HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-07-28(n zew Lane CountY Authori za,ttott for' WOON STOVF TNqTAI I ATINN FOR OFT'ICE USE ONLY }::*i:'i'""/ 23/o -Fe OUT OFTAX LOT I 900 RANGE 03 SECTION 25.2.1 !3Wl;SHrP 17 AI,OCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY Residentiaf !rndustrial Cc,mmercial I nuuric X LOTIPARCELS'"tsDIV I S ION,/PARTITION (if applicable) 2.I80 N. l9th St., Spring ZLPCITY fiel d 97477 I,OCATION ADDRESS STREET Mohawk exit to N. l9th to Ramblin Dr. corner D;SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK . BE SPECIFIC SFD WA?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exis # OF EI,IPLOYEESFoF stonrrs= oF BEDROOT,TS TELEPHONE NUMBER 726 5466 O:NER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ZILKOSKI, Virginia same TELEPHONE NWBERCONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR # TELEPHONE NUMBER I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAIiINED THE CO'lprtTED APPLICATION !.OR pERMrT, and Llo hereLy certify that all infomation hereon Is true and correct' and that r have the follwing legal interest in the property,fltornut of record; f] contra.,t prrchasertf,authorized agent. r f:rther certify that any md all work perfomed "irafl ue done in accordanr:e with the ordinances of lane Couty and the Laws of the State of Oregon perlaining to thi work deicribedt herein, and that NO oCCUPANCy will be made of a.,l' structure without lh:-fTi""i:".o:-a.h. Building Division. I fur- it.r.".tity that regisiration uith the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as required by oRs 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exettU)tion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ila enproyees who are in compliance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this Ploject- r HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS A?PLICATION THOROUGHLY rAslabVi DATE i n'ia Z'i I kos ki YOUR AUTHORIZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON THE EOLLOWING CONDITIONS: zone- Partition *- Parcel #- Parcel size- Date: Installation Record Issued? fl v""I saxrtetrotl: caIlonIns tallation Soecifications: Tank Date: u=" (J.\ -PLANS EXAI"IINATION COITTI1ENTS: No COMI.IENTS H Date z-ze-ee Afl B. P- *s. r. * Tl6t) s .R TEO(jI FEP INAtc E NG ACTION R EQUIRED. COI.{UENTS READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Maximurn Depth of Trenches Linea1 Feet of l)r:ainfield Groun - c .-L, srdeMinimrm setbacks' "ilotiilEmr-pinnnir I pr,axurllc,zzoNrNG: 7-z^a-,gG PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE r ORS 56.DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687-4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION 'jt u cL4^25 R% Jt$HFfl'td,D*BRF.,srNG NAME (please print) interi-or rear 17 --s -ZgZ,/ Wuod /?oo Stove Permir Application * A PERMIT CANNOT BE APPROVED UNTIL A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED PHO c ITY MODE * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATION * I{AME OF MANUFACTURER ORS #- CIRCLE THE SKETCH I,IOST CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL ffrceo @6* (nam1 AJ -u.g-J ' I ' Factory n Muron.y (l i ned? E[r"t Do) sht. mtl h I I I I I l- I l- * INSTALLER )I 1't 1 CONSTRUCTION: * A. The unit is listed bY: * D. Type of chimney n tr UL B.Thefloorprotectionisinchesthick.(Material) C. The walI protection wilI be: [Material) L_L_L_L 0ther E Type o.f stove pipe r , nFactorv flzogu (or heavier) 9a1v (vent connector, I t- DI MENS I ONS: (i n 'inches ) l. Side of unit to protected wall-(unprotected wall-1 2. Rear of unit to protected wall-(unprotected wall ) 3; Floor protection at side of unit- at rear -in front -- 4. Length of wall protection at re.r of unit--at side 5. Height of wa'l I protectiorr- 5. Edge of rall protection to nearest door or windor 7. Air space between nal'l protectlon and wall- 8. Diameter of chimney and stove pipe(ve nt connector) NOTES: (l) Outside combustion air is reouired for al'l fuel burning lnetal'lations-. A 7-Sq. inch (min. area).c'losable vent loc' ' iiio within 24" of the fireplice or app'liance on the floor or base of a wa]'l' (2) A copy of the approved manufacturer's installatlon instructlons must be on Job site at the tlre of lnspection. In- spectlon cannot be [Ede wlth out these instructions.(g) I'tre'Aooroved' plan/appllcation shall be kept on the Job slte for use at the tlme of inspectlon' iii Hii ati'rntii ai.e a'pprbvea for corner instailatlons oi reduced clearances with wall protection. (Refer to manufac- trl i?"ilrirlltll,i*;I,, to be used, it must be tinid (Requrred by Law) Existinsltues must 6e approved bv inspector , l,riollt!-use: Ylu must travl.lF-aathss for the insoector (olltrr".pr..einsertistJoJtnstiitea,veriircatlonotwallheader'locatlonlnrelationshipltobreastoffireplace is reouired bY law.