HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-16( " RESIIJENTIAL.. C OMBINATI ON APPLI C AT IO N /PWJ,ITT225 Notth Sth Stzeet Sprtngfi.e&, 2regon 9?4ZZ Building DityLsion 7 28-37 53 SPRINGFIELO Building Permit 4% Plumbing Pernit 49o Electrical Permit 49o @ Siqied:;/^) $ 8.00 .32 s. 00 .20 15. 00 .6b# $znw Date L ?68 tnt * 9400 589 North 19th Street 1,7 -03-36-13 iob Locaticn: Subdivieian: Ascesao"s \tbp # Aut ty CIV].CESIAatet:yo Adbeas: L72 East 8th Avenue Phare: 687-4174 Eugene, 0R 974 t Date of Appli@ti6.n_ Des@Lbe $otk: vahu $800.00 ldditiott Cercm.L Leads, I-t L8 ihe *epontibi-Liq of the parwit |lodd to eee tlrzt aLL inspectiorla drd natie at :he ptq* tine, tLat each ,zddrese ie teaifr1-efron tfu a:a?eet, ad, tlax the p*trit ced ie iacated at i*e fzont oi xhe prop*w..BuiAin4 ?iuistbz apraed plbt sltcii r.9u1a:in,qn-:rhe blidilh Sitabt aLL'dhea.' PIICED(PE PoRt IISPEC"IIN T!-I3tFsA: can&*lti-L*rra*l state Vou? City d,eaigaated, job antber, job aldrase, type of inspacticnrquested qn,aAn you trtll bCrdy for itopectian, cott"acta"s oi a,tncte-ttaae bld pttoie rutibe. .qeqrastl yebeixbd b-eicre'7:00 altill bc ioa. *c aone d4, ?eqlBeta rnd,a afte ?:00 an vi?.L be nad,s tlb nest:xtking dzy. I&, Ciq Deeilgnatd, Job lhnibrc Ia:YAo €o7 S@i'-al ea,tet cqoei =t Fog&i Line Segtic totk Vtttoed d. fili,ed, ti,th gzr;el Pinal -,lthen ainue itens ee ecnpleted cd ahen Caaciition is conolexa ot xuta nooed otc prarLsaa c'tZ,ztei up. Blockittg od Sat-'"tg Plubittg cotanecticna -- aa,)e! d, aater ,3?enea skirting, deeks Accesso?j BuiAiry Final - Afte" etc. de cW, P:ge 1 of 2 lo be prio* b eet 14 of fona. INSx]U!ruil/VAPOR 9ANRER IIISP1C?TOil :lo be mdz aftet aLL i,nttl,at*m e.rd, ryu'Jrd oqot banr,li.en oe ia pla,ceb$ befora dry lath, gyparn bod. or tnLL ant*tng ie qlie{ od, befote oty itrsulztion is cora.ald.. DRWAIrt fiSEEClf1fr: lc be nod,e aftet aLL fulaLL ia in pla,cc,htt prior to aq @ittg. AYDERSUB PEIJIiIBING. ST,EERTCAL & MECHAilICAL: ?o be nade befote oq rrtotk da cooetd,. il M?IflG 8 F1ANDMfCil: To be rnLe @*caoatedod fonna ee etected, but p?iot topouriry ccrr.?ata. UIIDNGPOUIID PLUMEING. SIYM. H,ITER. DRAilIAGE: To be a.ll prtot to fil-Litq trenchee. UIIDEP.YT,AOR PLW,EI.ryC A UECIANICAL: to be nanie prtor to installaaiot of fToor inatktioa ot d^ecking. POq 4!P ts84!: To be rade prtot to=--insinlktiott of i'Loor insuhtion ot dsckttrg. G - uoil theee inspec;lora itae been tr nadz o1d qrcttei. !*EPEACE: kiot to placir,g fcsi.*gnnterf,als od. befote fradng inapec- tion. .?R$!nIC: ltttst be reatested. aftetqproual of rough plwnbing, electri- a,L & neehanieal. ALt toofing brua,tq E ekitrmeys, etc. Dast be ccnpleted. llo wk ie to be con- cealed util thie inspecttctt lu.s been rmde od apprcved. tB E fi wsonw: steel i,ocatiotr, borui, , @groa^g qp uattru,-ts tn accotdoae tlth A.B.C. Sect:ion 2418. ilOODSTO'|E:@.After install,ation ia d]RB E APPROACfl APfrII:ee atecteC but prior After fornab pourin4 eoiE?ete. SfD$|ALK E DRLTIIAI: Fot aLL con- *ete Wlring r,ttthin streat right- of-tnA, to be na,Ce after aLL