HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-02-05.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB INATT ON APPLI C AT TO N /PWN$I225 frorth 1th Stueet Spm.flgfied, 1negon 9?47? Building Diuision 726-3753 SPRINGRELD 19th Street le tot r 6600 ,iob batictt:5 N. Aaaeaao?s b9 tl 17-03-36-12 s.ubdiviaion: Velure Add., Lot 27 Oancn;Georoe Flaoo Ad,tuss: 835 N. 19th Street Phone: 746-1346 (message) cits: SPringfield, 0R zitr: 97477 Da*fibe ttork: Convert garage into living room. z-5-82 $3 ,500. 00kte of AdtitLcn Value Bui I di ng Permi t / 4% Plumbing Permit E I Mec tuta: e ec cal Permit cal Permit cal label $28. 00 l.L2 5. 00 .2C 25:00 . 1.00 17. 00 .68 .20 m'70' EI 4%tri 4% ani 4%tri c h Ccttatz.L CansAtcdon Lada, It i. irts rctponei,bi-tilg of tlr p*ttrit loldo b acc i,hat all i.tupccttou oa runic at lhs pftp@ tuttc, tlzat ecch addtess iz zealabicfrui ttB si,,.ec,., @td, tat the pgnit ql, ia l-xdted a t;hz fzpttt, of tlu orcoaan.*EuiUiq Dtoictbn qroud. pbt eie,Ll i1trS%r* Buadhb site'at aLZ' tihie.' P?CffiW,E, ?CR, filSPEeICN ,ggfi!Es?: Cazl--S-buotdo) stat. yot ? Citt ti.eigi*t.d, job nnib*, job ddmae, apc of insgecticnrqucrxed, o-d g!.ctr you viLL bt r@ fon inspecdon, Conttactcrs o, Ait "a naae otd plutu tu$a. Peqosta rccaii;-ed bey'ae' Z:00 q:ttill b nad,. tr aonc d4, fiq:ar,sto rodz afte ?:00 an vtl.l be neAs tfu tte*."wking d4. P,eoui-cd. ; t*o cdtt;te S@tiby oe;e q.ad. zt ;ropsrf; Li.re Septic totlc V.qed ci filZd, rtth gzanal Piraal -,l,lltan citouc itta ea atolctedqd, uturt Ts,rlitzon ia cwkte bt sxrrc- ar;le nood, oi pte,dsit cleovz up. Ecmee Piral - Aftcr pcrehee, ek,)ttitq, &cl<s,etc. @e e4':,ated. Bloekitrg od. set-ttp PLtttbitlg corotetiottz - adD? and, rztet EZecLrix,l CcfiEctipn - BZcctirq, otd glrnbing comectians r.;at 'ce bafote *qtectitrg ekc=ieai irqeclio;t Aesessor! EuiAitra set-uo SIIE IIISECION: ezantattla, but Wio, b ..t ,q of lo bc aftc foaa. I-1 NfiUUTTON/VANR EARRI'R IWPICITOil :lil) - ruq*ra xqot b**ioe ot i,n piz,coLtt befor oq l,ath, *lptu,t M orulL ov*i:ttg ie qplied,, ad, bcfotc otg in;o.latipn ia corc.a,ld- E OIOERSUE PLAilRINC. EI,*NTCAL E WCHAilICAL: To be de bcfote oq apllk :-a cooard,. EWflO ,r F1ANDAN2|: b bc dt ay'ter tretehee oa acanatqi oxi foan ec ctccted,, but pno? b pouriry ccltct.ta. XX l- uNDtRcmwD pzuulr?tc. ggltt?. zATSR.t)Litq trenclue. DRI\JALL I\lSPEClf1N: Tc bc dzaft* aLL dlgl,ELL ia in pla,cc, but pt br to aq @,i9. etmnW: 5t .1, locatbl, borld. @gtaut;ng ot oertia,k in dccoz@u. aith U.B.C. Sectiotr 2415. V unoepfinoR pLur,lBrltc t i.tECpAErcAL: 7t woosto'n: Afte" 1r,t.1e,Ltatiott is IA-L,J lo ba mde prbt to insxalLatLon of l[[) engleted. floor iwuktiott or deckitrg. f1 ?OSA AND tsEAM: Io be nad,c prior blXXl ffiof fioor i*ui,asiott ot doekhg. l-l F.OaCE P\U|BIXC. EL!