HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1988-03-04rd-d.- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department CERTIFIED IETTER March 4, 19BB Kenneth Snith 744 N. l8th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Ilousing Inspection at 744 N. l8th Street, Springfield, Oregon. City Job #880155 At your request, the Springfield Building Safety Division reeently conducted a Housing Inspection at the above address. The inspection revealed itens which do not neet the minimum City Housing Code requirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Structural I. The rise of every step in a private stairway serving em occupant load of 10 or less shalI be not less than 4" nor greater than 8", and the run (depth of tread) between risers shalI not be less than 9". The largest riser or tread run within any flig'ht of stairs shall not exceed the smallest riser or tread by more than 3/8". Electrical 2. Electrical waII outlets shall not be located above electric baseboard heaters. This condition can cause the overheating of appliance cords that are connected to the wall outlet above the heater, creating a potentially hazardous condition for electrical shock or fire. The electrical outlet(s) or heater must be removed or relocated. 3. Rourex wiring sha1l be removed or protected to a height of eight feet. 4. All breakers in the electrical panel shall be properly 1abeIed. 5. Existing three-prong outlets (grounding type) shall be replaced with ungrounded type outlets or shall be properly grounded. 6. Improper use of extension cords was noted, which when used in place of permanent wiring is potentially hazardous and can cause electrical shock 225 Fifth Street o Springfield, OR 97477 a s031726-37 53 Kenneth Snith March 4, 19BB Page 2 or fire. Extensions cords shall not be run through walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, or similar openings. 7. The exposed electrical wiring at the water heater is susceptible to physical darnage and sha1l be protected in an apProved manner. 8. Broken or missing cover plates were noted on electrical outlets, switches and/or junction boxes which require replacenent to reduce the possibility of electrical shock or fire. 9. The garbage disposal wiring shatl be protected fron physical damage and aII connections shal} terminate inside the disposal iunction box. 10. The dishwasher shall be on a separate 20 AIrtr circuit. 11. There were several receptacles with reverse polarity. This condition shall be corrected. Building pe::nits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to nalre to the building. A licensed electrical contractor is required for all new work and substantial alterations to existing structures which are for sale, lease or rent. However, work on alterations to and replacement of parts for electrical devices which is necessary for naintenance of existing electrical installations may be done by the owner of the property. ff we can be of assistance in clarifying the requirements, or the options available to bring the building into compliance, please call us at 726-3759. Sincerely, ll fl/^ Don Moore Structural Inspector CC Gary Electrical fnspector Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal Cindy Harmon, Permit Coordinator Susan Deloach, 4021 N. Clarey, Eugene, OR 97402 6dd,uao CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Department DATE OF LETTER March 8, 1988 APPLICANT Susan DeLoach 4021 N. Clarey Eugene, 0R 97402 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER Development Standards Pl an Designation/Low 88-0 appl'icant proposes to operate a Day Care Group Home w'ith no more than 12 pre-school children. The head teacher will reside at the Day Care Group Home. There was a Pre-Application Conference on February 25, 1988 - Jo. No. 88-02-30. The adoption of HB 2322 and HB 2884 by the 1987 Legislature have been brought to our attention. NOTE: 1. HB ?322 can be found in CHAPTER 794, OREGON LAWS 1987. SECTI0N 3 (1) under CHAPTER 794 states: "A day care provider's home shall be consjdered a residential use of property for zoning punposes. The home shall be a permitted use in all areas zoned for residential on commercial purposes, includ'ing areas zoned for s'ing'le-fam'i1y dwe'l1ings. No city or county shall enact or enforce zoning ord'inances prohibit'ing the use of a res'ident'ial dwelling, located in an area zoned for resiclential or commercial use, as a family day care provider's home facility." SECTI0N 3 (2) uncter CHAPTER 794 states: "A cjty or county may impose zoning conditions on the establishment and maintenance of a family day care provider's home in an area zoned for residential or commercial use, provided that such conclitions are no more restrictjve than condit'ions'imposed on other residential dwellings 'in the same zone." SECTI0N 7 under CHAPTER 794 states: "Th'is Act becomes operative July 1, 1988." 