HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1990-09-25PERMIT #5/77- REAUEST FOR: on and all lnformatlon ls true and correctcaretullysldes ol thls DAIE READ CAREFULLYI Your Authorlzatlon !s Based On The Fol Condltlons FEES DUE: S APPROVED BY: CALL FOR TNSPECTTONS (SEE BACK OF FORM SEPTIC permlts are good tor one year. ALL other permlts expire after 180 days unless lnspectlons are current. TRUCTIONS) 687-4065 ? oerc a:'L{- 7a VIOLATIONS SETBACKS AND OTIIBR, CONDITIONS OF APPR,OVAL MUST BB STRICTLY OBSERVBD. VIOLATION CAN RBSTJLT IN RBVOCATTON OF TIIIS PERMIT. CITATIONS MAY BB ISST,BD I.,NDBR, T1IE PROVISIONS OP IINE COUNTY,S INMACTION ORDINANCB A!{D,OII OTTIER RBMEDIBS AII,OWBD BY LAW. A MINIMTJM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GTVEN FOR INSPECTION REQIJESTS Have the following information ready when you call: 6874C65 Perrnit number - Job address - Type of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone nunrber - Any special directions to the site porvBRroaNrERUpoNLAND. "**ffi,t1?"i,T1f^1$'3FHHffift::H&f iffi'"ffil3HI$fffl1H*-' ,*oFrHBrRF,NcrroNs,MAy EIVTER,IjPON ANY LAND AND MAI(E EXAMINATIONS AND SURYEYS AND PLACB AND MAINTAIN THE NBGSSARY MONIJMEIYTS AND MAR,XERS THEREON. REQURED TNSPECTTONS FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. UNDERGROLIND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after allunderground piping has been installe4 pnor to any hackfill. CONCRETE SLAB OR LTNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab orunder-floorbuilding service equipmeng conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor, ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing iougtr-in ls in ptace, prior !o being covered FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fire blocking, bracing and roof are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents re complete and the rough elecrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have been made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after aU insulatbn and vapor barriers are in place, prior o covering. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but beforc any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fastenere are taped ard finishd. ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQIIIRED, zuch as but not limited to; BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the strucutre or rernodeled area being occupied and pior o operuing any equipnenr FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the building, stnrctre or remodeled area being occupied" FINAL BLJILDING INSPECTION: To be made after finish grading and the building, strucure or remodeled area is completed md ready for occupancy MOBILEMANUFACITURED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to sr approved sewer or septic systemt prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requiremens, blocking, tiedowru and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State formdation requirernents for mobile homes or as recommended by the marufacturer. Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per emclozure. APPROVAL REQI.IIRED No work shall be done on any paft of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection wi$rout first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the irspections required. APPROVED PI.ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS, THIS PERMIT WILL H(PIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITfiIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE TIIAN IEO DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCIJR IF TI{IS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON TTIE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION, ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST THE POrNT OF REQLTIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THErR OWN RISK. Your signature on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS COMPLETED APPUCATION, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and t}rat I have a