HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1980-05-19CIEY O3- SPF,I\TGFFIEI,D DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON S7 477 May lp, 1980 346 MAIN STBEET 726-3753 Mr. Thomas A. Peralta 505 West l8th Street Springfield, Oregon 97\77 Dear Mr. Peralta: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield. made a housing inspeetion on April 30, 1980, at 5Oj West l8th Street, Springfield., Oregon. STRUCTTEAL AND E AND L]FE SAFETY: The folloving items must be installed", repaired. or replaced to eonform to the Uni- form Housing Code as ad"opted. by the City of Springfield.: 1) Every sleeping room below the fourth floor shall have at least one openable wind.ow or exterior door approved" for emergency exit. Win- dows shall have a net clear openable area of not less than )+ square feet with no dimension less fhan 22 inehes with a maximum si}l height of not over 60 inches above the floor (Section 801 U.H.C.). 2) The rise of every step in a stairvay sha1l not exceed 8 inches and the run shaIl be not less than-9 inches. The largest tread width of riser height shall not exceed the smal-lest by more than 1.+ inch (Section 801 U.H.C. and Section 3305(c) Structural Speciality Code). 3) Deterioration of the house flooring, and ftoor supports in the bathroom area due to excessive moisture contact and improper maintenance (Section 1oo1(c)(:)). SANITAT]ON: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and. falls in the category of hazard.ous plumbing as described in Seciton 1001(f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted. by the City of Springfield. The follor,ring items must be repaired. or replaced: 1) Connector unions not allowed in d.rainage system. Type of pipe used does not meet applieabl-e cod.e requirements (Section )+Ot ptumling Speciality Code). 2) Cleanouts requried to serve drainage system. At present time, none exist(Section )+06 p.S.C. ) 3) fncorrect size of piping serving kitchen sink drain. Shall be 2 inch drainpipe (Section ho: p.S.C. ). May 19, 1980 Mr. Thomas A. Peralta 505 West 18th Street Housing InsPection Page 2. l+)Pl-astic sink vent on exterior of house must be cemented, painted and peni- trate roof overhang (Section 505 P.S.C. ). Automatic vasher rough-in ptr:mbing shall consist of 2 inch P-Trap, 2 inch cleanout, 2 inch drainage waste piping and' T'z inch vent that penitrates roof (Section 5o\ P.S.C.). tr'ixture conneetions at vater closet are leaking (Section 90)+ P.S.C. ). s) o) T) Pressure relief valve d.rain has been reduced. in size. Tubing shall- be the same size as valve arrd. piped. to the exterior of house (Section 1007 P.S.C.). 8) Water supply piping not valved, nor sufficient size - 3/\ inch supply is required- to water heater. Gate valve required on build"ing shut-off and at water heater (Section 100, P.S.C. ). ELECTRICAL SAFETY: 1,he electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and. constitutes hazardous wire as d.escribed. in Section 1001(") of the Uniform Housi.ng Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) fnstall not less than a No. 6 copper grounding conductor from the service panel neutral bus to an outsid.e grounding electrode (Section 250.9)+ wational Electri-cal- Code). Z) Instal-l not less than a No. )+ copper grounding conductor from the service panel neutral bus to an interior eold water lipe, terminating vith an approved service ground.ing clamp in an accessible loeation (Seetlon 250-9\ N.E.C.). 