HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-17#o a -,225 North ith Stz,eet Sprlngfield, 1r,egon gZ4Z7 Building Diuision 726-37 53 GeneraL PPOCEDUPE FAR INSPECTTON REQUEST .'CALL 726-3769 (recordet,) state Aou"City Cesigrated uiLL benequested at;d ul",en you uiLL be made the sone .d"A, "equeste natie aftat 7:00 on urLLL be r,ad.e readg for inspeetion, Cont"acta?s o"A,neYs nctne and phOne the nest wrking Iour City Desigr,ated Job lfuinber fs: -0tc/ Congtm.ction_Lende"__ . _ += I-t i8 the reepona,ibi-Lity of tle penrtt ,DUa. to aee tlut al| inopectiotrs oe nade at the prope" tine, tlrat t4.sft aiirstss is nenCqhie ftwttt tlu atteet, and tlut the p*trit ca:i, ie Located at the frcni of the orooetht.*auilding Dioicion appro"^ed p?br slnll remain on tle Bunlding site'at aLL' ttnes." Date: job ntm,ber, job aCitess, type of inspecli.cn number. Peque sts veeei'"ed !:cfc:e 7:00 s:: ?r!r>(.,Eo Job locaticn: 10 3 3Aesessote Map #Iat # s\bditision: A.met: Addtess:Phone: citu: $pf{no *.'. \J faK'tu7 a [X?"r42=oo- at,/ fiflif a balms ;N iTral* fa.n /727 Da. LA , Date of Appli.ation_c2ec> T s n Neu Addltian Contnactots LAd.dt,ess forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be made befoz,e any uork ie cotsered. 'ICN: To be tnade a?e and d requiz,ed oqor burie?a @e in pl.a.ce but before otg lath, gApsum bcarC or tnLL eooering is applied, cnd. befote oty insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLITrc!] OR !:OWD BUILDIIICS Sanitug settet eapped. at g,operfi1 Line Septic tank y'itryed and. fi.Lled tith gra;tel Final - hlten abcoe itens ate cctnpleted and uhen d.ertclition is complete or sty,tic- ture moued ad. y,enrLaes cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking old Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa,te? otd, uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekittg, set-up and plutnbing connectione nust be dpprct;ed before requesti-ng eleclrieal inspeetiott Accessory Bui.Ldittg SI?E INSLEC?ION: eecauation, but To be rmde after pr'iot, tc set up of Prior to plccirg facing arzd before franing inspee- Piral - After etc. are eornp ' pcrehes, skirting, decl<s, Leted. a Ic be made in pl,.ace, forns ate erected, but prior to pou?tnS ccnc-rete. UNDERGPAUIID PLTJMBING, SEWP,, W.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made pz"Loz, to fil- @-6encnee. UIIDERFLOOR PLU'ETNG & MECHANICAL : o7 floon ineulation or decking. !OS! !!p BEAM: Io be made priot, to GlffiGn o7 floot insul,ati.on or ANTCAL: No w:til these inspections lntse been mad.e and approtted.. but prior to ang tapirq. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beons, grouting oz,'uetticals in aecordqtce tlLth a,B.C. Section 24L5. HOODSTOVE: @rnpTAA. After instaLlation is CURB & AITPRCACH APP!)N: After formsd,e "".ctAT, p;1.1" to pouring concrete. SfDIWALK & DR|VWAI: For aLL eon- ctZe pao@-;|ffi etneet r[ght- gf-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & fonn Lsotk & sub- base materlal in place. FIIIAL PLAVPITIG FINAL AUHANICAL IENCE: h4ten cornplete -- Protside gates or mooable eections tlwough P.A.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the "installation of street trees, col:tpletion of the required Lardsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfi.ed before the BUILDING EINAL can be requested. fiNAL BULLDfNG: The ?inal Buildittg fnspection mtst be requested aftez' the Pinal Plunbing Electrical, ord Meclnnical fnspections haoe been made and approued. Page 7 of 2 EINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE II44-'"' -'"\T!TEII! TO BE IL4DE AT EO COST rc CTY .#**-ry.F.