legal interest in the property as owner of record or authorized agent. I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- taining to the work described herein. I further certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my regisuation with the Builders Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, and that if exempt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. SUBSI.]RFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: When subsurface corutnrction is complete, the permit holder shall notify the County Land Management Division by submitting the irstallation record form. An inspection will be made by a qualified sanitarian. If construction complies with all rules a certificate of completion will be issued to the permit holder. If construction does not comply with rules, the permit holder will be notified, and all corrections shall be made before a certificate of completion will be iszued. Failure to meet satisfactory completion within the allotted time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this nrle. SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK DRAINTIIELD From: Interior p,roperty lines l0' 10' Edge ofroadright-of-way 10' 10' Building foundation 5' 10' Wellsorotherwatersources 50' 100' ISIA NCE . Eugene,:oR 97qotnag 'RE Land l{@'=I,"A.HAGU.q€NI Please complete all lines inside white boxes, Bonnie Peterson "L BLll Medford Real Estate YOUiI NAMT DATE 1216 Mohawk Blvd.7 46-7 6L3 YOUII ADORESS PHONE 97477 CIIY ztP 7 47 -3279 OWNER OF PROPERTY (ii no( sd. r..boy.)PHONE OWNERS AOORESS (il not r.m.6 rbov€) Uc€o* I ztP S prlnsfi eld, Oregon Wilbur Guiley & F4. L.L. Estate if possible. Sept 14, 1990 Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Properly r*t Horro[-l Barn t---I Garage f---I Mobile. Homer] Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEDt-r Yes I---1 No Water District Directions to site lrom Courthouse W left te n"rth 19th Springfield ^497 N. loth sL. qPfdMAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found oo lu 5196 ln thc Ar6.m.nl & T(.lion O.PL) 17 03 24 43 1100 T-*n"tE- Ti;E- Eiffi- r7i-ffi-n- -Yiifoi- TM$-6- EF- Cirffi- rE-ffii-Trr Lot Townrhlp flenge Setion l/.1 S.cfion T.r Lot SITE ADDRESS2487 North 19th Street, ztP Springfield, Oregon 9t477 For Mobile Home Placement Only No. of 1-ip-outs - No. ol Bedrms Brand License # Year Size MAIL PERMIT TO: Bonnie Peterson 7. BilI Medford Real Estate II AM 1216 Mohawk Blvd. CIIY ztP E Sprtngfield, Oregon 97477 Land Managcment Div. staff can not be hold rosponsible for ovaluatlons or recommendations basad on falso, lnaccurats or lncompleto lnformatlon TRS Verif ied ":,, I--tYes', ': ; No f-l Allovred Use :r--ryes No r--r \_p c\ $ { \) f\ $ \) S €-. !a 2-7- | Ccb.'ld.S t ll \-{ t. \ C1 h N\ 0,0 3 lTrt g fResT q 7/V?f ol te| tr,, -vy(l \rot oo t500 r 501 L 1 - $ t2 l13 Y\ /r, ry' ? 2 ffi zt' , irt { zqHo{t /ro tro' 600 "JJJll -'. .-)r\ o7 r'ri$\r\ I it 2 2 $ hq'I i I i \ I (?h tp' I o F a 1.COUNTY t300 200 ,t^* 2.' L HAYDEN BRIDG E RD \\\\\\ -----@ '&6gi- \\\\\\ ROAD\NO B4O6O 23t6 5 23t5 v tlflt'tAr POIXT r €l,.l+2300 2.89 AC s lrit fil * /2 /. /-' 23 t8 io/ _ ltta, ___l 9 t-- s t 7r, ..t t i N * $) q urn {\ \a 1.t ah F u.l lrJ{rF CN co' I I i h2/)O't4 \ { w o '2- .t0*at { atq $t $ /a.a,,I I\*r/,.or'-':t $t"I .h J 4 q ]1 t\ l. oo 800 {i\ /?7. at't200 q r(e / 77. at 9r. Ctlr>a. at' \ l,:' ,z. ar' 33't. oo o !oo n I /2t at' 4 20C I 2f 4300 t' /1t.0 SW Y4 SE l/4 Sec' ?4 T.l7S. R.3W.W.M- LANE COUNTY l"loo' Si l5e 17 62" 2 t7 032443 ro - il-'!1(-k r.i1.-i) vt6Cx STREET +'&E STREET ) i iotg-oo r l/l6co..-r DAPHNEFlr,u,EtsU' I - cl F @(o I t-o = Plr,UEFoF 5g L HAYDEN ERIDGE RD z'-d'Y- ROAD ( YOLANDA t- Lt a?6 r3 I Ve lrl lrJ G, U' o a o I , t o ti , GEoc)I t 1:. I H ,..I t I t I t t' colE oAI F f' : a I i t, ltRs m !r@r@o I I I IJZZ,'_.\4 flml !.o .e+l 2!OO.t lr I -14--) r5o| 46. r600 i:77r'' 5200 R ]vlz,oo @ L D .oo4 a a acllYuim - udEimt oT10 Eg-E]e$3,ad lvrscc.-1- I I 1 I I : i I I : i I : --1 i \\I2 2? ar(D 6m e 190! 50@ 5roo 2@O N 22ol zL@ .;^t