HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-02-15lie cr:i ;t L t3 La3 .. RESIDENT'AL.. APP L I C AT I 0 N fii"< ll I'i' 225 Nortlt |l;h Street Springfield, 7regon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 5s Job Locaticn: c 32 .') SPFI,NGFIELD 2- l1-\ 1 Ascessors t'!aP il Subdittision: 0tmer.: A<ldresc: ci Additicn tlenoCel Date of n toI.s General Lect I'ct: tot ll Ithottt: Describe hlst'l:: /il 7*-/Zry*2F iVrz%{P VaLue /cry*^\\Date: nw;ber, inspcctiott,Conttacl:ot's or Asners ntne cncl pltotte niutbcn. aftet 7:00 an uiLL bc mule the nczt .:tct'king dai; -t5n I Constnt9!!93-L9ru!9-t IL is the from the srBui!dintt to sec Llv'tt aLL inspcctiotttt at'e nade aL !|rc it''oi'er timt:' LhaL ecch cddress is readabie reoponoibiliLy o! tte permit' holder trict. anC Lhat the Penmt card ia'O;ri"iur. upproced plan slu:Ll tenain Locabcd at l.he lront of the.ptoperty' on l;lr; Lniklittlt :iit;; at aLL Linrcs. 26-3769 (recorder) :ttate 11ottr Ci!;y Cesigrtzted ,iob job ot!c:'css, tYPo. Pequcsts recelted of it:speciioi befcrc ?:00 ctP17CSDUPE Fon INSPECIIOTT RSQUES!:CALL7 "adY fo.r;,tiil be nndc the sane dcy, requests mcde ct/ l l l l fonns. UN\ERS.,AB PT,UMBINC. ErEqnI=cAL,9 ux;ttlttfctc: To be nade before anY ffii-7i'i6oered. FOOTING 4 FOUNfiATICN: ?o be tPCe iTiii-ffiiiliii7i tc au a t e d a rvl fZrns at'e erecbed, buL Prior to pouring ccnctete. ulD1ncPoullD P!,UM?INC? S9tt!:t. w.1r-H-. DfiAI\IACE: To be nadc Pt'Lor to ILL' Tfi-liinctrcc, -1 unoenprcon prttt:nrnc 4. t'ttct!4urc,,tr,t ^-) fo be nade pnior to instaLlavlon ol floor ineuktion or decking' 1 post AND BEAI'I: To be nadc pri'or to ) T;;t"tt;;trof floor insula'.ion or decking. 7 Rlt-tcil PLU!:r,Mq EltEffRtlAL ,q MECil.: I lnlclt,: No aork is Lo l'c cot:c''cd - i;if these inspecfiot:s haue becr matle ard approtle!..- f rnnpnrtce : Prior Lo plccir4 fccing ) ,*t;;l;G aru| bcfore frutning irtnPce' tion. --il FnAxlNc: l'lust be requeated af ier A "wr"r."L of rough plwnbing, eleetri- - cdt & lneclanical. ALI roofing bracing C ehinmclJa, etc. nast be conpletcd. llo ttork i:t to -be con- cecled until this insPection las 'been nade anC approued- sIrE IlSlECry1N: To be nnde aJ'ter Ziiauation, bttt priar tc set uP of FItIAL PLU\''\BIltc FINtlL l.lECllANICAI, FIIIAL ELECTRICAL Iour City Desigrnted Job Nrnbcr Is: be aL Licn rcquired uaPc,r' but l;efot'c artY LwLL couerinq i oty insulabi,trt l:at'riers an'e itr Plaae laLh, gypsturt bca*! ot' s appliccl, and bc!'ot'c is conceaLed. DnYYAl,t, INSII:C\\ON: Tc be mtde AT;,;;tL-Z;ii, rT it .in ptacc, bul prior Lo crtlJ Lttlttttg- MASONRY: Stcel Location, bond 6ifrilororrtittg ot uerticcls itr accordaitce uiLh u.D.C. Sect'iorr vOOD:;To',!f:: Aflcr tnatallation is cctnpLeLed. CUnn ,c APPncACIt APQN: Aftet' forms ar". "P.cLA-i;;i;l;; to pouring concre Le. :;|DEHA\,K ,t: DnI"'l:ttty: For aLL con- .re t; Noiii ultlin street right- of-un11, Lo bc madc after aL!