eaca- oaling canplete ,! fottt uork I eub- base netxial in place. I1NCE: tihen anplate -- tuouiCe gato6 o" notsable sectie-ns tlwough P, U.E. ALL proi requited ect condittbna, anck aa tha inetallation of s,freet t?eea, eo:nol;tion of ;ie' 7,and.seqir4, atc., mtst be saiiafied beJbte tl",a W|LDI::C FlllAL cst be raatesxed.FTTIAL PA ruATfiA FINAL I,TECBANICAL FIIIAL ELEEWCAL fii\ ?INAL tsUILDINc: !A,e Final Build,ing Inqection mnt be requeoted. eflet lhe Final ?l-unbing U/ EleccricaZ, otC. lleeiraieal Inspecxiona hzoa beea natie oni awrotted. *AI,L \UNECLES AIID CLEAIIOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUffiIEN! YO 3E I,L4DE I? NO COST ?C :NY t -_.. . _t / xx 7 uo*re sane sat-uo r Pe4e 2 Jcb lhnbeY:)o 503 Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooe?age # of Stortes Total Ezight Iapogqlty L-COC #:Reference llwnbers: f nfr oWD _ Inter'tcr _ Cora,er _ Pct*wndle _ Cul-de-eac Bedvooms Lot laces - Df SQ. FTG x ValueITEI'I llain GedEe C@po?t Aceesgo"u $800.00IO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x NA 8.00 8.32 Receipt #: D--'S . S'Lgted: Building Volue & Permit Thia perrnt is granted on the es?sress cartdi.tion tlat tlle sail constmtetion' alali, in aLL rZspects, confonn io th1 Zrdittanee adopted la the city 2fipirrgfi.nti, Iitiilng'the Soni,ng Cvdinotc-e, reS"rytl:ls the ccnstmtct-!":.,- ,;d "sb of buildlngs, otd mag be susperd.ed ot retsol<ed at ory a'me upon oLc- TatLon of o-tg prctti.eione of said 1rdir,ances. * Building P@tttit ?otal Cltaxgea Stdte Plumbing Permit No person stall corntmet, install, altet ot clwnge-crty nart.o? ertstin{ jt rr*t rg or dtai,tuge sy7tql in ultole ot in pet, unleaa aueh peneon is the 7.iit po"".r"o, o7'o ola%A plutnbet's lic-ens-b' e$cept tlwt a P??sry trua 40.ptht;ng uork to boop*tu ihioh i" or,ted, Leased or opetated. bg the dpPli- wtt, 5. 00 Pl;nbtry Petttit .20 1 Stdte * Fi.rtu.es Resi.dzrti.al (1 bath) Seoev Elec U irgl Perm i t l{lete State La reqtltee that the electrLcal aotk be tlone by -ot Electtical contmetot, the elictytcaL pottion of thie perntt elu,ll t@t be oali,c tmtil the Label lua been ei,g:ned by the Electrical Contractor. $ 1s.00? * N a,s / E ct ettd Ci,r c%i t e Sqoice 15. 00 1s.60 .60 NC, I Mechonicol Permit Esha,pt HooC Vent Fot Mechanicx.L Pertt f HAW CAREEULLY EXA)IINED the cotttpleted application for pentrtt, dnd do heteby certifg that aLL infolnation heteon ie tnrc arzd' conrect, otd I fiEtke! eertify that ang ard. aLL uotk perfortred alall be done in accor- dmrce urLth the Ordinancee of the Citg of Springfied, and the La,ts of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uovk CescrLbed herein, end that N0 }CCU- PANCY mLLL be rmde of ang structu"e tLtltout per,niseion of the Building DL- oision. i further certilg that only eonttactots and etplcyeee uho ee in canpliance Dith cRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie proieet PLm. Emninet .20 TOIAL Al,lOUt'|T DUE:* Permit Date *$ 2e.32 Mobile I|ane Curbcu! Sidaidlk 3-LL-82TM- (ucLue) Permit fssuatce Seqtz.itu Deoosit Storaqe Manltttannnea lenee