HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1983-12-27SPRIilGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works December 27, 1983 CERTIFIED LETTER Valera E. McBee et al. c/o John A. and Mary Wytoski 654 West N Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 SUBJECT: Notice and Order to Comp'ly Wjth the Springfield Build'ing Safety Codes at 350, 360 and 370 North 19th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Wytoski: A recent inspection of the above referenced property more particularly des- cribed as Lane County Assessor's Map #17 03 36 13, Tax Lot #L2400, reveals that it is in violation of Table I-11 (a) of the Plumbing Specfalty Code (please refer to the attached copy). Our records indicaie that you are the owner of this property. Three sewer lines which served three houses that have since been demolished have not been plugged or capped at the property line as required by the Plumb'ing Spec'ia1ty Code. Our records show that you were notified of this condition in Apri1, 1982. As part of the demolition permits for these houses, plumbing permits were also issued for the purpose of inspecting the sewer lines (Permit numbers 810016, 810017 and 810018, dated January 8, 1981). Therefore, this is your notice that the above referenced sewer I'ines must be p'lugged or capped at the property line and inspected by a City Plumbing Inspec-tor by thirty (30) days from the date of this notice and order (January 26, 1e84 ) . If you do not correct the violation and request an inspection within the time frame outlined herein, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through 1ega1 recourse which may include Mun'icipal Court pro- ceedings or the C'ity may proceed to cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owner. Any person having any record title or lega'l jnterest in the building may appeal from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, pro- vided the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Superintendent of 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregong7477 a 503/726.3753 Valera E. McBee et al. c/o John A. and Mary l^lytoski Notice and 0rder to Comply 350, 360 and 370 North 19th Street December 27, 1983 Page 2. Bu'ilding within th'irty (30) days from the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appea'l will constitute a waiver of all right to an administratjve hearing and determination of the matter. Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated. PIease direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. Sin ly, Sal1y Johnson Environmental Inspector cc Roy Bordeaux, Plumbing Inspector Ron Clark, Superintendent of Building Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney attachment sJ/r h 35o ^), / 7 * Sh p{t' , r oi ,,,a ./;; N. 6HT G.5. ' IlNE trtl- #8 nruro {_? -uettf 6s- oN </ilaN. aW- {9.Paoa'*D' \__.-,' *1 +t il tlH *g-.lH2ro {at (rh,s Pio{7iru \tndee Gq-A4-il;i qLs ( VI u $\la t2q t0L qs2 Gq-03 61 -a4 )i 'ii V) rl se \ trGHT €.<5,,rffiyy, i.-rl v V) it $.. tlc Sn,,tK€ @('? (* trcyf G.s. ON lIN€ S. ,t/.1! rl,li----_ FH,: ff C/i., tr..- ^-,,/ l/6kT 6.5. ,49 tr,V€ N. nrl,4e. pqoro * K *') L t7' ll6Hr 6s. tr!.t{:E(frf, 6.5. * cP€ly F/PE ez€iQ.r t//s/6i.€ ir A/.d- SIOKE CLIE}TT SpetiGpi€Lc JOB NO. DATE e / r /'2,' ^ ' ,l -qUE NO. ''r 'l 'C -t - -TO }TH NO. TI}IE STREET I.OCATION /f oBsERvER 5 tXn'.i t,Vt e dfil 3 I{EAIIIER 3 t€lQ' /,-/g+:r G9-0+-t ( d ) d, of P#arc f lrt 1 i I I mf,Enfl@RAmuDumfl CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM: June 27, 1983 TO:Cify Prosecutor Office of City Attorney 350, 360 and 370 North 19th Street, Springfield,RE: Oregon,97477i Violation by John Wytoski This matter is referred to you for prosecution in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Springfield. John Wytoski is the owner of three improved properties at 350, 360 and 370 North 19th street, springfield, oregon. Ivlr. Wytoski took out three demolition permits in January of 1981. Subsequently, the houses were demolished and the property cleaned up. Ir{r. Wytoski, however, refused to cap the sewers at the property line on these three lots each of which had