*RICAL I !'{ECE- l vvig-- . - uail cheae itupec;iaa irante been m nad. @d, q.orcveC,. FL1EPL.\CE: h.b? a pLcciry fccingilcteriale ord, beforc fradng inapec-ttbn- ?PA.'*1|C: l.itst be reaztsted, aft*qptoual of nou.gh plw,bitrg, electri-- a,L 8 nechani.cal. AL! toofiztgbaciry 3 chitmctla, etc. zlr,st be ccryLeted,- llo wk is to be con-ceald,,rrtil iltis ircprcticn haa beot rud,e od, apprcoed. $llE: 'rtua canpletc -- Prorrid.e gatea o, ;wuabla sactizna t;luaqh Dil? ALl, ptojact eondi2ione, gtrch u tlu inetall,ation of E*sct t?aoa, cc:a!;;iott ort :'rtsrcquipd lanCscwitg, etc., llz,at be satiefied before tl,a BUU,DI;G FlilAL :or le reoueated. A lrN.AL B.aIL-DIllc:- The Einal Bui?ding rnepection truet ba requeoted afler :he Fittal ?t-utnbing \[y {Lectrical, ou, lleciwial fnspecx;-ono hanta been iade od aotued. atcfrta. l-1 SID*IALX 3 CRIIWAI: Por aLL cotr- I I cretc pco*tq vttfui,n etreet rQht- - of-r,tq', to Lc nsit aftan all'erca- veting c@Lete & fom wrk I sub- fuse rzterial in pbec. CURB & AVPPCA,CE APfrN: a\a euected fut priot Afta fotnsb pouring m m m ?IIIAL PANBITTC FIITAL UECSI,ilICAL ?IfiAL ELECARTCAL .AU |,IANECLES AIID CWAIICW€ IIIIS? BE AC'ESSItsLE, ADJASTIEflI lO 3E WDE I? NO CCS? ?C :TY P4e 2 o7' 2 7 *rrr. ,^, . lottt cifl Deai4utd, Job nwibe u: 820702 Zoner R I )ccupancy Grouo: R3 Ti;pe/Conet: V-N Beitooms: ? Lot Faces -Ene?du Soutees Tuoe lleat Houae I'ldtaf tlaatq.?P.L Cotaae Access. North 1b' ldst 71 5r Eireoiace South ti' l,leet 32' ,loodsbiA r!8tt ,1,VaLue tbin fuone Coort Acceaeoru Remode'l $3-500-n0 rOTAL VALW s3 . 500. 00 NA $ 5.D.C. 7.5 t Plumbing Permit flo person slull cottstz'ttct, install, altet ot clto'qe-azg tlan-c? erieting -ptirt;ng or draituge s1otan inalole ot in pot, unleaa auch pereon ie the'Legal pbsseaeor of a oalid phtttb*'s f.ieensb, qeePt tlat a?e-?lof rsy q2 plunb&g wk to p"op*ty ,,thich is ouned' leased. ot opetated by tle qPLi- qft. 20 2 2 NO,FgE * 79 ?#: li.ztloes Recid,qtti.a,L (1 tuth) 5e,re, Pl.mbitrg Penrit Stdte Sigred: Dan Electricol Permit t{heve state lan Ylequd7lea lffiluuctriu.L uotk be Qgne by ot llactrical cotttztctot, the etictyical pottion of this pennit stall "ot be oalil, tmtil tfu l,abel lus been ai4ned bg the tlectttcal Controctot- ervt ce a N a,t / Est end. Circui, t s Savice " 2.00AS I!9M NC. $ * Mechonicol Permit E lldtlt EooC Vent Fot Pefinit, Issu,alae Meeiradcel Pernit 17.00 .68 I EAW CAREFULLI SXAI,IINED tlte conpleted application for pentit' o1d do heteby c*tify that aL|, infolnation heteoa ia trae atd. ectrect, od f fltrthd cetlify that ory ard aLL wtk petfonted srnll be fune in dcao?'