HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-17Job Locaticn: Aesessots Map # S:ubdioision: Asner: Address: City: Additicn Date of General C o ns j nl s li on_ I ende!_ _ .. RESIDE-TIAL.. APPLICAYIU,.PERIIIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield" 1regon 97477 Buildtrq Dioision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEI.I) TNSULATIOI.],/VAPOR BARSIER ITISPEC?TON : zd Tcz Iot #7o I rl,Phdne: zip: f 6 *.octa e 14 t peserdbe htotk: 'J. Tr*,bUeZaO ./o*./ 4,vO ?<'ot'tc ,7 ,+/, 2 ,rar7r(,,.J 'DD tfl o tru/.7p/lff,24 Value You" City Desi.gr.ated Job Nwnbe? fs Oo6oo ^^t, bw' tl { c0 i-t i8 the respottsibi-LilU of -the permit lotder to aee tlwt alt inspections oe nad.e at the Woi)er time, that ecch a,tlress is vsa)a7-.2..lon--t!p street, ar'c tlat the pezrdt catd. is l.ocated at the frcnt' of the property*9uilding Diuicion appro"^ed ptbt strcll remain on ttte Ei:,\ii"lg' site at aLL times. '>l?ocEDUPE,Foi?=4lSPEe?I2Il"E!=8!IEST:CALL726-3769 (recorden) state Aou" City designzted job nuiiber, job aii7.ess, type of inspec=icn ":.*":::-^1i:-'.:::'gou uiLL be ready fot itspeetion, contrdetc"s oi arrnr""n-r."""i p-no). nunber.' enq"i"i" reLeii'ed. be1cre'?:00-an "LLL De nacie the sane dcy, ?eQuests nad.e after ?:00 ott ttill be nade the ncat:,sorkinE'day.fsozl l X x Z SI:! I:|S?:::IOE: Io be nade after T-.7es-eauaxion, but prtor tc se! up of l;\|lorms. l.J,lp_gRsLAB PLUABIN?. ELECTRTCAL & l,ECHi-ilICAL: To be nade before anguotk is eouered. PCOTING 1 F)III|DATICN: ?o be naCeai'ter xrenches a?e escaoated and, forms- are erected, but prior topow,ing cc.ttctete. ANDERGPOU!]D PLUMSINC, S\WP, H.ATER, DP,AIIIAGE: Io be maCe prior to fil-Lirq trenchee. AIIDEP,FLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & I4ECHANTCAL:rgbenati@of floor insuktion or deeking. lo be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor borie?s @e in pla.ce but before ory l.ath, Wpsutn bcatC ortnll couering is appli.ed, and. beforeoty insu-lation is concealed. DRWALL INSPZC?fON: Ic be made.'_.aftez, aLL aryuall is in pla.ce, but prior to any taping. I4ASONR!: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting ot, vez,ticals in accord,otee L/Lth A.B.C. Section 2415. I,IOODSTO',/E: 6,raGtA. After installation is fl posr nto attt,t: To be nade prtor to/ I installctian o! flooz, insulaiion ot d.ecking. n4 R)L|C!] PLUfrIItC, ELEtrRrCAL & MECfl-1\lnaoa.L@ut:x'il these inspections itzue beer; naie anC cDproueT. 1 rutwrlcti wton to olceira faeino) mcterl;G and. before'franitfi t"rp.L-tion. yl FRAJIN1: Itust be tequested after 1 appr.o,ral of rough plirbing, eiectri-. cal E' meclwni.cal. ALI roofing' bractng E ehittmegs, etc. rrust be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspectLon |ns'bee.n mad.e anC approtsed. CURB & APPRCACH APPON:ee erecteC but ptior concrete. After fornsto pouring x ilI l FITIAL PLUIAIM ?IIIAL I{ECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECARICAL SfDEWALK & DRfIEWAY: For aLL eon-cletenao@-;liffi street right-of-tey, to be naCe aftet all ecca- oating eanplete & forn utotk & sttb- base material in pl,aee. ALL ptoiect eonditions, such as the installation of stpeet trees, ec:oleiion of t'terequired Land.secpitg' etc., rmtst be.satisfied before the BUILDING FIUAL can be requested. tV FI-NAL BUILDIN7: The Final Build.ing Inspeetion mtet be requested cfter the tina| pltnbirg \4/ Electrical, anC Necltarical Inspections laoc been mad.e atd'approrsed.. ! 