+4i -;-^ SPTINGFIELD FTP.EPLACE:nat;i;G il tr T fis--| | RemoCeL \ SOLAR ACEES- H\J<---r--cod Ileat #: Sigred: I HAW 1AREFULLY ExAilTNED the eornpleted application for permtt, aild daherebg eettifg tLlat aLL infonnrztibn hereon- is ttue and. cbrrect-, and. I futthet, certify that any ard all uo,k perfonned shall be dote in aeeor- dance tith the Ordinances of the Citg of SptingfieLd, and. the La;s of the* state of aregon pertaining to the wik cescribLd hnnLir, c?1d. trat No occa- PANCY uill be na.'7.e of c\a attuctu?e uithout permission of the Buitding DL-uisi2n. r fuz'ther certify that only eont,actot s ar,^d enpioyees uho arZ ineonpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be-used on this project JOB N )f.Q T ,J^:I Bed.roarc: Lot Faces - Df Iat Sq. Ftg. I cf Lct Cooerage _l?1 # of Storiesrr .-<\YL rotoZ e,,:glI')[ LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cornet _ Panhandle CUL-de-eacTopogrqhg .tau x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted on the exp"eas eondition tlwt tlv said_eonstntction slwll, in aLL reepeets, conform to the Ordinanee adopted b:y the City of Spttingfield, i-nchd.ing the Zoning CYdincrrce, regulating the ccnsttaeticnotl use of buildings, urd may be suspended or reookeC at dry time upon oic- Lation of dty prcoisione of said )ydirnnces. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s ue Building Perwit Fee: State Date Paid: Iotal Chargea N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit Nq pereon slnll construct, install, alter or change altA nea cn esisting plwnbing or drainage egstan in uhole oz, in patt, unless eueh pez,son ie- the Legal possessor of a ualid plumberts Lieense, eacept tltat a p-etson natl do plunbing uotk to property udch is otmed, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Ficttn,es Resil.zntial (1 bath) Seuer Plmbing Penrit State Wlpte State Lan requdres tlw! the elcetrical uoyk bc dcna by qn Electz"ical Contraetor, the eleetr.ical portion of thi-s permit shall not be ualiC untilthe LabeL lns been signed bg the Electrical Contraetot,. 'L \ ?otal Electricol Permit iieu/Eatend Citcuits Ianpcrey Setoiee NC PEE ,( Mechqnicol Permit Ezl@net HooC l,tcodstooe Vent Fot Permtt fssuanee l4eclnnical Pentrit Securita Deposit Storage llaintenarne PermLt Cv?bcut - Sila,taLk .9ence Electtical Ia.bel Mobile Hone TO?AL AMOUNT DUE: *L\2,4 I Date /7 82 Total Chapqes i -l #" RESILtrNTlAL". APPLICATION/PERT,TIT 225 North |th Styeet Sprtngfidld, 7regon 97477 Bui.Ldtng Di,tsision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEL.E' -0 (o l\ \t b0l 6ralll Date: CeneraL ,L C@_tenila__ It is tha reepottcibiLity of tte perdrit holt* to eee tlut alt inspectiotts ee nade at tla foPer tiile, tlrat ecch cddtees is tea,Cabi' flurrt tltc at"eet, and thdt the p*nrit qti ie lacated at the frant of r;le propetty.*auiUing D,iticbn ayp"w^ed plot slnll remain on thz auiding site dt aLL tines. ,MOCTDI]PE FOR INSPEOTON R!qWST..CALL 7 requested ar.d, uhen you tLLL be ready fortvtZl be rude the sorc dcg, requests made 26-3769 (recordet) stdte !ou" City Cesignated iob ntmben, irapeetion, Contzactarg ot oltners ttante and. plane rutnbet. after 7:00 on tiLL be nade the nett :atkitlg dau.?rIrl R- job aCiress, tgpe Pequests teeeixed of inspeclicn laFaaa 1.hh p QTqU TneDdanrnil. e-"arrd;l;", b"t fotne. POST AND BEAM: To beffiTTEf,aTof floot, ?o be nade afterprior tc set up of made pr.Lor to iwulation ov required oqor ber'ie?a @e in place |rut before ory Lath, Wpsunt boarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before oty irculation is concealed. !out'Desigr,ated Ihtttbet fs: Io d OR BUILDIiICS Saniley setser eapped at ptopettpl Lix,e Septie totk p'.o.ped atd fitled urtth gza;te Final - htten abcoe itane ee canpleted arid uhen datclition is eattplete o! atnie- ture moued otd premi,aes cleaneC up. I'lobile Hcmes Blocking od, Set-up Plunbing connectiona -- aa')e? otd. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blockittg' eet-up and. plwtbing connections n,rr.st be dF,PtcDec before requeeting eleelrlcal inepeetio;t Accessory* Buildirtg Pinal - llfter pcrches' akirtittg, declcs, etc. are conrpleted. Ir T & F)UNDATfCN: ?o be tmde are and are erected, but ptiot to pourtng ccncreta. but priot to any ta"btg. IAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond 6ifijg"outittg or oerticals in accopdotce L/ith U.B.C. Section 24L5. ?c be nade is in place, UNDgRGPAUIID PLIJI,TgING, SE'IEP, II,4TER. @-trenchee. IJNDERFLOOR PLUT,EING & MECITANICAL : of floor ineuktion or decktng. W00DST01/E: After installation ie arnpleted. CURB & APPLo4g! A?!Blt: Aftet fornsd';'A;;rAWiio" to poumrq cofi,2?ete. SIDII.ALK & DRfVWAY: ?or all eon-c"A;na,rfrAtffi et"eet right-gf-txg, to be nade after aLL erca- oating conplete & fotn t)o"k ll oub- base ttaterLal in place. irapections hanse been nad,e atld approoeC. FLPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq facingncterials and. before franing inepee- l,fust be requested after eLeett"L-Lof plwrbing, &AL! roofin4 dtitaD. gatA P,U.E ' bracittg & chhtmegs, etc. rrust be i conpleted. llo tprk is to be con-.. cealed until thio inspectton laerbeen nade anC approued. PTilAL PA]MBIIIG PIIIAL MECHAIIICAL ALL pnoject colditions, such ae tle i.nstallation of street treee, coryletion-of tip r"quZrnd, Landsecping, etc., taat be eatisfied before the BAILDI\IG FINAL can be tequested. IINAL BU7LDIyG: The Einal Building Inepeetion mgt be requested aften the Pinat Plunbing Eleetnical, old ttechar:ical fnspeetions -t14oo been made attd approoed' \4 u4 Job faeation: 1a33 rSutrAeseasors Map # Stbdittision: .4nprqerl 4 /v)ettOntet: Phone:Addreee: Tar(, ^te?rufrbq V-rTzf Date of Appli"aticn- ,- Descr[be I']otk: CzeC> Additian 1q.Z q47<,- &a/zs /"N t T) aca at U)c<l^L FINAL ELECTRICAL IALL I,TANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUS? BE TO BE LIADE AT NO COST TO CItY Page 7 of 2 anaT I tr t{hen conplate -- ProttiCe or mooable eectiorts thtough tr :+. SOLAR, :E L-cod Bedrome: tou'e Building Volue & Permit This permLt io granted on the eq)"eaa cot'tdition tlat the sail. const ntctione_hall, in,all-reepe,cts, gonform to the 2rdina;ee adopte,i. b,y the City ofspyrgfield' including the zoning cydinance, regalating thZ ccnstmtZdlcn otd .use of buildings,. otd may be- euspended or r-eookec Zt org time upon utc-latton of @ty prcuieione of said Otdinawes. Date Pa.ld: Receipt #: Signed: Building Peti?rit State Total Clanges Penm ry * * Plumbing Permit No- pe?son shall eonsttact, inetal!, altet or cttange an! neD ct ez:isting ql,wtb-ing or dtainage sy2t? i_n urtole or in part, -rot""l" euoh perion is thelegal.poseessor of a ualid pl-unbelrs Lic_ensZ, escept tlat a pL*"or rdg dopltaibing uork to propertg uhich ia ontted, Leased or operatei tg lhe "ppi;-cant. Electricol Permit ,ile?e State Lan requires th,at the elaetrtcal uotk bc done bu an EZecdcalcotttraetor, the electt ieal portion of this permit shall rot" bi uilil, untilthe Label las been eigned ty the Electz.tcal'Cont?dcto?. .. i I HAW CAREFALLY EXA.\I|INED tle cornpleted appltcation for penrts, ail. doherebv certifv- that aLL infotnafibn heveon' t, iil'oi' .Zli"iiti -ra rfuttker cettify that any ard aLL uotk perfotnted slull. be dote in- o""on_dance rtith the ordinancbs of the city 'of 'sp*i"iri1i- "rra-ti" -ILa of the !l!e ol _o-ugscn pertaining to the uoik ceee,ibLa n"iZir, ori- til No occu- !!NC! ,nill_ b-e nyde of any- structute uvithout pernisaion -o7 tn" iuilding N-,Lsion. I f,utthen certif.g that o,:tly eontraeiore cd enpicyees uho are incanpliattce uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be- used on thie pnoject /7 Date Iat Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lot Cooenage_ _a,-1 ll of stories,z- ret rrtoZ arZghL)E JOB N Aeeese. ValueX L. Topgryfu Ipt Pacee -LO? TWE _ Interion _ Cotfie? _ Pcnhod.le _ Cltl-d,e-aac tbin fuaoe lqport Acceeso"u ?OTAL VALUE \Ntr):- S.D.C. 1.5 c, .al( \B3< CHARGEN0.fLL Pi.etutes Resid,ential (1 bath) Seaer Plwbing Penrit State NO.FEE C;IARGE Nau/Ectetd, Circ-uits Semsi62 n-,60 \. \i CIIARCErTXMNC.FgE htnace ZIUTS Eslwnet HooC Veit P@t Yiodetooe Meclnnieal Permit Penot fssuotce 4 Mechqnicql Permit -. EIICROACEMENT -- Seeurit! Deposit Storage l4aintenance P@r?rtt - Ctttbeut Silla,talk Fenee Electrical tabel Lbbile tlane TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:'L\? 4 !4ed6.LG\ \\\ N q.