-dance vLttt the- tudinanebe of tlla city of sprtngiield, @1d. the Lats of the* Sfate of 2regon p*tatning to the uork iesxtbcd herein, o1d that N0 oCC|J- PAN7I tri\L bb ,,aae of any efiacbue oithor,rt penrissi.on of the BuiZding Di- tieion. f fufther ie*iiy that o:tlg contra&ore otd etplogeea ulo ee in erqlioee Lltth CPS ?01.055 uiLL be uaed on tbLa ptoieet - ENCROACHI,|EN? .. 2-t0-82 t4obtle ilcne ?CTAL itt'toUltT DUE:. ( Ddte TotaL DateSigned$ za. zo futbeat Sid,araLk z Reference llunbers:Jcb !hnb*: iot sq. Fts. 8128 l, of lct cooerage tl% # of Storiea 1 i?otal EeLght 14' lloposryfu Level tuilding Pdftrt Sfute lotal Chargea L-c06 #: 1111 Lot twE X Interior _ Cormcr _ Pothadle _ Cttl-de-aac Building Volue & Permit This pertwt ia gzvtteil on the espteas corditiort tTuit tte aaid constntction elall', i.n all rZapects, conform -tu try Minorce adop-ted 9y tte city 2fSprtttgfieU, ittcfidin4- #te -Zoning Cvditwte, regulating the cootmrcticn ,;,rd ;Z o7 -tuita'tnge,'otd nq be- eudpended ot reuolad at atU *ne upon oia- lattan of otg ptcvirior,s of said 2rdinoeea- Address on receipt will be 385 N. 19th Street ,t Sto?eoe lrlaintenme Pence Eleet;rical rahel )n .. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB INA?T ON AWLI C AT TO N /PEPJITI 225 North ith Stzeet Spnngfi,ed, 2regon 97477 Building NvLeion 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD ra bt # 6600Aaaeaaors t4dp I 17-03-36-12 ,iob Eocaticni 835 N. 19th Street subditieion: Velure Add. , Lot 27 Georqe Fl aqqQsner: Ad&ees: 835 N. igth Street Phona: 7 46-1346 (message) ci,,ty: SPri ngf i el d , 0R ?.-q. 97 477 ,tdditiatt Convert garage into living room Deocribe l{or.k: 2-5-82 $3 ,500. 00ValueDate of App Building Permit / 4% Pl umbing Permit 4% Electrical Permit 4% Mechan'ical Permi t 4% Electrical label -it m:m tute: 7.12 5.00 .2C $28. 00 25:00 1.00 17.00 .68 .20 Cenznl OWngf PLwh*rg ZLeetzical !,leehciel Conatntctian Loda, It is tto ruepowibility of tlrt pcatrit hoda. b eee tlut aLL inapccttotu ce rnde at:he pqt* time, th.at acch,;frieaa is teafub1.e fivln tlo saeet, dd, tlr4i, the pailt sti ia l^*aied ae rte frcnt oJ' tlto pwp*W.tzui?.di.v ?ioistbn qrot;cd plbt clull jgt" trL* tuidirlg Site at all Cnee. P?,OEDWE P1R IflSPECIi1N WQUESI: CaLLa)A) buodo) stat. yout City deaigrlztd, iob turb*, job aCdreee, tgpe of insgecticn @aav for inapectzon, contractc?e oi a*ce- rane -od ptirra motba. .1eqtsata rcZeix'ed