HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-02-09" RESr;ENTIAL" zzs North rro rrr"nAPPLrcAT roN /PERI'trr Sprtngfield, ?regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 C o ns j r, c,!! ca_lg rui er, LL 726-3769 (yecorCet) state your City Cesig"a.ted job ruttber, job aliress,type of insoec--icnfot'inspection, Conttactcrs or A,mers ratte ard plane nurtbcr Pequests receixed befcr"- 7:0C annadeaftat 7:00 on urill be tmd,e the nect tot kin: -?eeeicc t SPFIINGFIELD -l PI?OCEDUPE FOR III,PEC?IOII RIC.WSI:CAreqres@ead,y '-dLL be nacie the sdte &4, neouests'. Iout Ci,ty'Desigra,ted Job Nwbet Is: da.u,"a3Db bE yyqsssLAts ?LU!.Erxc, lLEc?Prc^L ei,lECit;liCAL: ,Io be nade bbfure anyuork is ecuerei. PC_O!:IG 9 ?Ct-tJDA!:C!t: ?o be np.Cedilet ,Terlcnes a?e escanated atti forms. ote erectaC, but pricr iopouttng ccnc"et€. I u:tottczc,t::l l::,?er:;c, sgn?z.,,/.t:gp.:. I DPAfIIAGE: io be raae pr)a:, rc jti- Lir4 ctenehes. - uaclpt:coi ttu:.snc a wc:tawcat, floor ineuktion or Cecking, ?CST AilQ 3EA!4: ?o be naCe tr|ot "nstclkx;,cn c f j1.oor irsulatic-x Cecking. |i'ISULATIO II /VAPOR tsARRTER IIISP1CTICII : To be naCe after aLL insulaticn eti nequited uqor bariers @e in pLace bat befone ory lath, Wpsur? bcarC crrnLL couering is cpplied, atd beforeorg irtsulation is concealed. cT14 ralQD?a.t^rt. ezcaation, but forns ETilAL PLU:/,9r:IG FI1IAL ."IEC.IAXICAL ?ftYAL EL?CaoICl? To be netie afterprior tc set up of DRY'IA.LL I:ISPICTICN: TCafter aLL cztguall is in bui priorto any taping IIASC!|P!: SteeZ Location, bond beans, grouting or lterticals in accordoee ,nLth U,ts.C. Seetion c After irstaliation is be nade plaee, LE CUPB & APPRCACIT .4P92N,a'e ePecxeCE;@o" concrete. ,12!!4!i< t DRr',TtAt! : crete paoing uixh.tn st"eet rioht-oi-t"cA, tc be naCe a;'tez, aL! Zzee-uating canoLete d fotn ,,pt k & eub- base mcter.tal in ptaee. !!NCg: 'a4ten conplate -- prcuiie gate; o" nouable sections thz,ough P. U. E. ALL projeet ca.dilions, such as the i..nstallacion 9f st"eet i?ees, xo:,tileticn cf zietequireci Landscqizg, etc. ' rast be saxisi'iec before tlze auilii:tc ?liiAL :cn be reqaested. ilNAL BUTLDT\\1: The Einel Buildin4 ln.soection ,n,c.t be requestec afte, the iital pturbirq E 7. e c t r i c a L, cnC i t e e tun i c c L I n s c e c tl.o " " iul i ) i "-"2 a""- *i -r1;;; ";. After fornsto pann)nq For aLL ccn- pattc;J 2t1F497.t. a?=frD7^'..v..!.. __rt.i--.v1 :Jt.-i_.-aa 1 .,!avt1_ aLlL!-,).-! .,O ,a?t< .-S iC ae CaL-ereGw:til :hese .Jrscectiors hate beer.naie ct"d cgpt,cv'ed. IIPS?UCZ: Nor '-o clcciro €ccina nc.ceriai.s crd. before ir.n"g in"p.L- ,tLOra. i-1 ip*:::tc:. itust be :ec.uesceC cf2erL_) ap?-po-v;L cf rcugh ptttrbing, eiectr4_caL I nec;,anicei. ALt rcof)r4btactng I chinmegs, ete. n;tst- be . cornpleted. lto xlcrk is to be ci---cecled until ihis insoeciicn la,s'been nad.e cnC aporcteZ :lrI Job Location: Tcz bt # Subdiuis'r.cn *aer Adtbes Phone vve9. Descibe llorl<: Vaiue ACditicn RemoCeL GeneraL ELeetr.tcaL DEI,IOLITIO!! OR Scni!a2.1 seser capped .t pt,cp.?,r^ Liz:e Septic totk p:,i::ted zrd. filLe<i aith g.z,atei linal - tl1ten cbcue itens ee ccnoleceiard uhen .Tencltlion is eotrcLele br s*-^t- tuye noueC c.C =renises elbened tt. tsLocking od. Seb-up Plunbing connecticns -- sare! al, ualet Electr.Jccl Ccrtnectiott - Blcckit4" set-u, and.