structures connected to the sanitary sewer. Irlr. Wytoski's demolition of the improvements, without capping of the sewers, is in violation of Section 1IL9 of the L973 Oregon State Plumbing Specialty code as adopted by the city of springfield (section 9-4-1 of the City Code). It is requested that your office take appropriate action to institute a legaI proceeding in the Municipal Court of the City of Springfield to compel compliance by Mr. Wytoski of the provisions of the Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code. Specific- a1ly, the sewers must be capped on the property line on each of these three 1ots. If you need any assistance regarding facts giving rise to this claim or copies of the applicable codes, please contact Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector, City of Springfield. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. JJL: bkh cc: John wytoski, 488 West rrNrr street, springfield, oR, 97477 Sa11y iohnson, Environmental Inspector, City of Springfield nflEmfi@RAm[D U CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO June 21, 1983 Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney FROM:Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector SUBJECT: Non-Compliance With the Following Cases 3so / 360 /570 North L9th Street John Wytoski, violations of Section 1119 of the 1973 0regon State Plumbing Specialty Code as adopted by the City of Springfield (Section 9-4-1, of the City Code). (Also Section 1119 of the current Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code - 1980.) The Plurnbing Inspectors have informed me that l,lr. Wytoski has refused to cap the sewers at the property line on these three lots each of which had structures connected to the sanitary sewer. Mr. Wytoski took out 3 demoli- tion permits in January of 1981. Although the houses were dernolished and the properties finally cleaned up (after an ApriL 22,1985 letter from your office) the demolition pernits can not be finaled and approved until the sewers are capped and inspected. Please send a letter from your office. 4173 Main Street Sherman Ruttencutter, violation of Section 401 of the Uniform Housing Code rela- tive to nuisances. You sent Mr. Ruttencutter a May 3, 1983 "nicerr letter request- ing completion of clean up of debris from two denolitions at 4173Main Street. To date, the remaining debris has not been removed. 357 South 57th Street Resident, violation of Section 5-1-1. (5)(d), City Code. The requirements of your 'May 3,1983 letter requesting removal on screening of used materials by June 1, 1983 has not been met. Copies of all applicable correspondence attached. The following cases have coruptied with the requirements of letters fron your office: 1) 25L South 57th Street 2) 234 "Q" Street {u Sa11y Jo Environmental Inspector attachments sJ/ th CIEY OF SPH,I\TC}}-IEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 OFFICE OF THE 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE D 7 46-9621 CITY ATTORNEY April 22, 1981 !1r. John Wytoski 488 west rrNrr StreetSpringfield, OR 97477 Re:350, 360 and 370 North 19th Street,Springfield, Oregon, 97477. Dear Mr. Wytoski: This will confirm our telephone conversation of April 21, 1981, regarding the above-referenced matter. As I explained to you on the telephone, although the houses at those addresses have apparently been razed, the grounds have not been cleared of the debris and there may still exist some difficulties with respect to the sanitary sewage facilities. This matter has been dragging on since September of 1978. If the sites of these three houses are not cleared of debris and brought into conformance with city codes by l[ay 8, 1981, the City will refer this matter to the City prosecutor with the reconrmendation that action be undertaken to bring the site into compliance with the code of the City of Springfield. If you have any specific questions regarding this matterr or the applj-cable codes, they should be addressed to Sally Johnson, Environmental Controller, City of Springfield (726-3753) - Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY e-1.7l -,/t^ ,)^/L ^-"LS'U/7 Joseph J. LeahY JJL:bkh cc: Sa1ly Johnson a,ut$ >ru,%-oT f'rLl,",-P a^--,(J''* . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CI:trY OF SPH,II$GIFIEIJIf SPRTNGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 April 22, 1981 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE D 7 46-9621 iUr. John WYtoski 488 West rrNrr Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: 350, 360 and 370 NorLh 19th Street, Springfield,Orego,n, 97 477 . Dear Mr. Wytoski: This will confirm our telephone conversation of April 2L, 1981, regarding the above-referenced matter. As I explained to you on the t6lephone, although the houses at those addresses have apparently -been raised, the grounds have not been cleared of tirl aeUri-l and there may still exist some difficulties with respect to the sanitary sewage facilities' This matter has been dragging on since September of 1978. If the sites of these three houses are not cleared of debris irra u.orght into conformance with city codes by May 8, 1981, the City will refer this matter to the City Prosecutor with the r"c-ommendation that action be undertaken to bring the site into compliance with the code of the city of springfield- If you have any specific questions regarding this matter t ot the'applicable-codes, they should be addressed to Sally.Johnson, nnvironmental Controil€tr City of Springfield (726-3753) . Thank you for your attention to this matter' Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY Joseph J. LeahY JJL:bkh cc: Sa1ly Johnson CIT':T O}- SPR,I\TGFTEI-,D SPRINGFTELD. OREGON 97 477 December J-6, 1980OFFICE OF THE ClTY ATTORNEY Mr. John Wytoski 488 West xNrr StreetSpringfield, OR 97477 Re: 350, 360 and 223 NORTH A STREET 5U ITE D 7 46-9621 Springfield 370 North 19th Oregon. Street, , Dear Mr. Wytoski: Please find enclosed copies of letters to you dated September 6, L978, from this office and October 9, L978, from Sa1ly Johnson, Environmental Controller, City of Springfield, regarding your above-referenced properties. The houses at those addresses are open and accessible and ap- pear to be being utilized by neighborhood youths for "club houses". The houses are in a dilapadated and deteriorated condition, may attract the children and constitute a public nuisance. Additionally, the house at altered by the addition of propriate building Permits. In the event houses or to with the CitY by the CitY. 19th Street, has been foundation without the aP- 370 North a partial These houses must either be demolished within a 45 day period or plans submitted for repairs and the repairs completed by .ro iorrg"r than 60 days. rr you chose -to repair the buildings, .ppropiiate building permits-must be obtained from the City "?-spii-"gfield ana fiuring the repair period, the houses must be secured. that action is not taken to either raze the r"pii-. the houses to bring them into complaince-;? springfield, Iegal action will be undertaken Ifyouhaveanyspecificquestionsregardingthismatter,they should be addressed to Sally Johnson, -Environmental Controllef' City of SPringfield (726-37 53)' Mr. John December Page 2 Wytoski16, 1980 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY Joseph J. Leahy JJL: bkh cc: Sally J on Pr,J- 149 SPRINGFIELD COilIPLAINT FORI,I JOB # C0l4PLAIr\T ADDRESS: NATURE OF VIOLATION: //t DATE:6-z CON{P LA I }J.{\T : S.-p, ol,r1.Q _t ADDRESS: PHONE: RES I DENT : OIVNER: ADDRESS: At,t1 /)h PH# PH# AD\IISED: ZOI,IE: PREVIOUS COI\IPLAINTS AT THIS ADDRESS? YES NO INSPECTIONS: 7- 7-ro- /hz ad =i" J ?O ,U, / 73Sr a(@-3635C DA- c &-rt f *.*L l/- Aa-Ya ftih5f(fr{ -*^/ in{,, fr'k e^? for office use onl 1ST NOTiCE AND ORDER:LETTER FROM CITY ATTORNEYTS OFFICE IlUNICIPAL COI]RT CITATIO}i2)iD NOTICE AND ORDER: OUTCO}1[: o IL lrt L Tf-/ k) \ q <-A^l.211 lq18 I AA)v^l I\o I\,\6l,t/t-dl ,<e cA ci -i^a .A-( \ I ( ) t\^c !t I t r\-d ) Q e*^1 *tJ a Y1 l.n i3 DE N ud I Se+-t N, I 6 I d^ 7?lr, 3 e ,\/ 7/7t tr"!ry,,,*uh )-'zt Z _---, ; .> ..1</(_ i t' .u-, , /t/\ -ld,, ,.t i ,. t. Q &1 Ncr*h Sp,0e., OR ,rt(2 c1?n) e d1k Y )arn cq p*h a-' a.' / r o /rb4"- foJy /4t K 3c g ilr?fl=Fr:,gl:- lJ Ov'z ? f V ZZ 3c8 wYt L8L Ar,-. ?z/77 L-N-ct .ft,.n . )&,/n a Lutt-*t 2rr. _/? fu, I t 97 v ,)'/ , / ,/%,hd ,%/,,,/A- JoS 4.d, /F;-hZ fu oTnog/'*"- eo'3 Nz4rt'-Y "* *,rfi/l*Mr-*zLear-,.