(Z) itreplice ins!rts are not permitted ln factory-bullt or prefaDrlcated-nEtal "0" clearance flreplaces, unless speciflcally tested and Ilsted,(8) Fireplace l-nserts arr not pemltted ln masonry flreplaces wlth exlsting heat fotn tyPe mtal flreboxes unless speclflcally tested and llsted.(9) dlisted units shall be lnstalled ln accori wlth thr State lihchanlcEl Code, utlllzlng the materlals and clearances set forth ln Chapter 5. l-r- _r- 3' rfitr :,-l e-14-32 APPROVED AS NOTED By Date PERMIT # S I It-r- IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATIoN !8AU!q WITH DIMEN SIONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL. LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBLIC l,lORKS DEPT. / 125 E. 8th Ave., Eus. 0R 97401 (503)687-406'l t, QN 4 rc olnr.'r ? ^, U 6 qtt tR-AJ(PECT|,() R6tuPf lbsmlLk)6 LI T, Z3GO -,8G 167-'LN 'dsu1 a1 P0 pan o; ddy 'dsu1 a1P0 paaorddy ro1 cadsu 1 a1E0 uo Ilf,aJJOJ J ]I a? eo-p anorddy I IVNIJlNlt^lllvtd xu/]NOH ]IB0N/ f] SNIO I INB NOI13]dSN .rol cadsu 1 alP0 u0 rlf,aJJOJ al ug--p aao.r ddy .rolcadsu 1 -a1 0 uo Ilf,aJJoJ a1P0 uo rlf,aJJ03 01P0 a1P0 0 aAoJ V panorddy;o1cad suI NO I13 ]dSNI OUVOB HNSd I / HlVt rolcadsu 1 a1P0 uo rllaJJoS a1Pg-pano.rddy N alp0 uo rllaJJoJ NSN alp0 panorddy B ;oloadsu 1 rolc adsu 1 ?3-h:gat eg S.zy't uoLllaJJo] J01f,a dsu 1 alP0 uo rlf,aJJoJ alP0 paaorddy NO I1]]dSN I (rno aor) DNIBr^r nrd H9nOu JOlla d suI alp0 uo rllaJJoJ af pO--Jano.rddy NOIIS[dSNI USHIO J0110 dsul a1e0 uot llaJJoJ a1e6- pano.rddy NO I1]3d SN I I'gara utruloNn / Z'eBtd BVt SU ]O NN .rolcadsu 1 a1 P0 uo [1)aJJ03 aleg- paao.lddy NO I13 sNI )U0t40Nn0u3 ON I BHNId rolcadsul a1P0 uorllaJJo]a1 pO-- pano.rddy NOIl]]dSNI trTru:d ll^lOH llIS0t^l/fl NorrvoNnot /ON I1OOJ U0 'p 1a 116u.r"rd5 r{?6I 'N 0BI Z SS]U OOV ]1IS JauJof, '.16 6u!lqueu ot q?6I qUoN 01 llxa lmpr.lot^l ]I 3 (surnbsu TvAouddv sos ttvlsNI l^0ls 000M UO I U]IN I 1I l,lu3 ]OIS 13 u0Hl UVSU INOUI Inlxd#lu)3 S ]NOHd 99n9-9ZL I)SO)IIZ VINI9UIAU]BhlNN ]NVN gVtt ]NOHd 98_82_L :o3nssl l1v0 006I - t'z'92 - E0 - /I s , ulNt{0 )& eA*,#1lt^luld #SU]- 'UE I U]UOdVA / NOI a1 * Lane 26-Jan-199O VIRGINIA ZILKOWSKI OR OCCUPANT 2L80 N l_9TH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477-6505 SUB]ECT: WOOD BURNING APPLTANCE PERIT{IT APPLTCATION NO. BP 2360-86 Your permit application for a wood burning appliance has expired. Eachpernit issued by the building official, under the provisions of theBuilding Code (Oregon State Mechanical Specialty Code) shall expire bylinitation and become nuII and void if the work authorized by suchpermit is not conmenced within 18O days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such pernit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of l-8O days. Nopermit shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303 (d) OSMC] Section 305(d) OSMC states: rrft shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a perrnit to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection. rl In addition, Section 303(c) OSI{C, says: rrThe issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a pernit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of other ordinance of thejurisdiction. rl Recently, ED agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield resulting in the creation of an 'UrbanTransition Area'!,rhere the respective city codes apply as well as the State of Oregon Building Code. Since the cities and Lane County utilizethe same State of Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code, the section references listed above apply in all jurisdictions. If your address is within a city Urban Transition Area or within thecity limits, you must make application for any anticipated permit activity for a wood burningr appliance (or other activity) with your city'building department'. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions or feel you need clarification, please feel free to call me at 687-4466. Roger McGuckin Building Official, Lane County LAND MANAGEMENT D|V./PUBLTC WORKS DEPr. / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 t (503) 687-4061 I FAX # (503) 687-3s47 SETB]TCKS AND OTIIER CCIDITIO:,:S OF APPROVAL IIUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CA.'RESULT IN REVO- C;TION OE ililS PERIIIT, CITATIO:l UNDER PROVISIONS OF LAI-E COUI;TY'S INFRACTION ORDI];ANCE, AND/OR OTHER RE}lEDIES ALLOliED BY LAt.i. WHEN RE-qDY FOR INSPEC?ION, CALL 687-.1065. A MINITIU}1 OT NT LEAST 21 HOURS ADVAI,;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffisIr.