ie otmed, Leased or operated by the app,Li- cdnt. NO,FE8 OO 1 Jt Sani Saser Fizturee Reeid,ential (1 futh) Plwbing Pernit State Electricol Permit l,lhere State Lau nequires tl"at tha clactrical aork be clone by an Electrical Controetor, the electrical portion of thia pemit slull not be ualiC wtttl the Label hae been aigned by the Electrical Cotltl,actor. t Nea/Ertend. Circuita Seruice CO CO , { Mechqnicql Permit Ezhanet llood. llcodatotle Vent Pat Permtt feeuartoe Meclanioal Penrit -- EIICROACHMENT .- Sectri I'ktintenance Pemit .nctt Cvrbcui Sida,talk Fenoe EZectnical La.bel. Mobile Earc |OTAL AWAT? DUE: I Date \rN ^ ITEM CHARCE htet,er V\r\ -rOr:r\c-..\aP-, ,*1 5 ?otal (haroea ITSM NO.F9E CIIARCE State $trclwtge lotal Claraaa i,,r. r,Pr' 't, I I. .0 I