0R :.:ow) Sanitary se"ter capped ct propertg lirc Septic totk p,irced and. fi-lled tith granel Final - I{hen abctse itens ate ecnaleteC and uhen Cenolition is complete by s*nic-tute mooed od. ptertses eleaneC t4t. e Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbittg connectione -- aalte? otd. ualet Electrical Ccnnecti,on - Bloeking, set-u= and. plurnbing eonneeti.ons tn;st be apprcxei before tequesting eleelyical inspeelio:t Aecessory BuilCing Pital - After pcrekes, skirting, decla,etc. oe completed. Page 1 of 2'ALL I.|AI\HCLES AND CLEANOUTS I{UST BE ACCESITBLE, ADJUST\.Z1|? rO 3E r.'t1DE /.T ilO C1ST ?O Cny t YENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates o? nooable sections tluough P.U.E. .one i-./z.qz i.ot sq. Fts. F*?A-. cf Lct C-*oer4jfu JOB N Zoz:s i # of Stortes Total !.eight Topography Building Pezwit State Total Cluraes ! 1 :.'- Nau/Ezterd Ciz,cuits Stste bha/st HooC I e*tort Mobile Hane SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gra- LCT TYPE X Intericr Conner - Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac L-co cr Beivoons: heai oDe -- Fee-s -- Build ing Vo lue & Perm it Ihis pernnt is granted on the ecp"ess condition tlnt the said constractiott slnll, in all respects, conforrn to the Otdirance adopted. 6:y the Ci-ty ofSpringfield, inc!.uding the Zoning CYdinance, negulcting the ccnstracticn and use of buildirqs, otd may be suspend.ed oy yeuokeC at ary tine upon oic-lation of ary prcoisions of said }rdir.ances. 2 ^oFf.b--2* r*-/ Plumbing Permit No pereon sltall const?uet, instal!, alter oz, elan4e cny rleD cr eristingpltnbing or dtainage systs,n in uhole or in part, urless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plutnber's License, ereept tha.t d pe?son nay dopttntLig uork to p?ope"t1J uhi"h is otsned, Leased ot operated' ry tne qpli- cant. Electricql Permit vhere state Las requires that the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Cont?acto!, the eleetz.Lcal portion of thia pernit slnll rot be vaLi.C. wttilthe label ins been signed by the ELectrical Conttacto?. Mechcrnicql Permit /et4i-85- uaxe /d -t7-f:' * **+P16sat@2- Mec?nnieal Pennlt Total Cnanaes l Sidez,tal K f HAW CAREFULLy EXLUINEI th.e eompleted applieation fo, permit, dnd. dohereby certify that aLL irfotmation hereoi is ttue aic cb*ect-, anc rfurtker'lettify that any arl aLL aork perforned slnll be dote in aceor-dance rrith the ondinanee.s of the city of bpningfield, and the La.ts of thet state of. 1regcn pertaining to the uoik ceseribLd h""Lan, cnd. ttnt No occu-P/-Ncy Lrtll be nnde of a\y st?ucture uithout pernission -o7 tt n Build.ing Di-oision. r further eTtife- trut otly contrae'to?s ad. erplcyees uho arb ineorpliance uith CRS Z0|..0SS utLL be used on this project Lot Faces - Df House Cataoe Access ilo"th Sotith West I?EM Value tlain Goace Can ocrt Aceessoru/tzzav %v 78??,ffi.?a TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Fee:a* g.zo Receipt #:/Vfr='Signed FE' Ftbtutes ,f,&ls.n Resi<i.etttia.L (7 bath) Sanixery Seuer rllctey 6o 6a aElPlwtbing Penrit iLL Res. So. ftc. 4na;**12 z /sa fargcreu Seruice LECt?L _r9.@ 6a r'5n htr,aee PTU I S Yent F@t /q,e llcodstotse /a,e /D-lD -. ENCRCACHMENT -- Sec,*itu Dzcosit Storaoe Maintetanee Permtt f 29,e TOTAL AHOU!]