HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-03-23Reeeipt il Pqelof2 22 5 North sttt s;trelPPLreha r2N /PERtLrr SpringfieLd., )r,egon 7Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RES''-ENTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD I 1a.rob Locaticn L L4LI L oDAeseeeors Map #Tca Lot # Subdiuision: G A fn. VO,met:O.tf N\t\Phone: 1V1 - -7 1oAddress: Z r\art,Ci.ty:ffn -1 P-.opl*.t E-ri firnq W*\"- C\"Scl x Desct4be l,lork Addition Valuez6Date of trac 7o-rh\l\2.zE z 6I.Iechanical Plumbin flfulrr /t'gsr General ect Su El-ec tr:lan L'o Iour City Deeigra.ted Job Nunber fs: rt i8 the neeponaibi-Lila of -tta permit hotda to aee tlnt atl inepections oe nade at the propeu tine, thdt each .,+treaa is reacqhiety:-tly atree.t' and. that the-pezrrtt-eatl. ie Located at the froai o7 the wope?ty.*Buiaing Diuicion appraed p?bz slnlZ remain on ti e";.1ai"g--s'ite at aLL times. lRocEDUP4Fo\ rysPEoroN IlqyESTiCall 726-3769(t'eeord.er) state yout, city designated. job ntaaber, job acirless, type of inspee1icn :tr"i1"!-yy-',1": tl uiLL beieada fo-r iropection' contract"r" oi, armers-nane Lnd pno7" nunber. -r.nq"iit" onl"iiLa bL1cre'z,-o-o-a,'*1LL be rade the eante dzg, ?equests ncde aftet ?:00 @n tttll be nade the nezt w*iS iay. Reauinerl fnsoecticns SfiE INSPEC?TON: ezcavation, but ' ?o be rrude after pr.ior tc set up of TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION :!,:OW' BUILDIiICS Sanitary saser eapped at p?opertg- Lire Septic totk p;.nped and filled trith gz,atel forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA.IIICAL: To be nad.e before angwrk is eaeted. Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn cd. requined oapor boriers @e in pl.a.ce bat befcre ory lath, gUpsun bcarC ortnLL eooeying is dpplied, otd beforeag insulation is concealed. DiAn@- Lirq trenchee. 71 uaoenrrcoR zLUIETNG & MECIIANTGAL:ttof floor insul,ction or decking. P)Sl AND BEAM: To be nade pr.Lot toinstallation of floot, insulation op d.eckittg. ROUCH PLAIBIIIC, ELEC?RICAL & TfiECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be couetedw:til these inspectiors haue been nad.e and. approoed.. FIPEPI,AC.!: Prton to placirq faeingncterials and before froning inspeb-tion. FRAI.,:IilG: lttust be tequested after apptooal of rough plwr,bing, eleetri- u.L & nechanical. ALL roofirq btacing & eh*nneys, ete. mtst be eonpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon- ' cealed until this inspeetion has'been nade anC appro"*ed. WOTIN? & POUNDATICN: ?o be rmCe @elEencte, ar.e aeaated. and fonns are erected, but ptiot, to Wuring ccncyete, aND9RGR)AD ?LIIMBIIG, SEWER, W.ATER, FTIIAL PLUVAIUG PINAL MECHAIIICAL FIi'IAL ELECTRICAL DRY\IALL IilSPgC?I)N: Ic be nude aftez, aLL dryuall is in place, but priot to any taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerti,cals in aceordarce tLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. V0ODSTOTIE: Aftet installation i,e arnpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH A??QN: After fornsd,;;t ec t;A-b ut@ b pout t-ng conc?ete. SfDEHALK & DRf',EllAI: For aLL eon-crete pating uithin stteet right- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL etea- lsating eanplete & fozn wrk & sub- base rm.terial in place. Pinal - l{hen abcoe i,tens a?e ccntpleted and uhen d.qtclition is cornplete o? etyac- tuye noued otd. przrrises cleaneC up. Ecmes BToeking od. Set-up Pltttnbing connections -- Ba)e? otC uater Pinal - r',fter pcrckes, skirting, deeks,etc. a?e ecnpTeled. Electrtcal Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and plutnbing connections rn;st be apprctbd befote requeating eleelr"Leal ins;teeliot Aeeessory BuilCing IENCE: gates P.U.E. Ir,hen conplete -- fuouiCe or nooable sections thnough ALL project eonditions, such as the installatton of street trees, co:rpletion of the required Landsccpir:g, ete., nust be eatisfied before the BUILDINC FfilAL can be requested. FINAL BLIILDfNG: The Fdnal Building Inepection rmtst be requested afte! the Final Plwtbing ELectri,cal, anC Mechanieal Inspections lr4tta been made ard approoeC.I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,L4DE !1.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y o Date: u X JOB NO.soLAR ACC^Ess REQ.-L-co * BedtoonsZone: Iot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cotterage # of StorLes Total Height Topogrcphy Building PermLt State Iotal Cltarges ?otal LCT ?WE fntet'icr Lot Faces -Sout ces Cor"ner Panlnnlle CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit Thi.s perntt is granted on the etpress cond_ition that the said construction "iUtf, a aLL r,"especti,- ioiiZr*'to the cz'dinance adopted 6:y the cita 2fipil"g1l"U, incfiding' the 2oning Cyd"Jnane-e, regulating the ccnstmteticn ira ""nL of buildi-ttgs, otd mey be suspended ov' reookeC at oU ti'me upon oic- lation of dtty prcuisions of said Ordir,ances, Date Patd Receipt #: I HAW CAREFULLY SXAI,fiNED the eontpleted application for pernit, and. do lereby eertify tlnt aLL infonnation hez.eon is tnrc and. correct, ant f furtket' cettify that any ard aLL uork pez'fomted stall be done in aceor- dance tLth the Ordi.nenees of the City of sprLngfield, an'C the La;s of the State of )regcn pertaining to the utork Ceseribcd herein, cnd tlzt N0 OCCa- Pl.llcy vtLL be nade of any stztteture tvithout pernission of the Building DL- oision. I further eertifE thet only cont"actot's and enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project Date Df House Ceraae Access No?th East ll Fire South llllest sQ. F?C X ValueI!EM Ltain G<tac e Cd?Dort Aceessorll TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Fee: Sigted: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttltet, instal!' alter- or ehange .anA nev-ct' eclsting - i1*rtl.i o7 dtainage systan in'alole or in pott, unless sueh person is the i"gol pb"snr"o, o7" a o"alid plwnber's Licensb, ,cept that a P?!s?n na'! 42 pti,tbkg uork to prope*ty ihi.t, i" or,med, Leaaed o, opez'ated by the ,pPLi- eant. PLumbl,ng ."erniLx FEENO. 1 CHARGE Ftbtutes Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Sanet /5ae 7 7r' Electricq I Permi t whete state Lan nequiree that the electrical uotk be done by,ant Eleettical Contractot,, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contt'aetor. L 7 State Nau/Estend Cit'cuits Sez,uice FEE * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstotte Vent Pot bhanat HooC ts Peztnit fssuanee Meelwnicel Pettntt -- EIICROACHMEN? -- Sec,o'Ltu Deposit I / ,2)z> Storage PL6tt Eran", I4aintqnznce Pentrit Apbcut Sideualk !ence Electtical Iabel Mobile llorne 'IOTAL AilOUilT DUE:* Signed Date (DeLue)* TTEM I l,laf.an .TEM NC.