HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-04-14:-.'! !t't ';'.'.. RESID.-{TlAL.. 225 North strr itreeaPPLrcA,r,N /PERI'I, Springfield, Oregon /Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ll SPFINGFTELD u ,//*U*oK 'reaponsibilila of tlc penit hoaa. b aee ilut alt inopec?tons oe nade at theatteet, aid, that the perntt eal, ia tocatli-ii;1;l;W#"2;rL"n"ti-o.^i;,*;-I;*,.ikr,,{3;i:Lryrrl?^*?. PRa1SDUPE FoR rNSPEtrroN -EI7WShCALL 726-3769 kecorder) state aour city d,esignated, job "equested a.-d. uhen ,ou iizr-idieadg for inspection, cii".t"""- or oume,s nane cnd. chone'tiLL be nade the edte d.cy' t'eqteste'icd,e ili.o zroo'-,;il-t;';rde the nest wrkinid,as-. It i. th. ftwt the ,*BuiAing fotns, but prtorbe nade aftertc set up of prope, time, tl,at cach addrees ie tea.Cob.i,e 'mnber, job aCinees, type of inspee;icnrutmbd. P.equests recei"^ed befcte ?:00 cltrro)s( :?o Iour City Desi.qnted Job l,tunbet fs: ?o be tlotk is cooeted. requirc.d oqor bur.ie?a @e in plaee but _befone ang Xath, Wpslrn baatC orLuLL -co1)e_?ing is applied, attd. beforeoty irculation is concealed. DRIHALL LNSPECTfON: ?o be madealtet aLL dtgwall ie in pla,ce,but p?ior to cny tapinS. !|AS1NR!: SteeZ Location, bondbeons, groutirtg or uetticals in accordozee Llith U.B.C. Secbion 2415. llO0DS70\,8: After inetatlation is ccntpleted. CURB & APPR?ACH AppON: After fortnsee erecteC but prior to pout tng conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRITEWAI: For aLL con-cr^ete pauirg within st?eet rLght-qf-?eA, to be maCe after aLL -ecea_ oating canplete & forn Ltork & aub- base naterLal in place. A Wgllt o Jgl!*et pl:*et pc, stwtp, rtrm.i I WII|AGE: To be nru.ie prt$g-fiL .Lir.S trenchee. !ilplR?L)j! pLUt.ErliG & MEC\\ANTCAL :'J'o De mad.e priot to installation of - floot ineulation on decking. f egsr 4rg apau: ?o be nad,e priot, to, ,lnlqLLatian of floor insulation or . cteckLflg. -l Roua!_PLUEllle. ELECTRT1AL & MECE-I ANICAL: uo uoikETo-Ee-6o@ .wrt-il these inspections ltaue been_ idd,e cnd approued.. I EIPEPLACE: futot to plccira facinat materLals and. before f"*ri"S ir"pnl_tion. I pnu:ntC, ttust be requested. aftetI approual of z,ough plwr,bing, eiectri_cac s nechanieal. AIL noofing' .b?annS &- ehinmegs, etc. maet" be: aonpLeted. Ilo uopk is to be con_.--;.cecled until this inspeetlan lue,,b.? rrud.e anC opptoo"Z. ANCE:gates I{hen cornplete -- prouiCe or mooable aectians thtough P.A.E llIl PTilAL PLUMBII\C PINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL -.:ALL pnoject conditiona' such as tle install.ation of slteet trees, co:roletion of thereqtired Landscaping' etc., mtst be eatisfied. b"f;;.-r7;-iui'rilic prNAL can be requested. F.NAL BUTLDTNG'- rh? Fi-nal Builditq. rnepection nust be requested, after the Finat plunbingL-/ Electrtcal, otc Meeharicii nipZ"i+.