? DUE:1 frzdt 8a Signed 0 Datea a. ,/D' /3 o-' -7-7-* W€ .fto ?otel Clnraes Sf.dfa .. RESIDT..ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIITT 225 llorth ith Street SprLngfield, Oregon 9?4?7 Buildi.ng Di.tsi.sion ? 26-37 53 SPF|INGFIELI) Tct, Iot #70 L Phone: zip:7 '/r*./ SroaTr 3:a/,y'ff,24 IAS2NRY: Steel td :fi oo 600 Date: /c .tob Ioeaticn: {scessorc Map # Jtbdioision: )ntet: tddress:rJg 'DD if/ o 4r/ Io be nade afterprtar tc se*- up of ^, (i Pr{ AdCiticn fotme. ENAL PLUIIBIIIG FII|AL I4ECHA:IICAL FIIIAL EL'ff?ICAL Re ,u-oua €/ 4 r#|y; ttotouez;o ANo ?<.lc'te'"u7 L '+l 2 Date of ]eneral ?Lunbtng iLectti.cal '.!eehcr:iccL :onsjruelion_lende!_ - - __ crrf rllcr-^at rr. aca,rGl;;;ffi --t ie the responsibi-Lity of-the pentrit holder,to aee tlut all iaspeettonE @e nade at tle ptoper time, tlat 24s11 :,lAtss1 ts tear-'^'e'rorn the st?eet, anc tlldt the pxrrit ead. is |ocated at the froai of tle orooetatzuittiit;g Diuicion approu'ed pi,ot sitcT,L remain on the Buildinb sitc'at aLL' tin;s:' 2cc2Du,?q Fol?. fitsPEfrIoll -E!)WST:CALL 726-3769 (r'ecovden) stdte Aou" City designzted job nui;ber, job aCitess, type of ir,spee=icttzouesxeci atvi uien Eou uiLL be ready for ir"spection, conttdetcrs oi asnets nctne-ota pli"" nzo.tber.' biqritr" rele;i;Za tL1cni ?:oc aiiLL be natie the sane dcy' ?eoue6ts nctie afi* ?:00 on vitl.be nad.e the nczt irilng'aag'. Value Iour Cifu Desigrated Job Nunber Is:O l - ATDIRSLAts PLUI,IBTNG. ELECTRICAL &lnyJ_lio?R LS COOeyed.. fl rcprnc t rgunol,rrcn: ?o be_ naCe )) aft.er xz,encites ane e.ecaoated d:nd. forms ate etected, but prior topourlr,g ccncreta. A altDgRcpcu:tD pLutlzrNc. sswp. I/.4TER.I Lir4 trencius. \ uao*rr,oop pLUlErNc & r4ECttANrcAL:) To oe md,c.e oricr to installation of floot insu1)tton oy d.ecking. : . fl posr nno aem: ?o be r,ade prtor to) insxallcxicn of floon insuT.a,tion ot decking. 77 ROt:tClt pLT!7ltc, ELECART1AL e MECE-\l AII:CLL: i,io :.,tork is co be co.*ered unx'Ll xhese inspeeti.ons iunse beq; nad.e dr,,1. cpproved.-l rn*recti pnLon to olceira faeina) iiiirtai.s arui beiore franitfr t"rp.Z-tion. fl Pm::tnc: ttust be requested aften ) @fiiat of rough pltmbing, ileca,i-cal & mecianieaZ. ALI roofing btactng C chtnmcys, etc. rntst be . comDletcd. lto ucrk is to be eon-. cealed until this inspeetion llE,s'beea nad.e anC appzvoed. I=I INSULATIOTI/VAPOR BARRIIR II]SPICTION :t4 - rcquired uqor borLets ee in pia.ce : but before ory l.a.th, Wpsln baaz,C ottnLL cottering is applied, and. beforeoty insul,ation is concealed. ff, DRIuALL IilSP9trr)N: Ic be nad.e | ftafter aLL ciryuall is in pla.ce, - irut prior to ang td?ing. beans, gzouting accordorce tLth Loeation, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section 2415. VO2DS?OVE: After installntion is arnpleted. CURB & A?PRCACH AppON: Aftet fornsoe erecteC but prior to pout"Ltq cone?ete. SLDIWALK & DR|IEWAI: Eor aLL con-elA;n@Gffi atreet right-of-rxg, to be naCe after all esca- oating eanplete & fotn uork & sub- base naterial, in p?.ace. IENCE: l{hen conplate -- ProlsiCe gatel o" nooable eections tl:rr,.ough P.U.E. T !! l ALL project conditions, such as the installation of slreet trees, conolction of tie required landscqirq, etc., taat be satisfied before the BUILDIN? FMAL can be requested. n\ FINAL BUILDTNC: The Final Building Inspection m;rt be requesteC cfter the Final Plunbir.g \ / Electri.cal, otC l,tecltanical