HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1994-12-22DISPOSAL SITE Di rZccrlt Written Directions EVAL loN u6BfsP,e- SEWAGE TRS,. 03.ag.e.//3Loo Job s.l I -63-Z-s-zl- l>b@ Subdivision Lot- Block- APPLICANT'S NAME AND OWNER'S NAME AND WATER SUPPLY 3 srRUcruRES NowoNrHEpRopERTy NON f PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY 3t \ above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: I further certity that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that HOLES uLe,o a,/Signatu '**** **r ******* **************r***********r** ******- OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW I herg[ldertify that the1/ realtororagent. SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS YES NO Standard System X tr Sand Filter fl\ tr 1 Foot Capping Fill tr n of record;purchaser; -potential buyer; 'of this action ar*t**11*ttt*t*t*tttli*t*l *t*tt**t LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) Partitioning #-Parcel )Completed ) Pending FLOODPLAIN TNFORMATION ! Floodway All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levels have not been established. Extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year llood levels have been established. A building elevation above the 1 00 year flood level may be required. All or part of this site may be in aflood hazard area in which a floodway has been designated. Building may be prohibited subject to demonstration that the cumulative effect of proposed development will not inclease the 1 00 year flood level at any point. YES NO tr n tr Low Pressu re Distribution Holding Tank Other u n tr co [J Approximate Study Area tr Detailed Study Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PEI ARE AT YOUR RMIT.S OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SI .r 'i Af,'|r- ^nr*rv TNVTRoNMENTAL HEALTH, 125 EAST grH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (697-4051) q4-&bfr t***ttrtlt #I DATE BY Z AI) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICiEJ t2s :,\5I lTd AVENUE \N (/ Rfi\*\W, $\ --s. rlt .\b ,\9 cL \D \pJ_ (" -s_ (r) ^6.()$ a //o' ^i .a'' EUG r'.r r-_ ) I -s_ :7_f- l1-bt- zb-Ll - tbLo\ Ahtt{a Laus:-, lLtL %+5'31o1 o,ol frr tot rd rDr 6 Letl, O,O' i iE E E d 5afio { r N-r gt rttN. r.l\$,\i!t r-rlqlBuri $Jl ( \f\s -- r- I 0 ,o 0o l l0 .o' c{i-o ,r{ + ( ( I zs' ff*slbrr l', AA' cLP !-'t'."r l* lc,st- t t- 0tlr n,,\. ' Ifa { 1 l illllii& $L.ii :=r' i,J : 3 t..rlNE. *ililti]'Y tlHF l' f::i{V H{;T ltfi:fiH I t''f + 94049.5 l]r'lTli 6F,rlLl:t.:f.lNT' ilr{HR$, Rfi$HR f'11}R ;5S0* t^lIL|.-$\HIINU I.H, H.t.'fifiiNlr- Tt..,tl 1?s.335?1 134S$ SU$plV t-{}T .^-HHH [|t".$$ Tyr-,[ ijs[: F( $I]ttHs s uNIT,l 00{ .1TnRIr-5' +rrl}['l' SSt l]HfiNE 345 lltdufiFt tlHE Pl ]. L.L.ER , L--1.- l: l,t[r[I't{ &$t]tt :1330 N . 1 1;i1']'l $'l' . , ,Sf]n l:N$F l:HL.l) tiii*ilDH Al3F'l- N$ AfiT.ttlN nE:SilftIF'T'ItlN ,:itr [:J' 1.ll'lI"f'ffi,ST VAI.-L]ATIilN FhE ,-\ EIP IrF' rJF'a'Hp fiF, Iil't L. .... fi i... F111fil{ ;i Li fit *,. F'{:i{ ta 1.Ll J. {: li:' 'l' x ,r }16\ j'l-i : i..t 94s4?6 Srr:'H[ s i i::.J." taj.l'!:i : F,l [ii] i..i/-rFI :i: tln1... il:'[r f'- iil'fi 'Iri. st.irifi l-lf\[ifi l:: lll.-drrl,J iii'lt:.{-:h: ir[:[:: 1 l:'1'" iildrLl'l: ll I f( $H:t.rli.$,1. T .h..x. t'1' I'70 - 00 .5:} " Uv 303i.00 {:H rrt rt'i.1. til rr. ,.1 r.{ r.J. ,'- {:;$tf i; : F:'[..N "lH(,liJ:.Td\KIiN }]Y MI"il ;., u"\[rt-H F'*K I S'"'i / '1'I I ililHF.'t...fr:1' I tlN rlATil: t'! r.l t, I l1-b9- 7.r-Ll * t3{,0a \ht{ta Int.tt*(, :-iiI- "j,.,(i5- jI n-] z /,.-,t//5 lLtl ' E,O, $R(r\ 1\$ \ O\N 1s I4'7 .1 I I i i I til, (j l-, I I L) i' -n{:i { ... ; i .. .,'i ,/ 4'Nr a r *Js- ) :>rot li'I_l-t l,li rd ID, \nt- -- r- $ \t YI<il s \r-, I Nl Q,s \o(-q a g \\\ \\\sza \ ( &^ flN. \ \o,0' ) c llb,0' Or"j^n ,:{,' I qr'r-.r-'r. .-.Irl/ l', Lfi' l.'' 1q>$t- I I I:.r f,afcmacc lppltc.ut D.prt /7 :o),SIIE EVALUATICII FITLD HON'6I{EE-I' E\ra&.Etor-- &ta: Soil Latlir Color and Hotrllng (Noration, il-/% 7/3 tcorrlc gragErcnts. noots.vc Sotl Dcpth, ctc-' lerturc Stnrctura, Laycr tllaltlng Effectl' Pl'tr &1r Elr 7Co CauAt/< a-a tN t 6cry----T--- Ptt l -.i!cap. llotr! Slopc lspcc!Gorndretrr 0ttcr Slt llot s - flX Systc=: Laltlal Scplaeeat STS,IEI SPEGrICTIIC}IS Dod5o Flov t{ax. Ocpch Absorption Facillty (tnt P67 ,={Syrto st-r"* I Zz ) r t5o s. !,"x- o€pth Absorprion ractlr.ty (rnr ZC/ t/ SP.ofd Corult!.o.: /L U( on FTQZD a{) a t