|raTEJhefoI1owing1nformationready:permitnumber,jobaddres5,tyPe of inspeclion, when j.t will be ready, your nane and phone nunber, and any special directions to sita. BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Founda Lion Insoection : material.s for the foun plant (comonly termed Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floo! building,iping accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are inis poured or floor sheathing instal.led, incLuding lhe subfloor. Franing & InsuLation Inspections: E aalnt ire-ln-FTre EnE-all-pfE-es To be nade after the roof, all franing, fire blockfireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and , and rough To be nade after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIIdation are delivered on the lob. l{here concrete from a centraL mixing "transit mixed") is to be used, matetial.s ieed not be on the job. Concrete Slab or Under-aloorru eq-trrp-mmt, conEuf t, pplace but before any concrete e.Iectrical and plumbj.ng are approved Al-I walI insulation and vapo! barrier are in place ing aII ured. Thisthe pLubing Lath and,/or Glpsum Board Inspection! To be nade after al-l- lathi-ng and qypsum board, interj-or anc er.terrcrl--iG--inlTrce-EuEEEToie any plascering j.s applied ani Uetoii-gypsw board joj-ntsand fasteners are taped and finished. Final Inspection: To be made after the buitdj,ng is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUTRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection uilhout first obtaining the ipproval of the Uuifaing o?ficialSuch aPproval shalI be given cnly after an inspectj.on shall have been made of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: A1I building oernj.ts require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not linited to: A Block l^Iall-: To be made after reinforcing is j.n place, but before any grout is poinspe-cElm is required for each bond bea6 pour. 'There will be "o "pirorit u^tiiaod electrical j.nspections have been made and approved. hrood Stove: To be made after completion of masonrl: (if applicable) and when installation isMpf'eta InslaIIatj.on shall be in accordance uith an appiovea, nationally recoqnj,zed testingagency and the manufacturerrs installation _instructions. Mobile Home: .An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an applovedsewer o! sept.ic system for setback requirements, blocking, footj.ng connection, tieatwns,skirting, and plmbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. Mobj'Ie homelninimum finish floor eleyation shaII be certified when required by a flood-plarn nanagement Ietter. Hobile home liedowns, uhen required, and skirt.ing shal] be installed and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days afler occupancy. Tledowns and skj.rting shall be installedper enclosure. D. syiming-P?oI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade?hen FooI is instaIIeC. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIr*c WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXpTREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF T.JORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR T1ORE TIIAN ].80 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION :4AY OCCUR IP THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POII;T OT REOUIRED INSPDCTIONS HILL DO SO Ar THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVI SEII,AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. Permits shall" be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the consLruction for which a permit has been issued, lhe permit holder shalInotify che Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting thelnstallation record form. The Departrent shall inspect the constr;ction Lo deternin; if itconpli'es with the rul'es contained in this division. rf the construction does comp.Iy with suchrules, the Departnent shaII issue a certj-ficate of satj-sfactory completion to lhe p;!miti hoLderIf the construction does not comply with such rules, the Departnent-shaL1 notify t'he permitholder and shalI require satlsfactory completion before issuing the certificat;. FaiLure tomeet the lequirements for satisfactory compLetron rrthin a reasonable time constitutes a vio-lation of ORS 154.605 to 454.745 and this ru1e. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal Septic Tank Drainfield arom: Interior property ]rnes I0' _tO, Edge of road rlgirt-of-way 10' LO 'BurLdrnq foundation lO'i{ells, other wate! sources 50' 100 ' I. 2. I AC--.VITY INFORMATIO.- SHEET ilt' - CT,MPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t,lILL BE REJECTED! I MAILING ADDRESS ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 vlap B PAFIeEL NIJMBEFI ( REQUIRED INFoRI4ATI0N) t'-ZLI^L 2t8o 72-b"s4/L BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement)mK#1 / Llo Ar t q#u T ZONING MINSHTP RAN-dE SEETIOU TATLoT(S) 0R PARCEL #ZONING ffi ZON I NGMilNSEIP MNGE SEETI-ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: O ,rrr^ON (if appl icable) 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do LOT BLOCK 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: L4-33 LAND MNAGEMENT DTVISIoN / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 72o'5455 HOME TELEPHONE # ACRES LANE COUNTY, OREGON -- DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CGIFIFIECTICIN NGITTCE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. DATEJOB ADDRESS TO BLDG PERTVIT: Z3A -ae NOTE FIE-TNSPECTION FIEOUIFTEDphone 6a7-4o65 FctFt AppFtovAL tNSpECToR