2. HB 2884 can be found in CHAPTER 621, 0REGON LAWS 1987. (Amendment to HB 2322) SECTI0N (I2) (4) under CHAPTER 621 states: "This section only appl'ies to anyfamily day care provjder who provides care in the home of the provider to fewerthan 13 cni'ldren, including children of the provider, regardless of full-time or part-time status. " al SECTI0N (13) under CHAPTER 621 states: "This Act beiimmediate presenvation of the public peace, health and saf dec'lared to exjst, and this Act takes effect on 'its passage." i te P'l an Rev j ew Appl i cat'ion - M'i nimum- Zon j ngllow Density Resident'ia'l ; Metro 0verlay District/Hospital Support. The 4N. pe r ng necessary for theety, an emergency is 3. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REVIEW APPR0VAL subiect to: 1. Requirements under Site Plan Rev'iew Criterja of Approval; and 2. Minimum Development Standards to be met (See Attachment A). WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? A Fjna'l Site Plan drawn to scale is required within 90 days of the date of thisletter. The following revisjons need to be shown on your Final S'ite Plan: a. The location and dimension of the three requ'ired parking spaces.b. The locatjon of the hand'icap sidewalk ramp.c. The locatjon and name of street trees in the planter strip. Staff has discussed th'is issue w'ith Joe Leahy of the Cr'ty Attorney's Office. Mr. Leahy told sraff that HB 2884 was adopted to amend HB 2322. The difference between HB 2322 and HB 2884 'is the addjtion of language l'im'it'ing the legislat'ion to day care prov'iders who provide care'in the home of the provider to fewer than 13 children. The operative date of tnis l'im'itation was on its passage. It.:9 Mr. Leahy's opinion that the July ffiT-o'E-erative date of HB 2322 is stjll applicabl6. If you or Marsha McCoy of Childrens Servjces Djvjsion (C:D) have questions concerning this issue, please have CSD's attorney contact Mr. Leahy at 7 46-962L. 4 Staff has revjewed the House B'ills discussed above and conclude that our existing Devel opment Code standands are no more restrict'ive negard'ing chi 1d carefacilitjes than other resjdential uses, i.e., home occupations, home businesses, resjdential/pnofessjonal offices. Therefore, staff intends to contjnue to enforce these code prov'is'ions after House B'il I 2322 is operative (Ju1y 1, 1988). 1 2.A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. APPEAL If you wish to appeal this Type I Site Plan Revjew decjsion, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this'letter. Your appeal must be jn accordance with SpringfieTii Development Cooe, Art'icle I[, APP EALS. (Note: Befone you consider an appeal, please have CSD contact the City Attor"ney's 0ffice as suggested above). PREPARED BY Gary M. Karp Associ ate Pl anner Copy To: DRC Members Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Greg Winterowd, Planning & Development Djrector Marsha McCoy, Childnens Serv'ices Divjsion -__.'i-_.\<_- CR ATTACHMENT A FINDINGS ITERIA 0F APPR0VAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC)' [x] DEM0NSTRATED C0MPLIANCE r^tITH THE APPLICABLE STANDARDS 0F THIS CoDE- When the Minjmum Development Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compf iance with the applicable standards of tnis Code. tX] PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS.EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE- - TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. When the Mjn'imurn Development Standards below have been met, this criterium w'ill be met. MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MET (Ref . Sect'ion 31.040 of the SDC). IX] THE DEVELOPMENT MUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. Tne house at 744 N. 18th Street is connected to pubf ic utilit'ies. [X] THE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY hIITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed use requires an 0ccupancy Inspection (Note: Th'is inspect'ion has already taken place - the Builcl'ing Safety Div'isjon will send a sepanate letter).A Building Permit may be requined to correct any deficiencjes found during the Occupancy Inspect'ion. A Building Perm'it wil l be required for paving the parking area as we1l as a Curb Cut Permjt for the driveway and hand'icap ramp. tX] PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND I^IHEEL STOPS MUST BE I NSTALLED. Three paved parking spaces will be required. Since less than four spaces are required, striping and wheel stops w'i11 not be required. tX] CURB CUTS WHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED ltlITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER. AND SIDEI{ALK WHERE NECESSARY. There is one curb cut on N. 18th Street which is classified as a local street.The requ'ired driveway separation from the intersect'ion of N. 18th ano G Streets'is 75 feet. The existing driveway more than meets- this standard. tX] SIDEWALKS MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SITE ABUTS A CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEI'IENT MUST BE REQUIRED IdHEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. There ane s'idewalks along the frontage of N. 18th and G Streets. hand'icap ramp wil1 need to be installed at the jntersection. Craigm'ile of the'Eng'ineering Div'ision at 726-3753. However, a Contact Les Page 2 DeLoach Fi ndings TX] A 5 FOOT t,'lIDE LANDSCAPED PLANTER STRIP t,lITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BEINSTALLED BETWEEN THE STREET.SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKTIIE NNENS OR STRUCTURES.IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INsTALLED IN iiii punTTTER sTRIP, The front and stneet-side .yard of this property are gnass.strips between the curb and siiewalk on N. igtn ano G Streets.to.be planted here. [X] STNEET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. rnere is an existing street-.lignt on the southeast corner of N. lgth and Gstreets- No additional street rignfjng ii requirea. ---- -- [X] TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTSIDE STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. No dumpster^ or outdoor storage areas wi I I be 'incorporated i n thi s proposa1 . Thene are planter Street tnees need CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Departnrent of Planning and Deveropment Building Safety Divis._,t 225 North 5th Street Spri ngfi e1 d, 0regon 97 477 726-3753 (Bus. ) 7?6-3769 (Insp.) DATE: i- )h -BE +wt5 4 -fiJOB ADDRESS: -]n/ OWNERT Kln,r.,a10-,Srr^i#}. OCCUPANCY INSPEC" IN APPLICATION 1lt\orcq SPRINGFlELD OI,INERS ADDRESS: APPLICANT: ( FoR ACCESS To PR0PERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPIIONE NTMBER' Ltf,,"t16Ril PROPOSED USE: A $ 35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME,/ 7{ oF APPLrcArroN THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OIINER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED 1-/<-/ SIGNATUPG OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OI{1\ER. (.1 DATE OF I}ISPECTION DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF CO},IPLIANCE: COMMENTS: RECEIPT NIMBER:lolq b APPLICANTS ADDRESS: QDhl rn" C0n-,r0,, .(), ncri1o, OR C{1dil} DArE pArD, & - )B -&f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Lelartment of Pl anni ng and Devpl opment Building Safety Divis n ?25 North 5th StreetSpringfield, 0regon 97477 726-3753 (Bus.) 726-3769 (lnsp.) OCCUPANCY I}ISPEC- ON APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD DArE:'i-fh-BB 2 P4,r6s +.ggo 64 JOB ADDRESS: -1 OWNER: Kpr-,-,0* 0-*n"-i-t0. OI,INERS ADDP.ESS: APPLICANT: APPLICANTS ADDRESS: FOR ACCESS T0 pRopERTy--PLEASE TNCLUDE TELEPIToNE NUMBER, 6RtO6RO tt4 PROPOSED USE: A $ 35.00 INSPECTI9N FEE IS AT TFIE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY TI{E OIINER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED SIGNATUP.E OF PROPERTY OI.INER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF ITtrSPECTION:RECEIPT NTMBER:loqor