HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-03-24t.. RESIDL.ITIAL..SPFTINGFIEI-D . iicrth s* itouffPLrcArroN/PERl/ff? prtngfi,eld, 0r,egon 97477 _ i, r-auLl41-ng DLDLSLO4 726-3753 'ob Locati.ctt: Aesessots l4ap # Subditision: Asner: Address: ci Q?)' v llu t a-?Y bU t--t ila) DescrLbe l,lot'1t: VaLue S.."-- eb^&,u)5Additicn RanoCel Date:gectDate of Genet,aL f.at4-.rL- -/- ?c,s Lot # sl- Phone )Bui the etreet, anC that the Penmtlding D.)oiciott cpprou*ed plan sha. FOR 'ran:icaL 'mtction Lender 'he responsibility of the pendt holden to see tlnt alt inspectiorts ate nad.e at the puoPe? tine' that each addzess is readable at the ftottt of the propetty Building gite at aLL tines. state you! City designated job ntmber.job aCiress, type of insPee=i-cn Cont"actc?s ot' A,tners rusne and plnne numbet'.Requests recei.xed befcre 7:00 an Iour City Desigra.ted Job NwTtber fs t1 0ao2- !ou be made the sane dcy, requests ncde aftez'7:00 on mLLL be nade tke nect aoz'kinE day. 726-376 [] DRYWALL IIISPECTI)N: Ic be made -, after aLL dtyualL is in Place' but pni.or to any taPing. |IASONRY: SteeL Loeation, bond 6idilgrouti.ng or uerticals in accotdozce Llith U.B.C, Section 247 5. WOODST1'IE: After installation is ccrnpleted. CURB & APPFCILU 4!PON: After forns6e erectea tut rtoi a pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EWAY: For aLL eon- cr.e;; p"ofu-dffi street right- of-uay, to be maCe aftet aLL ecca- oating conplete & fotn tnrk & eub- base materLal in Place. floor insulction or decking. n posr AID BEAM: To be nade pri.ot'to J ffit;tffiAof floot, insulation or fucking. RO|IGH PLAIBIIIG. ELICTRICA\ & I|ECH- ,qWtCAf: No uork is to be cooered .ffiT|-these inspec*.ions haue been nade ond approueC. !I1E!!$|L Prlot'to placirq facing;at;r,ials- and before froning inspeb- tion. FFAttllC: l,tust be requested after @rotnt of rough plutr'bing' electri- cal & meclnnical. AIL t'ooftng braeing & chinmcys' etc. rmtst be ' eonpleted. tto ucrk is to be eon- . cealed unti,L this inspeetLon has 'been nade anC approoed. 7 rtne, PLUMBrtlc I unm TIECrANIIAL l SIIE LNSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after but pr.ior tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHTI'IICAL: ?o be made befoz,e ang Gik-iiiotsered. F)1TING & FOUNDA?rCN: ?o be ntaCe after trenches a?e and fotms ate ereeted, but prior to pou?Lng ccncrete. UNDIRGRCUXD PLUMDINC D84l!l4cE: To be maCe priot' to fil-7@ t "nchns. T]IIDERILOOR PLA,ETNG & MECI|ANICAL : oy INSULATIAN /VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTIO\: ro te idae after aLL insulaticn and required uapor buriera @e in p'l.ace bui belore any Lath, Wpsurn boarC oY tnLL coueting is applied, crtd. before oty insulation is concealed. OR !,!OVE' BUILDIiICS IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProoiCej&6i or mooable sections through P.A.E. uood.sld au 3^ ALL project conditions, such as the installation of stz,eet ttee_s.,_ con.oletion-of the onquTrn\- Landsccping, Ltu., ,mtst be satisfied befo,e the BUTLDTN? FINAL can be z'equested' FINAL BIIILDINC: The Final Buildirq Inspection mtst be requested cftet' the '?inal Plumbing n.iilit"i,' a,tC ueehaniccL rnspectlon' -ltaon been made ond approoed' Scnitaty seser eapped et properQl Lire Septic tank p;nped crd fill,ed trith graLel Final - hrlten abcue itens ate ccnpleteC and uhen d.enclition is eonplete o! st11,ic- ture mooed artd. prenrLses cleaneC up- Hcmes Blocking and. Set-up Pknbing connections -- aa)e! qtl uater Electri.cal Ccnnection - Blockittg' set-uD and plunbing conneetions nx;st be qtprc;-ed befire requesting electrLcal inspecliotz Aecessory BuilCzrtg skirting, decks,Fi-nal - After pct'ehes' etc. are eonpleted. Pege 1 of 2 *ALL I4AI]HCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACEESSIBLE' ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I'|ADE AT IlO CCST TO EIIY # t-l tr $ 'I JOB N t SOLAR A' ^ESS REQ.-L-co c Zone: NEM llcodstoise Sec"u-i Pemit 5Ld.a)aLk PLumblnq .oerrTilt ?otal Penrrtt fssua.ee Meclnnical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- t ?otaZ Plumbing Permit No person shall consttuct, install, altez' oz, elnnge anA ned cr existing plwnbing or drainage systen in ulnLe oz, in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessoz, of a oalid, plunbet,ts License, ezcept that a pe?son may do plunbing aork to p?opel,tA uhich is ormed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit Wez,e State Lan requires that the electrical uork be done bg an Electnieal Cont?actor,, the eleetricaL portion of this permit slw.LL not be oaliL untilthe l,abel |ns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechqnicol Permit d, D7 a,a f HAW CAREFULLY IXAUfNED tle eornpleted application for permit, and da hereby certify that aLL information heyeon is true and. cbrrect, and f fut'the, eertify that any ard aLL aork perfor-ned slwll be done in aecor-danee tith the ordinance.s of the cita bf sp,ingfield, and tha La,;s of ther 1l1t-? o{,llgoon pe,taining to the aoik 1esc,iblh t nilLi, .na- tUt No occa_Pl'Ncy tLrL be rnace of any stt'ucture uithout permtssion b1 tlt" Bui?,d.ing N-tsision. r fu,then eblllil- t\!,orlg eoitnactots anrd enplcyees uho are ineonpliance uith oRS zot.bss uiLL be"usLd. on this pii).Z -"-"" 1 Mobile Horne Bedtoons: ,( I I { % of Lct Cotserage_ # of StorLes Total Height LOr rwE _ fnterioz, _ Coz,ner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Int Sq. Ftg Iopographg AccessDTHouse Lot Faces - [ieat Sourees Lace toxe -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & J"rmit ?his perntt,t is granted on the enpress condition ttnt the said-constmtctionslnll, in all respects, conform to the )rditnnce adopted by the City of Springfield, ineluding the Soning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttacttcn qnd. use of buildings, and nay be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said 2rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE x Value N0.FEE L TIAIiGI, S.D.C. L.5 o bul Ldlna llemn-x ?otal Clnrges State Signed Reeeipt #: Date Pal d Cheek Fee: Ei.ztlu,es Resilzntial (1 bath) SarzitenT Seuer tlate" N0.FEE Res. Sq. fta. tlan/Ectend Circuits Iqflpcr,@A Seroice CHARCEilcFEE FWrnee ETUTS blzanst HooC Yent Fot \5-OO \500 ,bO TO?AL N.IOLIJ\? DI]E:1 \5bD Signed Tofo| (hnraas State Su,cl"ange