HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-01-02.. RESIDE TIAL.. 22s ltor.th sth stoeeAPPLrcATr,N/PERllrr Sprtngfield, Oregon 97477 Butlding Diuiston dd^ -^ --t'LO-O / bC Job tocaticn: Aesessorc llco #4os s SPFlINGFIELI) ,/"d.-Q-o/c *tbdioision: Anter Adtiress: Net / KT Tcs, Iot # Nork: VaLue 0, 5 u 5C/ SenetaL ?Ltmcing Date Date of App /-e'Y' Phone: A ,tiecizar.iecL Constrtctiott Lender p"ope" tine, t?at ecch aidress is vEa;''^'u" b nunber, iob aiitess, type of itzsoec--i,cn rut:nber. P.eques;s tecei.xed befcre 7:09 a t is the respozribility of the penrLt holder to see that aL! insoections ee nade at lhe 'ron tle at?eet, anC that xhe permit catd ie Located at the front of tle propez'ty-'1ui\.diq N;.tic-ior: appro"*ed. pi.an sicll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. 'POCEDUp| FC!? IttSPiClICtt Rt?UiST:CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state yout, City Cesignated jo, @eadyforinspcction,contTactc?sorasnerstctnecndp-roneiLL be nade the sane dcy, requesta nuie after(l:0O on rrill be nade tne ncct :mrkirq dag. Your CitA Desiar,ated Job NumbeY Is l l l K l fotns ote erected, but prioz' to pourLrq ccncret..' r,orrrli,t,, PLU. r rrLc,-jstr,,tL,Ai!, @orxofil-Lir4 trenches. U!]DEP.FLCAP ?LU: 3 IiI G & I4EC!]A-I]ICAL : of SIIE fijs?ic?rc:l: Io be rnzde after acalrilon, but pr"tot, tc set up of forns. UI]DIRSL;.B PLU!.9I\IG, EL!:?PIC.1L & i,9Ci!L::IC;L: To be narje belole ang Git1{ipered. ?COTI\\G 4 EOUITDATICN: To be traCe aitet vrenches are and FII;AL I:N'I!A:]ICAL ITJ SULA?IOII / VN.POR BARRTER I|]SP!CTIO}1.: ToE-^ade afte" aLL insuleticn ail required oapor baT ie?s @e in P1ns. bttt before oty 'lath, Wpswn boatC or unLL cotsering is cpplied' cnd' before ozy insulation is concealed- DRYWALL INSPITION: Ic be nade -., afxer aLL cryuall is in Place' but prior to any taPtng. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond iiffi{-grouting or uerticcls in' aecordorce DLth U.B.C. Section WC0DSTO'".E: After installation is anrpleted. CURB & APPPOACI| APP)N: Aftet.forns ue erecteC but pz'ior to Pau?Lflg conerete. SIDEWALK I DRI;E'ILAY: Eo? all con- ez.ete pa1)it1s-Dltiin street tight- of-tny-, to be maCe after aLL etca- vating canplete & forn t'totk & sub' base ma.tev'Lal in Place. ?ENCE: hhen conPlete -- ProuiCe liiii ot, mottable secti.ons through P.U.E. aLL pro,ject conditions, such as the.instal-laxion of street tlle_l-'- ea:l.Dletion of tie required. LanCsecping, Lt"., i"t be satisii.edL,"fo"n the BUILDIT:G FI1IAL can be nequested' FritAL BUTLDTN1: The Final Buitd.ing rnsoection trust be "equesteC cftet the Fital Plwnbing 'E1;;;;";;;1:-'fr. un"n".;.iii l""pu"i;ons iaue been nade ani coot'ovec' floor insuLction ot' decking. 1 posy A!t) EZAI.!: To be nade D?io? to t-^-1) installax:.cn of floor insuT.ation ot' decking, -] pnua!! l!]