-- / f 7QaVz, ryZ'*rtr*"fu &4tu e4s f nE s4, 1 /Urt tu( lfp 1il "4., tA9&. 26( f't/n*f 747-763C , rfu n) tF%w (<.. L4i''l-az /5 | 3-a M, Al'altUX- */sf 2 NwarL ) -t>,t \t-I., 5p- lr, )q +i 'tt /nun-' 5 zo 5f/4 O",L< /"e-* 5 70 .?/w4 ) t/ O* ot'h.lrtur il,.r-D PUtsLLU WORKS DEPAF" Standard Compla int Form Location of Complaint 37 O Courplaintantts Name Complaintantf s Address ou.n Sf ::b€r -Ct*c*'''7- hitf Taken By Date ItSoa ,/. fie Phone -Ztt Referred to Person Contacted Action Taken "{C L / 6.rra.,/sb, ,.1 Llt By Date a--l,t _---_- .) -1--/-Time Z 1,\* rlli-93t Type of Complaint Owner of hoperty r UBLI-L ir,-l;!i.., t.'r.i'/flrr..'il,]i I L i'irr:,:rr ily LL Standard Complaint Form Ineation of Complaint ,, c), / 13 J';ket' T3pe of Complaint oate J -/g ) lc :h.il - phone ft-Llt-C_- Ovrner of Property Cutplaintant's Name Complaintant t s Address L4- Referred to Person Contacted Action Taken , L 1,v,*ere> r,l =t+)r.4 4 L By Date Zc1 - a-r;- Time 'irt--/ t1't-93 w'/tc ..1,. iJ.,.:. '( n I 1 *.. III t l'IiG---; #:rw 1;H.l lir REOUEST FOR INSPECTION l\h 061 Springfield Building Departrnent NEOUEST FOR INSPECTION Springf ietd Building Departmcnt 3-2tr-1?Time.? )30o^ . Tyoe of lnspection Tirye.Desired Proiect AdcJrcss Remarks \,5t tflJ -)7K Date Date Time l1 Tvpe of lnspection Time Desired \o-, Owner-,r'Contractor - -tt--<-( c"''r - Contractor A^l z1D lJ O?'St"Proiect Address Remarks <- 01) INSPECTOR'S BEPORT. Approved Not Approved 3 -zK-7 /Approved !,/" Not ApprovedDate c(;,ktte.- - 0)q4-\- Remarks a-){L C< Bemarks . bnu ,A- Trta A '4^- /'art - ;btr/4^f Aub\ l(( /-tr ,/,)7 ,{il4,il' @,A*,r"/ -lJ 74 b-4 0 l0 U<)L il @9 INSPECTOR'S REPORT o"r" ?-2,? -ry ,,ii!t-i I CIItrTT OI.- SP}I,I\TGFIEIJD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 19th s pipe w over tat our Many o SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 Apri 1 24, 1978 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. John A. Wytoski 488 West "N" Street Springfield, Oregon gl4ll Dear Mr. Wytoski: The Springfield Building Division has recently been jnformed that youare the new owner of 350, 360 and 370 North'19th Stre€t, fiore particular]y described asLane county Map Reference # ll 03 36 1.3, Tax tot izqoo, - Springfield, 0regon. 0ver the past several months, we have rece'ived nutnerous comp'laints regardingthe potential ly hazardous condj tions of the aforementioned bui I djngs. Someof the complaints have come from nearby residents; several from the tenantsthemselves. In late February, a petit.ion siqned. by approximately 20 neighborsrequesting City assistance in allev'iating these potentjally hazardous cond'itions was received by this office. I recently inspected 360 and 370 North 19th Street, for Springfield Housing Code Compliance, but was not able to gain access to 350 l{orth 19th Street.Th'is inspection found both dwellings to be potential fire and health hazards.For example, wood stoves'in both residences were inproperly installed, causinga potential fire threat. The dining room cejling finjsh material in 360 Northtreet was visually sagging. At this same address, the bathroorn toilethich connects to the sewer had broken in ha1f, spreading fecal rnatter he side yard (This last item has since been corrected ni nichard Silverdirection). Parts of both houses appeared to be structurally unsound.ther potentjal Housing Code Violations were noted Therefore, the Bujlding Divjsion requests permission to conduct a more completeinspection of all three of the buildings in order to confirm the potential hazards and Housing Code violations mentioned above and to assure that theyare el inri nated. Please contact the springfield Building Division at r26-3rs3. Sincerely, Sal ly Johns Envi ronnrental Control I er cc:Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney S,l/ct OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CI:trY O3- SPH,IhTG}}-IELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 September 6, 1978 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE D 746-9621 