- exca- Dating aanpletc & lota utork '9 cub' base tmterial in Place. IENCE: h4rcn conPl.elc -- Prouicle jilii or notsable sccLians througl: P. U. E. rtLL pnoiei:t t:ott<ltLions, strc!: aa Ll-re i'ns!:al-LaLion of :tllecb t-1111.:. to'plctlon.of the'*iq"lirrh--i",r,x,i"p;r.,J, Li..,'r*rt tre satisliid b,:fone the BtlrLDItlG FriiAL can be requestcd' FIN1L DUILDINC: 'Ilyt L'inol Duilding Inspet:!:iott ntrat bo requested cfi'er thc Ftnal Plunbin3'fi.iir.liii, 'aid tlccharia,fl hspecb-io11st'haDc becn made arul approueJ. l _l l l 3U ILDI"nr:t.t'tLrTIO!! 0R Sanila'y seeer capped c,t propari'; Ltre Septic tank pzVcd and filled uith gnatel Ft.ncl - l{hen abcpe i.tc:ts aret ccnpletei at;J uhcn :lencLltion ia conplete ot' si."i'-'- Lure noueC anC prenises cleanei up. Blocki.ng arul set-uP Plwnbing connectians '- sa)er anl ualer Electticcl Ccntection - Blacking' set''u= and nlwnbine cont:ecLiorrs m;st be appt'ctet! bef<trc requZsdng elec|nical inspec!io:: Accessot"; BuilCing Pinal - After pcrchee, skirting, decks, etc. are cotnPle!.;d. pr,.:C : of 3AAt,t, tlAMicr,ES AND er,tiAnottl's ilusr nE Accnsst\tti, AD,tusrltr,itr To 1ti t:tllE AT l:0 c'-15T T0 cM N ot,t L) d a T T l JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. X cf Lct Ccveragc_ ! of Stortes 't'oLaL l!ei5ht 'Io1to1;raplry I'Lunbi.nq !'r:rr;: i. l: SLaLe Surcl:ary;e Tc l:o ! L Perni.t Stctc 'fotal Clnrce:; Pct'nri L lc:iulnee llechanical Permtt Statc SOLAIi ACCESS ]ii.., r,CT TYPE Intericr Co|nef Parthot!Le Cul-de-sat: L-CO G t::i t BcCrooms [,ol: l.'accs - latct laid: l; ll: Plumbing Permit No 1tct,t:ott :;lnl.L cort:;Ltttt:t, ;-nslall,- alLer or r:ltangc -atry nco.c'' c:isting 'lriririi'1n11 o, tltuirutge ,rii,'i'Lt, t" "to'Le on it pant' u':Less such person is the 'ilro-t''iirr"":tor o1:'a;1";L;; Pi*'b".'"i Li""n"L' eacept that a.pe:"son na'1 do plw::bing utork to lrr.pii,ry-iiri-"tr-i, oxunrl, Leased o'r opetated by the appli- canl. Electriccrl Permit l,tlpt'eStatel,ar,treqtrlt'rtsttnttheelectrtcaluorkbedonebyanElecl;rteal cotttractor,, ttte eleatr)ilni'lint;o".of tltis.pelmit stull not be ualic wttil tirc Label ins beeh :;igncd b-y tlrc lileatt'ical 'Jotttractor' Sig::ed: Mechcrnicol Permit uaLeTtatt li;cr:tnittot' I It,liVE cARt:FULf,y txAMINf;D the corry>Lel;ed applictttion fo-r pennit' cnd do i,":;:;L; .ir'"t'tli" tr-t ,rl'r"11,ii,'*fibn t:et'eo'i i's true aid corrccl' .tc r 'fi,'rTlnir'- .nttii'iy- that "ity- "i aLL uot'k perlotmed stall be dote in ac'or' ctttraa uiLlt ttrc o'uti.,rt,t',:i,"-ittriri [iti'"i Springfield, .and Ll\c Laxs of thc !)LnLc oJ. ot,(;tl, p"r,t,"iirirru-'to Lh. t.to-t'kilc,i"ribZrt lrcreitr, and:lnL NO ,CCI- pANCf r,tiLL bc rm;!c ur",|,it'rii,r"ir.,,,ii ,iiii,irt petmis:tio, ol ttrc Suil<ltn;1 tti- uision. r frtt'LIu:r' "","ii]';"i)''t"'"';'"iv-;;;7"'c'tot's and 9nplcyecs ul:o are itt .i*ir1.l.r,r"" itLtt afis ?01.bis uiLL bc- ttsed on tlris ptoject' {;r T;rpcEnerotl So;trces !loatSctback:; l,later !lcater'llou$e (frtrylt:tlar.:cst;lr,l, l,lo| l,lr l.it:; I lioriLh Louc l.tltt L -- I'ce:l -- Va Luc.5(r'. F',IG |'lain C[:t dce Carpcrt tlccessortl rq- //z FzT,rZ-/aau -{o757fia TOTAI, VAI,UE tw{)(ucluc )s.D.c. 1.5 t PkurD-s;o 7P clmR(;ll /*re Building Vc:lue & Permit Ttris pendt i:t llranted on bhe erpfess contl-iLion Llnt tllc :;ttid.cottsttaction slnll, itt aII. t'ct;pccti'- confo,m'Lo Lhc Ordinu;ac e-dopteJ liry ilte pLty of ,i1,i,i.n,,7ttt,t, in"!'trlitrtt' lliitL ':on;rt11 cvclinana.c, rt:'lulcLittg .tlrc c?ytnl::l:'::r. nlnd u'ri, 1tl'itrtiltlin.l:;, atu! n=y bc liusPcndcil or reuokeC aL ct:y c'-iltc ul'on uLo" LaLion o1; arty prou:L:;tottu of :;nid orclinanaes' Duildinlt Pct'trit ?otal Clntges State NO,L'L''II1'ETI l'i:c t rircc Residential ( 1 brttlt) Sanittry Seucn Wctcr L'ilAl:t;i':: 'l't :t't Re:t. So. ftq Na;/Erterul Circuits |'enpcraty Seruicc ClltlliCll/V(1.I',t':iN F;yn:tcc PTUt{i lblr,:j,rst llooC VenL Fatt l,l:uulnto:n -- ENClt)tlCllttEN't''- Secarittt heposit :;toragc l4airttcnan,:e Pcrmit t Sida'talk Setee Electrical tabel tlobtle llcne Cwbau! 'l'oktL qt8 3Y 5ir Date /i t O Js.iqtr-gYYsc!!- SttncJtarutc A .{ ADDBNDUM TO: BID SP IITICATION Jane and LaLham Flanagan 4495 PinecrosL Drive Bugcrre, Oregon 97405 70 //7 644 North l9th Street Sprinr{field, Oregort 97 478 FOUNDATION RE?AIR AND STABILIZATION l.detachthenorthul.i,ngofthebul]cltrrgfrorlritg.foundationarrdroisel.hc structure to estabtish a I'evel ffoor and plumb v'ra'Ils' retain tlre exj'stinB nru,lslll and foutrdstton 5t the present elevation, and lngtall solid 4" t'uide .;him rrrateriel betvreen tlre toP of tlre nrudsi 1I snd tlre bottonl of thc-' f Ioor' jo.ists.Attaclrtlreso]idshirrlrrlate}^ialtothernudgi]]rulthl6dnai]sata rr:rximum spacj.n8 of 16" o. c. , and to eech f loor Jolst wltl-r 3-8d toellnlIs' Remove ancl reploce exterior siding and vrall sheathirrg ae needed to cornplete the above described work' 2. Instal I tv/o nev/ AxB girders to provide additional support joists'Thegirdersohat].beparalleltotheexistirrggirdel. threo f eet of tl're exteri or f oundati on rual I s ( east and ruegt ) ' square concrete pier blocks and 4xrl Pressure treated support the-- girder et a nraxinium spacing of 6 ft' o' c' Replace corroded gutters snd dorvnspouts ruitlr ne'tv stenderd galvsnl=*d ,.,aterial. Direct roof drainage into a new 3" underground drain pipinE system to disclrarge'Elre.rr,-oif into tlre street Buttel'thl'ough a weep hole ln the crlrb. If no rueep h,-rIe is aveil:lble for the drsinsge, provide a 3" diameter.tveepho]edr.i]]ec]tlrr.oughtlreexiBt]ngcur.b. 4. Intpor.t su1'ficient cles.rn loern backffll rnaterisl to r'a'Isle the ground =levation at the south, west and north faces of the building to a new finish grade one inch belovr tho bottom of the foundation vents' slope the soil away from the buildirrg to intercept tlre existlng grade elevation at a minirnr-rrn clistance of five f6et fronr the bu1lding' Adjust grades at existing steps and cravrl hole to maintain the proper function of tlrese features' for the floor snd rui tl-r i n Provide 14" posts rltrder PEST INSPECTION REPORT TINDINGS 5. Replaci approximately ($ square feeu of cletcrioraEe<I subflooring and undcrlaymc[rr aE vicinieY of souEh bedroom' 6. InstaII $,aE,erProof caulk sealer along bachuub base and top' 7. InsLaII new E.oilet- drain tlax seal with f lange, reseE commode and caulk' a. llavc strbstrtrcLurc or n[fecE.cd nrembers chemically rrearecl Eo control dry rot f ungr'rs ' ;.er t,rearmcng, obtain cerEificaLion of completion from licensed pcsE control operaEivc' '-. 