*'taru i"iii"- irra approued.. DEtl1LrTro!!!,!owi Sanilary eetser capyted ct ptopercg^ Lit e Septic totk puryed and, filted trtth gra:sel Fingl - lfiien abctse itans aye ccnpleted.and uhen Cqtclition is conplete'or sttue-tttz,e noued od. prenn ses clbaneC up. Hcmes Page 7 of 2 Job lacation:T 1o / zaoAeoeeeore llap #Ia Iot # S:ttbdiuieion: Al Q^r H Phone:Addteas: Desc?rbe llotk:L2^ -t Atrc-eJ ; l/U Lnd//'{ iluW Value n c/-[q -9bDate of Additian RatoCel GenetaL *ALL l'tANHcLES AND cLEANours urlsr BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJasrltEN! ?o BE MADE A? No cosr ro crry & Date: Antet: BLocking otd Sat-up Plumbing connecti.ons -- aater otd, uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and^ plwnbing eonnections n:^st bL- apprct'ed.before tequesting eZectrical inspeletiol Pirwl - After pcrches, akitting, d,ecks,etc. aue cottpleted. I ru-Srnc a pouuoerrcn: ?o be ra.ceL_) dlxer t?enches are eseauated and. f,orms ate erected, but priot topottt-ing ccnctete. I T z JOB NO.6o&5 soLAR :CESS REQ.-r--coC P. L.House Lot Pacee -rat Sq" Ptg. Z of Lot Cotserage _ Interiot _ Corqe? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac FTG x Value # of Stortes Total P.eight Topogtaphg nbin @age Carport Neeessot'u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c I - Lrufil,tN0.FEE Fi.stutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer i'to. Nat/Exterd. Circuits Sewice CI]ARCEtrar bhanat HooC Vent Fdt llcodstotse -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secu?rtv Deposit Stotage Pcrtrtt C'utbeu! - Sil.a,salk -5 @ EleettieaL Ia.beL BeCtoons: Lace -- ?ees -- * Building Volue & Permir This pernnt is granted on the erpress eondition that the said. constntction s_lnl.L, -in a-ll -respects, gonform to the Ordinqnce adopted lig the Ci,ty ofSpryngfield, incl.uding the Zoning Cydincnce, regulatZng thZ eenstruLtibn otd'.use o-f buildings,. otd may be_ suspen-ded ot, rleookec Zt "ry time upon uic-Lation of atry prctsisions of said Ordinances. Building Pendt State ?otal Clwgea Plumbing Pemit State Date Paid: Siated: 1 Plumbing Perrnit N9 person slnlL canstruct, inslal!, alter or elwnge anA neu cr etisting 4l*Plrrg or drainage sA2tq in uhole o, in pa,t, LrL.sL sueh person is theLegaL .possesso, of a oalid plumbet,s License, e&cept tlnt a pZtson nag dopltmbing uork to propertg uhich is oaned, Leased on operatea 4 tne "ppil-@nt. Electricol Permit wez'e state La re-quires tlwt the electrLeal work be done bg an Electricalcontractor', the electz,ical portion of this permit sLnLL not be oalic untilthe Label \ta.s been sigzed by the Eleca,ical' Contz,acto". Mechqnicol Permit 1 Stcte Total PerTat fssudlee Mechanieel Permit * .ne?uate Tatal r EAw 1AREFULLY ExAilr-ryED *te cornpleted application fot, permit, and. doIte,eby certif.g tlnt aLL infotmation hereoi' is tzae "7i "Z"iiii, "rra rfut'tke, .ce,tify that any ar.d aLL aork penformed st@il be d.o;L- i, o..on-dance tLth the ordinanc-e.s of the city of bp?ing1ieid., L"a-ln" L-;s of the- 1l?-t^?- of -oz'egon p-ertaining to the uoik 1eszribL'a t"niLr.i,- ""a ilnt No lcca-PANcy ttill be nad.e of any-sttuctw,e uithout permisaionb7 tt" Buitd.ing DL-tsision-. f fw,then ee_yttfE that_only eont?aciot,s ad. erpicyeis uho ate ineottplianee uith oRS zol.bss uiLL be"used on this i"ii.Z -"--- Mob[le Hone 4- T2TAL AM0U!17 DUE: *Crc '-J I Signed Date /q* I4ainteaance Pense