3) Remove va1l covering vhere-necessary so that al-l- open split loom splices can be removed,. Remove afl- wi,ring that has not been installed" by an approved. wiring method (Sections 300-1)+ and 300-15 N.E.C. ). A11 necessary permits shallbe obtained before vork starts and all vork shalf be ac- complished accord.ing to applicable cod.es and inspeeted before a Certificate of Com- pliance u-i11 be issued. please direct a1I inquiries to the Springfietd. Building Division at 725-3753. Sincerely, Dave Puent Build,ing Inspector DP /Ii DmflEmf,@RAm!Utiw CITY OF SPRINGFIELD September 12, 1978 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: {4, reARuI t't Ron Clark, Superintendent of Building Sa11y Johnson, Environmental Controller 505 NORTH 18TH STREET, ZONING VIOLATION R IN A SINGLE.FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. 0utcome: \ 0n August 29, 1978, Joyce Thomas, the owner of this property house would be vacated by September 1, 1978. A September 6tof the property found the house to be vacant; the buses and also contacted the reporting parties (approximately five nei confirmed that the above had taken p1ace. G TOO MANY OCCUPANTS , informed me the h, 1978 i nspect'ion campers gone. I ghbors ) , who The owner has been informed of the requirements of a sjngle family residential dwel1ing. Hopefu1]y, the cont'inued nature of its use wjII adhere to those requ i rements . SJ:gm c. c.Tom Cochran City Manager Joe Leahy Asssitant City Attorney CIEY OF SPF,I}TG}FIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 47 7 PUBLIC WORKS May 9, 1980 Dear Mr. Peralta: At your request, the Bu'ilding Division made a housing inspection on April 30, Springfiel d, 0regon. The following items must be installed, to the Uniform Hous'ing Code as adopted of the City of Sprinqfield 1980, a; 5C5 tlest l8th Street, repaired or replaced to conform by the City of Springfield: 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 1. Every sleeping room below the fourth floor shall have at least one openable window or exterior door approved for emergency exit. Windows shall have a net clear openable area of not less than 4 square feet with no dimension less than 22 inches with a maximum sill height of not over 60 inches above the floor. 2. The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed B inches and the run shall be not less than 10 inches. The largest tread width or riser height shall not exceed the smallest by more than L/4 lnch. 3. Deterioration of the garage roof, house flooring, 'and floor sup- ports in the bathroom area due to excessive moisture contact and im- proper maintenance. er piping, pipe sizing, and vent qui rements. The compl ete system nt app'licable code requirements. per grounding conductor from the de grounding electrode per grounding conductor from theior cold water pipe, terminating amp in an accessible locat'ign. ering so that all open spljt loom iring that has not been installed Mr. Thomas A Peralta 505 West l8th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Housing Inspection Page 2.frv w *lCI Cj,*\Y br' W?,M Whosl t1 8 re pment outl ets SCTVC 1l ad ate branch circui Lights, re e i nstal 1 ed by