HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-03-12.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s i;torch stit streeA?PLr cAficll /PERI'trr Spr.r4field, 2regon 97477 Buildinq tiuision 726-37 53 SPTIInIGFIF' IA G7 Date: i.leclwrtcel Conatrrcttcn_Letder_ 2oa't'-o) rao.<aoi xa lJ io lhe responaibility ot' tle peradJ hoder to see lro.t aL! incpee{torl,s @e nadc, at ;he prope, tine , tyat ecch cddtesa is reaa*'>e froat tltt street, crd tt6,t the p*trtt cocl, ia l,ocated at the iront of tle oropertA.+Zuilli-4 ?)ui:'ior- cc=roted pbt, sic.Ll r*.a,in on tie BuaU-Q Site at aLL'tihes.' ??oclguPs F1Rj;tSPser9! 89)AZS!.'CALL 7 25- 376 I ( reeorCer ) state your City l,esigrated iob m,aber,iob dCbess, t!?e P.equeszs receixed of inspec'.icn ?eotea @eariy for ir-spcction, Cont"dctc"s ct A,>ters nc.ne arl, clane nuztbet.befcne 7:00 ,=t be nra.ie tlc earte Ccg, reqaeets naie cfta ?:00 a vill, be rule the nat tnrking dag. Iout City'Desigra.ted, Jab Nuabet fs:3 rlol I egil,1kr* s.fl-Job !.ocaticn: Aeoe3oor3.Y"., , \\ Oa ac-z\ ld bt # \Cl,tf) Subdi'isicn: 0l) d;ten: /th I t/t PToneAdd-esa: Deectibe k'ork: Value Generc.L Daca oJ'Ll (re**";) 4 3- 5-ds AClittcn R*toCeL PLubina A Sf?9 f:?o?if;f9.Y: ?o be na.ie ai2eraccvation, but prtcr tc se, u? of l'o1 8. WDTPSZAS ?tL':.131:tC, ZJ)Ed:?Ie,it !;EC!:):||CAL: ?o be nacie ceiore cnyrprr is covcted. I : lo be nc.Ce ttenc423 clg ezcc0a teC ard cte erecveti, but prio}' '"opurirq canctete. IIISULA?TOil /VAPOR BARRIZR II]SPIC?IOII : lo be naie after aLL insukticn cti required uqor betze?s @e in place Ltt befcte ozg lath, Wpsutil boaC or tnll couet i.ng is coolied, od. befcre otg iwuLation is concealed. DRflALL fllS?!trfill: Tc be nod,e aitet aLL drluall is in place, but prior to cny tapittg. lusolPl: Steel Locatiott, bor1d. beons, groutin4 or rterticcls in accordotce ,,ilth |J.B.C, Section 2415. 'l)ODSt0't!:,4ftet instalTa.tion is arpleted. t CARB 4 APPRCACT] ,4?.O.CN:Aftet formsee ereexeC but prtor to patr)ry conz?ete. E DRETT/A!: For all cot- cr. e t e n a,rirlq-,n ihin a t? e e t rtg ht -of-rx!, to be maCe after aLI. esca- vdtif,g eatplete 4 font wrk & eub- base ra'eert:dl in place. Soi'-a1 sanet cqteC :t propetQ lite Septie totk V"tted cnd, filleC vtth gr.i;ei ?inal - i{hen cbcrse ifeas ote cc:wleteC ed uhen Cer.rliti.or: is eatrplete br stn c-bte nooo-d oi. prrtises cleaneC up. 1 I I I . lttncmnlD ?.1'te::n _s7E3J.t?:3JLirq zrencice. ' aac*:accR PLiJ:B?:G I :ttc?AltIc;i:tt@oi floor in*ktion ot dccking. fiS-? AND 3rL:,1: 76 $s raie p?-or b inaralkx'-cn of Jloor insula.'-ion cr dzckinE. 30ncr ?aL?BI:!C. ?l!r9!rAa ) it=c.l-A;lia;L: llo 'so:2 ia to ce couelec ur.=tl ;hcse ir.scecticzs h:ue been naie ad. qircliei. tlobi!.e Etcceru,,La FiilA' PLWBT::C II;IAL :,!E::'A:IICAL -f tt. f ?-=a6t-. I...1^g ;J-9..;49^& *Jor 'a Tlccir4 fcc'Jngard before ir*ritq inepec- tfust be rectectzd a|'!er plur,cit.g, electi- AL! rcoiin4 btae|r.g ! childeys, etc. r.;.sc beaaole=cd. :lo .tct< is lo be cor - ceitrt until :hit inscectictt i:ae 'beea ,,oi.e anC cpproved., I ALL pro;ect conii:icns, suc!. cs che i.nsrcLlction of slteei ttees, ec-lexion of lite reqtired Lcniscccir4, etc., i'uet be satisiiei before the ililtli:G ?!