HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2000-04-13OREGO'UCITY OF April 13, 2OOO Mr. Robert "Kelly" O'Neill 1950 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Street address assignment Dear Mr. O'Neill: We have received and reviewed your request for assignment of a street address on your property which extends nonh of Yoiancia Avenue to the McKenzie river at 1 9th Street.' the parcel under consideration is Tax Lot 6O3 of Lane County Assessor Map 17032431, ar;d is also know as Parcel 3 of a 1992land partition plat number 92-PO3O6, which dividedlthe original parcel 6OO into three parcels. { ln your request, you indicate that you plan to build a house outside of the City Of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and that to do so you must produce over $80,OOO in income from this property. Your proposal is to utilize the property as a U-Pick cut flower farm. To invite the public to purchase here, you indicate an address is needed. As a condition of future potential development, 19th Street right-of-way was granted along the yvesterly edge of Parcel 2, and terminates at east-west right-of-way dedication for Hayden Bridge Stub. Parcel 3 is north of the Hayden Bridge Stub right-of-way, and the southerly portion of that parcel (approximately 130' deep on the west and 280' deep on the east) is within the City Of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. The property is currently accessed via a private driveway roughly located within the 19th Street right-of-way. We have assigned the address 2877 19th Street, as requested, for the U-Pick cut flower farm, however due to the unique access situation, we require that the address numbers be posted near the southern terminus of the driveway where they will be visible and legible from Yolanda Avenue. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of this new address assignment by sending them a copy of this letter: D EV ELO P M ENT S ERV I C ES DE PARTM ENT SPRlr _.jlELO Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News & Register Guard ' 225 FIFTH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753, FAX (541) 726-3689 Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas AT&TCableServices United Parcel Service This address assignment is effective immediately. Please install the address numbers as required as soon as possible. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (541l,726-3669 Sincerely,ryr ^ Lorne W. Pleger, Plans Examiner I ). it. a. ':.r-a .!', !'. :: :1. 1.. ..:.. i.ri :.'.'! 'fi..'; ,;.. j" :i: {[ \iltil \' o\I\| r$*$. \"il N \t { ll il[$\[\t$ t\. @ ril$[ h\ rtsrnurEf,r to. 9?'/o-toet +tlNE colil:rr oREcof, s6-ffi68B.F()R FI()BER,T KEI-LIT O '\TETLT- spFt:LtiIGFIET_D J()TJtlhirAL \TO - g2_1o_ M-E P ^TO - 17_0 3_24, :rA>< r_oT ei( ATE 1/.4 & SE L/4. SEC- 24, T]-7S, Ft- PARtr-'la T/{IITHIAT Tre FELI]< SCO=[, JR DL( E ADIE COT NTY, (ftlEcoarzC)ATTATG LDTT /L'EFLA PErXTIoNE AND OI{MR! ROBET ICELLY O'ITEILL 1950 YoLLTTDA StREt SFR,INGPITiD, ORDGOII 97477' @.o lfsz ,<. ,/630 Z- -tu2o44, :f@'o/'3. APPROVAf,S: SPRITGFTTD PBNNIIYG CO}IMISSIOI{ : NARRATIVE: /-.€ytoa3.zr3- /, c5F/fr93:,2/.*2'a3A'k c.s F.z d?8 = Lrzz>'d' z4't, 2335.8' z3%.37 Z33c.zo ,uoa'es'23'tz/ ./ZA/ 53 ",/..2r2 3./24,? zo7z-ex#7'\' ,</e42'a3' 23' ra ./,/:iq :rcD"o/3/ Sao'e/- '4/.?8 453:oo I !I &s \$ t.fi\I $[ NY rh $! 0 N ht U { u \ N N $ \, C\ E\ rs "s\ \F. 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GUILE DAY OF :;eo'or'.st'E /az44a cSF.%?s - S:czz"azJre'Z /82s.@ 55 , BEING.FIRST DULY SWORN,MIIS IS AN EXACT COPY OF PLAT AS SHOWN .'i:'...;":.,,.1:.1i....i:.i.'.rr' ...:::.;.:.':j..;.::'ji.::' ...'.:"i:,' ..:'.'.i'.;"i.;'.i'..;r:"'r.';'..1:.;:..: F .lEC cqri\ fY 'grr II i $t v- ^ * ^,rr,t,t * * ^ * * * *,rr ^ * ^ ^lr/ KNOW ALL t.!EN T} OTWER OF THE LAND THE SAI{E TO BE HEEOi{, rN ACCOF REVISM STATUTES. 