HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1996-10-28S,GN PERM,T APPL'CAT,C 22S Fifrh Srreer rPlngfie/d, OR g7477 asPFrNoFrELo _\H J( ,UM8ER LOCAIION OF PROPOSED WORK:,U ASSESSORS MAP; OWNEB + ADDRESS CIIY: lnspection Line: 7 Of f ice: 7 26-37 5s 26.3769 n TAXL OT PHONE I I STATE: ZIP:q1 L-loBUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.:Ct)C ,*l U t DESCRtpTtON OF pROpOSED SIGN(S): (ptease X wrrr _ Freestanding X Single Face _ Double Face Square Footage:%il,1 tp Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure:J check and complete all appropriate inf ormation) - Proiecting --= tloo f _-. Billboard ---- other I Total Height above Grade: I 3' Horizontal Wjdth of sign or enclosure: I Electricat tnstaltation: _ yes X ruo(rI yes ,ilr,;;;;i;;,Iiit i, ,..quffi vnLur:t OD --.- Marquect tl IDirrrension from G to bottom of Sign: rade ll, Material Sign is constructed of List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign (a) Type (c) Type llct\3,{ , lp Sq. Ftg, Sq. Ftg. ,lb (b) Type (dl Type Sq. Ftg Sq, Ftg CONTRACTOR/IN STALLER ADDBESS: I ID CITY PHONE 'Lr g S..SV{- ZIP:1")\oz EXPIBES: 2-.q'l STATE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BEGISTRATION NUMBEB , I I IL l_ Qsc aCITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER:qr).)EXPIRES OFFICE USE Sign District: Zonirrg RE0UIRED INSPECT|ONST _ Site to be rnade prior to sigrr placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment after fasteners are instal!eC/pricr. to cover 5Yi Land Usel Code Section Approved By: Ouad Area t Elec trical prior to energizing DATE Final completion ol srorr insta lla t io rr Additional Comments andlor Conditions By signature, lstate and agree, that lhave carefully examined the completed applicatiorr and do hereby certify that ail iniorrnation herein is true and correct, and lJurther'certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Orrdrrrarrces of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. llurther certify tiar onty coprractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projecr. I lurther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the pfoper time, that project address is readablc f rorn ttrt: street, that the perrnit card is located at the lront of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all time s ciuring tirr: installation ol the sign(s). Signature Date Amount Received Receipt Number: Date PaidValidation Beceived By fli oar t^)ctl $rers&at"El \(p Sign Permit Fee: --\rrl * Ytn-"u SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION r.irc opplrcir riorl on the reverse srde rreccJs ro lJe cornpleted entirery. lf you are the sign contractor/instatler' or ii You are r)rrrrrg 3 cor\rracror, you need to make sure thar both the city of springtietd Business Lice.nse Number and the Begistration Nur.bcr f rorn rhe state or oregon corrstructio,r'i.'..,iru.aii Boa;d a;e lisied on the apptication along with the expiration u:rte ol ecclt. { rf rire sig. you are proposing is iilumirratcri, a,', erect,iIar permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervisirrg electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in which you are occupying, and you wirr rro p.iio,rlng ine etectrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. \ lr trlere art: cxistlng wall ar-rd/or {reestorrdir-rg signs, a photograph(s} of oach existing sign needs to be attached to thB a1ll:llcatiorr. The size of each existing sigrr also needs to be listed on the application' PLANS '[,, srbrrrit {or a sign perrnit, you rrcetJ to l)rutr0rc two complete sets of drawings showlng all dimensions, total height' and u rrrr.rr plar*rdicatirrg where the proposctj sigrr will be located. lf you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 tr:ur. irr roral lreight, the f ooting detail rreeds io be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer' After the plan review t)rocess rs cornpteted, and, il your sigrr(s) is approved, one set will be returned to You. The approved set of drawings need ro be at lhe site when an inspection is requested for the inspectors referenCe. INSPECTIONS Dulrr:rrijirrg 0rr your sign(S) o{ your sigrt: you rnay t.rc rcquirccJ to request one or all of the {ollowing inspections during the installation SiLe To be requested af ter irrrjrcarrrrg on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed ior the irrstallation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location o{ the proposed sigrr. .: Fr-iotirtg To be requested alter t:xcavatior'r arrrj the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. lf there will be elecrrical conduir placcd irr tnc footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection, i\Lr.iulrrlruIrr. To be request€d wher all (asterrers are installed but prior to cover, Electrrcal: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior to energizing, Frrtal: After all required inspectiorrs are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete, Tlre in5pesliqns that are required for your specif ic sign will be indicated on the application during the plan review process, Failure to rcq'uest ANY ol the required irrslrcctiorrs could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required int()rvals <-rf work. 1'r-rrequcstanirrspection,phonel26-3769. Thisisa24hourrecording. Ontherecordingyouwill needtoleaveyourCity Desigrtated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of insppction you are requesting, and when you will bc ready ,or the irtspectiorr. All irrspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:OO a,m. will be made the same irtlrkirrg cjay, all inspections phoned irr after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ll vou have any questions regarding the appl cation, required plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building S,rfety DrvLsion at 726-3759. Cit1' ol'Springl'ield llrrilding Sirl'ety Division 225 Iril'tlr St'cct Slrrirrgl'ield, OII 97477