-?:?I::c. li,!c!!,!:iL I ltrCq- I l;;tCA;: i;o uo"K is xo oc coDePea)-. . - urt,il these insoeciiors innse been nad.e cra cpprott'ei. 1 rt.".zpuczi prio" to plccir{ faeing ) ,r";;;l"Ls and before iroting insPee- tion. 1 pPLl:I::c: ttuct be requested after I ""pr"""t of rough plunbing' electt'i- eal & nec'nantcai-. AL! roofi;q braeirq A chimcYs, ete. mtst be . corwletcd. llo ucrk is to be con- . ceclei until this insPection las 'been naie oni aporooed. FIT,AL PLU:.EIilC 7 \I l l l DE]iCLrrI1lt 0R :.:0w) Sotitary seser eapped ct pt'opett'; Lite Septic totk pt:ped e,td fnLLeC vith Szatei Pi-nal - lrtiten abctse itens a-t'e cc-pleted' ard uhen Cenolition is conglete or stn:- ture moueC otl. prer'rLses cleanei up. e rtcmes Blocking otd Set-uP I Plunbing connections -- sa)e! o'1. ac)er Electriccl Ccnnection' Blocking, set-u= anC plwnbing co'nnecti.ons m;st be appr.ct;ei beforc z'equbsting el-eetrtcal inspec:io:: Accessory Building gcrches, skirting, decT<s,Eirnl - After etc. at'e comp P4e2of2 Frr'. r a' r^-17^. rr llt^L e4- - ,ALL I.TAT:!]CLTS AIID CLEAI]OUTS IIUST DE ACCESSIBLE, ADJL'S!:!2::I TO 9E I''"4Di !'? I:O C:S? TC CIIY I -f ^*r"r,n-1 nn^o,:"t --l ,,.r-."- '---I tluJ-v<-..v,tw 8?o oo7 L-Co c+JOB NO lote: -^+ c^ l+-ee pa. L a. 1 cf Lct Catercgc j of Stories ?otal P.eight ?ogogrqhY SOLAR ACCESS REQ._ 1ccttoancu Grex-* _ Intericr _ Co?ner _ Panhandle CUL-cie'sac ?nelt:tLot I'aces - Setbd"ks Caraocilouse Hartc,:Ilor ti1 i'trco LacoEdsf South l,le st . =--n^^r.' tlcin Building Vqlue & Permit ?his penrit is granted- on the exp"ess condition th'a-t the. said-constntetion "l-tt." ln a-LL t"especti, conform'to t'he }rdinance cdopted by the cita 3l ip"i"g7i.."td, includtng- the Zoning Crdtnanc-e, regulctirtg the ccnstructlcn ,ha ui'n of Luildirqs,"*rd ^ry be suspen'ded or rleuokeC at ctly t:'ne upon uic' lation of dnA prcoisions of sai.d 1rair,ances' TOTI,L VA-LU! i ucLucS.D.C. 7.5 s D.,-';:.'-- D^d'+ To'-c! Clnt,ges Set-'ev e+--- Q.,nai-n-- Plan Date Paid: Receipt # a! 1= ^:Plurnbing Permit No pereon slnll construct,1nsta|-!, a\.',er o" ciunqe cn! neD cr e:islir-c pliaL"E or d,ainage systen in uhole or in part, unless suen person ;'s the 'Legal pbssesuo, o7 o,"olid plr bnr's Licens-e, erce,t t1at a De?son Ea'! 72pti^ir;;g aork to property uhich is otned., Leased cr oDereted by the cppli- "l VaLucX ^ 21-ep50/ KC Qo.oo KD 20.BD | /, J Eiectnicql Fermit Were State Lau reouit,es tkat the eleetnical uork be done by an Elec:ric:i Cont?ecrct, the eleetz4cal aortion of titi-s cernit sitc.Ll nox be uclz,c urt;-L tne LabeL ins been signed by the Elecrrical Contr.ztc".ancr@! Ser';:-ee ?otal Crnvces ziunst HooC ent Fdt coistc;se :.J!'L :r.tit n^+-1 a;.-5^-- -icsalk cile liane Petn:tt Isauance MecVztic:Z Pernit -- E;,]CiiCACHI.:X:,'I -- Planz Erantnet, I HAW CAREFULLy EXN4INED the cornpleted aoplicatiort for permit, cnd dc hereby eertify that aLL i:,:fo:,nation heneon is ttue ard. ccrrect, a,.1. I funther certift- that any ard all uork oerfor-ned si'"eZl be done in aceon- dance tyLth the Otd.intnces of the City of Soringfieid, artC the Lc;s of the A{echonicql Fer!'nit )regcn pcrtainino to the uork Ceseribcd. hcrein, cnd :)."1t i,10 1CC!- lL be rntd.e of any sttucture uithcut per-nission of the 3uilCing Di.- of ui n3e tision. f fw,ther certifl; that only conttactors a;i enplcyees uho are in eonplt-ance u:.th ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet (*J-s1 I u...-rLe, &o"Eo t/" I