HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-11-08Siared t5 ,oo ,UO t<.60 z/* f"'*t 1 4I t"- fu-/4ob,tz B /- ,t-? ,'z cs rt- & -83 Genetul PLnbina z2s itorth sth streeAF'zLrcA?rcx /PERIET Spr-ngfield, )regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPF|INGFTET--D AoSegoot3 :rio I Tca bt fl St bdi'r)sicn: C.zer.: Plor:e c ) ?6- q7 ?7 Y77 DeecrJbe h'ork: Dcta of Applia,,-i,VaZue -0 .re-al /; n3 S/oro ACy'iCcn (-rt' ti n q , JI le Sh"4- z /* e-/r,'e J 'lr'a'n ex,.s ,l -B-8 3 Q a*oert l^3 Cona?2c'-ots Acidtese er * Coujrrctica !"ndg!_ ..!- . _ lJ it 2he tceponaibi-Lity of ttTD pertri; holder co aee ;hat al! inspectiotl.s @e nad.e at lhe propet line, thct 2ssft :),bss5 is vsa;a^-., ;rottt tlzt screec, cnl that the petmi; cad, ia Located at the ifrnt of the sraerht. '3uiair4 tvi:iot c?=roted plbt sir.ii retu.in on tlE a":ta-:rlo stte bt "|t'ii^Zi.' i.leclvriccL PzCUeS u,,:en uou'-iLL be rre.ie the eone Ccg, mmber, job a,l:-ess, type of inspec)icn nuqber. P.equests teceited befcre 7:00 an Iout City'Desigra.ted Jab llutnb* !s:832 z zc Peai-oi t-cetican T Sl-i5 f;?SP5f;-I3.T: To be ntie afier acaztcticn, but p,,|icr tc se! up of 7'orms. fitSULAlI)lt /YAPCR BARRI3R II\SPICT!0i! : To be raie after aLL ths'ukticn ei required oqor berie?s @e in p7a.ce bat before ory Lath, Wpsun baatC or tnLL couering is coolied, attd. before aty ir,stla.tion is cottcealed. Sani2arJ serser cqTed ct ?roparui" Lit:e Septic totk yaryeC ald filleC trith gtltzi ?incl - ithen cbcrte itees are ecnoletei e:d ahen Certol'-tion is cantplete bt st-ue- tute nouo-C oti pre:riaes cleane{ up. WD!?SLA3 ?:L':41:IC. ZLZC?IC,IL 'iECF?J|CAL: io be nanie beiore cnytpri :,e covc:ed.I u *O?!:iC , ?0U:tDa1?IC:l: lo be taCe 7)S'l AilD 3ti.|.1: ?o be tuie DPXTALL filSPldlCll: lc be na.d.e after aLL dt'1,,:all is in place, but prior to cny taV|rq. W.SO![P!: Steel Locatiotz, boni beans, grouting ot uerticcls ln accorfuce '.rlah U.B.C. Seetion 2415. ?O0DST0',/3: After ittstalZation ia aaqleted.'t CUFB E ,828C],CE {'P.o.QN: After formsa.e ,rAA-ffifro" to pa*:tA co?1,2?ete. SIDS\IALK & 1RIlTlA!: For aLL col- ct,ete pdvL otreet rzght- of-,x7, to be na-de after aL! asca- ttating sqnplete 3 ;'orn utork & eub- base ncterr)al in plaee. af :er irencita s cti-e-cctsatad ard fcr,ns cte erecced, but prio," ..o pra*irq cancrete. 'J Lirg =renci.ce. UIIDEP.?'CCR !''iJ: B T::C' :IZC1A}I| C;' :@o1 fl,oor rnsukxian or decking.r instatEtEn of iloor ir,su Pr-cr to |a,;iot cr ,] a rr;:at pLa:.st:tc ) *:,^tllEirlA:ttcAL U'?!:IAL iiiCsTC;L al tt L: lo cove! ihese lrs 9ecrlcr.s ":u4 ,eer. ncie zd. F;?Z?L;C!: blor 'a 7bc'Jr4 lcc--ng,ncr;AE ad before'ir*rirq inapel-tia.. iP.t'y!:lC: itus: be rec-tected a|'!erqprcvcl of ruugh plw-air4, electi- a,L 1 z;eciuni:e!. ALI rcoi-lz1 brcr|rg I ch*tmeye, etc. r.reec beatgle=cd. llo .,:cr?. is ,o be cctr- . cecled uncil :Lis inscectict iaa 'beez no,l.e atl. c2pmveZ. r ALL pro;ecr- cor-<ii:icns, suc! cs che "l.nscclZc.xlcn of stteet ctees, eo-letion o1'the requireci icniscccir4, etc., :tast be sac'Jsiied beJ'ore xhe 3UILIII;G !!]