|!AL :an be neqtested. ?I:IAL AUfLrl:tC: lhe Final Build.in4 Insoec,-ion ntst be reqtescei zi'ter the Fiazl ?lunbitq ileccrieal, ori lteciutical insoeccicns it4le been naie atd coarooaC. tslock'rsq otd Szt-tp Pl;fibing eonneczictts -- ga)€? ord, uater Etectn)ccl Ccmiection - Blockitt4, set-u= and. glwtbing cottr.eetione n:;st be qprc;:ad before requealirg elecirical in-saec=ior- Accessor-y BuiE:-ng ccrehes, slirtir.g, d,eci,-s,?i*el - Aftet etc. @e ca?,o l 'AlL :!AIP.C!!S AttD CL1A1TCUIS :!US! 3E .1Ci3S3:21i, .1DiL,S?:E:l: :0 39 i,-1D! !'.! ::0 ::3T lC CCy ?zie 1 of 2 lgv!!: l{hen conplete -- *otil,e @ or nottable eectians througi. f-]p.u.e. I I . d rYrz-!0, iv"fr,+n,,-^JWW;W'O )-a Lrl Zi?: Ca^-gr.* ?ant TaLue :naerLc? Aecess :( J.< !-,^^ aot F.ces - Z cf t*c Ca)*cg._ Lot Sq. F.-i. Cornte? kni.cruile CUL-cie-sac { of Stor)es nat-? 2.i -i- toporyhg i.Ein Q=c:e 3gq fccessc:.t ^aF.l rt.rt'a --:.12 tAJia 3.D.c. 7.5 , 't""t'$.\.. .qb -s- 2q.qa Stg:ted:,iV ?zz I c..:l:c; Resil,zntial tl bcth) Sati*pt Seaen ,cte? Pltndng Pen;it State Sutclane .iI5..'r :io L C:i-:.Ce ?es. So. f2o. NailE:t,end. Ciradts laocra.y Sentice \).\ .t, t aa-,'Ju' F\r.-zee ??U'S *hctat HooC Vent Fat 'dtgoCsta!e \\ Stcr:se llrin!ez:r:a )Laa:aL1 I JOB NO. Attbct: llobiia itae C aoLAR--,.<ccESS REe.L-CO G+ Z4c:actr.a: eai Peo ! Building V<llue & Permit This penn t is gtctted ot the eqrp-ss cotd.ition that the saii eonstmtetionsju,Ll, in all reseects, ?onfcrn to the Crd.j,narzce aCoate,i iiy the Ci;y ofSpr.ngfielC, including lhe 3oning Ctdina.ce, regalc::Jng ;hL cc.struedZncd..use of buiiriings, and n:-g be sucoend,ed ot rbrtckeiLt crg t.Jae utoz uic-ktr.on of a-y prcuisions oi' saiC CrCirances. tsuiUirq ?a.rit lotcl Chcges Srite lotal Pesrit fssu.ctcz !4 e c i:an-! c = L ? e rr.a- t --,;tcPcAC:i:.:a::7 -- .e-L) # Plumbing Permit ilo_ pereon siu.ll ccnstmtct, inatal!, altet or ciwnge cny lcu ct e:istirqylunb-ina cr drainage sgs-l? in ahole or in patt, 'rotesi such person is theLegal.poasessor of a ualid. ?lybq," Lic,ensb, eccept tbct a pZ""^ "rl i"plubing uork to ?"opert! uhich ia ooed, tecsed or operuted bg the &pLi-@tt. Electricol Permit llhet'e sta,te ia,t requirea tt"at the elec!rtca,l uork be ccne bg an glectm)cal contfr.cto", the eleclrical porlioa of lhis pe*,it sltell rot- be oalic rnti.Lthe l.abel itas been aignai bg the Eleetr,Lcal' lontracxor. Mechq n ic q I Pe rm it , a }il2:3q r EAW cA-lEiuLLy lxlufrlED thz eqttplztzd oolicaticn for ventit, 6,7t/i dchereby certify t\a.t aLL i:,tfor,atlon heyeon'is tnte olJ, "Znn".t, ooC tf"tlthe".eertify that c^g ard. aLL uork geriorned shall be dote ia ac.c?-dalce rrlt)r ihe 1rdinsces of the city oi springfieLd, od. the La;s of thestate of )regcn per-;intno to the uork ces*Jb-ed herein, ad, :int no cccl-F!-lc? iL! b-e rud.e of cnv st"uct,tre uitho."rt germission oJ' the 3uiidino Di- t 1,saon. ! !'urther oertif3 ths.t o:tly cont?.c:o?s o,,C *plcyees ut"o aZ inca--:oliance uzth CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on this projecz ?1TAL A.IICU\E CLIE:'3q,% a Da=e iia"-.4 E:.e ; 5o;;h lq.uo-