1et ?fu*o tu, FdBffiE*xST-d;fEl *TP'f,P TO . 1992 ,l.rs DlrcDneF nr rufc elrcrfi, ttlc rn crrorml, Fn^hr,., i^ : t15 C'FFICIAL SEAL x. .qa"<7/t/ a Nii N n il\ N \ r$ I .ll rN N \ (^ $ {\ \'42216 a&.4 se \ n Utf' II t \- 0 a 6) 0 N \ n $ il[N \vN Niln h $ $ u \ $ v\ \ {{$ N N Nh h{ -too'o/3,/"8 726.7C 729dfu.oz _ /ao. zq - o e,.a?-k/- ,.@'a/3'/'3/ so oo 8G o o s. /ueeoas|23"s @ EEZE.6.6l-rea EqsE z.PEE /za3 r'4'o/:?/'u ao i N q s leo.o \ N I h\ N $ N /EO.O s $ t\\ I \ rt N $ \ N) saza< F4a 70i< *-*fu.,ttl,*-.l7-'z-1 ^orz- u ,l \\ $ SAY N N I il\ { n \ ). $ u \ u FpR_84_BB ttED g4 z 4-t trf't U.tET.r.ROCK=l.GARD , HS 541 746 4444 Ivt. R. Kelty O'Nsill 1950 Yolanda Ave Springlield, OR 97477 (Page I 0f 2) Aptil4, 2000 Mr. Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner 225 Fiffh st. Springfield, OR 97477 RE; Aclfuess requests for Tsx Lots 603 & 504, Larte County Assessot Map 17o3243L Dear Mr. Pleger, 'I'hanks for yoru quick reply, dated Much 30. Selling produce at my farm without buildiug a street: I do not believe I am proposing any "developmenf' that would requ,ire road building^ I am waiting on s request for a permit to gavel North 19* St. for my increasing year-Tound farm use, I don't believe I have to build City Code streets if I: l) Continue famr use and Z) Iluild no rlore that one house ott Lot #603- I do not intend to exceed #l and #? above. To get a permit to tluild a house outside the UGB, I rreed to produce over $80,000 gross from #1, I do not believe I rree<l any permission or permits to invite the public to buy produce (cut flowers, herbs, etc.) frorn my farm. U-pick activities have taken place here for rnflny years ond even if they had rrot, I believe it is an allowed use of my land. IF it is the City's position that I cannot spll to the public at the Farm, please let me kttow nry options for changing this determination. As a last resort, if all my sales to the public werc outside the U.G.B., maybe I oould avoid certain city limitations? An address for lot #603l, IIr I cau sell produce, bnt it still seems I have to build sheets before I can havc an address, please consider my belief that I am allowed to build a house on the lot (without road building). IF I can sell produce, but such ssles are not enough "developrnent" to justify my receiving an address, please let me know my olrtiotrs for changing this detenuination. An address is very important to ilre Farrn's nr.arketing, atrd seems to me like an appropriate step for this property at this time. P.B1 APR-84_gB I,IED @4 =48 A14 l,IET,I.ROCK'I'GARD ' HS 541 -l 46 4444 P-S2 - -2- A 19th SFeet address (for # 603): I have no intention of ever doing anything that would lequire me to buildllay<lerr ilria*. I(oad or 19th Sfieet. It iJimportattt, however, that the fann recetve a iqiK,r;"Jar.* For advertisingio the public. it is important tote-ep th.e air*riiou*impt" if t1e business iJto sucieed without a well traveled, visible location- It is also important because [layden Bridgg -Road is disjunct at this iooution. The big "Hayden Bridge Rd" sign south oJYolanda Ave will c'ause iru.fr confusionlf f u"r grven " il,n,n- adfuess. 19th Sheet will be extended in ii;... I personalfv Jo"ul"a much of my landfor the street during my patlitionirtg of lot #603. This is tfie logical sccess to l-ot #603, and I sure hope we can work this out. On nry request for a 20th Street address for Tax Lot /#504 I just reccntly learned this lot is landlocked and believe this was an accident duling tlie writilg oi legal descriptions ahd/or tlre parritioning of lots rtl504 and #505 I rvil be t,iine toknd out iithe County or City permitted the partitioning, I arn wor.kirrg on i^ing this problem. I rlo have an easetnent across Lot #503, which *ur rupposed to be rny access to Lot #50,4, I will contact the County as you rugg*ri.d (about the address), although I went to th9 Cgunry first and.they setrt tue tu:fru. Maybe I was not clear enough about Lot #504 being outside the U.G-B.