!AL can be reqaested. ?I:IAL tsUfDI:lC: The Final BuiHin4 lnspection -ust be requestei zfier the Fittal ?r-wzbinXi|eccrieal, otz .Veciq.-.icc,L :nsceczlJcns )tqte been ncie- arti'"r"rouri. tlobiLe tsLocking otd, Sai-tp Plunbing cotwtectictts -- Ba)e? orC oatet EtecLriccl Ccdnect:Jon - Blockin4, set-u2 atd. glwnbing cottneetions ntst Ze qpr*aC before request'Jng elecio)cal inspec=lo;: Acces€ory tsuiliing ?in-zl - Aftcr ccrc'res, slirting, decls, etc. @e catale-.ed. 'Aiz :.!A1EC!:S AltD CLEAilOWS :fl9! 3E .4CCiSS!21r, .LD;LS?:E:I: :O 3S :'-LDt !.: ::0 ::5T ?C Cry ?c;e 7 oJ' 2 reqteSts l--'l -,rilcs: ttTten conolete -- *ouiie L) gates or nooable sections through 1-l - b.u.s. L-i T robbca:icn ..516 ^J. iEfu Sil ^33baq, Ad&ess: JS/$ N, lk V ,,orrr" rnu L'-sc. t ?=:e 2 O soLAi...ccEss REe.- e/Ccrsz: L-CO G+ 2edtccas 'a/aoa3iou"e Euild,ir,g .eex?it ?otcl Cha:ges Planh.ng Perr,jt Stata Srite Penrtt festc'tce l,lo^'a--.'^-1 z^-'t -- ;;icF.)ACi:.:!:!: Receipt l: St-g:.ed, , Plumbing Permit ilo- person shalZ _cottsi;mtct, inelal!, alter or ciurqe anA neu ct e:istirg p-Lwdb-inq cn <bainage sgstai in uitoLe or in part, ioteeL such person is- thelegal .poesessor oJ' a uali.d. glunberts LicersZ, eace?t th.ct a pZrsa, rraT doplmbug tnrk to p"opetq utitich is oozed, Laased or operatd by the $pll.-@tt. Electrico I Permit llhere sfu.te ian requiz,es tt"at the electrlcal uork be ccne by qr glectmjeal contm.ctor, the electr[cal portiott of lhis perait shall rot- be ualic untilthe Label i@,s bcen aignea fu the Electrieal'Conttacto?. Mechqnicol Permit * al, l aaa a uci2 I i t'tobiie ;Iae ,2 r EAw cARE?aLLy gx$uirED the conp!.eta-d application for pemti:, d li dalereby eertif-y that aLL irzfora.tion heyeon' is Lzae oiC "2"rc.1', orC Ifitther,certiii that any arc aLL uork gerlonted ahal| be doxe ia ac.cr-davce ,nt. the apd:.n*zces of th.e city of sgmngfietc, otd. the Lcxs of tho' s_tate of ,o_regcn pertcinrna to the wii, crsdlZd h*in, ori-:i,* tto cccu-F-t:lcr ',ri,Ll be ru,le of dry st?ucurle urithcat petmissiotr cJ' the 3u;.idinc Di-visio,n. f !'u?thd cVtiii tta,t o:tly contraclorg o-n ryLgee"-;;-;"";;otol'ance alth CRS lOZ.CSs aiLL be-used on this project JOB NO. _ lnxeticr Corne? ?aai*ndle Cul-d.e-sac TaLue? i-ot Sq. F*. Z cf lcx Ca)e?.ga ! of :to?:es total l*Eht ?ogogryio1 3et Acco-ss:. I Lot laces - :.Ean 2sc:e .lcce ssc?:t ^at.f trlr.t? I 9s &tE4.u.9. ,(.o = - ;JO. ftit:ires Res:izntthl (1 bcth) Se.tcr :iO, | .;is- flailE=tend, Cir*its Senrica t<.oo bo t3.bo ;IC *ladt EaC Vent Pa TxCsta;se Stor:ce H.ntez4ie Si.de,;aZk ?2!AL *'.!cui? Dtts: a z ts.E c tl 93 Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is grc-nted on the eqress cotdition tlu.t the said. constmtctionsiu,Ll, ^i.n-all.tes-ce.c.ts, 9onfcry to the Crdinotce cCocied. iiy the Ci;1 ofSgm.ngiteld, )ncludtng lhe Soning Ctdinazce, regalc=it:o ;he ecnstruec-Jcn cd..use of butid.ings, c.d mzy be sucoend,ed oy rbrtckei -at a.g tlne u>az uic.ktton of any prcuisions of saiC 1r4it",tnces,