tbfoe' 7:00 c:tttill fu nzdo tt ean dq, ,oquata nnde afta 7:00 an vtll be Mdn tlo nezt .Ntking day. Reauiped lneoedicne t@ ci$ OcaQnatd, Job lfrrld,e fo;820102 litral - ,t'lltotr citarc iieas @e enpleted S@rii@g eata cqoei :t ?topfii Lirt Septic totk itryed ci fi)LZad vith gw,teL c.d ahen lqtciitiort ia cornlete ot tt;c:e noveti ot:i pr*Lses ci.eoez ug. Btocking od, set-'ap Plwbittg co?awcti.'na -- aa)e? d, uaier tLeatrical Cc,nneetioi - Eloclc)rq, set-uood plmbing conneeticns rr,;st ie befote reqtnating elcezrical iapeeei.ott Aeeeeeo.* Bud'ldin4 Final, - After pctehee, slirxin-c, decl<s, etc. @e eanpi,eted. ' lo bc ndz afto p?iol, b sct rq of fana. UilDMSUB PLUI4BTEG. ETETTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be ruda bcforc oq t,lorrk'ta eooqd. FCITING 1 F1UfrDA?fCfi: lo be nsdtaft* ttenchee oc ewatcd ald fono oe crected,, b1/t p?io" to povnflg eaw"eta. UNDNGPOUIID PLAMZII$C. SEIJER, H1T9R, Lirq trenzhea. V woeffruoR PLUt,Bfitc 4 :.tECgANrcAL:txxt@of floor inaukrion or deeking. V eost AND tsEAM: To be tade priot to lXXl ffitarffii of floor insuiatiott ot deckittg- m botqui.wi uqot b*rien oe in place hft before oq lath, gllpsu,t boa4, ot rnLL auethg ia qlied,, od, beforc otg insulatbn ia conc.ald. DRWNL fitsP4cf1il: Tc be rudeaft* aLL dtg,ELL ia in pla,ce, but pr.ia" to aq @ry. IIA,iOIIRI: Stecl lpcatior, botld, b@to, gnurtng or oentia,Ls in accordolc. aith A.B.C. Secttbn 2415. l7 itooosto'n: Ar'tEt i.rutali,atial ielll)@tea. I-1 qOUGE PLIJIDTIIC. ELECRICAL & WCH. LxxJ - uzzil chese insoeciaa iunte 'oesn tr E m m m iafu ald qprooeC. nfifrr tf?. ncteriale '.tbn. ?ITIAL PLUABITIG FINAL UECEAMCAL ?IffAL ELECARTCAL kior u plccirq and befote ftaning ,pi,2t€ta. 9|DWALK e DRIIEIAI: For aLL con- aete pcritta titlrin etteat rigb-of-uq, b bc trde after aL! ezca- vatLtq cqlete & for,n wrk & cub- fu,se tcterial h plasc. C,IIRB & APPRCACE AP.$N: @a a"ecteC buC priot gates Afte" fotligb pauring fcc+ry inspec- V nugng: wst be reatestd. af2*'$l) {rouai oi ruttgit plur,bing, alecw)- - aL d rccitsri.cal. ALt twofitt4 btactrq E chhrneya, etc. ttuat bec@Letd. llo urrk is to be con- ceald util thia iaspecttcrt laa becn nodc od, agVrcued. 'thez, anplata -- fuottiCe ot novoble sections tlt,olqh Dil? *ALL iUttflCLES AllD CWAII1WS MUSA BE ACCESSItsLE, ADJAST\,EII! lO 3E |,L4DE !;7 Na CCS? ?C :fy ALL ptoiect condttione, euch a tlu iwtallation of naset t?eca, ecrn!;tioa of =ierequird Tad,scq*q, etc., ira'at ba satiafied befote tl"a BULLDI;G Ef}lAL :ot be reaueated. 1l $NAL BaTLDTNC:, The Einal Euilditq rnegeetdon natst be "eqttected af)er :ice Pinel ??