Mr. John Wytoski 488 West N StreetSpringfield, Oregon 97 477 Re: 350, 360 and 370 North lgth Street, Substandard Housinqr Dear l{r. Wytoski: As you are aware, this office undertakes appropriate Iegalproceedings to insure compliance with the provisions of theSpringfield Housing Code. Ms. Sally Johnson, EnvironmentalController, Department Of PubIic Works, City Of Springfield,has previously brought the above referenced houses to ourattention for violation of many of the Springfield Housing Code requirements. At the request of Ms. Johnson, however,we are holding in abeyance any further tegal action untilafter October, 1978. She has informed us that herconversations with you indicate that the three referenced houses will be brought into conformance with Housing codereguirements during the months of September and october,t978. we appreciate your commitment to bringing these houses upto code requirement, and will place any regal action on theHousing Code violations j-n abeyance unlit ifter October , tg7g.At the end of that period of timer w€ will receive a reportfrom I'1s. Johnson on the success of your ef forts to alleviatethe violation of the Housing Code. Thank you forthis matter. your courtesy and anticipated cooperation in Joton,, J L*ov JOSEPH J. LEAHYOffice Of City Attorney JJL:mla cc: Sa11y Johnson MflERfl@RAMIDUI W CITY OF SPRINGFIELD August 25, 1978 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT: Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attor:ney Sa1ly Johnson, Environmental Controller 7505 North 18th Street 5279 High Banks Road 350, 360, 370 North 19th Street 1. 505 North 18th St reet: Too ma occu qts in singie-family residence.I rece V vetos xne g or o c 0n June 29, 1978, accompanied by pofice officers Maloney and Harrison,I visited the above-property. Two buses altered to be tiv.ing quarters, and one travel trailer were parked on the premises. No one iasoccupying them at the time of my visit. Two adult women and three tofour small children were in the house. I spoke with a Marcia Tieman who stated that she and two other women rented the house. Two ofthese women have one child each. Ms. Tieman also told me that the owner rented a parking space to one of the buses. 0n the morning of June 30, 1978, I spoke to another resjdent of the house by telephone, a Debra Marlow. when informed of the numerouscomplaints received regarding the number of occupants, Ms. Marlowstated that on)y two adult women rented the house, but they received many visitors who spent the weekend, etc. with them. I'm currently attempting to contact the owner and will make anothervisit to the .property in question. 2. 5?79 Hi h Banks Road - Theresa Sullivan - Substandard ho SE: S use was re-nspecte on gust 3, 1978, by an None of the four items mentioned in your letter to Theresa S June 28,1978, have been remed'ied, except item #2 - Rodent I The tenant infornred us that she had seen no evidence of rats and mysel f. ul I ivan of nfestati on. or mice. 3. 350, 360, 370 North 19th Street - John toski - Substandard house - ne g hbor oo pet t on presen to Bu'ildinq Divisjon: These houses are in violation of many hous'ing code requirements. Probably the most dangerous, be'ing improperly installed wood stoves. 0n July 31, 1978, during a telephone conversation, Mr. wytoski informed me that during the months of September and 0ctohr of lgl}, the housesw'i'll be vacated; the wood stoves will be removed and replaced wjth another method of heating; in short, that the houses wil'l be completely renovated.Mr. lytoski also agreed to allow this office to inspect the houses at compl etion date. v -")<(/za ),tt/e t r -\- vJ4_) 4 )I/U\ruZZ. /1/=;l ( d:(/q'/()'-, =-g@-gtga) -, w5c* -ft __ru ], 1t *r,/'/? t F ,&t'*{a / 7 *g:_:22 L-tu"{tu+r:e-/La"1e -*'|-Tt\- . - -{ru-/,i 4 {en, (-dYt a'-- , _ - - crTTr oP- FPFTr\TGF'rEr-,DSPRINGFIELD, OREGON r,7477 DEPARTMENT Otr PUBLIC WORKS CERTi FIED LETTER 0ctober 9, rclB 346 MAIN STREET 726_3753 Tt, John t^Iytoski 488.l^Jest N Streetsprlngfield, 0regon RE: 350, 360,rand^320 North 19th Street,Springf ietd, oredo'i", g)q) ,Dear Mr. l^lytoski: 'll;"Ji,"13.':xrlff,[{ I',:'j,s:j;ii:iio'fi#ii'iii!:,fix,r.i[.iigii:ir:.,,,.,0reson and hts-propoi.i";; ;;i;s them ,p.i."Ho,]rins code requiremenrs.His representations to me were as follows:1' 370 North lgth street was ,o-r:^.rugated bv september_31, 7978. It wirlbe re-prumbed, r.