1 BID SPECIFICATION Jane and Latham Flanagan 4495 Pinecrest Drive Eugene, Oregon 97405 644 North l9th Street Springfield, Oregon 9i4i8 EXTERIOR REPAIRS Paint Clean, scrape, prime and prepare exterior surfaces and doors of dv"elling to receive paint. Protect shrubbery, windows, roof covering, etc., from paint overspray. Apply primer to any exposed wood areas. Apply two (2) coats of exterior latex paint ('sherwin Williams' or equivaient quality). Colors are to be deterrnined by property owner. Apply one trim and one body color. Clean all overspray from ad joining surfaces following paint application. Doors a. Remove existing fronl exterior door. Install a new, entrance, solid- core exterior door with three hinges, thresholds, and jamb-up weatherstripping. Remove deteriorated framing material and reframe. Install 'Kwikset' or equivalent quality lockset with deadbolt lock, keyed alihe. b.Remove existing side door. Install a new, solid-core door, window may be included, with three hinges, thresholds, and jamb-up weatherstripping. Install 'Kwikset' or equivalent quality lock'iet. with deadbolt lock, keyed alike. r Screen Doors Install finished screen doors at front and side entrances of the structure. Windows Remove existing single pane windows. InstaII thermal pane, combination fixed and openable windows in all rooms, sized to match existing. Install new framing as needed. 5.Yard Leaders Install new three inch yard leaders, positively sloped, drained to ditch,/street aL front of dwelling. Backfiil trench and reseed following installation. Ventilation Check all soffit areas for adequate attic ventilation. If necessary, cut and screen ventilation access. Specify location: Sidins Remove deteriorated siding. Replace with matching material as existing. Indicate location and amount in square feet: Dryer Vent Cap Install a dryer vent e.ap where dryer vent exists exterior wall. 2, 3 4, 6 7 8. o INTERIOR REPAIRS Vinyl nurnor. deteriorated vinyl in kitchen, utility room, and small closet. Check flooring for dr.yrot and replace underlayment if necessary. Prepare floor to recejve new vinyl in the follov"ing locations: kitchen, utility, hot water closet, walkvvay from front entrance to bedroom hallways (see diagram). Installed cost of vinyl, excluding preparation, cannot exceed $15'00 per square yard. InstaII low profile cove base. Install metal transition strips at all adjoining areas. 10.CarpetinE R.-"r. d"teriorated carpeting and padding from living room-dining room' bedroom l, bedroom 2, and bedroom 3. Prepare flooring at uneven hall and bedroom areas where there is a height difference. Install carpeting and padding, not to exceed $12.00 per square yard. Do not install carpeting in dining area and entrance to bedroom hallway. Color and design to be determined by property owner. Install metal transition strips at all waIl openings. 11.Paint Prepare wall, doors, closets, and ceiling surfaces of all rooms for paint. Apply primer coat, and two (2) coats of interior latex enamel ('Glidden' or equivalent quality) to the walls and ceiling of l)kitchen 2)Iiving-dining 3)three bedrooms 4)hallway and 5)bathroom. 