- plunbing eonnections m.st bb apprcub<i befoz,e requesting electt-tcal insc ee:ion .leeessc,g tsuiliirg Final - Aftcr :crekes, sktrtirg, C""2s,etc. @e c;:toleled. )--- 7 ^: ,'ALL !4A\IHCLES AND cLEA.ttotJTg lMSr BE ACCeSSrtsLi, .4DJt,tS7:!i:;t lo 3E:.!ADE !.t !!O::S! ?C Cry IJU Aesessore Mao # Date of Appliatia_ I.) ia lhe resports'ibi-Lity of .the permit hold* to see that aL\-,Jnspections, @e r,ad.e at lhe ptoper tine, tkat ecch=i,uesa is z,e4;abiei:yr.-t!" st?ee.t, and tiut the petnit c.ztl. ie Lccaled. at -lh-e fit'of tl,e pto_oerty.'Suiaiq luicror- appr.w^ed pibt sitctl remain on-tzi i":,tii,i'sii. "t aLL tines. )--- 9 JOB NO lat Sq. F+4. 7 cf Lct Canrage_ ! of Stoies Total- ileighc ?opogrqhy ?uilti:.rtg ?et'tit State Sutchege !o+-al Charges ElectrrLcaL State 7o+-aL *i1aot HooC Pev*it fssttance Meeianical ?emit -- a:1c?.0AC:::.!!:!! -- oLAR A ESS REQ.- Crouc: fnQ 7DC _ Intetior _ Cor*er _ Pa:nharuile CUL-de-sac e/Cor-sc L-CO G* 3ectcons: Building Vqlue & Permit lhis oertrit is granted an the erpress :onditicn that the said-consttwction shall, in ail z.espects, eonfcrm to the )rdinanee adopted. by the CirT tf Sptingf)elC, tncl-iing :he ion"Jng Crdincnce, regaLcting the ccratv,ct')cn aci uee of butldings, and nzy be ;usaeruieC ov'reuckei at d! t'Jne utcn oic- T.atian of my prcuisions of saiC Crdir'ances, Siqted Electricol Permit l{here State La,t requires tha.t the eleetrtcal uork be doae bg an ll,eetz'ical Contrdcto", the electri.cal por'.ion of this pezmit shall not be oaliC until the 7,abel'nas been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechqnicol Permit D7 tu 7-n. ubu I HAW CARBFULLY lXAllTitED !!e eompleted eoplicai;ion io-r petmit, ai cia l"iiAi cirtnig that aLL *ifotnat:-on hereci- is ttae ar'C' ecttect, aruT' i fu!:k"er cettt--f.g that any ard aLL uo.rk geriotned slnll be do:te in accot- 'dance "ritt th-e- 7rdinszcLs of the Ci.t! bf Springfield, and ihe Lc;s of the iite o7 0regcn peri:ainina 'to tke aork Cescr")bcC herein' cltC tilc't lO 1CCU- iiltcy ,*tt i:Z ,raZe oJ' any structr.ua uithout pennissi-on of the 2ui'l.ding D.1- tision. I further:ettii-g t'r.5t olly ccntTactc?s a.d. qlpLcaees xr.o ca2 Ln cazpliance aith cRS 701.05s uiLL be used cn thia prcjecx Lot ?aees - :ieet leD LACe th -- F2es M:.t .T a^fr4f .l4i!t4 tuaS.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Check Fee CAPGE !izrures Residattial (1 bcth) Seuer Plumbing Permif No ?elecn sltall casttwct, instal!' alter ot clonge _afiA zet _c" er"Jsttng pU.inA;ta cr drainage systa-n in uiale or in part, unless such person is the iegal pZssessor o7 a ua|-id plunbevts License, e.cept tl"at a pe:so1 ta:g {optint;itg aork to p?ope"t'! ahieh is ow.ed, Leased or aperated by the qPLi' ccttt. Plwbing Perrtt 1 ilau/Ectend. Ctraits Setttice :?::4 Vent ?aL vcodstore I Sec,tr|tu Decosit Storeqe i,ld.intenanze SiCa,salk :OTAL AilOAIE DUE:'/5 bo tlobile llone TaT-- :io.L:iA,tGL 9ap Sn- fta- ..t)F-U._a1t, ;aaot_