HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1996-03-20SPRII\lGFIELO RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726'3769 Olfice: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOBK: ASSESSORS MAP: JoB NUMBE a Za=DZ 225 Fifth Street Sprl ng f leld, Oregon 97 477 ,4 TAX LOT: LOT BLOCK:SUBDIVISION ZIP:STATE: PHoNE: :26-*7/O CITY: ADDRESS: OWNER: NEW -- REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIBE WORK: MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: ADDRESS EXPIRES PHONECONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: CONST. CONTRACTOR # RANGE: r OF BDBMS: _ OFFICE USE - LAND USE: ZONING CODE: FLOOD PLAIN WATER HEATEFI: I OF UNITS: SECONDARY HEAT: SOUARF. FOOTAGE: OUAD AREA: , OF BLDGS OCCY GROUP: E OF STOBIES: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: To request an lnspectlon, you must call 726-3769. Thls ls a 24 hour recordlng, All lnspectlons requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same worklng day, lnspections requested after 7:00 a.m. wlll be made the followlng work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I TemnorarY Electrlc Rough Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover. Final Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is complete. Slte lnspection - To be made a{ter excavatlon, but Prior to setting forms. Rough Electrical - Prior to Final Electrical - When all electrical work is complete.cover. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Electrical Servlce - Must be approved to obtaln Permanent electrlcal power. Final Mechanical - When all mechanlcal work ls complete. Footlng - After trenches are excavated.Flreplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and framing lnsP. w Flnal Building - When all requlred lnspections have been approved and building is completed.Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, groutlng,B Framlng - Prlor to cover. OtherEFoundatlon - After forms are erected but Prlor to concrete placement.Wall/Celling lnsulallon - Prlor to cover. Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench.l-l Drywatl - Prlor to taolng. MOBILE HOME INSPE TIONS Underlloor Plumblng/ Mechanical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decking'l-l Wood Stovo - After lnstallailon. Posl and Beam - Prior to floor lnsulatlon or decklng.lnsert - After flreplace approval and lnstallatlon of unlt. Blocking and Set-Up - When all blocklng ls complete. Floor lnsulation - Prior to decking.Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but Prlor to placement of concrete. Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Sanltary Sewer - Prior to filling trench.Electrical Connection - When blocking, set-up, and plumbing lnspections have been approved and the home is connected to the service panel. Sidewalk & Drlveway - After excavation ls comPlete, forms and sub-base materlal ln Place. I--l Fence - when completed. Streel Trees - When all requlred trees are planted. Flnal - After all required lnspectlons are approved and porches, sklrting, decks, and ventlng have been installed. tl tl E tl E f--l Storm Sewer - Prior to fillingU trench. I [--| Water Llne - Prlor to fillingu trench. F-1 Rough Plumbing - Prior toU cover. tl tl E E tl r{ Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total helght Lot Type - lnterlor - Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de-sac ISiHE PBOPOSED WORK TN THE. HlsroRtcAL DtsTRlcf,, oR oN THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? - lf yes, this applicatlon must be slgned and approved by the Historlcal Coordinator prlor tof permit issuance. APPBOVED: P,L.HSE GAR ACC N S E BUtLDtNG PERMTT VALUE @-a ts eOt- -_-:b ,4.Xrr9 (A) SQ. FT. X $/SQ. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that the saidconstruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinanceadopted by the City of Springfield, including theDevelopment Code, regulating the c-onstruction and use ofbuildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any timeupon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Receipt Number:_-_ 2_2452 DateNS13y Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Received SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE N0 FT. FT. FT. (c) Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge Total Charge ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Wood Stove/ lnsert/Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mechanical Permlt lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By slgnature' r state and agree, that r have carefuily examrnedthe completed application and do hereby cerilfy that alllnformatlon hereon is true ancl correct, and I f urther cerilfythat any and ail work performed shail be done in accordance wlth the Ordinanccs of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Lawsof the State of Oregon pertainlng to the work descrlbedhereln. and that NO OCCUPANCy will be made of anystructure wlthout permission of the Bullding Safety Divislon.I further certify that only contractors and employees whoare ln compliance with ORS 701.055 wlll be used on thlsproiect. I further agree to ensure that all required lnspections arerequested at the proper time, that each address ls readable from the street, that the permlt card ls locatecl at the frontof the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln on the site times duri co 7D a ion Slgnature Date MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sldewalk _ ft Curbcut --- ft Demolltion State Surcharge Tolal Mlscellaneous permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exctuding etectricaD ?429(A, B,'C, Q and E Combtned) AMOUNTBEoEIVED 2 i7- RECEIPT NUMBER 753 7*fu -% VALIDATION DATE PAID RECEIVED BY j....., ':j $,'r:, Systems Development Charge is due on all undevelopedproperties wlthin tlre City tinrits which are being improved. CITY OF OPEGO'V :il,rrth.r(;r-tr:Lt) D EV ELOP ME NT S E RVICES DE PARTME NT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-37ss FAX (s41 ) 726-368e October 7, 1996 William Brougher 19l8 I Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Brougher: Your request for an extension of your permit to enclose your patio for storage at your property commonly known as 308 l9th Street, Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number 960332 has been reviewed and approved. This extension may only be granted one time and will expire 180 days from the date of the granting of the extension (April 7, 1997). If you have any questions, or if I may be of any assistance, please feel free to phone me at726-3790, Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Bu ilding Services Representative cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager th 0 \ o Tq"l IIil --Tr-- -++- t o ct'S h€ e /hs-?fL ? a-]L.e ) -7ry Tl"o(11 /s Yrb) )Vo anr*cJ2t4a?/ w,ol J - --76 of €€ b BUILDING DIVISTON JOB# 9 - 32 ACTIVE -ADDRESS- 308 N 19TH ST DESCR:ENCLOSE PATIO FOR STORAGE ]-70336131.3902 96O32L / 96032L -LEGAL-LOT BLOCK -VALUE- 700 QUAD AREA 2RNW SEQ-REQUTRED PERMITS- -------FEE--SURCHARGE--DATE--RECPT--CAT-------VALUE -OWNER- WM BROUGHER 726-5410 t-91-8 r sr SPRINGFTELD, OR 97477 -INFO- REPAIR RESIDENTIAL 11L 1 -ENERGY- _STATS- HEATI- 2- BLDG ZONE H2O- STORIES FLOODPLAIN RANGE- BEDRM OCC GRP INSULATION UNITS PATH- SQ FEET CONST TYPE _CONTRACTORS- GENL-OWNER CONTRACTOR PHONE- PLMB- ELECT- MECH- DESGN- 0.75 960320 20759 601- 0.00 960320 20759OO]--OO2-BUILDING PERMIT OO2_06]--RES PLAN CHECK L5.00 9.75 700 0 SEo-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS-- --EXP DATE---ACT DATE- OO1-OO6_FRAMING OO2-01g-FINAL BUILDING 0N-wr\i r\q en r\D(\ sUXttnSeN 0{*t\ox}, UNrlc t\'\{\t { \qt \Nt I\OAIA \uhcns KAO,?I U \ /r-a-rtrA fuir-: -n//) -UlD uk-!--d,ql - lhafu- wu J{^ U'nil'u, \p'