b DATE OF REPORT:DArE pArD' e-)-5-8f DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF CO},IPLIANCE: CO}OIENTS:7 c 7 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Planning and De, lopment Building Safety D'ivis-on ?25 North 5th StreetSpringfie'ld, 0regon 97477 726-3753 (Bus. ) 7?6-3769 (Insp.) SPRINGFIELD +88ots 4 DATE: 'l- a*, - BB JoB ADDRESS: -1\{ {t^ l8 dr }trca* ,%,onrnaluo1fr0" OWNERT - or,,INERS ADDPGSS,-lrlr{f1 R*h glA-pp* }nn , r',o!taQ,&ry APPLICANT: APPLTcANTS ADDRESS: LlDat/n. CQnto--^-i O, ^crno, oR q-ldo-1 v r ----o FOR ACCESS T0 PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPIIONE NIIMBER, tR.Q-,36RO OCCUPANCY I}ISPE -ON APPLICATION N PROPOSED USE: OaRa, n 0,n.,..,0 r,r-<t{n \a,, ,rrnnfietr^/ann A $ 35.00 TNSPECTION FEE rS REQUTRED AT TrE TrME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY TI{E OiINER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. SIGNATUP.E OF PROPERTY OI^INER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DAIE OF I}ISPECTION: DATE OF RNPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COI,IPLIANCE: RECEIPT NUMBER:/o1q b DATE PAID:p- )5 *r COMMENTS: /7a_ PLUMBING INSPECTION REPORT t)a 1 Vtu- -4 6tot5 ) JOB ADDRESS 7{4 DATE PHONE at abtoowNER l( t nneil, Sru ,lL ADDRESS "tl l}.! 5- TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING y'occupancy COMPLAI NT FiRE DAMAGE JL g',1/urffi k),Lr tle,rt*(R Tb o.if sr L a S€u ao lr>t ,t t f INSPECTOR s / r /t r I '/1qq uSPRINGFIELD fi CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offlrce of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department DATB OF TETTER February 25, 1988 DATB OF HEBTING February 25, 19BB APPTICAI{T Susan Deloach 4021 N. Clarey Eugene, 0R 97402 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 87-02-30. Pre-Application Conferenee to discuss the operation ofa day care center serving 17 children. The location of the property is at 744 N. lBth Street. ATTBNDANCB APPLICANT: CITY STAFF: ACTION No formal action vas information prior to approval. Susan Deloach. Gary Karp, Cindie Harmon, and Lorne Pleger. taken, this meeting vas held to provide the applicant vith submitting a formal application for a Type I Site PIan Reviev DISCUSSION The items discussed may not include all issues vhich may be revieved as part of theactual application. At the meeting Ms. Deloach stated that she vould prefer to applyfor Day Care Group Home, rather than Day Care Center approval. The house proposed tobe used as a Day Care Center did not meet the Special Use setback standards. Thisletter discusses the Day Care Group Home application only. Please be avare that theday care provider must reside at the group home facility and that there is aIimitation of no more than L2 children. Assessor's Map# L7033627 Tax Lot 13300: The zoning is Low Density Residential(the property is r,rithin the Hospital Support overlay District); the Metro plan designation is LDR. L 225 Fift}e Street a Springfield, OR 97477 o s031726-3753 Page 2 Deloach Pre-app 2. In the LDR, Day Care Centers are requirement. 3. Special Use Standards to be met: Iisted as a Special Use vith a Site plan facility must provide a play area in accordance r.rith CSD regulations. facility must be approved by CSD. requirements: Day care Group Homes require 1 parking space for each Lro0ofeet of gross floor area for the faeility in addition'to the tvo parkingrequired for the residential use. Probably a total of three off-streeispaees viII be needed. 0ff-street parking spaces are required to be 4 5 a. The b. The Parking square spaces parking paved. 6. An Occupancy Inspection viII be required. 7 ' A handicap ramp will be required at the intersection of l8th and G Streets ifnone exists. APPLICATION PROCBDI'RE Fences cannot area 4 feet se t back. PREPARED BY Ga ry . Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members exceed 6 feet in height except z t/z feet in the vision clearance(unsratted eyclone) or 3 feet (sight obscuring) in the front yard /-1-J Y9, should probably vait until the 0ccupancy rnspection is completed before you paythe $100.00 fee for the required Type r site itan ipplication. The deadline for SitePIan applications is any Friday. The results of ihe application vi1l be availablevithin approximately 10 days of submittal.