Inspect:-ons h4ue been nade atd approveC. DEI.TOLI?IOJ] OR :.!OW) Smitatg se:ser capped ct propettg Lilte Septie to* y,ryed G1d. filled vith grrseT, Pinal - I{hen obcoe itqts ane catpleteC and uhen Certcliti.on is cotrplete op si..'tie-ture mooed otd. prenrises cleaneC ttp. l'!obi Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbittg connections -- aa)e! otd oalet Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-u? and plunbing eonnecti,ons nust be ap?r:cxei before requesti,ng eleclrical inspec:iot: Aeeessory* BuilCitlg Pinal - After pcrches, skirting, decl<s, etc. @e canpleted. PqeTof2'ALL I.iAilHCLES AND CLEANOWS truST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIE1E ?0 3E I.!\DE L? l:0 C1ST T0 erly tr T i .loo No I : ;orie Iot Sq. Pi:i. Z cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stortes r ^6 AW= X rntericr soLAR ACC-SS REQ.-L-CO G+ L*/ E-€ t*Ys .JBa. 3sx;'9pns !nzto', heat Uat4? RanFc Lace Hoocatove 'ees -- Building Volue & Permit ?his penrtt is granted on the eupreas eondition tltat the sai-d. constntctiotz shall, in all respects, confonn to the Ordirance adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, includ.ing the Zoning CYdinance, regulcting the ccnstntcticn and use of buildings, otd may be sucpend.ed or yeuokeC at dzy time upon uic- l.o.tion of dty prcoisi.ons of said Ordir,ances. ?otai Eeight n?EE- roposrqhg b--Ze Corner - Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lat Faces - Setbacks Df i! ouse Cd"aoe Aceess llo"til a7 Sot;th /Da&ts7West I?E!,!Value Caace Ca?Dct t Aecessoru /tzzay %v 7f7 ?,ffi.za ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c a,z. /7 A: s,eo /242"oLtr. Euilding Pe?wit State ?otal Chatoes Ft-^igi:,ses Resiienticl (1 bath) S*t€r I n *, / e=r"r,.d Circuits Set uice Total E=hatst HooC Pcrtri.t t Cutbcttt A* t Plumbing Permit N9 person shall construet, instal!, alter or elunge dn7 neD cr ezisting glunbing ot, drainage systsn in ulale or in part, utless sueh person ie- th.e Le,gal possessor of a valid olunberts License, euceDt tl,a.t a pe?son nay doplunbing uotk to pnoperttl uhieh is otsned, Leased or opetated by the qpli- eant. Electricol Permit vhere state Las re@tites t|'at the eleetrical uork be done by an Electr.icalcontt'actor, the electrLcal portion of this permit slwll rat be vali.c. untiitize label iras been signed by the Elecfi,ical Cant?actor. Mechonicol Pe'rmit /A-r Meci"aniczl Permtt -- E!,tcRcAcHtlE:,tT -- L Lnc?dcs I r_ae-es lkSidetsa f HAW CAREFULLY EX,LM!ry!D. the ssaplslsd apptieation for permit, and. dohereby certif.y that aLL itfototion hereon'is ttue aiC eiorrect-, anil i-futther.cerlify that any arr aLL uork perfonned. srnll be ar"L a ac.o?-dance vtth the ordinences of trw city of spni.ngficid.,;rd-li; Lc.ts of the* t_?.t_?. of -oregcn p_crtaining io the .-ik Teserib"a nn"L;i.,- ""a ilut No ccc,!.;-PANcy vLlL be nade of any- structute uithout permission by tin Build.ing Di- 'isio_n. I further -.?_titti the-t__o:,tly eontyaitot,s an errpicysss uho are incarpliance uith cRS z01.zss uiLL be used on this i"iii.i -"--' 7 Mobile Hane Date Pd"-d.: Reczipt #: ita. l FEr I cHA?.ca ,f 65 /s.n Wctey € 6a 6o Plunbing Petrit 1 Res. So. ft: qn€*?,a /sq Leat?Led.L Pe1..11 /<6.& lt c' 6,a C:1M:JL A,.--^^ biftro Vent Fan /g,@ llcodsto;te f//ry /2,cc-*a t t/C) Sto?dae Mainteaanee M f22e ?OZAL AECU1:T DUI:'dzat 86 Signed Date 7- ts- a