- thanks for yorr helP, r R, Kelly O'Neill SPfrINCFIELO DEVELOPMENT SEFY'CES DEPAFTfu'EilT March 30, 20OO Mr. Robert "K€lly" O'Neill 1950 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 RE; .Address requests for Tax Lets 50.{ & 603, Lane County Assessor Map 17432431 Dear Mr. O'Neill: I have received your request foi ansignnront of street addresses on your properties which extend beyond the urban growth [roundary of tlie City Of Springfield, and which you propose for a U-pick cut fiower farm and a prr:duce fairri. i have reviewed your applications and have determ,ineci the foltowing: Request for 1 9th strset eddrese for Tax Lot 0C3 ert 225 r i;1n S;,1:: , SPSINGFIELD, OR 9iJi7 (541) 726-375s_ FAX (541) 726-368! 1 The original parcel 6OO, which ext*nded frr:rn YoiancJa Street north to the llcKenzie River, wa$ partitioned into threo parceis in 1992 {lvlPg?-1A-zA?i. ln 1996 a lot tine adiustment(LLA96'01-1 1l was procassed, r+hich reiocated tlls soutli property line of parcel #3 cf thispartition. Parcel #3 is als,o knorvn as tax iot 603.th.: propert'7 in questicn. ,As a csndition of the partitionr Percel #3 {Tax Lot 603}, is restri+ted to no dev*lopment untrl cQn$truction of Hayden Eridge $tub witnin t*e deilicate.J right-of-way along the southerlypol'tion af the parcel pcsurs. Any devclopment on this parcei rruill receive a Hayoen Eridge$tub address, n,ot 19th Street, lt is inappropriate tO assign a l-,f ayden Bi,idge Stub address forthe parcel unti, the street is improved, as accass from the e.xisting portion of Hayden gi-idge Stub to the east is prohibiteci until rhese street ii:Lproverrrents occur. As an interim requost, it is inappropriate tc assigri a I gth sti'eet address to the parcel, as 19thStreet is not developed.within the righr-of-lvayl along lhe v;ester:ly side of parcel 2 (Tax Lot6o2) to the south of this parcer, and only an unirnpri.;ec d;-ivervay exists. It is our determination that wd qannor assign an address to thie parcel until the required XJ:*lffidge stub improveme'-]ts occur, at which iirrie a Hayden'Bridse stub acdress can - Request for 2Oth Street address foi. Ta:: Lot 5O.i It appeare that Tax Lot 5o4 is a landlockeil parsel, entiref y c,utside of the city of springfierdurban growth boundary. Assignrnent ol an adqjrsis ou,u,J"?':i::,:l::i:the reiponsiurrrtv or ron* colniv. 'uLr-r, *r"r""i";'l;""JiJJ [?.flJ';[f,::**;; ;:'ffff;:-::,J?,:,i'"'#:-::ffJ?,,?n,llJ,i,!,i, t,o* ,nu zo,i i,,-* ,:,rn,-o,-*,v, it is I do not know $rh,o assigns addresses inr Lane County, but it appears you needt, C,nfACf them regarding an address for this parcel if yau can demonstrate access rights. Kirstin Platt at LCOG can probably tell you who is the appi:opriate contsct person with Lane County. I am sorry we cannot be of more help to you at this time. W. PI eger,Plans Examiner a 541 746 4444 P.B1FTAR-29_Bg THU -rb,"fr*h;jfr g5 : B5 FT.T HET{.ROCK{"GARD, HS grinS{ry" ?AW) U ADDRE,' REQUlrsr ll \\'Nel I IIt I,rOITetiEy O?Iler $(y)%(.^..,J.r l\v -€.- Mai I ing Address I b3."^ziP q li c it.y : staEe t PerBon or AqiencY questing address !f other f[3n aurner Fhorre nuntber where Y ou can be contacted: '/Lt"\-ew Asseargo( Map #:( ,"* LoE #:O7) Fa'r{i{ion & qA*PSf *"" iened addreeFropertlee are gene t Per'fit{,t..to J-4lProve.the ProPerEY'PIE AEE ad<Ixose aeelg ned Prior eo fhe P (oP@rty b i)W=- . 5 see when aPP\lcation is nrade for explain specifically vhy yorr noad eing ImPrswed: T -1rc b"i(J 6 lp,4 e-\'r[)*- -lke tA r4> . B an rl'- I "'t €-,- ,Q,( -t'- N e{€-.Y- {{r.(*vl.e*.1oProposed Address PropertY Owners Signature; OFFICE USE Fef erenee Nurnber I Tax Lot #: Approved: __ -.*.-Denied: Ni i.ii-l) . Date!Rev lowed lry t -- (s) I t