ceptacl es an approved tts eifuwbu&fu/. repai r 0Y rr l,ai)n and meth equ od. S 9. This wiring is considered to be hazardous and a and rewiring is required where necessary. All necessary permit shall be obtained before work starts and all work shall be accomplished according to applicable codes and 'inspected before a Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfie'ld Building D'ivision at 726-3753. Sincerely, Dave Puent Building Inspector lf:,a FU ry ln( {fiA ttfl \ fnrl 3t'^"{ {w{) Gl, erAw,nn rC*ws +" a,tl lW ompl e e a Elec ot'ical Inspectlon I'ePortA-{726-s753 As*p,nE^ORESS IT RTO '^d4.AOORESS OF IHSTALLAYIOX TYPE OF SYRUCTURE 6-g 3 '2 usEo HEIGH T 2J- CONOUIT POWER CO "^'Spryg€ IVt RIHG METHOO: NON-MEYALLIC SHEATHED CABLE I-l A"*O*'!, CABLE l n OWNER 7ADO RESS (clTY oR TOWN) CH GEs ORO€R I 6 cx-o-l;.teQ reb q INSPECTO R FINAL ACCOMPANIEO BY a ' covgn I DATE: JOB ADDRESS: OIINER OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION EXISTING BUILDI\GS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTI\IENT IBER OF UNITS ADDRESS: Af A,PrPt)t 7.,4 ADDRESS {N 7A a APPLICANT , Tho,n FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHoNE T z2 4 -b / tA PLr-- t )P4 72-1,-,t;23 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIIIE OF ,APPLICATION TIIIS APPLICATION FORI.I I\IUST BE SIGNED BY THE OIfNER OF THE PROEPTY TO BE INSPECTED l-l -zq 1,3C),\t're,e S ATURE FOR OFFICE USE O}{LY ? Leo.sos Date of fnspection:Date of Cert. of Compliance: Recei pt Nu4ber:Date of Report: REIIIARKS: &ot t\\q,< * r-*\*__,'r.\--+'- \ '/' Srr ^)t rn aY Pc ^' ' */,err. {Y"rtP /ot" Nor t/gt- wfrr61 Prroru,9tZ,u6 irof A<te*-- ftaErro i nEat r-r, SE,r,ou lfo/ -tt Herg - tt 100 tt €or ? tt go| . .t iOf 6 ?o q /oo € - / 0o 7 * f//rettrtts ' lJq'tuns ?'t /aAt"taci f,rs*a 3 rzl dr OR'r?t^) ici- ?'y''*" ' ('end oo r-'t - r,_,i ilof fu<cruoL /rrr LJ^t t/6, 'a o fi ^t 'taut - t/d " Ot*r TCa 'a') Dlort < fluro wA$//ca (u"' 'ti - frfi ]tzt' No l)tn- f No Aua^t dar ' y'txrttc-a (0il ae-^0.*r1o a/ c UAtatno QJA'-^eR IvszY.v - frnPt It It r/CI,e,s, il 0 ,.t fr E u, Ra oa- P 2i S'zr fr dor OtlT-s/21 /,r" {Ot- P, i P {,1 . r Crlr* Vc7ldP- 7$''*r |ne,*.ar€r - /o*tnr*n 6sr* o Reen," y'.u46t lt Srr.r.n ,4" 2ery*roRAre a ./rr.o .1,r/ a) c -7-4nn ilee-o &,<.<lrc-, o,t/ - /, - *n, 4a t AJ, R e. ' /,,/ure tr c -f ^l O < a, il ,s ed ,f r., r.zaq - Trse s ds fl tl I - Qea (ad /a4,uoa re {n?rr.s, /);au fi6r .ft sx q Oo qrc Exar 7 J - 9.aa 4o,r grz-F Or Prr,ur - fr rc.ltnt ,.f, ^t u * t/u-, - Wr?r.tgr / F> " tf - .9a", €od - /g-, - 2.tr.tr^t/.|z-a.N .1/o, r/zt-ovtFa Qo da - rt/l(r Aoe - rV .lcru* /r*, .fuou" o 8e 3't 24nn'tt^tr dl Oer Srce 2r / zte , l/o r &,qz'o * o, /vrz.o, o. 5t rt /.r, /uz < ,/.i^tc -C^, ,-o l-n. - tLgo 7€an. /e- ,t> cav t.{ - s Sfc, Udl 4o* - wrtrqc tZrrr -?il - t ' f'r<tr- 3o (eaan do- + 8' 0u6t>{ /equnsp-f //* n %r, r ft,<ttay rQef &4C .i)c at a . 9a. ?or t 7?*nt.c< &Gr=r*- t/r cttt'zx^' /y'ro" - ./kr', tr/ *,a F*o. 4 o.o /a - -' 7, Bl<. /dd z Pr<.t-rs r,<e Pecaz g/4cal Oe-* u H,. " Bae, ,€€ no"o o E^t 5/<(, [,rer^ ?a Fr.t Stzt * /tea, n dorstosr, 7. Sr.. /od-{ k),ers< /rerr" rlh, /,eauto { l)o r- $4ag--- S, > .E Y? o Fe6,rtrr<t, 7T bt/4 ft< y'san; fata 5rz t e/r' Gae /Bcae ,Zagrr^., o ,t E*- {//n- /r,e 6 u,fftA /y'*r*. 4, fr r"* .fc,,{ frr,.t.e ! -rtlo /gd Sn 5b; or