HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-09-25/).Job Locaticn: IqN :Ya(4 t )oDaAssesoors Map fl Ic.c Iot ll Subdiuision: SSoatA,mer: *?l p. rtth v{v6?r7Address:Phone City:7 7ozip: QB Deseribe [t'ork: CrtPPozT ?c€-81Date of Applicaticn. TI Net) 6 Val{e .c,dditicn RenoCel ..RESIDENTIAL..ll APPLICATl 225 North Sth Street Sprlngfield, 0r'egon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 53 /PERl[T SPRINGFIELD v ,/, u\r-, Date: rrStract Gener P 1.urnb ing chanical Elec Erica S uperyEElng-Eilc E r i c i a n Dqtk,tLltrc!! OR ;.!O I Sanitary seser capped ct proparty Lite Septic totk punped ard filled uith gratsel Final - Llhen abcoe itens ave eanpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete oP stt'u-'- ture nooed and prenises cleaneC up. e Hcnes Blocking ud Set-up Plwnbing connectians -- sailelt anC uater Electtical Connection - Blocking' let-ue and plwnbing connections trust be apprctei before requeeting electvical inspeclion Aecessot'A BuilCing Pt,.:o 1 o! i': rt ie the responsibility of tttc permit hollet, to aee that aL! incpections ate nade at the proper time, that ecch address is t'eadabi-e fnon the at?eet, and that the penrtt catd ia located at the ftont of the -property.tsuildi.W D.Juiciot approxed plan shcll remain on the Building SiL: at aLL times. PnOCgDupE FOR INSPECII1V| RTQUEST':CALL726-3769(recorder) state you? City Cesignated iob nurber', iob aCi:eees, type-of inspec:icri "adyfol,inspection,Contrat:tors.-no,me,s-,,c',eandptanenumbel.RequegtBrecei"^edbefcre7:0Ct:.i',:iiZ be made the eone day, ?equests ncde aftet ?:00 @n uiLL be made the neot:nrking dag. Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs:g?/21e fT pcorruc & FIUNDATT1N: To be rneCe Yl ;F;;=;;;tes "z.e escauated and forns az,e erected, but priot' to pow,ing ccncz,ete. UND1RCPOUI]D PLUMDTNZ, SEllER. H.1TER, Neilag| To be nuCe priot to fil- Tfr-lienches. 7-1 unocnrLooR zLUIETNG & ME:HANT:AL:llof floor insulction or decktng. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to Tfrf,dTlillo-Tof ftoot' insulation or decking. ROIICH PLT]!,,18111C. ELEC?RTCAL & T4ECH. etUCAt,: No aotk is to be co'*et'ed ffitL th"". inspeetiors haoe been made and approued.. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to Placirg facing materials and before fratning inspec- tion. EU!!!|C: btust be requested after approoal of rough plutr,bing, electri- cal & meclnnical. ALt roofittg braci.ttg E chinmeys, etc. rrust be cortpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection las been rrude anC approued. SITE LNSPEC':ION: To be nnde after eacfi;t|on, -5G prior tc 6et up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECILAIIICAL: ?o be made befot,e any 6iF liiorseted. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FII:IAL ELECTRICAL ro t.,"an X't"" "tt insilaticn and requited oapon balnie?s are in place but before ony Lath, gypsun boav'C ov' unLL couering is applied, and before any insuLation is concealed. I N s u LA't' I t ) N / v At\tR tt4 ry!!U?J!E!E!!!oN : DRYIIALL IilSPgflI1N: Tc be nade;O;;n AtnLL is in place, but prior to cny taPing. I,IASINRI: Steel Location, bond diffilgrouting or oettticals in accordattce tLth, U.B.C, Section 241 5. IIOODSTOVE: ccmpleteA, After insta.Llation ts CURB 8 APPRCACH 4!.?O!'1: After fonns a,e er"ttA-6G piot' to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEVAY: For aLL eon- ;tete paufr;Ei'ln stl'eet right- of-uny, to be made after aLL etea' t)atino conplete & fotn wt'k & cub- base natertal in Place. IENCE: tarhen umpl.ate -' ProuiCe gates on mouable sectione thnough P. U.E. I *ALt, LlANHCt,tS AND CLItAN0U'l'i: I'ttti'T RI\- ACCftSSf?Ltl, At),lUs'lll,E:lll TO BI: t'..4n8 !.f tlo C,5'l'70 eM P oo Pinal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate cornpleted. tr @ ALL projeat aond'Ltions, such <ta the installation of street tree-s.,, conpletion-of the onqulin"-d" landscapir":g, Ltc., mtst be satisfied befoTe the BITILDINC FINAL can be requested' FINAL BAILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Pinal Plwnbing Electr,:ical, anC tlechanical Inspectlons itqtto been made atd approoed' c8q tota SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO L-CO BeCrooms:Zone:m( Wes t e D f.House Lot Faces -Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cotterage # of Stories Total Height Topography LOT TYPE Interion Cornef Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Thi.s permit is granted on the eEp?eas condition tlnt the said-construction il*tt', 'i,n all r"espects, conform io the lrdinance edop-ted q:y the Ci'ty o-f SptingTield, inc{ud.ing'the Zoning Crdinane-e, regulati,r'tg the ccnstmtcticn "nn ""2 of buildi,ngs, and nay be suspended ot, reuokeC at cng tine upon otc- Lation of any prcoisione of said ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTG x A Fee S.D.C. 1.5 t 4la f ?a3 5b2-r7Buildingl Perwit Iotal Clnrgea State Date Paid: Reeeipt # Building Volue & Permit Signed: Plumbing Permit No person slall consttact, inetall,, alter ot clnnge _any \7ei-ct' existing ptuntl,ng o? dt'ainage sAstal in uhol.e or in part, unlees such person is the iegol pbsses"o, o1"o oZtid pl*,bnr's lic-ens-b, eacept that a P?"son ^oa 4opti^tli"g aork to prope,ty ihtoh i" outned, Leased or oPerated by the appli' eant. CHARGENOFEE Fi.etut'es Residential (1 bath) Seuen Plunbing Pernit State Sutch,an ge ?otal Electrico I Perm it where sl;ate tan requiree tlnt the electrical ttork be done by _an Electrical contractor, the electrtcal portion of this permit slnlL not be ualic until the Label has been signed by the Eleetrical Contractot', Total I Lr, Nau/Eetend Circuits Selice CIIARCEIT!M NC.rEr Mechqnicol Permit khanat Hoo,7 I'lcodstote Vent Fot Pp,rmit fssuanee Meclanieal Pentrit .- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarity Deposit Storage Maintenanee Permit Cvrbeut Sideualk !ence Electrical tabel Mobile llorne I HAW CAREFULLy EXA\IINED the eonpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL itfornation heneoi ie tmte and eottect, and f furth,er certily that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be dote in aecot--dance rlth the- 7rdinancbs of the city of Springfield, atd the LanB of the state of oregon pertaining to the wrk cescri.bed herein, and tlat N0 occu- pANCy LttLL b-e nace of any struetute uithout permiaaion of the Building Di,- utsion. I further c-ertii;1 tlat only contractors and enplcgees uho are in eazpliance tnith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on this proiect /a//-ffiDaf- TotaL /o+-e? * Date TOTAI, AMOUNT DUE: *4x% Funnnee FTlltS