-tnbing \}y ElectrLcal, qd ltechs:ia,L Inapectibno 'hanta been nad,e otd'qprouad. P:s.e 1 of 2 tbil,a Ecmee E u r T -.t Jcb Nunber bt sq. Ets. B12B % oi Lot Cooeraga 77% # of Stories lotal Eetght iopogqhy 1 14', Level Puildi.ng Psntit State ?otal Chagea fna a@n Y Interior CoflE? Polhandle Cul,-de-aac 2 Referer.ee lllonbers:L-c)G #: 1111 Building Volue & Permit Ihis pernnt is granted on the eq?ess cottdition tlnt the said constnotion elwll, in aLL reapecte, confotrn to the ovdtnqtce adopted by the city gf Springfield, incttfiing the Zordng CYdinanze, regotlating the constntcticn anl use of buildtlngs, ord may be suepended ot retsolceC at stA time upon oio- Tntion of otg prcvisiona of said 2rdi.rances. Address on receipt will be 385 N. 19th Street ,t Zone: R I 1cctpancy Grouo: R3 Tape/Cor.st: V-N Bed.rooms: 2 Acceas. lleat I DT flouse [at Faces - I?EM sq,ErG x Value C,aaoe CeDort Acceaao"ll Remodel $3-500-00 rO?AL VALUE $3 .500. 00 NA $ S.D.C. 7.5 x Plan clteck Fee: $B- 40 1.1? 72!' Paid: 2- $ 2e.72 Signed: Dan I!EM FEE CARGE lishzee 1 $ 5.00 Recid.a*ial (1 Wh) Sodtaz,y Sanet tlcte? ( coo 20 $ 5.20 Plznbing PenrLt Etate Plumbing Permit No petson shall eanstmrct, itutal!, altet ot cltoqe ory nb,t or ec:teting planibittg or dtaina4e slstan in uhole or in pot, unleee auch pereon ie tle legal poeaeeeor of a oalid pltnber'l License, eueept tltat a Pe"eon tM! do plwnbing uork to Wope"t! ulrteh is otned" Leased ot opterated by the 6PPLL' wtt. * Electricol Permit Vhete Stute La,t reqtitee lWfE"t"ctrical uotk be tlone bg ot glectttcal Cottraetor, the elictrical portion of this pemrtt ehall rot be oalil tmtil tlw Label tae been ei4ned by the EleeLrLcal Conttactot- I NailExtend, Ciradts S*rsice Service cha ilc.CIIARCE Fttnece IIU'S Eciratst HooC Vent FdL 'rlcodstooe 1 ( 6nn Gas 2.00 $ Pendt Issua@e Mechanical Pennit 17.00 .68 Mecho nicol Permit * -. ENCROACINENT -- Seci,ritu Dzposit Stonage llainteadnce 1tbcut Fen3e ELeeliTledL la.beL ?n t4obtle ilcne IO?AL AT4OUW DAE:'$ zs. zo f flAW CAREPULLY gxAWNgD tle contpleted qplication for pennit, etd do trerebg cefiify tlnt aLL infoltution heteon is t"ue and correct, otd I fo"thq cettify that otA atd aLL ttork petfomed slall be done in acoo?' dance oith the 2rdinaneee of tlu city of Springfield,' qnd. the Laie of the* State of tu egon pertaini.ng to the uork ieecribed hetein, m.d tlat No )CCA- PAN1I uLLL be nade of any st?ucture urithout petnieei,on of the Building DL- uiaion. f further eertifg thdt onlg cott?acto?s od. etployeee aho ee in onplioee uith 1Rs ?01.055 tvLLL be used on thde proieet 2-70-82M_ DateSigned th;-n Si.da,ralk