12, Doors Remove and replace south bedroom and attic interior doors. Remove undamaged interior doors. Sand, prime and paint. Replace deteriorated framing, hardware, and knobs. Retain any undamaged hardware and reinstall. 13.Insulation Repair or install batt insulal,ion at all uninsulated areas in attic. 14. Holes Patch holes ]ocated in living room, Texture to match existing and paint. hallway, bedrooms, and bathroom. 15. Cracks Remove cracked paint and gypsum board in north bedroom and hallway. Patch and texture to match existing walls and ceiling. Prime for painting. 16. Closet Poles and Shelves Repair metal dov',el and holders, reinstall. Prime shelves and paint. 17. Sink Remove deteriorated mirror and medicine cabinet and replace with new. Cabinet must have light fixture and mirror. Repair vanity under sink if necessary. 18. Range Hood Install new vent, light over kitchen range. Vent hood to building exterior, Install approved vent termination cap. Mechanical permit required. 19. Cupboards/Cabinets Prime and paint cabinets and cupboards in kitchen. Paint inside and out. Replace any missing or deteriorated hardware. Remove, clean and replace existing knobs. 20 Counter Top Remove existing counter top. Install new 3/4" high-density particle board countertop with new'Formica' or equivalent quality laminate. Install 4" laminate backsplash with metal edging. 2L. RefriEerator IPM responsible for finding a working quality, two-door refrigerator, secondhand. 22. Fixtures Inst"all glass light fixtures over exposed bulbs/sockets. 23 Baseboard Heaters Remove deteriorated baseboard heaters and replace with appropriately sized baseboard heaters in all rooms. Relocate heater location in the south bedroom and east walI of living room to area under windows and not beneath electrical outlets. Wire into thermostats. 24 Electrical Corrections a, IYire doorbell comectly. Install new button. Remove outlets located behind range area. Reinstall outlets to either side. Remove existing outlet near kitchen sink. outlet. Install GFCI protected Remove existing outlet in bathroom. Install GFCI protected outlet. Install outlets in l) back bedroom 2) center bedroom 3) south bedroom 4) Iiving room. Remove makeshift outlet at attic entrance. Repair light socket and light pull. Protect Romex wiring at water heater where exposed. Ground all outlets and fixtures or have GFCI protected. 25. Plumbing Corrections Re-pipe I l/2 inch washer PiPe attachments, if necessary. to meet current washing machine b. c. d. 9. f. E h COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) sJoA+ d Ecsq/ 6-$, \tt I t{t), [*6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE Zl /5 6 ADDRESS RENTER ADDRESS OF INSPECTION Re-^{"-J *l,tr orrgrlt PHONE NO. qn'sf 52 PHONE NO.72/* /,rF3 <l Ll a4-..Q ,€/ SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER)lrr-Jr5f FoR ACCESS To pRopERTy - TELEpHoNE NUMBER 722 * /zlf s TYPE OF DITTELLING: SINGLE FAMILY m DUPLEX u MULTIPLE tl aBRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: l1 Re/,.'. J- <T;l* ,€ U\-e* k -) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Conpliance Obtained - Date otvNER br, Fla 1..r, c€,y-$ (