-*i..i*ini' a new r,.iiin6'.ystem wi., be instar red.2. 350 North 19th Street will theatins-syiiem witl be insrJirJlitted bv November 1, tg7l. An etectric 3' During December of .r9rg, or Janulr.I of rg7g, or after 350 North 19thStreet is compretea,-g60 ilorilr rgt[ ii.. rt'ii,^!e.ru.ui.a"ind gutted.Jf;,ffi'l,ij';?,i'Jl :i;iiisil .'ii".iJTEi,i,n ri,iir',.i;.iur in,re If I have misunderstood or overr:o$g,an item,. p.rease advise me as soon aspossible' All applicablt p.trits must oe purirrlsed anJ-uii-n...ssary inspectionscal led for. il;::ir5lrect anv further inquiries to the sprinsrierd Buirdins Division at 97 477 Si re1y, @t llv Jo son Envrionmental Controller Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Build'ing Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney CC SJ/c t DONALO K. ARMSTRONG ^** a***o STEVEN L PHILPOTT DONALD K. ARMSTRONG' P'C' ATTORNEYS AT LAW CITIZENS BUILDING 975 OAK, SUITE 32O EUGENE. OREGON 974OI 6a6.2425 I"1r. JosePh LeahY oiiil" "? the citY -Attorneycilv "f SPrinofield 223 North e Sireet' SYl!: D iptr"g?i"ra, oregon 91417 FebruarY 20, L979 SincereIY Re: 350, 350 and 370 North 19th Street Dear Mr- LeahY: This office represents John Wytoski.*h? is the owner of rhe above ;I;;";.;""la"ln.- recipient of vour letter dated septemb!;-2, rDze' concerning substandard hous- i"g localed at that address' I believe Mr. Ialytoski has . either conformed with the ;";;;;;'i"qoit"'d-;v the citv of sprinsf ierd or has vacated trr" pil*i"Lt pendini the repairs being made' Howeverrweareexploringthequestionoftiabilityforthecostoftherepairsand.'eattemptingtode-I"i*irr" the knowledge ) it anlr -that the prior-owners' Richard and Barbara Silver, Lad of the conditions of the ProPertY. I would appreciate your checking with Sally Johnson intheoepartmento.fPublicWorksandalsowiththe records in your office and givi!9 me copies.of "ll.correspondence or aII r"cords of communication with if'," prlvious owners of the property which would show the knowledge, if anlr they had.of the condition of the property and the fact thtt it was not in compliance with CitY requirements' I appreciate Your courtesies and took- forward to hearing from You cooperation and wiII in this regard. DONALD K. tu/ Donald x. yours, ARIViSTRONG, P Armstronqr C DKA: tas cc: James Bourne John WYtoski OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CIITTT OF SPH,I\TGFIEIJ]f SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 March 1, L979 Mr. Donafd K. ArmstrongAttorney at Law 975 Oak Street, Suite 320Eugene, OR 97401 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE O 7 46_9621 of of Re Your Client JOHN WYTOSKI. Dear i"Ir. Armstrong: Please find encr-osed for your information and use copieswhat we believe to be orrr-entire fir;-;; the conditions350' 360 and 370 North 19th street, spri'gfield, oregon. Although not ref lectecl j-n the f i1e, it is the recollection ofboth Ms. sa1ly Johnson."a r that Mr. wytoski or hi; representa_tive was aware at the rime 1i."t'-i1"r'nl;.nased the propertiesthat extensive repair and renovatioi ivourd be requiied. rhope this does not throw cold water on your case. ff you havefeel free to Sincerely, IIARI\IS, HAROLD & LEAHY ":I"f:::.*::" ar all resardins rhis matrer, please Joseph J.Assistant Leahy City Attorney JJL : bkk enc. cc: Ms. Sal1y Johnson Pictures Taken: 3-28-78 570 North 19th Street T ,r z r ) sn : i- . \ ltV: ,rl il.,f*,rfrt.*,fi; 370 North 19th Street I Pictures Taken: 3-28-78 ./l \ L q,7 \ a7 \ n Pictutes Taken: 3-28_783601grh sr reet a l -rL/ -! I \ ! -a \./- t n I I I Z_ t.'t .\ \\ \-t Pictures Taken: 3_ 2a_ 7A360North 19t h Street I aI t --_-_--- -]E kl I t --t t .t .r ,.1 I i \"A*.lr t h:,rT !': ^! tu I r I s-n bj ,fl It 3" fi..L-t rh I :.a" \; ', -- 350 N,h 19th Streetort Pictures Taken3- 28_ 7A I L J (rr f,t':' r), 1YJ- ;- I i'l[ .r1 L c 1l I 'f Ii L/lr=fq i-Bl--- e -T ru "Il =,-,t .b'tJ. ."l a--I aL A