HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-07-1902/77/98 70:22 gso: 726 3689 Zoning The following proiect as,submitted has the following iii"ii,l, iro-;ei not require specific land use approval ,, Le_) SPFD DEY. SER. SPRINGFTELD 200 amps or less 201'anps to 400 anps 401 amps to 600 anps 601 1000 iotlow rules amPs or E @ oor 225 ETFTE SIT,EEf, SPBINGEIEUT, oREBOH INSPECIf 0H REOIIEEiIlac,OFfftCE: 725-3159 DfscfirmroN Expiration Date o Signature of 0vners Address Cl ty DATE: 'a *d EIASIRICAL PBRl{rr APPIJCAMON city Job rusber 7?01f0riAAdBrOFGgre 1 ITON OF INSTALIATTOII 3. GIHPI,ETE PEB SGEEDUI.E BBII)S A Nev Residential-Single orl{u1ti-Pamily per dvelling unlt.Service Included: Items Cost3 JOB DESCRTETIOII. Permits are non-transferableif sork ls not started uithinof lssuance or lf vork is sus 180 days 2. COIt]RACTOR INSTALTIITION ExP iration Date Sum NOTICE: THI trlcian f+ t- $! phone >-(, - 3?ct) nade ont intended 1000 sq.ft. or less sHnEriSxEHdFflEfuAS, $ 8s.00 $ 40.00 $ so. $ 60. $10o. $r30. tion see lrBt aEF 3.O ANy lggDAypERffiviee or Peeder tsNoT $ rs.oo or Serq.i.ces or Feeders Ins tallarion, Alterations or Relocation: ,8. Electrical Contractor o ,rl I, rC Address Dzr Ci ty.Phone 3?3"72 Constr Contr. Nunber C \I Supervisor License ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 300 40.00 55.00 80.00 OIIIIER INSIALIATION The installation ls being property I ovn vhich is no for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: D. Branch Circuits Ner, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one circuit t $ 35.00 e(- - Each Additlonal Circuit or vith Service, .,or Feeder pernit + g 2.00 b. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) $ 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 3.465 -Each installation Pump or irrlgation Sigif ou tf ine-Ligh t ing- Limited EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Conn SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE '!lZ state Surcharge iZ edministrative Fee TOIAL t.)'1 f t+1. 30 CITY OF SPB OR,EGON RBCEIVED